I Went From HOMELESS to RICH in Minecraft!

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this is the first black labs episode that little Eli is going to watch Eli are you excited little guy you are Eli want some donuts Eli uh no Amber Amber no no no don't feed your little brother Donuts I told you what did I tell you Amber don't feed Little Eli Donuts Eli hand that to me Eli Eli come on you can't be eating Donuts just yet you're a little too young okay oh my goodness okay okay just don't eat them okay Eli all right here we go I'm pressing Play Come On Come On Eli look look look look oh no oh no Ashley can you stop be quiet we're trying to watch black labs right now oh man Eli I really really hope you like it little Eli he's so cute you guys this is my cute little son what did you say Ashley stop being so noisy just sit down and watch block Labs with us I'm so excited for a little Eli Eli you gotta be watching the TV Ashley come on sit down oh my goodness my dad is at the hospital oh oh oh papa Jim right oh my gosh that I'm sorry to hear that okay but actually you can sit down and calm down a little bit okay we're trying to you know this is Eli's big moment in life how uh what do you mean how Ashley I'm sure everything is being taken care of like he's in the hospital Mama Burnett's with him so don't worry about it hey hey race Junior what's up Ashley listen listen just sit down everything will be fine okay I need to check up with him oh oh okay I mean that's my dad you okay okay you can check up your dad and stuff okay so that means you watch the kit I I watch the kids okay Ashley now now you're going a little too far Ashley I get it that you nope actually I don't want to watch the kids where do you think you're going actually what was that listen Ashley I don't know what you're saying right now I get it I get it that your dad is in the hospital and stuff but you're asking for too much Ashley I can't I can't can't look after the kids okay I can't look after the kids you have to watch them I feel like you're using your dad as an excuse to watch the kids to make me watch the kids that's your job now no Ashley you're being very very unreasonable right now I don't want to watch after the kids ah Ray Jr can take care of his little siblings I know what your plan is little bro wait raise your raise your that's your little brother Matt Ray Jr stop getting mad at your little brother I have my eyes on you don't even try Virginia he's a few weeks old oh my oh my gosh wait what ow Ashley I rage I'm giving you to the count of three it's happening huh what do you want Ashley I'm not gonna take care of the kids nope I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna do it you're always so controlling this time I'm get out get get out this is my house hi ow okay okay okay I'll believe it I believe it I'm leaving okay fine fine I'll leave I'll leave I'll leave okay I mean wait wait I mean that means where the heck am I gonna sleep it's night time right now oh oh oh wait oh actually you had a change of heart I I need your credit card wait why do you need my credit card Ashley so I can pay the bill for the hospital yeah but if you kick me out ah what am I gonna eat it'll be fine oh man first I get kicked out of the house just because I don't want to take care of the kids you just need to learn okay well at least I have the donuts which is good all right at least I'll have Donuts to eat on and snack on I guess Amber no little Eli and everyone I mean this is what I get for not wanting to take care of them but uh well I guess I gotta figure this out Ashley's really really angry with me but now I have no money and I'm kind of getting hungry man actually I take care of the kids this take care of the kids that why didn't she just take the kids with her oh my goodness just because her dad's in the hospital it doesn't mean I have to take care of them and what the heck why are there rubber duckies on the road uh this is quite strange oh oh no oh no it just started raining oh gosh I gotta get to the mall soon because I need to find something to snack on or maybe eat because I'm getting a little bit hungry you guys and these Donuts are not gonna cut it Amber wait what is that what is that noise what the hey hey they just drove by and splashed me are you serious you've got to be kidding me ah now I'm all soaked in these Donuts these Donuts are stoked as well I was gonna eat at least one or two but now I can't even eat any of them oh my gosh how much worse can my day get first of all it's night time where am I gonna sleep for the night maybe maybe I can go to the mall and and have Noah hook me up with some free food because Noah does work there time to get some free food I guess it's so dark outside I can barely see anything oh man this rain is not making anything better all right gotta look both ways before I cross the streets oh I'm really excited to get some free food from Noah though oh my way wow ow oh oh God oh God I just got hit by a bike hey ah that really hurt man oh whoops oh I really need your help ow what the heck he just ran away I just got hit and ran oh this really hurts oh my gosh going up the steps is really really hurting my joints right now how why is this happening to me oh man I'm in so much pain right now ah you hey kid what are you looking at man ah give me money I don't have any money man I legit give my credit card to my wife ah I don't have time for this man I need food uh broke hey I can't say anything I really am broke right now ow what the heck dude oh hey hey oh hey Noah I know I'm not in the best shape right now um listen listen Noah my wife kicked me out of the house I got hit by a bike I got splashed uh drive by Splash by these uh by these losers and now I'm here sounds fun yeah do you think I can sit down man I'm in a lot of pain right now ow oh gosh Noah I I can count on you right um do you think you can have some food spot me some food or anything like that yeah I'm really hungry right now I haven't eaten anything the entire day I ordered these donuts oh no I don't want any donuts man I'm no I don't want donuts man Donuts are not good for me can yeah yeah can you get me like a sandwich or something oh I'm so hungry right now dude oh oh wait who is that right there uh oh manager that's your manager oh uh hello sir Noah dang this guy is tall what the heck he's way taller than us so this is your manager Noah oh uh is something the matter sir uh hello are you rage by chance uh yeah I'm rage wait wait what wait why'd he just tisk at me uh he's a friend that needs help wait what's going on huh what seems to be the problem uh he's a liability that needs to pay wait what rages tab 780 utterly confused no what Noah why is my tab at 780 dollars what the heck wait what do you mean 780 for what I don't know Noah's been giving you discounts and such for years wait but but but it's because he's my friend behind my back whoa whoa whoa hey Hey listen man listen I don't want my friend Noah to get in trouble I'll find a way to pay you back man uh I'm it's my fault man I every time I've talked to Noah I've always asked him for discounts and stuff now I feel bad guys knowing that uh Noah's gonna get in trouble for this you better until then out of my Mall wait what I have to leave your mom why I I don't have a I don't have a place to sleep tonight ouch five what the heck why is everyone counting down on me first my wife and now you oh man I don't have anywhere to go I'm hungry I don't know what to do I have to pay back 780 oh my goodness why is this happening to me man I can't believe I got kicked out of the mall where do I go from here it's so dark outside it's raining raining and I doubt anyone's gonna show up to the mall so I can't even ask people for money oh my wait a second is that a dollar bill on the floor today's my lucky day I mean yeah not really my lucky day because I got kicked out and lost every there's more dollar bills wait what wait where did all this money come from no way at this point I'm Gonna Be Rich you guys there's another dollar bill over there wait a second oh my gosh there's so much money five dollars guys five dollars sooner or later I'm gonna be able to pay back rage's tab I still don't know why I have this tab and whatnot wait a second someone throwing up oh my gosh I can ask them for money wait that's a cop okay okay uh police officers don't like off uh homeless people so uh I'm not gonna ask him for money oh oh hey hey Brad uh hello a long time no see man I'm looking a bit rough as you can see I'm banged up and I'm I'm all wet yep been a bit uh well I hope you have a great night man uh question uh oh he's gonna ask if I'm homeless right now and he's gonna arrest me uh what's up Brad have you seen anyone suspicious uh no well why why do you ask uh no no I haven't seen any any uh suspicious people he's probably talking about well Oh I thought you were talking about me well the bank has been robbed second could that be the explanation behind all this money oh wow Brad well I haven't seen anyone or anything no no money or anything laying on the floor well I hope you have a great night uh Brad oh gosh I gotta get out of here before he finds out that I have I have something to do with this phew that was a close one Brad almost caught me I think he was actually looking for me as well okay well that no way a five dollar bill no wait I'm actually gonna be rich you guys I'm Gonna Be Rich five dollars oh my gosh I really don't know where all this money is coming from but I feel like I have a slight suspicion that this might be the money dropped from the bank robbery I don't know why but it seems like they didn't do a great job why did they leave so much money hanging around oh oh no way twenty dollar bills oh wow this is actually amazing there's more money uh this is kind of uh wait a second wait what's going on over here uh we only got a little bit wait who are these guys one dude has a a maid costume on and one dude has a is that a Spider-Man costume we're so stupid wait a second uh Hey there you guys um ah wait hold on hold on hold on hey uh I'm good I'm good I promise I promise I'm on your side Hey listen listen I'm on your side are you looking for this uh don't arrest us Hey Hey Hey Hey listen you guys listen I heard you know from the cops and I'm not with the cops by the way they told me that they were looking for bank robbers and it seems like you guys fit the description kind of these guys don't really seem very experienced with this you gonna snitch on us uh no we know you aren't with the cops you're the infamous rage Elixir oh guys I had no idea I was this famous in Block City but I guess I am block City's biggest criminal you mean the guy who break the election wait a second I could use this to my advantage seems like these guys look up to me wait but I'm not a criminal whatever happened to the mayor oh Frank uh Hey Hey listen you guys listen listen listen listen all right how about we make a deal all right I I don't have any um you know wait rage Elixir is the criminal mastermind of Block City uh yes yes I am so so listen you guys don't want to go to jail right and you guys want to make sure uh you guys get all the money from from the bank seems like you guys didn't get every single dollar from the bank so maybe we can go back I can teach you guys the the ways on how to rob a bank and uh make you guys rich does that sound good yo that trash man thinks he can stop us oh don't even worry about trash man we can make things work really that's so hype okay uh well I have just the thing now I'm gonna need your help okay so you guys uh have amazing costumes for bank robberies and and all that uh oh oh nice uh do you think I can borrow that uh oh this is perfect I'm gonna put on this mask no I'm definitely disguised I'm also gonna need a crowbar that you guys have uh there thank you so much this is gonna come in handy oh this is gonna be perfect I can finally finally get rich uh we should probably head over to the bank right now you know because hey it's uh it's closing time yes sir okay this is perfect okay okay uh so you guys drive okay I'll just be sitting in the back uh make sure everything goes well okay yeah we're gonna get that money all right so listen to me okay I will tell you guys all the little tips and tricks so go ahead start driving toward no no no stop honking the oh my gosh okay stop honking the horn you gotta go in stealthily all right okay start driving towards the start driving towards the he's so smart ah these guys might just be really dumb okay uh and then park right here right here beside the bank beside the bank uh oh my gosh they're taking ages oh my these reversing okay this works this works okay you guys hop out now this okay all right I don't know how many people are working at the bank right now I'm I doubt there's gonna be anyone which is very very good and we can try to sneak in okay Yep this is perfect I don't know why they just left the hey can you guys stop breaking stuff listen we gotta be as stealthily as possible you guys gotta be quiet all right and wait on breaks hey guys guys that that's trash man you guys were saying bad things about him you guys dude did you just break the window you've got to be kidding me okay hurry hurry I hear a car outside okay Okay shh we gotta be quiet employees only do not enter all right okay hey dude oh my okay all right all right it seems like uh I I know exactly what I'm doing okay so you guys uh stay right here you guys will be on Watch Studio okay you guys will make sure that no one comes into the bank and we don't get caught open up hey open sesame dude listen listen listen go back with your friend and go on Watch Studio okay I got this handle got this handle okay if everything goes according to plan uh which I really don't think it's going to I'm gonna figure this out my old skills they came back I got the magic touch I just opened up the Vault okay guys because they're all wait is this really trash man you want to poke him hey guys guys guys listen don't poke him because he's if he wakes up you guys are screwed okay so listen just stand there and keep watch all right because the okay because I made them on watch Duty I can go ahead and grab all the money here for myself holy crap they have gold diamond emeralds in here oh my God I think I just got one million dollars in my hey oh what are they doing yo yo but what if I no no don't touch him don't touch him okay okay guys guys it's time to get out of here now I just robbed the bank all right come on come on you guys if we got out of here I can make you guys rich okay I can I can split the profits with you guys go go go go oh my gosh wait oh oh is that Brad okay I better hide I better hide oh my gosh I knew I shouldn't have trusted These Guys these guys are horrible rich in jail sounds like a plan all right guys I need to sneak out from over here hopefully he doesn't hear the window breaking over here I'm just gonna see what's going on how are you stop right there officer we can explain I'm good we're just making a withdrawal I will bring you to the cell smoke bomb uh he he literally just missed the smoke bombed by so much right now come with me guys wait us tell it to the judge oh my gosh but what about the other guy wait did he just snitch on me ain't no way no he set us up oh my gosh they're literally snitching on me uh-oh uh that Mr Elixir guy snitched on us you have to believe us I don't know what you're talking about oh gosh guys all right one third hey oh uh what are you looking at okay guys I'm gonna get out of here as soon as they get arrested okay they're getting taken to the car now I'll get my revenge all right I knew I shouldn't have trusted those guys but because we went on this little Mission hey hey I have made myself one million dollars and this is gonna be perfect because hey frog you better not snitch okay you know what I know exactly what I'm gonna do I'm gonna push it inside of the sewer there we go yep there you go perfect okay now I got to get out of here guys I don't know where exactly I'm gonna sleep tonight but I'm hungry I'm so so hungry right now I haven't eaten a single thing I'm just gonna run over to the mall and oh I can pay back the tab now hopefully the manager is still working at the mall uh let's try to figure everything out I'm rich I can't believe it oh it seems like Tony hasn't been doing his job uh he might he might get fired at this point oh hey manager how's it going Spider-Man wait Spider-Man oh oh gosh I forgot to take off my mask uh oh I'm it's me it's rage Mr Rage you know I I just came back from a Halloween party you know but remember that tab you gave me of 780 Halloween it's May uh I I know I know it's May but you know they wanted to celebrate early so I actually have a nice little gift for you sir I have uh a thousand dollars for you the payback the tab you know so please please don't fire my guy Noah all right oh hmm yeah there you go and and also you can keep the change you can keep the change I know it's a little more than 780 you seem like a good guy oh you already know me I'll Trust you okay thank you so much by any chance answer where's Noah I I kind of want to buy some gifts and stuff and he's a really great employee home uh wait what really well I kind of wanted to buy some stuff do you think you can help me out is 890 hour shift ended huh seems like you're not treating him very well sir we're closing for Halloween I don't know I guess I could okay thank you so much man all right let's buy some stuff some gifts and all of that for my family okay I finally got here to the hotel it seems like this is where I'm gonna be sleeping tonight I think if I go back home now Ashley's gonna be really angry especially in the middle of the night hey excuse me sir I I see that you're falling asleep right now but I'm actually looking for a room to sleep in tonight if if there's any available oh hello let me check okay sure it's a little pricey it is well hey no price you can you can't put a price on sleep you know best I could do for you is a thousand dollars a thousand dollars uh easy there's a thousand dollars right there sir paid up front no problem at all right this way my Lord whoa his attitude just changed up real quick well thank you man all right well I guess I'm gonna be sleeping here at the hotel and then tomorrow tomorrow it's time to see my family and give them all these gifts that I bought I bought this little toy rocket for Eli I got this little doll for Amber got a nice beautiful ring for Ashley and a Wii you know even though Ray Jr he only likes PC gaming I got him a little Wii uh sir thank you for the room I'm gonna go to sleep now all right will there be anything else ah nothing else man hope you have a great night it seems like you're a bit tired yourself so you too all right good night okay time to head to bed okay that was a great night's sleep and now I'm finally back hopefully Ashley can forgive me hello anyone home hello oh where's Ashley uh hey Ashley I know it might seem a little awkward but I'm back you kind of left me stranded where have you been uh don't worry about it Ashley you're the one who kicked me out so I don't think you should you should be allowed to know you know how much I had to go through last night I yeah well yeah for a good reason I got a splash by a car I got hit by a motorcycle Ashley you know I could have died out there it was raining super dark outside it just wasn't good okay but because I'm such a great family man I got toys for the kids and I might have gotten you something as well even though you treated me very badly you know you could have visited Frosty I'm I'm actually so dumb I I could have done that uh no don't mind that how's your dad by the way hopefully he's doing all right I'm sorry I was a little selfish last night I just wasn't thinking straight okay I'm sorry about everything he's feeling much better now now uh can I get my credit card back Ashley we please I'm sorry for everything how much was the the hospital bill I know hospital bills can be quite expensive nearly 1500 1500 oh wait you know what you know what it's nothing you know what Ashley go ahead give this to your dad just like that there's there's 1500 for your dad just like that if he needs to buy any snacks food or anything like that just hand it over to him okay well kids kids Ray Jr Eli and Amber you guys want anything you guys want anything I got you guys some toys here you go Eli got you a little rocket right there hey Junior what what you watching are you playing games right now hey Junior what are you what are you playing right now Amber here you go I got you a nice little cute doll right there limited edition I saw a crowbar a crowbar oh that's nothing Amber it's a little toy some Roblox well Ray Jr I got you something really cool right here check this out I got you a Wii I don't know if he'll care about it but uh dad uh yeah son this was from before I was born I already have a switch but but Ray Jr you gotta appreciate you know history nah what I I got this for you son oh my gosh this is strange but what what what's strange Ashley is she catching along guys uh this can't be good okay okay before she keeps asking Ashley here you go I got you something how were you able to get all these stuff don't worry about it Ashley I got the I got you this beautiful ring that I feel like would match you very well check it out she's dead there we go there we go she's definitely gonna forget about everything what do you think Ashley might as well then all right now everyone sit down we're gonna watch some black labs together okay ah I hope you forgive me Ashley promise me Ashley do you forgive me from last night I'm so sorry for everything just just please forgive me for everything we both take care of the kids this time sure sure why not I am a millionaire now now I mean look at all this money I mean uh nothing actually uh sit down let's go ahead and uh watch some block Labs uh oh he's quite suspicious right now things are looking too good
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 203,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Minecraft RageElixir, Minecraft, Minecraft PE, Minecraft Java, I Went From HOMELESS to RICH in Minecraft, Homeless in Minecraft, Minecraft Homeless, Minecraft Rich, Rich in Minecraft, Rich in Minecraft Block City, Block City Minecraft, Block City Family, RageElixir Family, RageElixir Homeless
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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