I Watched WHAT IF Ep. 2 in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] hey everyone i'm the canadian lad and today i watched what if episode 2 at 0.2 fabric speed this is going to be a complete breakdown plus my point to fabric speed analysis so i'm gonna go scene by scene and try to explain everything that's happening while showing you that some hidden details that i caught in slow motion but before i begin i'd like to take 55 seconds to tell you about our amazing sponsor arena mac arena is an action-packed skill based shooter where you can compete against other players in a variety of fun game modes the game doesn't look like a mobile game at all i'm very impressed with the graphics and battle mechanics rewards skill base to players you can tell skill matters when playing this game it's a lot of fun once you have downloaded the game give panther a test drive he's a little fragile but has super powerful weapons so if you have a good shot and can dodge the enemy you can take them down quickly and if they run in a gun type player then you've gotta try kill shot they have extremely high base speed so you can zip it around the map to sneak up on enemies from behind to take them out mac arena just launched globally and they're running a huge celebration in the game now with loads of free gifts if you start playing by august 19th the game is completely free to play on android and ios and if you use my link you'll get a black carbon skin 300 coins and 50 credits to help kickstart your game you can also add me to your friends list under the username canadianland see you in the game lads first things first the opening credits actually spoiled the appearance of thanos when i first saw josh brolin given credits i immediately knew thanos was coming so today's episode asks what if t'challa was star-lord instead of peter quill even though the first episode didn't have much of a story change it basically just replaced peggy carter with steve rogers and most of the story remained the same but that's not the case for today's episode t'challa being star-lord made some significant changes in this particular timeline for example in the sacred timeline nobody initially really values star lord star-lord who star-lord man legendary outlaw but in this one korath is essentially a fan of star-lord i'm a huge fan of your work that was not the reaction i was expecting this is probably because of the reputation t'challa has built up for himself in this universe notice t'challa star lord has purple eyes on his helmet whereas our star lord used to have red the purple is a color closely associated with black panther the wakandan heart-shaped herb which basically gives you all the powers of black panther is purple so this could be a visual nod to t'challa still having connections to wakanda and notice he still wears the black panther necklace around his neck so basically the animators gave him everything a wakandan king should have while still keeping him star-lord we get a little bit of callback to infinity war with this scene should we be bowing i feel like we should be bowing i mean unless we should be kneeling should we bow yeah he's a king what are you doing we we don't do that here but notice when korath was about to kneel down it actually scared star-lord he wasn't expecting korat to be such a fanboy so he steals the power stone and rescues korath as soon as he comes out he gets outnumbered by all the soldiers sent by ronan but thankfully yondu comes to his rescue and kills all of the soldiers in the way he always does and notice what yonu says to t'challa if we wanted to have some real fun we'd make like the old days and sell this bad boy to the highest bidder so yondu is talking about a time before t'challa changed his life saying back in the old days he would have sold it to the highest bidder now this is exactly what our starlord does in the main timeline he went to this weird looking broker to sell the power stone you got the best eyebrows in the business t'challa then talks about how changing lifestyles has allowed yondu to keep all of his original teeth because in the main timeline yonu has several gold chompers but in this alternate reality he does seem to have a full pack of pearly whites we then see t'challa's ship which again incorporates the color purple but notice it is called mandela peter quill's ship from the guardians was called the milano it was named after the 1980s actress elisa milano but t'challa named his after nelson mandela this very small detail basically outlines all the differences between these two characters we come back to earth in 1988 where a young t'challa is talking to his father to chaka now king tichaka is dressed exactly the way we've seen him dressed in black panther but notice t'challa's willingness to open wakanda and let the world see it for what it is i am tired of living in a bubble there is an entire world out there bubba and indeed in the main timeline t'challa was the one who opened the doors of wakanda to the world and one night young t'challa was playing with his spear but the spear passes the force field and goes outside of wakanda as a result t'challa had to cross the border and at his exact moment a ravager spacecraft arrives to abduct the spawn of a celestial ego yondu had given the job to taser face and craiglin to abduct peter quill so they both were looking for something that doesn't belong to earth and what doesn't belong to earth anything that's from wakanda cosmic readings where he was took nearly broke our dial if there was anything not from that planet on that planet it's there this is then referring to the meteorite that gave birth to wakanda so finding a piece of wakanda outside of wakanda greglin and taserface thought this is what they're looking for which results in abducting the wrong kid cut to present time where t'challa arrives in this club along with his entire crew they all share a drink and talk about t'challa's achievements but unlike the main timeline skrulls in this reality may actually be on the wrong side just like in the comics what about the central bank heist don x4 never hurts to hurt a scroll right [Applause] turn x4 is the homeworld of the scrolls but in captain marvel we saw them kicked out of their own homeland t'challa prevented a lot of chaos and might have also prevented skulls from getting thrown out of their own homes so not losing their homes might have boosted their ego making scrolls of villains in this reality so t'challa saving everyone he can doesn't always pan out nicely and then we get this massive reveal of thanos as a member of the ravagers so it looks like in this version of reality t'challa convinced thanos to not decimate half the universe instead use the infinity stones to double up the resources but notice there's a hidden detail in the background above in the balcony these distinctive yellow shoulder plates look like the uniforms worn by the nova core so not only the ravagers come here for a drink even xandarians can be seen here we then meet drax who's not standing still and serving drinks at the club he mentions how star lord saved his family from a cree invasion so unlike the main timeline in this reality rex's daughter and wife both are alive and happy all thanks to t'challa but one thing that remained the same is drax's brutal honesty you look terrible i look great i am hideous you are horrifying to look at notice t'challa was already feeling uncomfortable being grabbed by drax but the moment rex says i insist we should take another picture t'challa gets even more furious we should take another one i'm sure it's fine no i insist unfortunately drax wasn't voiced by dave bautista due to some miscommunication nonetheless we know dave is coming back to reprise his role in guardians vol 3 and that's all we need right now we then meet nebula for the first time who in this timeline has perfect blonde hair so t'challa making thanos change his ways also made a huge impact on nebula's life in the main timeline nebula explained that thanos would replace a part of her organic body every time she lost a training fight to gamora but the fact that she only has a cybernetic eye and the rest of her body is perfectly fine indicates t'challa must have intervened before thanos could make any more changes to her body and notice even though this nebula was tortured way less than our nebula but she still covers the only cybernetic eye she has with her hair we learn how she still despises her father but t'challa tries to amend that you mean your father he's lucky i call him the big guy you know he gardens now you should talk to me and he really has changed t'challa said thanos has become a gardener which is of course a direct callback to avengers end game nebula says but the past doesn't change and that's why t'challa still carries this necklace t'challa did try to go back home but yondu lied to him saying wakanda had been destroyed so t'challa losing his home made him realize the value of it and that's why he thrives to save everyone else's nebula comes up with the mission of extracting this thing called embers of genesis which has the ability to terraform entire ecosystems with just one ounce of embers of genesis you can literally heal a dying planet in minutes but the only problem is the person holding the embers of genesis is tunneler tyvon aka the collector who's basically the most ruthless kingpin in the intergalactic underworld thanos used to hold his title but ever since it turned good the collector saw an opportunity and filled that void we then got another call back to avengers 1 and thor ragnarok loki is beyond reason but he is of asgard and he is my brother he killed 80 people in two days he's adopted i've never met this man in my life he's my brother adopted she's your offspring adopted i love that this adopted theme keeps coming up again and again in the mcu we then go to nowhere and according to the plan thanos and korath cause a distraction while t'challa wants to find the embers of genesis notice while they were planning the screens were set up in a way that resembles when the avengers planned their time heist we then come to know that the black order is now serving the collector they're basically girding all of the collector's collections now among the collections there's a tardigrade 30 grades are one of nature's smallest animals they're never more than one and a half millimeter long and can only be seen with the microscope so why is it relevant here it's because we've seen tardigrades already living inside the quantum realm scott lang had gotten so small that even a 30 grade appeared this big relative to him so the collector having this micro animal among his collection might indicate that he has taken stuff from the quantum realm as well karina voiced by the same actress and introduces us to the collector he seems to be standing in front of a rhinoceros which i think is another stolen animal from wakanda over here t'challa passes by the space dog aka cosmo a character who has appeared in both the marvel comics and the guardians of the galaxy movies we even see a dark elf just like we've seen in live action t'challa then asks for help from howard the duck played by the same voice actor seth green who knows the way to the embers notice what he says here when you're out of luck always go duck i'm pretty sure no one says that oh they say it really totally he said something similar in guardian's volume too you're out of luck until you've gone done then he stops for a drink at this bar you notice the bartender which is actually a robot this is a nice little callback to throw ragnarok where a robotic bartender serves valkyrie a drink proxima midnight realizes it was a diversion caused by the ravagers she orders an immediate lockdown and here we again get to see nebula with her signature hairstyle she prefers hiding her cybernetic eye at all times ah there's one more detail about this i'll talk about later because of the doors closing t'challa had to leave howard the duck at the bar and escape in the next shot he runs through a hangar containing various ships from left to right we can see a variation of peter quill's milano captain marvel's prototype jet this green spaceship which i think is one of grand masters from thor ragnarok a star blaster that belongs to the nova corps and just behind it might be an x-wing fighter from star wars then there's an acraft piloted by the ronin soldiers and in the center we see the commodore which is the laser vessel of grand master now on the right we see an avengers quinjet and this quantum realm vessel of hank pym now i've already told you the collector may have been to the quantum realm and this is the ship he might have used to get there t'challa's necklace then lights up and he comes across a ship that is from wakanda this ship was sent by t'challa's father to find his son and in that journey the collector must have seen it and kept it you noticed there were mannequins wearing doramullage outfits i think tyvonne must have done something really dark here he probably killed the duramulage piloting the ship and then put their uniform on his mannequins or turned them into mannequins we'll probably see the same thing in all the other ships that is very gruesome to be honest and notice how this wakandan ship just activates as soon as t'challa enters it this is probably because of the necklace that he's wearing he watches the recorded message from his baba and realizes yondu lied to him wakanda was never destroyed in fact they're still looking for t'challa nebula then double crosses t'challa and hands him over to tivon along with all the other ravagers tyvon then puts him in a glass cage while nebula comes to the prison to rescue the ravagers so she's the one who got them caught and now she's the one saving them this confuses the ravagers as to whose side she really is so she explains this was always the plan the plan was to get caught in the first place the notice in the flashback scene where nebula and t'challa were planning for a few seconds nebula moves her hair showing t'challa one of her weaknesses she did it once before and that was in front of t'challa as well this implies how this version of nebula is attracted to t'challa t'challa is the only one she trusts and feels no shame in appearing as she is nebula managed to find the ambers and t'challa over here escapes this glass cage with the help of his necklace but it doesn't go far as stevonn stops him and we enter the final fight the tivan shows off a lot of weapons that he possesses he has captain america shield thor's hammer and a dagger forged in dark matter taken from the ruler of the dark elf aka malekith it's a bummer he went for the dagger instead of using the hammer that would have been way cooler i reckon nonetheless he ends up using hella's headpiece and strikes the exact same pose as she did in though ragnarok tyvon also has a piece of cork which he now uses as a glove meaning he killed korg i told you this version of the collector is way more brutal than the live-action one and notice t'challa still has a little bit of black panther left in him he fights like a panther jumping from cell to cell and dodging tivon i mean you may take the boy out of wakanda but you can never take wakanda out of the boy our mad titan then says his name for the first time in the mcu crazy you'll never take them yourself not crazy mad call obsidian then strikes his hammer on thanos this is the exact same shot frame by frame that whips seen in infinity war with peter parker call obsidian and proxima midnight to almost kill thanos but to his rescue comes nebula she unleashes the embers of genesis and escapes with thanos now over here yondu comes to save t'challa and i love how the guardian score plays in the background t'challa and hyundai use the sticky fingers trick on tyvon and steal his bracelet the same trick that tony played on thanos in end game i mean i didn't know it's called sticky fingers but now we know and notice when yondu was taking the punches from tivon in order to steal his bracelet yonu's hands were constantly busy stealing it and as soon as he was done he let go of tyvon's hand this is another great hidden detail karina then releases everyone and tyvon receives the same sort of treatment his brother got at the end of the ragnarok t'challa and yondu used the wakandan ship and escaped from nowhere now this was supposed to be a severed head of an ancient celestial but at the end because of the embers of genesis it now looks alive who knows what the embers of genesis is capable of we then see cosmo the space dog also escape from the cages of the collector just like it escaped in the live-action movie as well we then get to wakanda and see a very happy reunion now while okoye and thanos were having a conversation thanos embarrasses his daughter by again bringing up his genocidal plan but notice what nebula says here and i might add efficiency she calls thanos her dad this shows how far the relationship has come throughout this episode at the beginning she didn't even like talking to him and now she calls him dead cut to an ordinary peter quill now working in a restaurant while listening to music on his headphones now our version of peter quill also uses the same orange headphones he meets his father ego who has now come to take him now his live action ship can be spotted parked outside cut to the screen where marvel pays a tribute to the late chadwick bozeman hearing chadwick's voice again after endgame in the mcu is really an honor and i'm so excited that there were at least three more episodes where we'll get to hear chadwick boseman again and on that note i'd like to end today's video but please give me a thumbs up if you got to learn anything new from this video grab the subscribe button and turn notifications on follow me on instagram and twitter to get updates about my videos till then i'll see you lads in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 2,136,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What If, What If Episode 2, I Watched WHAT IF Ep. 2 in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I Watched What If Episode 2 in 0.25x Speed, What If 0.25x Speed Breakdown, What If Episode 2 breakdown, what if 0.25x speed, what if easter eggs, what if episode 2 explained, what if episode hidden details, easter eggs, eternals breakdown, Marvel, I Watched In 0.25x Speed, Movie Explained, What If Ending Explained, The Canadian Lad, TCL
Id: 8pbJolohC20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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