CAN SHE SURVIVE an OVERNIGHT POOL CHALLENGE? Spending 24 Hours Swimming for Friends Last Name!

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what is up spy ninjas mr e challenged us to an overnight pool challenge in order to learn regina's last name let's do it so nice in here where are you going you might lose this challenge hey he said we all gotta do it v where are you going oh your life jacket yeah follow me oh that's easy no yeah oh my you're basically it yeah it's time to get the overnight challenge started yes clogger in a pool i never thought this day would come i'm fully trained in underwater attack tactics i should have guessed that oh my phone's ringing my phone might be mr e here it is chad hello hello spy ninjas siri now that you are all in the pool it is time to commence the overnight challenge no problem if you are able to stay in the pool overnight i shall grant you all the letters of regina's last name oh dude this should be easy peasy we can stay here all night yeah so we're gonna figure out my own the first challenge i will assign will be the best aerial trick challenge impress me and you will win your first prize i will honor this challenge by going first all right well i'll close oh there he goes see you later oh my gosh i can't touch the ground anymore hold on yes that was an excellent move i believe that was a side flip what kind of score do we give them five out of ten does that sound fair yes i like it five out of ten all right who's that no not me yet let me give me a boost i don't want to see that you ready yeah daniel i call this one the flying chicken degree of difficulty no what do you think parker i liked it what is danny boy's score i mean i would say three yeah i would give it a three three piece chicken mcnugget two oh poker why the consensus is three all right regina gina yes okay i have something that's kind of cool i've been working on it was a great job i think was a triple axel maybe uh in my head i did it though i think that was like a half axle maybe who are the daniels yeah to me that's a pz four that beat that i did because i'm gonna give it a zero uh four the consensus is four so you got a full all right all right i guess chad's up next daniel film him are you ready ready [Music] fantastic slash [Music] [Applause] i'm gonna give him an eight i haven't seen elephants yet this is for mr e and for finding out regina's and possibly mine last name oh my gosh did you see that that was amazing that was like a spin and a half i tried to go for two i figured that's the only way to beat your trick chad what score do you give him clocker a solid six oh no way cloaker this dude deserves a 10. i'm gonna give you a nine as in pz-9 yeah okay i'll put you back now brother you deserve about ten yeah i think yours looks cooler though actually because you did more spins than i did so i'm gonna dock you a point and give you a nine okay hey real recognize real you know what i failed yeah so the winner of the contest is i don't know who won everyone no votes did you hear that what was that my phone my phone oh i got it mystery hello hello fantastic moves spy ninjas everyone did good except for v who must overcome her fear of water by submerging a head underwater submerging your head oh my gosh no no no ptsd guys come on mr east counting on you to do it we can learn regina's last name if we can accomplish this challenge you will receive the first prize in helping you stay in the pool overnight whoa oh if you do this we'll get like a cancer surprise that's the goal i'll try to do it again without crying you conquered your fear on the trapeze you can conquer your fear here yeah yeah that's much scarier and you did it okay whoa it's off don't worry v i'll dive down and save you if something happens i'll get the slow-mo ready three two one [Applause] i didn't think all of her hair was gonna go but she paused right here and then went under yes yeah whole two tenths of a second yeah oh whoa hello fantastic keep your eyes in the skies for your well-deserved prize oh wow surprise great job [Applause] wow what is that cloaker ghost just fell from the sky hey what the heck a drone carried and dropped it oh there's like an air drop thank goodness those things were soft those could have hit us in the head yeah but he looks okay i think daniel what do you say about it hitting you in the head hey look at the cloaker he's already hanging out on that thing he's meditating already and regina's his motor daniel don't tip him over we got to stay in this pool so at least we got these things to sleep on now these are excellent for meditation they will help us finish the challenge so we can get the remaining letters of regina's last name that's what we need to defeat project zorgo it'll be great if you stop pushing oh where is it where's chet's phone it's probably mr e again mr e how are we doing man are you happy with my gifts spine ninjas they're really nice thank you we'll be asleep on these tonight in order to complete the mission you will use those mattresses to duel one another in an extreme chicken fight challenge are you serious oh chicken i can do pool chicken things well i am also familiar with this chapter all right poker versus daniel begin cooker versus daniel three two one action oh daniel is lost he almost vegeta sorry oh hey be good oh oh oh oh oh come on cloaker yeah oh gosh oh gosh screw me up all right it's time to take this guy down yeah you shove daniel oh boy don't fall off candy boy you're saving them what happened coker what happened you saved me but he also punched you i thought that's what we were doing but then he saved me oh just because i realized that's not what we were doing oh okay that was kind of a mean move cloaker but you did save daniel so you kind of redeemed yourself that was really nice you got me fair and square respect i acted dishonorably but under false priesthoods so therefore i had to save them oh okay that's good thanks cloaker can i get it back on the bed now it's really nice and comfortable and dry on there oh hold on okay chad's phoning oh oh no i got you gather around everybody mystery is calling oh no mystery oh course amazing display of combat and friendship cloaky and damian good job guys good job he likes it this next challenge will arrive once you receive your prize from the sky oh why do we need three mattresses mystery we're gonna be in here all night a third mattress by ninjas to be used to construct a bridge that can be crossed oh my gosh possible i don't think it's possible anything is possible well you heard the man i guess let's set these mattresses and try and cross the pool i will go first across the bridge are you ready yeah chad send it yeah i'll go now i would have went a little bit faster i don't think i would have fallen all right daniel you heard the last ten okay here you go so slow and steady wins the race no fast is not the way to go man i told you fast stan yo you gotta listen can you hear me no i'm i'm not going next i'll go left i'll go left back up the clucker is up oh boy oh boy oh my oh oh oh oh oh he mad yeah fast strong up here fast down here that was very successful everybody taco mystery is not calling what do we do next i don't even know do we just hang out all night in the pool i'm starting to get hungry oh me too i have to make tinkles don't pee don't don't do it i just thought mr e would have given us another challenge after that last one huh that was especially dangerous i should not try it at home it seems like we need to stay in this pool overnight to find out regina's last name i think two of us can fit on in matches chad yeah well let's get out time there's the moon wow can you see it yeah well mr e didn't give us more challenges and we have three mattresses so i say slumber party oh hop on the beds everyone oh there's six people there's only three mattresses ah regina i'm coming out this is the girl's mattress yes huh that means it's the boys yeah okay oh yeah melvin where are you gonna sleep okay well i guess i got the cloaker he's all the way in the deep end i don't know how to swim well i know how to like thrash about and not drown oh it's a start so you know how he went on the second date with the heart guy yes i was there know it's crazy he admitted that he really likes me oh he did he gave you the bracelet i know and he's fresh oh yeah i just want to get something off my chest guys we saw regina go on a speed date she flirted with like a bunch of them but daniel it was part of a mission to figure out her last name i don't think she liked any of them there was one hacker that she like fell in love with he was the heart guy hacker oh that's kind of true she did seem to like him a lot i can't stop thinking about him really oh do you think you're gonna go on the next date soon oh i think so third day you've never done speed dating before that's how i get all my secret lovers you have secret lovers melvin how can we never see any of them that's a secret i've never seen you of any lover yeah daniel he was talking to you man oh me all you do is hang out in your truck i wouldn't worry about it too much daniel regina's focus is strong you mean she's just concentrating on finding out what her last name is and no man is going to get in her way but maybe a boy she's a true spy ninja she doesn't fall in love with random people she's a professional there's too many important things happening right now to fall in love what what do you think i'm hungry chad you have your phone here maybe you should you should buy us pizza yeah all right guys tell you what pizza on me yay i want double ham i can't wait for double date when you guys are dating are we gonna hear what the girls are saying oh yeah let me look over it they're talking and looking at us and smiling dude they are saying something about us she's probably talking about you daniel she's smiling should we just get closer or should we just try it but then i'll stop talking if we get too close [Music] that's right that's available in our spy ninja new recruit kit you guys you bought them all up in like five hours they sold out but we're making more right now well daniel pop that bad boy in let's hear what they're talking about what is your type anyways you know what kind of guy do you like well if i had to explain control the mind oh okay like the comic book collection we we went over this i don't i don't find that attractive i don't care okay fine you're just done what are you using the listening device yeah why is it pointing towards this way hey oh we're going to the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my phone's ringing everybody gather around oh i think it's mr e we did make it overnight it's morning time now mr e hello congratulations spy ninjas you have showcased that you will do whatever it takes to find information for your friend regina i will grant you the final piece of the puzzle yes regina's last name assistant we want to know what do we got to do tell us but now just watch your head what was that where is it something just hit you melvin stinky it's my last name i just got whacked over here it's over here it's over here it's moving oh no you see it moving down i got i got it yeah what is it oh my god i got it i got it i got it i got it i'm just kidding that's a prank bro this is it what what is this supposed to do for this has my last name on it what to say this is a vital record you put it on a record player like the one that we found we found the record player at the trampoline park tripoli bar we got a plan we gotta play it so what do we do we go inside now and listen to it yeah yeah oh pizza guy let's go oh wait the pizza guys here put this record on hold we don't need to listen to this now we got the pizza guy here buddy order jerry's pizza it's jerry's pizza what then hey how do you get here dude is that jerry thanks for coming at four in the morning that's so cool you guys deliver this early we just got the best service in town wow i'd say wow jerry it's an honor to meet you go ahead and put it right there jerry here's your tip i got a record for you no no no no no no we did that have a good one i don't know what's going on in here wear your pants oh yeah yeah pizza's here let's eat guys where gina's last name could be on this record about it pizza the girl has spoken maybe we could eat pizza while listening to this record thing let's get out of here give me a slice of this we've got the record player that we found in the trampoline park right here let me show you how this works and then here is the vinyl record that mr e dropped to us you take the needle put it on the vinyl okay normally the record plays like this and you hear music oh i hear it oh no i hear it louder make it louder but when you're playing backwards sometimes there's a secret message what whoa whoa whoa you hear that listen very closely to this guys listen very closely those are letters those are letters you're not my last name finally just write those down on a piece of paper and then see if you can like rearrange those letters it's got to be regina's last name yes please fine and just help me figure out my last name yes oh we're so close these guys are gonna figure it out for us yes it's gonna be awesome huge shout out to all of you notification ninjas who get here in the first 60 minutes i'm gonna show a bunch of your comments right here thanks for getting here quickly and leaving comments if you're not already subscribed to my channel underneath this video there's a subscribe button click it make it turn great guys i think in the next video we're going to have final confirmation of regina's last name and possibly mine and melvin's last name too they are indeed brother and sister then nothing will be standing in our way to take down project zorgo yeah oh my gosh look what my shirt says you
Channel: Chad Wild Clay
Views: 21,300,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, chad wild clay, cwc, vy qwaint, chad and vy, project zorgo, vy, chad, pz4, pz9, hacker, regina, melvin, daniel gizmo, 24 hour, swimming pool, water, water park, water slide, 3am, spend, spent, friend, unspeakable, ways to, annoy, mrbeast, filled, brothers, house, slime, bought, new, preston, extreme, private island, hide and seek, superbowserlogan, sml, jeffy, learns, manners, brent rivera, caught, funny, hilarious, comedy, Mr e, mr. e, fun, challenge, safe, vs, underwater, mystery, vlog
Id: gFmgyoC6YYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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