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people ask me all the time what i mix total iso at honestly i mix it with everything water egg whites [Music] what the jay capone daisy [Music] jay seriously [Music] film the shots like this that you can see that it's a gym okay and basically like this okay you understand so whatever angle looks the best i really don't want i mean if this i know you can kind of blur out the background and move this but so wherever you think i can be and whether it's put the bike here and you shoot where dave is okay and you want kind of like an angle of view from the front or whatever you think looks better but i want to highlight the product okay basically you know but i want to try to get this isn't super blurry like brush me right i have yeah let me just throw i got a different lens on the boys out a little bit better and then uh yeah we can definitely do that this is behind the scenes yeah what's going on here we uh so we're having a sale this weekend so i want to make sure i get a get content for that so we're doing 20 off uh pre-workouts so i'm trying to highlight the uh the pre-workouts and this is the gym you guys see in the videos yeah so i'm shooting shirts because we're making a big push for uh some certain shirts on amazon oh you're on amazon now we're going to launch on amazon so he would have said it's changing angie's fault you know that [Music] all right so i'm going to talk to you miss popular for a second because he got to say something to me because since the show he jay's telling me oh where's angie today oh she's doing a podcast what does angie did she's doing a photo shooting video you've been so busy with the whole bodybuilding are you becoming full-time maybe i think so i think you're doing this for today they're asking for me yeah they could be coming full time tell me a little bit about it what's going people been reaching out to you since the show yeah it's called um hold on let me look it up i'm gonna say the wrong name hold on [Music] it is called fitness junkies okay and uh giovanni um asked me to do it like right before of my show and i said no i gotta do it after okay and uh we ended up doing it after that's awesome congratulations you know my my prep she asked me my story and uh oh the brand i you know how does he feel about that i'm just disappointed they didn't ask you you're the full-time bodybuilder no i'm just holding oh it's awesome you know i'm happy yeah it's gotta be great for motivation to keep you going you know especially after a show sometimes you just feel like oh damn you fall off yeah this is awesome well i'm being full-time yes so you people can just go on your social media so you'll know when all that stuff comes out when the episode comes up i'll put it on uh a hard post on my uh okay instagram and what's your instagram what's going on yeah yeah we'll put it in there so just if you're not subscribed already she's got a ton of subscriber but if you're not subscribed go subscribe to her instagram and keep up with her because uh she's on her way up right now this is alex that's his bomb yeah let me know downtown and he did the alpha prime all those like graffiti oh yeah okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as long as we get the product and you can see the gym in the background is what's going on daisy are you approving of this no can you believe this dave uh last time you filmed a long time ago remember when he was putting he was trying on his suit that he had done and now his legs are smaller so he has to get him tapered wow stilts my legs are getting your size that's terrible that's really bad you must be really depressed oh my gosh like every time yeah that is still going to work yeah plus adding a little bit of sock underneath there and then can you sit to make sure that that's not too snug you can take off the shoes today i think i think the length is going gonna be okay she has them on that's okay okay i mean they're gonna feel more snug i'm not gonna mess with you they don't need them okay i mean because you can still see like like you know what i mean this is inclusive footage we're never in the bedroom wow and they'll go from a zero in the crotch all the way down just so you know so here so we're taking these no no i wore that the last time but we are the other oh sorry yeah they look here i think we tried these on these ones were bigger right yeah yeah and they're a lighter color so they're going to definitely feel more yeah you're going to see a little bit more of that you don't need to put your shoes on she said the length i think the length is okay because any shorter because of the way that you're making these look really baggy on the bottom to me did i change any lengths on these leave her alone let her work no daddy no thanks but i'm cute he says yeah they're different than your other ones yeah a little bit just your fabric wears a little different so this is probably one of my favorite ones you have i know i love this fabric you are so curious huh so curious do you guys want any pictures of it i didn't know if you wanted to anything don't think i'll check the length of the black one and see if there's a difference so they are i'll nip them up a little bit i think these ones anymore i know i saw the pictures i was like you look so good they're like that [Music] see they're all different like interesting yeah i wouldn't touch these and i'll just do the same thing in the bottom yeah so i think the one i like the best is the checkered blue so let's emulate justin bieber the beavers of the neighborhood that's you all right so what do you think where's gonna be the best shot probably somewhere where there's like a we can get the whole car in shade but like let me see that sun's gonna drop any minute yeah yeah so even like a street shot like down there could be a cool spot yeah when i shot the g wagon last time i put it in the middle of like right here in the like as people come in the gate [Music] [Music] what do you think the neighbor's name that's a long shot huh yeah i've got another leg to probably throw on for this real quick so what do you want to do so while i grab that one so i want to be able to show the red interior all right [Music] is [Music] [Music] busted right awesome it's for you chris i hope chris sees this aceto [Music] i wonder if that shines through with a lambo sheet maybe like he ju he just mounted this guy on his cars yeah you're right angie said she's gonna miss her ready you're getting another one yeah but it ate until the summer he was right he told me that i would like this car the way it handles better than my g wagon which i did because it's like driving a car right check out the insight so [Music] [Music] so do [Music] i remember like max muscle remember when he took that max muscle pitcher let's see one more looking out there [Music] you
Channel: JayCutlerTV
Views: 50,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jay cutler, jay cutler tv, urus, lambo truck, suv, Las Vegas, crib, at home, Angie, full time bodybuilder, photography, profesional, pictures, mr olympia, 4X
Id: MCwbPUgjFAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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