Alie... Don't Tell Regina

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i think daniel's having a nightmare guys he's been yelling and stuff don't love you don't daniel don't dangle don't wake up daniel you came in chad what are you doing you're saying i don't love you in your sleep what time is it i think i had a nightmare live in the morning i was having a nightmare because chad there's unfinished business what what is it remember i left a voicemail message on ali's phone saying that i want to kiss her i want to kiss you i meant to send you regina because i like regina i want to kiss her you sent it to the wrong person though it says that you just dialed ally's phone number you left that message on allen's voicemail oh do you think she's listening to that voicemail already what if she did and she tells regina and then regina breaks up with me you know what that's it i'm getting out of bed i don't care what time it is i am going to go on a mission i am going to delete that voicemail off of ali's phone before fuchsina breaks up with me melvin it's mission time daniel pants me bro oh my gosh oh missing time oh are you all right i gotta save ranul right now okay let's go let's go come on daniel let's get the gear i have to save randall before ally kisses me regina's sleeping in there this could be the last day ever annual jack can you give me a moment i'll be right out oh look at regina sleeping there for those of you who don't know this is what my ex-girlfriend ally looks like this is her and i'm afraid she might kiss me in this video and ruin me and regina's relationship if i don't delete that voicemail message off of her phone she's gonna hear it and it's gonna be so bad [Music] uh [Music] it's just daniel regina okay is your face okay sorry she shot me with a nerf blaster you got any boo-boos it hurts right there a little bit okay it's okay collect ammo along the way sorry to wake you up regina it's okay what's wrong with you though did you hear anything i had talked about no yeah i thought i heard you in my sleep i'm talking about like kissing someone in ally i don't know if i dreamt it or not but you think i like ally and i want to kiss her definitely not you never said that oh well that's what i heard regina you definitely are the only person for me no look i was looking this way what is it uh don't look over there what is over there oh daniel you need to give me my phone here's your phone daniel it's on your phone i was i just needed my phone to to order some chicken nuggets for you from doordash happy breakfast breakfast time oh my gosh that was close it looks like i like hallie back i was just showing the audience who she is dolly you keep talking about it you want you want 40-piece nuggets yeah that's it ali said al you can eat chicken nuggets all right uh 40 nuggets coming your way they should be here soon all right gosh okay yeah thanks we have a chad what's your problem melvin you should go back to sleep whatever what are you doing dude as you guys know i accidentally sent a voicemail message to ali saying i want to kiss you i like you so much i didn't mean to send it to ally i'm in a senator regina i really like regina if regina hears that voicemail there's no way to explain myself out of it the sun is almost rising you come with me come with me i'm just gonna go find ally delete the voicemail off of her phone before she thinks i want to kiss her and she kisses me maybe she'll just tell regina what's going on chad you have to stay here okay make sure that ally doesn't call regina and tell her that i want to kiss her because it's not true you were there chad you know it's a misunderstanding it i'll stay here i'll make sure regina and allie do not talk i'm gonna go talk to regina i'll stall her let's go daniel but where exactly am i going where does ali live now why i don't know why did you call her you have her number uh tesla call ally okay cool it's cool it's working pay attention allie come on pick up keep calling her melvin oh dude voicemail man hey reach ally just leave a message and i'll call you right back oh perfect oh hey hey ally i'm just leaving i don't want to leave another voicemail come on danielle hang up hang up man i can't draw attention to the voicemail section of her phone well maybe ally doesn't have any place to go right the last we saw she was at the safe house maybe she's close maybe she's nearby wait a minute what my goodness oh that's her definitely her oh my gosh i'm sorry it looks like she's on the phone regina [Music] gosh oh were you sleeping sorry about that oh he's like chad what the heck so i got something important to talk to you about but i was just curious you know you and daniel i mean that kiss was sure was something i haven't seen any other kisses though since then what's been happening between you two okay well we only kissed once what why twice okay [Music] i was talking to daniel you know what he said about you what what's the t probably not supposed to be telling you this but what is it what's she doing out here she's on the phone we gotta get that phone from her and delete the voicemail all right i have a bad feeling about this do i just snatch the phone from her and delete the voicemail do you think you should just like ask her or something i do not want her to listen to the voicemail you want to delete that voicemail it's easier if we just don't even talk about it i don't want to risk anything with regina hearing that well i would just go up and ask oh yo yeah she's at her car she's her car she has a bag of some sort see the phone anywhere no i don't see it maybe she put in her pocket guys i got an idea not just any deal an idea well that sounds more like a media yeah she's walking far away listen ali's my ex-girlfriend you know it means that she'll understand if i do this really are you sure whoa did they lock it lock the door i know this looks bad but i'm just gonna leave the voicemail and we just move on it wasn't intended for her it's either this or regina breaks up with me you think she would leave her phone in here maybe like her car is connected to the phone and i can yeah bluetooth delete my messages either that's good anything you hear about daniel that may or may not be true just don't believe it does that make sense not really sometimes daniel does some goofy things you know and sometimes he gets into trouble by accident accident is the key word daniel okay is he up to something right now i promised him i wouldn't tell you but once he's done with this mission everything will be fine what's going on i'm telling you guys this is a terrible idea she could come back at any second look oh okay just hurry up and do it daniel that's perfect there's a freaking pass code what could it be maybe it's uh me and ali's anniversary maybe she hasn't moved on like i have uh uh guys don't be alarmed but get down oh my gosh she's coming back she's gonna see us oh my gosh what are you doing well should we leave the car oh she's crossing in front i'll leave you leave now here wait she's right she's right here melvin no no no no no no no no no i promise to keep this secret so i will continue to keep the secret however if i ask you questions that's not me spilling the secret are you and ally still friends just a random question i just came up with right now just has nothing to do with anything really i mean yeah we cool we cool i was just about to call her before ho ho ho ho [Music] i think i left it can you just give the phone back to her oh sure i'll just bounce out of the blanket and be like hey ally here's your phone [Music] if she looks back here she'll definitely see us oh let's swear i just checked her man i must be really tired or something good job b she has her phone back oh wow am i going to leave the voicemail now well it looks like i have a few more minutes into my next order so mine is we'll take a snooze [Music] what what'd she say order what's she wearing oh yeah i don't get it anyway she's sleeping now is a perfect time to grab her phone and delete that message here i go i can't see you guys okay where's the phone oh shhh lower floor okay a face id she's sleeping right now if i just put this phone in front of her face it'll unlock it i delete the voicemail me and regina will be together forever [Music] you know don't take off her mask too okay yeah that's where i crossed the line i'm not gonna do that i took some pictures where did regina go she better not be making a phone call right now ally regina regina what are you doing can you leave this so loud oh my gosh can i see this let me see this oh hang up on this part you don't need to call ally right now you know why because we got to do the comment question of the day i haven't heard from allie in a while i just want to call her just leave comments on the bottom of every video and we answered your questions at the bottom of every video look there's some right now well i was in the middle of calling ally we haven't heard from her what is she okay i thought i heard my phone this whole thing is a bad idea daniel we gotta get out of here okay let's just get out of here let's just let's just go let's go let's just leave the car let's [Music] let's find melvin maybe he's got an idea on how to fix all this [Music] well you guys didn't escape on time you failed everything's not going our way right now hey good thing you guys can get caught whoa got notification all right it says uh it says your dasher is on the way to mcdonald's what oh okay i ordered chicken nuggets for regina at the beginning of this video remember that's all it is where do you think she's going there she goes probably just she said something about like an order you're gonna pick up an order or something spy ninjas come first before ally so let's answer this question first and then we can talk about ally maybe we won't call her yet we'll just have a little discussion about her yeah why don't you find a comment there okay oh i found one gaming with kj asks is daniel cheating on regina kj why would he be cheating on me and we were just talking about ally i mean well melvin do you have any ideas she has a face id lock on her phone i don't know how to get on it i don't even know where she's going right now mission failed i think i don't think oh sorry door dash notification again that was not the time to worry about food daniel snatch your ally is on her way ally is on your way with the order mcdonald's the chicken nuggets i ordered for gina ali's a door dasher she's a delivery person that's what the order she's been doing oh that's the brown bag she had before she's she's delivering food to people she has the picture of you cuddling and she's gonna show it to regina with the voicemail oh my gosh she's on her way with trigger gina right now with the voicemail saying i pretty much love her the picture of us cuddling she's gonna show regina what regina no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't open the door you don't need oh it might be uh oh what are you doing here that's a coincidence you guys ordered some nuggets or something what i'm your door attacher shoe yeah just one of my many side hustles oh girl so you're here just to deliver food nothing else i mean i don't think so i mean someone ordered these nuggets right yeah i think daniel ordered these for me oh thanks for delivering oh sir did daniel specifically choose to have you deliver them this was just a coincidence i guess there's not many door dashers in this area okay we haven't seen you so you should stay no wait wait oh i guess i'll close the door i hope she doesn't pick up that voicemail oh wow is actually so cute we should take a selfie with our nuggets i'll take a picture of you guys you want to use your phone yeah yeah yeah okay yeah this will be so cool all right oh whoa what is it i got a bunch of miss calls from daniel i called you like 10 times oh man yeah that's weird why is he calling you so much she's gonna show regina we'll step on the wattage bro we can beat her to the safe house then all is well right this could be the end of ranul uh you know what why don't we just take that picture no you should call him back no it's not important it seems important he called ten times call him back go check your voice no voice pills who listens to voicemails these days daniel doesn't even know what a voicemail is you want to left you a voicemail everybody uses voicemail yeah it left me 10 calls you guys like it has to be important i should probably check it out come on oh my gosh this is so bad that she's gonna listen to the voicemail regina's right here she just gotta hear it oh okay if that's what you want to do oh just come on okay [Music] what's that doing on your phone i have no idea you guys like that's daniel he's snuggling with you daniel oh gosh oh there it goes i don't know you guys this might be an old photo or something he is cheating no picture again no regina i'm sure it's just a misunderstanding this is probably just an old photo i swear oh my god one old one oh uh sorry i have to go do another door dash i'm sorry regina convenient yeah listen it was probably an old photo i swear okay let's do this nugget date another day all right i gotta go oh oh geez regina is just an old photo from a year ago when they were dating maybe remember what i said like 10 minutes ago no matter what happens today daniel will always love you remember when i said that he does that was pretty bad but at least regina didn't hear the voicemail then he'd really be in trouble i don't know both of these are pretty bad i don't know regina okay here we are vegeta oh daniel me where is she where's ally where's ally i know she's here oh mcdonald's regina [Music] oh daniel you really messed up regina bro what happened oh geez regina heard the voicemail you had one job to make sure she didn't hear the voicemail now dude she didn't hear the voicemail ally came over to deliver the mcdonald's she's the door dasher now and she showed a picture by accident of you snuggling with her what the heck were you doing snuggling with her in that picture nolling with her what are you talking about oh it wasn't a misunderstanding it's an accident that picture that just happened like five minutes ago so she saw it yeah it's even worse that's even worse oh daniel this is all such a big mistake you didn't do anything wrong so therefore you don't have to hide anything you are not a cheater well you did do something wrong you didn't come clean and tell regina the truth that you accidentally left ali a voicemail you're right i should just tell you the truth i did nothing wrong i didn't cheat on regina all right okay what could go wrong if i just tell her the truth oh boy i can't see that coming chad let me take the camera okay regina i didn't do anything wrong regina i know i know i have been a horrible person but not horrible for the reasons you think i should have just told you this like weeks ago but i can explain everything yeah yeah why you've been calling aly like 10 times a day and uh snuggling with her it all started when i wanted to call you a week ago and tell you how much i missed you and how much i like you and i don't i think it'd be fun to kiss you again but i thought i called your number and ended up calling ally's number and i left a voicemail on ali's phone saying that i want to kiss her but why did you get that mixed up i just dialed the wrong number and that's why i've been acting so weird lately because i've been trying to delete that voicemail off her phone when i really should have just came to you first and told you the truth hey i accidentally left a voicemail on ali's phone it was intended for you i didn't think you'd believe me then explain the cuddling and the missed phone call well to miss phone calls because i called her like a million times to try to find out where she was so i could sneak and get her phone and delete the voicemail before you heard it and then the snuggling thing i i was trying to unlock her phone to delete the voicemail and i accidentally took a picture of us i am an idiot but i'm not an idiot because i'm cheating on you because i'm not cheating on you i really like you and i would never do something like that but i am an idiot i should have just told you in the first place i think i've learned today that communication isn't important you're dumb you don't have to forgive me regina but just know that this could have all been avoided it really could have do you forgive me are you still more than most trusted colleagues yes i forgive you but don't do that stuff again you bumbling idiot okay cool i'm so sorry regina i freaked out for nothing yeah i think you still have to tell one more person ally ali is gonna listen to the voicemail and think i mean it she's gonna think that i want to kiss her that's your thing to deal with oh i gotta go oh oh moving where are you going where are you going daniel where are you going daddy i don't actually love her oh boy i don't know should we go after him oh regina oh wait where are you going she went out there screaming and yelling about i'll take care of that guy don't worry about it guys oh okay man love is complicated i gotta find ally pronto i do not want her to think that i'm in love with her that i want to kiss her but i miss her she couldn't have gone far she was just at the safe house chad said bingo girl with the scarf that's her time to save ranul there's ally all right now here we go ellie excuse me hey danny what are you doing here what the hell uh listen ali i have something really important to tell you okay i know it sounds crazy i know you might not believe me but i left you a voicemail saying that like i really liked you and that i even wanted to kiss you and [Music] daniel say no more i heard the voicemail you came all this way to tell me and you know what gosh start it i'm gonna tell you something too and that's that i feel the same exact way about you daniel i mean i just can't get enough of your words just listen to this and i really miss you and you know i want to kiss you wait no aly listen to me listen to me you listen to me you handsome boy i can't imagine a life without you and i know that we were gonna get together again eventually somehow we were meant to be by the universe it just drew us together we're gonna have this beautiful house with the white picket fins two golden retrievers and a pug named douglas can't you just see it ally you did not just it's gonna be amazing ally no you don't understand you don't oh my gosh pranked you i did not mean a single word of that i was completely joking it's your fault what's happening what is happening i didn't mean anything of that i'm just trying to prank you to get back at you i know everything that you did i saw you following me i know you hacked into my car i know you took a picture of me when i was sleeping and i know that you meant to send that voicemail to regina so yeah pranks on you oh you can't just mess with people's lives like that daniel now regina probably hates me i'm trying to be her friend and you know what what the heck you deserve it back what the heck happened
Channel: Vy Qwaint
Views: 4,640,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, chad wild clay, cwc, vy qwaint, chad and vy, chad and v, project zorgo, vy, chad, pz4, pz9, hacker, daniel, regina, melvin, alie, boyfriend, girlfriend, love, kiss, the kiss, raniel, ex, the kiss part 4, the slap, slap, voicemail, phone, hiding, sneaking, fun, funny, comedy
Id: ISvdLuvnKew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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