"I Will Live In My House." Pastor John Hannah [July 5, 2020]

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we download the official new live southeast mobile app service is about to begin but first let's take a look at a few things coming up calling all first-year new life college students we've got scholarships with your name on them if you are heading to college this fall apply today for a chance to be awarded at one of our scholarships for more details and to apply just hit up new life southeast org or your new life at the deadline to apply is July 21st we're making it easy for you to stay connected here at new life join one of our facebook groups today from men women singles even entrepreneurs this is your chance to become a part of a virtual community remain connected and receive the words together visit your new life app to find a group and join today new life's healthcare ministry offers a variety of virtual support groups just for you from cancer support to HIV support you can join us online to get the encouragement prayer and support you need visit new life southeast work to learn more about the groups we offer thanks again for worshiping with us today don't forget to meet us back here online this Thursday night for Bible study if you miss anything you can find these announcements and more on your new life apps enjoy service and have an amazing week [Music] because of you my cloudy days are gone I say to you this song I just [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I gee [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] jeez I worship and adore you just want to tell you know what I love you more than anything [Music] hallelujah come away ever you are you should just begin to worship God right there I love you Jesus more than anything and I guess you are like what is really going on yeah we are sitting in the living room amen the room that we couldn't sit in when we were children now that I'm growing I'm sitting where I wanna sit amen wherever you are for you to be afraid but can you just begin to worship God right there where you are and just begin to tell the Lord I love you Jesus come on you say it where you are come on I what what you want to tell God [Music] it's a powerful statement right there more than anything come on we gonna give you a chance one more time to say I love you Jesus yeah bye shot come on let me be your testimony open your mouth whatever you are saying come on have a moment with God what you wanna tell [Music] come on let him know that he's priority in your life come away be you are everybody one more time I what [Music] I do what just mutt what you wanna tell him [Music] pimples proper word in this song is hot which means that I take full responsibility I come on everybody open your mouth [Music] [Applause] just watch [Music] so that we honor you we magnify you'll be glorify you as we worship you want today we want you to have your way into service be glorified in everything this morning we want you to know that we are in love with you in spite of everything that is going on that hear our words we are in love with you we are in love with you God in spite of everything we are in love with you more than anything your number one your priority in our life that we give you glory on this morning then we magnify you and we adore you because you are good you agree you Asad I love you Jesus hallelujah for that we give you glory God that you brought us into the month of July and now we are on the other side god we in the second half of the years and we can't we start the second half I let you know that we love you on today we chlorine fire we magnify you you are God you agree you are mighty you are wonderfully precise we give you glory have your way on today I will be glorified in Jesus nations like a jean like what are y'all doing we sit in the living room we're in a living room we're starting this new series home improve now and the goal is to walk through that your house and we want you to understand that God is about to do something amazing right in your house if you be married if you be social if you got people if you in there by yourself I don't know about you but I want God that did something in my house come on everybody just say improve my house goddamn house release angels in my house come over here come on come on come on open the door come on say God in my house and we are honored by what God's gonna do in your house this month hey man all right bro what's going on you good it's amazing explain this what's really going on this is all him I want you to know I have nothing to do with this it's actually all of our incredible design team that does so much with our stage every week you compliment and talk about it this month home improvement we're coming to every room in your house living room dining room kitchen bedroom all the rooms so what the team did was they decide to have like a design war or a versus each team is going to create their own set and then at the end of the week you get to vote on each set every week vote on each set this one it's made out of cardboard we are sitting here alone in the living room and everything in here how could you won't take a nap on this how genius the pillows are made out of paper everything is paper this you throw is Haitian the frame the whole set is created I bet you won't smoke in this room because if you do you'll be gonna fire for the Lord yes floaties candles out don't even like a light a match up in the air do it but this is amazing that all of this is made out of cardboard and there's able to hold this I'm watching a book but I am not comfortable I am literally on my toes you see I'm still here last thing you wanna do is fall right now it'll be it'll be all over social media the devil is alive yeah but we're excited about this month we're excited about what God is about to do for you for those on social media we need you to share your Facebook of you on periscope wherever you are we need you to share the word since this family one who and encourage you all in this month to encourage your family and your friends to be a part of our services 7:30 and 9:30 and not 12:30 and gonna bring the announcement that we're gonna be doing the evening release of the service as well yeah all right so let's do it let's go into worship we're excited about our praise team hey and we're excited about what God is about to do with them amen you're ready to worship let's just listen look cozy in here I need you to give up and give God I worship [Music] spirit Oh we [Music] we anticipate trust that's true [Music] Oh warrior Wario creation weight and no people for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for you we're hungry [Music] with her.she for you [Music] we Oh no power by your spirit holy we ask you to move move three pie transporter we ask for the we mean more well it's not thick holy spirit we won't you Holy Spirit Holy Spirit we holy spirit' revive holy spirits I we walk to Jesus [Applause] for you for you we [Applause] with arson for you [Music] [Music] what's your name [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] holy [Music] he's always breathe breathe Pollux [Music] Wow [Music] thirsty whatever you are what Aparna here we desperate [Music] Oh [Music] you Oh let's hop refresh body language so much a harder kebab [Music] life is what's coming [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] if you yeah nice car this time to your house it's mine this car yeah yes [Music] worship I need you to be the intercessor for you there you go there you go there you go [Music] [Applause] come on you may be the only one saved in your house never did [Music] Wow nice car [Applause] whatever you need I should say the devil whatever you be this come I'm just sick come on you all Thomas [Applause] your praises not in vain [Music] whatever you the Henson please have your hands wherever you I need you to the man I'm into the main territory Wow stop I meet you at the man who's ever taken my too sick of the be in your quarters the devil is come on domain territory [Music] take about take it off if you in the comment of you in the waiver you are come on in need you to say the line I need you to get to say [Music] I need you to understand for the goddess I'm literally about to take territory I need you to understand that this is not by chance of my accident the gods about to take territory wherever you lay your head wherever you walk wherever you want keys God is about to come to your house come on I'll give you merit of you single we've got to drive out every demonic forces we're coming against your house come on here I need you hey shake head run little say I'm sorry life is coming to my house I'm about to leave this house am i rich way am i pay mortgage you he given these angels stars he's really singing juice [Applause] [Applause] come on I want you to begin to prepare something as a certain confession that I want you to begin to see I want everybody to be mindful say I'm about to leave I'm about to leave my house in my house come on you're mine my creative juices are gonna flow in my house my gift is gonna be stirred while I'm asleep come over here demonic spirits are leaving out of I'm about live that's about to deal with my children in my house come on here come over here revival is about to start in my house there you go I'm about to live in my house I just need to put that out there we need to put that in the spirit man come on put that out there we must say I'm about to leave it and I keep you single I don't care if you're married and I keep you widowed or divorced I need you to take territory I need you to open your mouth and declare I'm about to live in my house I'm not gonna be depressed I'm gonna be going through rejection I'm not about to wrestle with a spirit of loneliness no God no God I need you to put the happy I need you to are you deal with this necessary warfare [Music] [Applause] [Music] about to leave in my house every single person I need those words to come out of your mouth both we're gonna move when I'm doing a new thing I get the bus to give you exactly what I heard you say I am going to give you exactly swear I heard you say these furniture come on ago my staff my Wow [Applause] [Music] I need to be put in the spirit of honey [Music] [Music] the children at home it's sad for you your children are all is happening in Messiah [Music] in my house Shuba grower come on I need you to put it out every every person I need you to quit I'm [Music] that is [Applause] we go listen come on Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh come on that's the reason how they gonna do it about to leave Oh my bosses think is gonna be meeting but there you go wherever you are worship God way - I love your hands please don't make me be in the spirit in the baby wherever you are look your hands close your eyes living in the worship God for your living quarters for your living quarters you might not be butters will not get you right now it might not be what you want it to be but is so major it's your car it's a living can you say that I'm not just alarmed by the living I'm just a lie but I'm living [Music] you give it all the University if you still believe God can do anything [Music] [Music] yeah - tres [Music] how about worship God for your living quarters come on worship God for wherever you lay your head wherever you are right now and I hear something some but I don't like this little place yeah Jesus was born in a manger in a bar you might feel like this is a mess but this what God has you right now it's not your permanent location so I need you to open up and say I'm gonna live I'm going to live I'm gonna come on not just alive I'm living I'm not just alive I am living and I'ma possess two quarters the ground that God has given me Wow we normally do announcements we're not gonna do that I wonder I want to stay here you normally take up tithes and offering now when I gonna do we're not gonna even do that right now because the Lord began to speak to me this passage of always preaching and I could tell you exactly what I heard I heard that you're alive but you're not living you are alive but you're not living and the law says that he is ready for you to do what live come over here I need you to open your mouth say I'm about to live come on you're not gonna take up any wasted space wherever you are is gonna be your incubator wherever you are gonna be your room of recovery come on wherever you are gonna be your birthing room come over here I need you to come over I think I need faith to speak out of you come on I need you to lift your hands and open your closure up to say I'm about to live I'm about to live I'm about to possess in my land I'm about to possess my land I'm about to possess my land I'm about to possess my land amen amen I want you to get your hours I want you to go to the Gospel according to Luke and the seventh chapter the Gospel according to Luke and the seventh chapter the Gospel according to Luke and the seventh chapter the Gospel according to Luke in this so this is family month and we're coming for your family but before we get your family we got to get your house I would say that again before we get your family we have to get your living quarters and it's amazing that we're gonna start out here in the living room we're doing something called the family challenge and I want everybody to hear me we're gonna push you to do some things that some of y'all just don't do like this week we want you to figure out a time that you can sit with family listen carefully or friends your village and we want you to just watch a movie together I'm pulling you into one room to spend some quality time with your family for those of you all that have kids in other locations your house is divided I need you to set up a time for every parent I need you to set up a time that you could sit with your family and watch a movie but I want to go this and they can't have an option right now I need you to possess the land husbands and wives sit and watch a movie with your children sitting watch the movie if your kids are in at the other parents house set up a date that they can come to your house and if they can just sit and watch what are you doing you're taking possession all right so we're gonna deal with this living room and if we really want to talk about this and I don't know about you but I refuse to sleep inhale I refuse to live in hell for those other two single the Lord brought something back to me Irene when I was single I was taking a nap and I'm some things I could say they might be spooky to you but they are spiritual I was sleep and I could hear a demonic force come in my apartment I literally heard chains coming down the hallway and while I laid in bed I could hear this and I remember saying to myself I need to get up and when I went to get up out of my bed this spirit jumped on me and literally tied me down to my bed and I could not move and as I lay there I could hear the Holy Ghost say open your mouth and just call oh Jesus when I went to open my mouth this spirit literally pay attention it's almost like he put a hand and just shut my mouth that I couldn't open my mouth I couldn't open my mouth because anytime you are muzzled because God is attracted to sound hmm so the enemy wants to muzzle you so God can't hear you let there be revelation for those of you that live in California what the government is telling you that you can't sing in your church now wait a minute man that devil is a lie now I might not have come in here but when I do come in I'ma enter into his gates for thanksgiving in with his courts with praise the enemy wants to muzzle you and I need you guys to even pay attention to what's going on these knives all of this is to affect your sound come on here you go we're doing this to protect ourselves in the natural realm but in the spirit realm now you want me to come to church you gotta wear masks we can't release the sound that we need to release all of this is to try to impact God for coming in your direction so as I was sitting there and I can feel the spirit the Holy Ghost begin to say listen you might not be able to open your mouth right now but I need your spirit man to call on Jesus see I might not be able to open my mouth but my Holy Ghost can begin to say Jesus come over here those of you wherever you are you can open your mouth you can't I need your spirit man and just say Jesus and as I begin to say that I then I heard I said now pay attention when I tell you to move I need you to move I remember as I'm saying Jesus in my spirit I heard the Holy Ghost ain't like now I literally jumped up out of the bed but when I jumped up whatever had my mouth was now removed and I began to pray him the Holy Ghost I landed on my feet like I was in the movie like were you at devil cuz I was going crazy and from that point I made a decision that I refuse to live pay rent and let the devil run it come on here I refuse to pay a rent for the devil to run my house I need you to open your mouths wherever you are and say I shall live in my house I will not be bound in the quarters that I living in but imma be imma be able to hear God see God have a move of God even in my house if you have your Bibles for the scripture out there in Luke 7 and 44 says then he turned towards the woman and said to Simon do you see this woman I came into Simon your house your house but your house is bound you did not give me any water for my feet but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair you did not even give me a kiss but this woman from the time I entered time in your house she has not stopped kissing my feet come over here you did not even put all on my head but she Simon she brought something into your house and don't wanna she pointed on me then jesus said to her good girl because you are releasing in the house come on you because you are not just sitting here worried about some of somebody gonna say you know what your past is behind you hmm I need somebody know that God's about to erase show pass come over here he's about to give you a fresh start a new beginning watch me he got you watch me you've made it through the first six months you just stepped over into the second half of the year and he's about to give you a new chapter come over here I need you to begin the opening I'll say my past is behind me if you slide down the verse 50 jesus said to the woman your faith has saved you now imma need you to go ahead and go in peace I find it amazing that as we do this a series entitled home improvement home improvement that we start in the living room now those of us that are african-american we know that if any room you couldn't go in was that darn living room I don't know about you but we had literally a gate that can that wooden gate that you could pull and close open and close like this that was literally at the living room that meant that you don't come in here he serves in well when you walk in this house you don't go in this part of the house I hope there's something I can relate to me watch me not only did they put a fence there a gate there they didn't put runners on the carpet for those that don't know some of you Melinda's let me take something get something called shag carpet it was it was a fluffy kind of carpet that if you step on it you'll leave your footprint y'all ain't saying nothing to me so to make sure that show footprint wasn't left in this living room they would put runners on it it taught you to walk a balanced life because you bet not step off the runners anybody saying that to me not only did they have runners in the living room you gotta hear me then we teach all something they literally had plastic over all the furniture that you sit in now imagine I need y'all to hear me no we did not have any central air y'all not Han to me can you imagine being in the house that it is hundred degrees and all you got is fans and you sitting on this hot plastic y'all ain't sending to me you could literally stick to it and have to peel yourself up off of it they did that intentionally to make you uncomfortable y'all like sending them in to make sure that if you going out but you won't stand there long cuz once you're standing long you're gonna be wringing wet I bet you get your behind out of my liver on there please this to me they literally and runners they had plastic and then they put a Bible or they put a photo album or what they call the comfortable I still haven't figured out what a quarter the coffee table cuz you bet not bring no coffee cup in here y'all ain't sayin to me in other words we would literally walk past the living room and look at it as if it was a museum look at me we would literally walk that's nice right there but it wasn't lived in and some of y'all you are paying rent but you're not living you're only alive come on here I need you to begin to declare every space that I am man I'm about to live God can I get you to please put that on the screen can I get you to open your mouth those of you all 20 on y'all that's in this bill because you know the corn to the log we can only have 50 but the 20 of you all that are here can you open your mouth for saying I'm about you live I'm about to live I'm not just alive but I'm about to live I'm not gonna pay rent and not live wherever I sleep I'm about to have sleep sweet dreams when I walk I'm about to walk in peace come over here when I sit I'm about to sit in the presence of the Lord please everybody under the sound of my voice when you open your mouth you begin to take territory can you open your mouth forgetting again and saying I'm about to live in my territory I'm about to live I'm about to live I'm about to live now in order for us to get this you gotta get this the living room is a road that you're supposed to experience that you're supposed to experience and I need you to hear me that life is full of experiences and the enemy has blocked you that you're not experiencing life to its fullness you gotta hear me some of y'all really gotta hear me you are not experiencing life to its fullness no and this is why some of y'all are becoming irritated because your spirit man is saying that to be more than just this and I came to let you know that God is ready to bring you to life you are about to live in a living room you should interact with people you're not gonna be by yourself you're literally going to have people you're gonna have interactions you're gonna have conversations I bind the spirit of shyness I come against this demonic force that don't want you to talk you about - your voice is about to speak and whatever you act for you about to get it come over here he's about to bring you in the company of people in a living space that they're gonna be your blessing come over here your words are about to connect change is even coming to your living space you gonna see God do something amazing in your living space can I talk for me you bout to grow in your living space ah come over here I'm sick and tired of some of y'all being stuck even you're sick and tired I need you to open your mouth and begin to say I'm about to live I'm about to live do me a favor one check this is just for a reason I need you to begin to open your mouth and begin to worship God feel like coming back to you come on just for like ten seconds I need you to begin to worship God because he's about to bless you live you've been aligned but you have not been living you've been alive but you're not been living here about to travel come over here when this ban is over you're he's about to enlarge your territory come on here he's about to do something amazing but before he can take you there I need you to see if you could live where you are oh my god before I take you there I want to see if you could live in the space that I've given you I want to see if you can be sharpen in the space that I've given you I want to see if you could dream in the space in time give it come on come on here for five more seconds I need you to worship God for life for life coming to your space everybody there has a space if you got an apartment if you got a studio if you got a house wherever you are right now I need you to lift your hands and open your mouth and worship God for your space go five four three come over here - come over here - come over here there you go one I'm about to live in my space I'm about to live in my space I'm about to be a home improvement in my living area and I'm about to live so what we search this we found this with the with um Jesus ending up in a Pharisees house and a Pharisees house watch me and in this living area with Zone in on three people number one week zone in on Simon who's the owner of the house then we zone in on on on the woman who is a visitor she's there visiting we don't know her name but she has a need and for many of you although I need you to hear me God is about to be attentive to your need hmm come over here because in the house is Jesus watch me the heel the deliverer the waymaker the changer the one who could turn something suddenly is about to be heaven is about to come to your house God is about to show you a visit I don't know about you but if Jesus knocked on my door cuz when he whatever he comes he doesn't come empty-handed come over here whenever he comes he comes to release a blessing and for some of you I need you hear me God literally is about to pay you a visit in your living quarters come on lift hands and say come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in God come on in come on in come on you can walk through every room you want to walk through all the doors are open all the classes open I even open up the dresser drawers anything in my house that should be a take it out and everything that should be in here I need you to put it in come on lift your hands we go say come on here come on in come on need you to put that on the screen come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in here come on in come on in come on in you welcome you are welcome roll out the comfort put out the welcome man come on in my house so now he's in Simon's house please pay attention you really can learn what's going on in Simon's house if you pay attention to him three things I want to show you number one and some of y'all I need you to know if your house is out of his will let's talk if your living quarters are out of his will if there is no communication in your house then your house is out of his will to the point that we're not talking that we're not communicating it would blow your mind how many people are in a house full of people that they don't talk to can we talk for a minute it'll blow your mind that some of y'all your kids are not talking to you and you and I talking to your kids your family not talking to you and you're not talking to your family there's a breakdown of communication when Jesus comes in his house he doesn't hand him anything he doesn't greet him with a kiss he does a given water is gonna he doesn't agree he has shut down and for many of you all you have shut down for whatever reason but I come to let you know that your shutdown season is over that God literally is about to open the channels of communication Oh some of y'all better hear me when there's no communication it is a lockdown of the enemy completely bout to be some open honest people I used to get upset with Anna and I was shut down she would basically say let me give you your space until you ready to talk I would give in to the enemy and I can go a week or two weeks and not say anything hear me clearly that is a trick of the enemy because if you're not talking to me the devil will give you somebody else to talk to Who am I talking to God literally is about to open the channel of communication in your house those of you that know that the enemy is attacking the communication between you and your children between you and your mother well between you and your family and your friends I need you to begin to say I rebuke the breakdown of communication let's go further questioning so number one there's a there's a breakdown in communication number two there's a breakdown in effect what do you mean he didn't he says I came into your house and you did not greet me with a kiss please pay attention to me now there's power in the touch hmm can we talk for a minute there's power in a touch they did a study on children that they did not allow them to get that much affection from their parents and they studied them for years and they found out what they didn't get in the house they saw nits outside the house come over here which means that if you don't get a touch if you don't get a hug if you don't get a kiss from those that are supposed to hug you touch you or kiss you then the enemy will send somebody to touch you with another motive come over here and I came to let you know that the breakdown of affection is about to be broken and destroy it in your house I wish I had some parents that believe that when I hug my child is gonna break the chains of the enemy when I touch my family of my friends this is not a perverted touch this is an anointed touch ah come on here affection is about the tomato but he doesn't show me any affection God's about to break that chain immediately you gonna hug your kids and they gonna hug you back you gonna kiss your kids and they gonna validate them I need those of you that know that the enemy has come to affect the affection in your house I need you to begin to rebuke the sign of the enemy come on yeah I need you to begin to open your since then the devil is a liar the devil is a liar for every parent I need you to say the devil isn't like a for every married person I need you to say the devil is a liar come on I need you to open him up and say the devil is a liar the third thing that we saw watch me there's no communication there's no there's no affection in there's no sacrifice in other words it's a selfish house it is a selfish house in other words they don't release it he doesn't give anything have you ever lived with a selfish individual have you ever been around a person that it always revolves around how do you open the door and let somebody in but don't greet them but you sit back but you got something to say about everybody and what they doing and some of y'all have been living in a selfish environment come over here but God's about to break through your house I want you to know I serve the god of a breakthrough huh Bashar yeah come over here I speak to your house that God is about to do something supernatural you about to live in your house some of y'all are good but it can't be better come on here those of you that know that God's ready to do something supernatural I want to read your worship if you don't mind could everyone can you just lift your hands and begin to worship God for what's about to come in your house come on here chains are about to be broken come on here affection is about to be released come over here I see someone say praise God I see a hallelujah I see someone else in the else Lord I see someone else and the devil is a liar come on here y'all I need those of you even that are single I need you to begin to open your mouth from begin to worship God in your situation knowing that God's about to bring life to your house come over here that when somebody do visit you you're not gonna be mad you're not gonna be upset but you gonna greet them there's gonna be communication it's gonna be affection there's gonna be some releasing come on open your mouths you begin to worship God come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in come on a few more seconds I need you to begin to open your mouth if you open your mouth you'll begin to drive out the spirit of divorce you'll begin to drive out the spirit of separation you'll begin to drive out the spirit of anger you'll begin to drive out of spirit of offense come over here I need you to open your mouth for five more seconds because things are about to change suddenly hooray a shaky rundown about Shia I speak to your house right now I speak to your living quarters and I said that you're not just going to be alive but you're about to live you're about to possess the land come on for ten more seconds I need you to open your mouth I need you to begin to rebuke one of those three if you could if you can identify is there breakdown communication rebuking is there breakdown of affection rebuking is there a selfish demonic spirit in your house I need you to begin to rebuke it I need your worship to begin to drive out everything that is not like God go for five seconds ago I hear your worship I see a hallelujah I see your thank you Jesus come on here I see another hallelujah come on seek Beverley I see you say I bless the Lord come over here come on coming here DeMarco I need you to begin to bless the Lord for your house because if you let God in your house he'll get your children if you let God in your house he'll get your spouse if you let God in your house he cannot dwell in westweek a demonic force cannot dwell in the same quarters where God is God if I can get you to open your mouth and begin watch me your worship will begin to drive out demons God is not going to share space with the devil y'all not hearing me God is not going to share space with a spirit of depression God is not going to share space with a spirit of conflict God is not going to I need you to open your mouth and begin to worship God for your living quarters please give me five more seconds five who rabbi for his shaky ground about shame three for my living quarters two for my living quarters one for my living quarters it's about to go down it's about to go down it's about to go down it's about to go down it's about to go down it's about to go down on my house it's about to go down in my house it's about to go down in my house it's about to go down in my house I need you to begin the city it's about to go down in my house angels are coming to visit me in my house come on here I'm about to have heavenly dreams in my house I'm about to wake up speaking in tongues in my house come on yet it won't be no arguing going on in my house come over here no more depression or rejection going on in my house come on yet I ain't talking about no car I'm not talking about your job I'm about to get your living quarters straight I'm about to make sure that God release angels were you little bit why you sleep honey God to be working on you come over here I need everybody way if you got any place that you live I need you to be the intercessor for your living quarters I need you to begin to open your mouth and begin to worship daughter for y'all is about to go down in my house it's about to go down in my house it's about to go down in my house it's about to go down in my house it's about to go down in my house I'm about to take authority I'm about to take authority I'm about to take authority I'm about to take authority I'm about to take authority I'm about to take authority you're not gonna have to call nobody over window what's that something they be putting that one sensor they be waving in the air like they say you know anal shhh where does it go saij whatever it is no you got to release some blessed oil in your house you want to release some tongs in your house you're not gonna have no card reading party you're not calling the witch on the warlock in your house you about to release angels in your situation please everybody I need you to begin to open up your mouth and begin to worship God like you are taking authority I need you to begin to worship God like you are taking authority I need you to begin to worship God like you are taking authority I need you to begin to worship God like you are taking authority go hold up a Shia be shaky ground on Abba she under the under the my higher come on for five more seconds I'm moving I'm moving I'm moving but I need you to begin to open your mouth and begin the worship play something on that organ for me one minute Danny I need to take authority for a few more minutes because I am sick of the enemy I need you to watch me I need you to get in the area that you're about to take authority hey take a roto trauma Jean that i'ma say come on y'all communication is being cleared affection is being released and a self-esteem it is getting out of your house communication is coming together affection is being released come on here and a selfish demon is leaving your quarters cut off for five more seconds go Lord oh say Ando come on begin to pray in tongues in your house go take authority take a port take the port I'm about to leave I'm about to leave I'm about to I'm a bouncer there you go come on come on come on come on every white I need you to take the party every husband I need you to take the party to take authority five seconds please I'm begging you hyah [Music] ready let's go ready let's so sometimes I can I can come home and I can be stressed out sometimes I can just be on the edge we out here now and I can walk in my house and I can be on edge and I could be tight I could not be talking at much and sometimes I can lay down just like that and when I lay down just like that my wife can pick up when I'm like that and while I am sleep sometimes I could wake up and I could feel this hand on me rebuking the enemy mmm come over here I can literally feel this hand on me praying and say devil you a liar here I'm not I by SIA come over here my wife used to struggle with major depression and one time I came home and I could feel that demon in my house I'm not living with depression huh come over here I took authority the Bible say in the violet I'm so sick of punk Christians I'm so sick of you laying and letting her never have his way I need something I'll get this give me a teaspoon of hood I need you to keep a rubber band in your purse I need you to pull your hair back put your Vaseline on your face and tell the devil he cannot have your living quarters begin to speak authority Gracie sat top rock cake looks up close ha ha ha wait a sec may not know Rosa look bullet coming through your house rape is no petrol children no matter pal take it take it [Music] ready so because Simon won't be right in his house I believe that God divinely puts this woman there to show us how you supposed to take possession of your house she's not there just by chance or by accident but she's there to teach us a lesson hey everybody hit me it's easier to just sit down and say I won't help but you don't put nothing in to get it hmm it's easier to just say I want to have a better marriage but you don't do anything to make it better it's easier to say I won't better I want better communication but you never open your mouth and I need you to hear me that this one is gonna be on you you're gonna have to put something into you're gonna have to bring something to the table I need you to hear me so Simon did not give him any water nothing Simon didn't give him a towel nothing Simon did not give him a bowl Simon and wash his feet Simon did not even give him a kiss now the woman comes in and she brings just a small bottle of perfume why does she only bring perfume because she's under the impression surely Simon is going to give him water surely Simon is gonna give him a towel surely Simon is going to greet him but when Simon did not do what he was supposed to do she took ownership on her own stop right there some of y'all are sitting up what some what ain't doing is and ain't doing it ain't no boo what's you gonna do coz what you do gonna affect the whole house god I feel of worship but they ain't praying no but you gonna pray ooh but hey where's shimmer no but you gonna worship because it's on you I wish I had somebody that say I take full ownership for what goes down I'm pretty wait a minute you mean to tell me you could take ownership to pay the rent but you can't take ownership to control the atmosphere boo your kids don't run nothing using authority come on yet they they not save you I say he said whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound and it was of you news honey watch me even if it's just a prayer come on here for those of you all that ATAR doesn't give us you know where you keep tithing and giving they're not Italian but I keep giving to keep the curse off the house come over here I keep giving to make sure that money keep flowing up in here I need you not to hold back on what God is giving you come on here when you cry when you fall out you don't fall out for yourself you fall out for your house y'all ain't sending me up in here I need those of you that wherever you I need you to do what you do but I need you to understand that God's about to pay attention to you come on here he's not gonna pay attention to the unsaved he's not gonna pay attention to those that ain't doing nothing he's only gonna pay attention to those that are doing something come on yeah I don't care if you ain't got number two cheer I don't care if you ain't got number two cry I don't care if you ain't got nothing but a holla I don't care if you got none but a penny but I need you to put something in front of God to let God know that I am for real you know what I want to go out in front of God right now I just want you to put one word out the yes well program I shot I need you to put a yes out there I need you to let God know that I ain't playing you didn't birth no child and carry it for nine months for the devil to have your children who didn't get married for the devil to come and destroy your marriage who didn't make it through all the hell you've been through but never to try to kill you now for the count of three I want you to put a yes out there for your living quarters or two three yeah [Applause] put it out there yeah I'm in here Holly like I got a house full of tears [Applause] come here Harlan like my house under attack [Music] [Applause] [Music] so she puts out there with nobody else to put out there ready so when she puts it out there things start falling in place things start aligning themselves after she brings the oil after she brings the oil then things start lining up for those you're listening right now I need you to hit me that you're about to get you about to have a connection for everyone that is in this building for those y'all that are watching on screen right now I need you to begin to prophesy I need you to say things are about to connect please say this for me I need you I need you to open your mouth and say come on I need you to begin to speak over your living quarters I need you to begin to say things about to connect mobile Shia Pedro so today may shake he shot her on my side I need you to say things about to connect be not weary in well-doing for if you keep doing what you doing you don't reap if you faint not go by Shia come on I need you to say things about to connect things about to connect there's about to be a clique there's about to be a clique there's about to be a clique there's about to be a clique they're everything you do go click everything you do go click everything you do go click for your house everything you do go click for your house every conversation you have go click for your house then come on here ready now watch me what do you mean by that would it would mean everything you do is don't click everything what do you mean by that in order for you to understand the click there anything she did not click with Simon mm not a connection she did not click with other people that were in the house not a connection watch me you could be in a room full of people but you don't click with everybody come over here but what's about to happen I feel that God told me to tell you that monitor your next six cuz he's literally about to click you but who you supposed to click with come on here crush me watch me in order for you to get that you gotta pay attention to the verbs watch me cuz watch me it's not just gonna happen the Bible says that she did she did she did five things she stood I come to let you know wherever you stand God's about to click you with the right person the mom says she stood behind him if I say and then she opened herself she begin the week watch me whoever you become vulnerable win to the point that you allowed them to see your tears y'all ain't saying unto me watch me that you put yourself out there the momma said watch me watch me watch me then she let down her hair come over here that's me whoever you get comfortable with come on here the shoe I don't care how you see me come on cuz I believe that this is a divine connection then the Bible says that she began to kiss his feet and then she watch me and then she opened up her alabaster box and she began to pour the perfume what does it mean she put herself out there why because there's a connection there's a connection but some of you all you were saying I'm not gonna let nobody else take advantage of me I'm not gonna open up to nobody else I'm gonna need you to do what you do imma need you to do you forget about everybody else because watch me God's about two guys about to monitor your actions everything she did was a verb was a verb as away it's action so it means that God is about to get behind your actions if you do nothing then you have nothing coming but oh my god watch me watch me whenever you have a business conversation with another business person it's about to click come over here whenever you get around another prayer warrior it's about to click whenever you get around another worship fire it's about to click whatever you get around another person who has a dream it's about to click whenever you get around a promise Karia it's about to click this is about to be a click like Mary that walked in the room laughter when Elizabeth walked in the room Mary walked to the room and sitting watch me and then she heard Elizabeth voice it was a click there was a leap watch me certain things certain conversations about to click for you i decree and I declare that this is about to be a click for your house how y'all nice and in a big oh my god it's about to be a click in your house but it only come to those that have action which means that oh god I hear you loud and clear he's about to send the east wind to push you further which means that you about to get a push like you've never had before those of you that believe that God is about to give you some connections that's gonna change your house I need you to begin to open your mouth wherever you are and I need you to feel a click in the spirit Oh I call you to meet the right people click I call you to have the right conversations click I told you to open it be emotional with the right people I call you to be affectionate with the right people I taught you to be vulnerable with the right people hey I know ratnamma go say ah ah good I need you to say my next meeting is gonna be a click my next conversation is gonna be a click the next person you date is gonna be it clicked y'all ain't sayin to me you have no more time to wait come on here my next spiritual encounter is go pia come on you gotta do something next meeting is gonna be up let's go Bo ready hello I wanna make sure you get this come on everybody it's a click click say aye commander click I command a click for my house I command a click for my house I command a click for my house my house is not gonna be open there everybody everybody can't come in my house if I don't feel a click you can't come up in here come on here come on I need you to begin to say I come in a click our command a click cuz whatever it click it's gonna fit my whole house wherever it clicked it's gonna fit my living quarters wherever it clicked the right people are gonna come in and release the right oil they need to be up in your house come on leaving those that you talk to on the phone I need it to be a click come on here let's go come on say click click click click ready ready ready so after there's a click watch me there's gonna be a correction I really need you to pay attention because some of y'all your generational curses keep carrying on because certain things have not been corrected my salt so what she does is that she locks in on Simon cuz I'm in your house and I'm a monitor what you're not doing right and whatever you doing wrong I'm gonna make sure I do it right come over here in other words I'm going to make sure that I don't make the same mistakes you made move cuz what's mean when he came in your house your house was supposed to get delivered your house was supposed to be set free whatever you struggling with he was supposed to deal with it so i'ma learn from your mistakes and I'm gonna make sure that I'm not a repeat offender come over here and for some of y'all you're not gonna make the same mistakes that your mama made you not gonna make the same mistakes that your family made your bloodline generational curses are about to be corrected and once you correct it your kids will never go through what she's been through I wish I could just how much it here this ready so watch me he said about he says he says I came into your house and you did not youuuu you you you you you you you you you didn't give me no water you didn't give me no water but that's what she gave me water and the waters it's a Sears you didn't even give me a towel so watch my feet but this woman she let her hand down and she's trying my feet she doing what you wouldn't do so she about to get what she was supposed to have cuz she doing it correctly you didn't kiss me but she won't stop kissing me cuz she know that consistency come on here and some of y'all come from a family that has never been consistent but that's about to make sure that should not like your family only sayin nothin to me you're not gonna be broke you're not gonna live in debt you're not dying of cancer like they died of cancer why cuz you're correcting the error you're not getting divorced I'm ready I wish I can come through this TV and slap you in your living room y'all ain't sayin to me cuz you're about to correct it come over here your kids are not gonna be touched like you were touch cuz you're not gonna leave your kids with anybody come on here you are watch me your kids are gonna graduate you might not have graduate but that's what they going further than you and why cuz you got the push that you didn't give watch me you watch me your kids are gonna know God come over here you got to get a spiritual encounter this human should show kids no God in the way I need you to only for your hands to begin to open my watch me I need you to worship God like a curse just got broken hold on wait wait wait wait wait I need you to worship God than whatever's wrong just got corrected I need you to worship God like whatever was coming through your bloodline God just use you to switch it I just heard the word in the spirit of reverse ha Papa Schadt I need you watch me watch me watch me watch me you will never be in debt corrected you will never be sick corrected you will never be away from God corrected you will never get divorced corrected you would never have drugs in your bloodline moving forward corrected whatever was in your family it would not be on you I need you to watch me watch me now this phrase is not for everybody this is only for those of you that are ready for God to correct a situation in your life I don't know about you but I made it with my mind I made up in my mind that I am going to always live in peace I'm not gonna live in a house with this arguing I'm not gonna live in a house with this conflict I'm not gonna live in a house with this confrontation I'm not gonna live in a house with this poverty I'm not gonna live in a house where there's diabetes and my mother was a diabetic it's not gonna happen in my situation I'm gonna live what God is and he's about to clear everything up now this phrase is only for those of you that are ready to reverse some stuff now watch me anybody can just sit there you can sit there and be Simon if you want you and it mean that the blessing will skip your house and go to the house wherever there's a praise but I'm gonna give you an opportunity for every parent for every person and know that there's a clique there's a bunch of you correction I need you to praise God like a purse just got reversed on the count of three release your plays wherever you are one two three go [Music] [Music] your kids are graduating they go on to college they get a full scholarship you'll never see the book score you'll never have the illness venom in your blood you'll never have an addiction the devil is come on here [Music] come on wherever you are even if you in your house I need you to act like you in the building I need you to stand to your feet I need you to turn the value of all the way up I need you to turn the volume all the way up I need you to give any cover is about to be release in your house ready we to God oh really God [Applause] come on y'all this is for your living quarters this is for your actress on the count of three I need you to put your address out there one two three [Applause] [Music] come on I need you to put there's about to be a clip there's about to be a correction piece of communication dr. Bhatti release award over your house on the count of three I need you to put don't type it on the screen but I need you to open your mouth and put your address there 1 2 3 [Music] put the address that your kids live at I need you to even take possession away your children are the curse will not be continued the curse will be corrected the class will not be continued but the curse will be corrected you should say that the purse will not be continued but the curse will be corrected [Music] [Applause] tell me a minute listen to the words that are coming out of your mouth you better be members in the curse would not be continued but the curse will be corrected [Music] yeah you're not gonna be like your mama you're not gonna be like your daddy he gonna sunset Street gimme maybe a close he whom the Sun set free the curse [Applause] [Music] it is not in my notes that is the Lord of all that chorus give you [Music] come on same way ever you give the word oh yeah this thing [Music] if I were you I would get up and lay hands on everybody in my house I lay hands on my old head it's a the purse yeah I better go take you get a word of the Lord that's the communication right now that is the conversation between you a god the curse [Music] tiya sick Hey they say que onda Latian Hey just say the Lord to save the Lord the same let's see in the more best singer the Lord the curse be continued from the curse is me correcting I mistreat to the children you haven't even had yet the curse I speak to the children there shall come forth we gotta go I need the words to come out of your house if you in a rope it's your family I need you to sign laying your hands on us and the curse would not be continued but the course is being corrected the parts but not be continued is now give up in your house the course but not be continued but the Kurtz is he corrected the course I know we suppose the Tetra no Madison but I got a tattoo hamburger on the price [Music] [Applause] the coats the course no cars the curse correct corrected correct it come on y'all hands on yourself and say [Applause] the cards what we continue there's been a click [Music] correction and it's been a while with Lisa Baba what is your word to take the purse every spirit should open a mouth chin up with me [Applause] you might have been in a house full of witches but you would not be with operate in the spirit of manipulation we are - for your house playing Tom's figure [Music] pays for your future hey it's for your future corners are straight the course what did I be continued destruction he's awesome unit know that your family might not be run but I need you to take apart [Music] [Music] the parts everybody forgot a sign I need you two points gonna good enough summer the devil is coming up to the middle seat when I speak feel the purse haha hello real loud [Music] they continue but the course is he corrected kaalia son they were not dying in the street [Music] they will be fighting women of God [Music] tell your children that live in another state [Music] future basement let's see a few more and I take a car but not me continue [Music] correcting this ain't no temporary lesson as long as you have wrapping your body [Music] everything connected to you we gotta go [Music] we gotta go communication is coming through your house affection is coming through your house he's driving out of self-esteem he's about to brief the police to connect with the right people Hey he's not to collect what was well and the world is about to be released with your hands where you are sakes Lord he hath spoken What did he say we continue [Applause] he'll spit come now that my brothers and my sisters but not be considered because of you has been correct this weapon when tip shoes cause the king shot in gym shoes I think that gives you got a cake shop the parts will not be continued your family empire but you haven't changed ignored city living quarters hey do that at your house whoa I need you to get over every mistake you've made I need you to acknowledge that you still believe [Music] can you Albania mother say Oh Sylvie let's have a talk this okay talk [Music] you say your hey test age you display your house you pay just hate you just clean okay hey dude yo yo yo hey yo hey just clean just say to Joe pay to thank you you'll pay just hide you till pain no pain just hate you okay Sanju okay so there's your lane okay [Music] [Applause] the curse will not be continued yeah my Shire my thunder but the curse damn I shot here schizophrenic is in your bloodline but it won't hit you bipolar is in your bloodline but it won't hit you people in your family in the peninsula institutions but you would never see it one day the curse if you don't say it for yourself say it for your children if you don't say it for yourself say it for your family but I need you to open your mothers in two parts [Music] [Applause] [Music] your children will have their own business it's Hildred will graduate get a doctoral degree and sound fit your daughters will get married your sins be forgiven your past can no longer be held against you your mistakes get along to be helping issue [Music] I've done [Music] this thing that lets me up this thing is a mess me up wherever you are kind of get you to worship ever you are come on whatever you are worship not please for something I like is I can see you in the spirit in your house and I see you just sitting there no boo I need you to stand I need you to open your mouth I need you to lift your hands I need you to close your eyes and I need you to be begin to worship like something is shifting bah bah it is your actions it is the verbs it is your actions it is your actions he says the one I need you to get over your past your sins are forgiven number two let me see I see your present I see you got faith in spite of everything you've been through I see that you still believe on your label he says then your faith is what it saves you then he said now go and her issue was peace he say you my sister you can go in peace that was you going with what you never had and for some of y'all he's about to fill in the blank and the curse will not be continued but the curse has been corrected for the twenty of you that are in this building for the rest of the thousands of you that are online I need you to lift your hands and open him up and let a sound of worship come out of your mouth hold our music even the musicians can I get you to release a sound for your house every musician that has a child can I get you to open your mouth and worship God for your children it's not just for you I'm coming after your seed I'm coming after your future husband your future wife divorce is in your bloodline not gonna happen to you the curse will not be continued your children will not make the same mistakes come on here but it has literally been corrected you have to hear the word of the Lord two things are gonna happen now two things number one we didn't do it earlier we're gonna do it now wasn't I receive your tithe and your offering and I need something out to hear me because you are looking at a man that grew up in poverty I looked like it I sound like it there's even a scent there's a smell that goes with poverty I had it there's a look that goes with it I had but once I began to open up my alabaster box and I begin to release the oil and I begin to give him my sacrifice the curse is not continued but the curse has been corrected for many of you are you know better when it comes to tithes and offering I need you to get this thing up off of you it is not his will I want to say this very boldly it is not his will that we live from check to check it is not his will that you remain in poverty but you're not gonna get out by just talking you have to release I want you to get your tithes in your hand your offering in your hand I want you to get it if you're gonna text you gonna text the verse in LCS II to seven seven nine seven seven hold on because there's a special seed for heads there's a special seed for business owners Wow I need you to hear me one hundredfold I hear the Lord 100 fold for every business owner I need you to get a special see there's a hundred of you that are listening you have your own business I need you to so $100 seed into your business the curse will not be continued if you a pastor and you're listening I need you to sell that hundred everyone else get your tithe don't you dare take from God what belongs to him you know better everyone else I need you to open up your alabaster box and I need you to release a seed who wherever you are but there are a hundred of us d make sure that I give this on my phone there are hundred of us that a supposed to release $100 see I'm different cuz I expect more to whom much is given much is required so I always give more than what I tell you to give but I want everyone to get a seat and I need you to begin the worship God but the seat in your hand that the curse will not be continued I know what we normally say we're not gonna say that today I hear the Lord say begin to worship me with the seed that is in your hand that the curse will not be continued in your finances in your finances you better hear me it is not his will that you live from check the check it is not his will I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed bed he's not gonna do this to you you will live in your overflow in your years of plenty he will give you wisdom to stack so when the famine comes you won't lack come on here who am I talking to get that seed in your hand if you're gonna text it you text the words you know CSC two seven seven nine seven seven if you have our app that is one of the easiest ways to give you want to write a check you write it you mail it to the office or you drop it off you can see the address on the screen 55:17 of michigan chicago illinois 606 zero 637 the curse will not be continued I'm not gonna be in church all my life tithing and giving and be broke not gonna happen but I'm gonna take authority God is coming for your house click connections click Corrections click the write conversation where word has been released over your house and he told her go go go in what you lacked you lack peace so now go in it because you did what Simon was supposed to do you step to the plate and God tell me to tell you he's about to honor your living quarters your living quarters come on and get your seat ready lift your hands and worship God wherever you are for just 10 seconds for 10 seconds worship God coz certain things are being broken even now certain things that every business owner I need you to worship God every head I need you to begin the worship God come on there you go hallelujah Wow preaching family is no joke somehow the warfare in the spirit realm but I'm believing that God's gonna do something supernatural for your family for your family we normally have you to repeat not today that let's say we're should mean that the curse will not be continued but the curse has been corrected that's someone that's isn't me watch me I want to pay attention to this camera here you can't do this without God I need you to really listen to me you can't and was you listening I get God like I am saved I have regular communication with him this ain't no pump life is no joke if I'm struggling with God how are you making it without him you cannot allow your house to go down because you refuse to submit I need you to open the door and let him come into your living space he wants to live in your life if you know that I'm talking to you and you know you need God I need you to text to her his new life you know text the words new life to three-one three-one three-one and I have someone that's going to pray with you if you know I'm talking to you if you know you need good I need you to text the words new life to three-one three-one three-one if you say well I'm already saved by doesn't have a covering we have online membership allow me to be your shepherd if I'm nothing else I know that God has called me to be a shepherd and allow me to be yourself allowed this to be your village your community your church oh all you have to do is just text new life to three-one three-one three-one and we'll have someone to call you and we can make that happen I want you to hear me clearly it won't always be like this God is perfecting those things that concerning you sooner than later this thing is about to work in your favor he's turning it around for you if you I want you to make that call did that text right now can we just hand just set one line of that and I'll be good and let you go I'm so late [Music] you know what it'll turn in my plane [Music] you see Linda Kimani about sooner [Music] later know what to think or later not assignment is complete somebody else to make that your post today the curse has been coming not continue I love you guys [Music] it's gonna time in my favor said it started turning sad it's turning around it's turning around for me I believe it's gonna happen said it's turning around [Music] I believe it I know that it is turning round [Music] yeah it started around [Music]
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 16,214
Rating: 4.9573336 out of 5
Keywords: johnhannah, hannah, sermon, new life, home improvement, living room, jfh, live, john hannah, sermons, #prayerfortoday, john hannah prayer, sunday service, sunday morning, JFHMinistries, Hannah, Jesus, New Life Covenant Southeast, Worship
Id: UAzElVITbgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 18sec (7578 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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