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[Applause] since melvin failed it daniel gets dumped because they're on the same team i'm sorry oh he's under the water [Music] two teams team youtube yeah and team tick tock yeah we're gonna see which one is better whichever teammate can't do the challenge the other gets dunked into something scary regina why are you acting so weird and making us do this ah ever since you started getting into tick-tock you've been acting differently guys she wants to quit youtube and be a tick-tocker what well i was just doing a bunch of tick tocks and i ended up with a dump tank oh it's a water challenge you know how i doing those are you still using that foot ointment daniel they know about the foot ointment it's okay my toe jam might have fell off wait regina why are you posting this this is my channel i should be in charge of this yeah about that um what yeah [Music] oh yeah wow hey i can do this it's just a dunk tank i'm taller than it practically um no it's not gonna work v better look next time maybe grow a little bit okay all right chad is you gotta hit the target done obviously with a water balloon you silly goose you go strategize with your man spy ninjas this is the real target this one's just fake daniel you are you're doing such a good job thanks regina i love your nasal thanks because you always have one hand like whatever you're on the same team hey v you got to get the real target yeah bob not bob how do you danny boy you move the target yeah the real target is daniel you gotta get him oh that's fun i kind of like you being host now whoa the heck the target you hit the target what are you doing you're the target man the target's right over here no no daniel on your back turn around [Music] who did this i'd like to speak with the person right here right now who did this did you do this regina when did you do this all right daniel be careful i'm gonna pull the rest of this tape off why would you use gorilla tape regina it's so rude ah all right your turn next in the dunk tank no no no no no little sister it ain't gonna happen you miss the first throw what we get to dunk chad that's right right yeah i hit the target yeah but you missed it chad and then let us dunk chad chad yeah daniel and melvin think they know how to play baseball please i've been a baseball boy forever oh yeah your favorite team's the new jersey mets it's the new york mets boy you're lucky there's a cage in front of your beautiful face get a melvin hey wait wait wait there's something really scary in here don't do it what's in there chad baby what is that let's let chad find out what it is [Music] gonna have to get a little closer i think hey keep it down last try oh there's an octopus in here oh it's just a squishy you fools scary what the heck there is no way you were gonna hit that daniel i don't really believe you're a baseball player but now i changed my mind you are all right now that i'm wet i think we got to choose who to go next into the dunk tank we'll say at the same time chad [Music] let me do it it's so hot it's 109 degrees right now i just want to get into the dunk tank and i'll let you guys just dunk me in please it's so hot i'm not even scared of whatever's in the water technically the most dangerous thing you could put in the water is like a shark or something a great white shark and anyways you could take them out easily if you just aim for the gills or the eyes yeah but the only way to defend yourself against a shark because their bite power is so strong that would make me feel guilty come on we'll wait for gina though yeah it's her turn it's not even raining oh my gosh look at her over here oh i know that one this is the weekend i was gonna get a million views all right i am not going guys why not i am the boss of this right now milton if you're so excited you go melvin's gonna go he wanted to go anyway don't worry melvin whatever challenge happens i'll be able to do it you ain't going under well that's what i want to do and that's why you're my partner daniel has to balance five balloons at the same time here's one daniel easy easy you've been doing this all day melvin's not going under two oh geez me oh gosh okay two balloons good job daniel okay you got this ready get a third one get a third balloon get a third balloon get a third in there oh gosh one hit the ground it's a tree who planted that thing there yeah we put that there that was never there before what's the point of this tree well shock sorry melvin looks like they got a chance to knock you in boy good thing old chad wild clay here's a former nba mbl mlb baseball major league baseball player mlb for major league babbling hi captain oh you're hecka close b gets to go a little closer she's got little arms daniel and i were at that last line of the grip the grass i guess i'm still out here able to make a fool of everybody still you're too small see that's why you have to be a certain height to play this game and sadly you're just not watch out daniel you're my throwing pad i'm in the way melvin i've had enough of his yabbering mouth nolan ryan oh too low v the minor league power the minor leagues hey good one melvin i'm gonna channel babe ruth [Music] oh man that was close since you're on the same team as v you might as well be on the same line as her [Music] he's down there what's he doing i don't see him your hair turned grey oh my god you turned old what's in the water there's aging cream in the water i can't remove it oh gross old lady mask pretty scary yeah you could have drowned you know who's got to go up next now the quaint and she's scared of water you must copy a ninja pose me while jumping in the pool easy peasy oh i can do that no problem i'm gonna have a total of three poses and you have to get three thumbs up oh easy and i'm the judge i mean chad's just like pretty great at ninja stuff way to go melvin thanks for the props it's not very stable are you ready the ninja pose [Music] oh just like in the picture [Music] i thought that was pretty perfect no no no no no i looked just like the pose compare the two it's not the same chad you don't look as cool no regina you're the boss [Music] yeah he's still doing it i mean i've seen better but where but it was okay chad it was okay i'll give you a thumbs up for that one i liked your little facial expression it was very cute thumbs up you're right i am cute uh okay the third one i need two out of three thumbs up and then v is saved imitate this ninja [Music] that's not a ninja that's a cat i can be a ninja i can be a cat what you think about that sorry b sorry about that you're going in the dunk tank what that was horrible challenge oh no this is my channel i could do what if i want no no no no no no no you're going in the water get over your feet okay why is regina running this challenge yeah i mean it's just regina judging this shut your mouth girl i'm running this show hold up this whole week there's been something strange going on first you guys are doing tick-tock challenges while we're out trying to solve the mystery of agent peters and where all these hackers are coming from and we discovered that there is a hacker party bus where they are recruiting normal bus riders to join project zorgo that's where the hackers are coming from yeah and they try to make it seem like it's the coolest thing ever it's not yeah they're giving away money and they were saying that they're going to meet famous tick tocker bella porch that's how they're getting to recruit people but it turns out belle porch was just regina genera what'd you say into the beat to the beat know where there's no hackers or agent peters tick-tock on the clock okay regina look tick-tock is cool i like tick-tock but drama over there oh there's drama you go on the tick tock agent peters follows mark my words no no agent peters is after youtube and roblox no he's after the spy ninjas once you join tick-tock he's just gonna follow you right into that and the hectic topic and we gotta save another platform well so far team tick tock has had two full dunks team youtube's only got one dog oh oh i guess that would be the dunk number two sorry v you didn't fail me you did a great job it's what's her name [Music] yeah let's just do it yeah i think this is too tall for me oh wow i think i can do this yeah you probably can't but you have to do it anyways get on there i can't this is all i can do he's doing great get out there it's okay maybe we will miss huh will daniel be doing it nobody no but he made it last time though darn tootin daniel you've become my favorite spy ninja you're the great this spy ninja you have great legs come on me this is kind of deep am i taller than this or what happened we're wow did you do something because i went like this on the ground maybe i'm causing earthquake daniel she said that you're her favorite spy ninja let's see how you throw now all right daniel throw that ball all right v watch out [Music] it was great i think you should do it again melvin's up i won't miss this time come on melvin game time take a deep breath just one liner not enough sidewinder chad you are on today okay there you go hope you don't slip again you're you're me's favorite spy ninja don't forget what are you doing i think this is great you can't cheat like that okay come on daniel sorry v you're my favorite spy ninja too oh [Music] don't you care about me i do come on melvin [Music] are you alive you guys she can't swim or breathe stand up oh yeah [Music] did you land into anything scary did you swallow water up your nose i thought i saw you plug your nose it wasn't supposed to scream but it kind of did on the white couch oh god oh yeah you drink some my foot appointment oh my gosh speaking of ointment what's in there that it's a heart it's a heart it's because everyone loves you if it's true please subscribe to my channel right now because gray chapter oh my gosh she's given up guys subscribe to v she said i'm her favorite spy ninja so take your phone turn it like that there's a button below the video it says subscribe if it's red click it make it gray and follow us on tick tock oh gosh all right melvin i think you should be next next in the dunk tank yes wait why it's daniel's turn no it's not he already went right you you agree right isn't it melvin's turn yeah i think so i'm confused yeah what happened chad chad regina regina wait where's chad and regina oh no [Music] we're tick-tocking we're like tick-tockers now this is amazing oh it's so good dance moves are getting so good thanks i bet you we're going to get a million views on that i hope so chad what are you doing you're not supposed to be helping her love tic toc more you know what we are all creators we're not just youtubers we can create anything we want to create we don't need to be limited to one platform no no no see one is no no no no no two two [Music] we're trying to make a youtube video he wasn't paying attention well now everything's messed up wait you were making a youtube video oh shoot we're in the middle making a video right now well we had a cool tic tac though yeah we did but wait my true passion that i've been working on for ten years nay eleven youtube tick tock hasn't even existed for that many years i'm glad to have you back on the team thanks daniel you're up aren't you it's me back to the youtube video daniel's turn remember the first time he did a tick tock his pants fell down i know i did that same dance a couple days ago i don't know what his problem is what this is home run [Music] aka the bob blast what you have to do is hit bob all the way to this target right here oh good luck regina's even being mean to bob she loves bob you've changed you've changed bob's still my friend wow you've downgraded him to friend not even as low as most trusted colleague oh melvin you better put bob over the line well in one hit that is so crazy i'm gonna try to do my rising palm uppercut come on can he do it rising paul uppercut [Music] this thing is heavy it's filled with water on the bottom this one's going to be dynamite huts [Music] oh so close this much so long damn i'm sorry dude none of my moves are working please please tackle one one two [Music] that was awesome melvin i gotta use that move on a hacker yeah oh geez [Music] i hit my phone i was slow-mowing with my phone water balloon a water balloon right in my phone i feel like i glanced off my belly or something hit your belly and then into the phone wow thanks man i don't have to get dunked hold up hold on well done what about the time you made v try a couple times tell you what since it took melvin three attempts i'll give you three shots to dunk me not four damn i'm sorry i should have used iron tackle in the beginning i just thought it'd be really fancy if i did kung fu i'll take the first try let me kick flip ew ew oh chet you calling my flippies ew see daniel there we're gonna see a nice big ol splash three two one [Music] splash on chad i got you daniel what are you doing [Music] get [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is it clay a lot of dunks for team tick tock but more dunks for team youtube [Music] youtube wins oh yeah you know uh i was being a little harsh on you to be i'm sorry you mean it i do youtube is cool i had a lot of fun today making this video tick tock's cool too it's all cool no what what no what do you mean no what do you mean yeah i love youtube more than tick tock for sure yes but i hate losing yeah i'm not so happy right now yeah i'm a little beat oh we should rematch these folk fine a crazy fun youtube style challenge that'll be completely different tomorrow on daniel's channel you guys down for the challenge rematch tomorrow yeah oh but yeah i'm down boy all right come on down get ready for kick bomb let's go
Channel: Vy Qwaint
Views: 6,611,656
Rating: 4.8077974 out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, chad wild clay, cwc, vy qwaint, chad and vy, project zorgo, vy, chad, pz9, hacker, daniel, regina, melvin, fgteev, unspeakable, carter sharer, lizzy capri, sml, 123 go, preston, brianna, dobre, jelly, mrbeast, mrbeast gaming, lankybox, sssniperwolf, ssundee, dunk, tank, dunk tank, pool, swim, pool challenge, fear, fear of water, deep water, ninja, pose, tik tok, dhar mann, student, suspended, shocking, secrets, youtuber, fire fighter, 24 hours, overpowered, fun, funny, comedy, vs, youtube
Id: lVfzRZ8F53I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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