Building a Roller Coaster that blends people in Planet Coaster

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He’s done it again!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SgtRed196 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
this is the first time were ever continued in a park in this game because every time we've done this previously like we build some horrific science fair experiment and in that's it but we are actually revisiting Ghazni land and we are going to continue to add the dolls Neyland because we were trying to do a legit park but if I ever improved the PC in future or like you're getting your GPU and want to like test out a card I am just gonna load this bit of the park and watch the police carrots go well your vendors unhappier we work in less efficiently theft for okay game you gotta ease up on the notifications like I'm just one man here if you're gonna say literally everything what the park is wrong I'm not gonna fix any of it because I'm stubborn we spent like I think four hours in the end and we barely got a start on us we got spaghetti Mountain we got Thunder Mountain the sua slot there's now been dubbed that this rider unfortunate just a mound here that kind of just sits there like that I just looks inappropriate we have one working roller coaster in the form of this thing here and we were just a vice-like front Square and filled all the oh yeah we kind of like subtract at the land that's right yeah and this is like now an underwater trench too if you fall in here and you can't swim you will just ran oh we only have one janitor right now - oh god no entertain did everyone quit I'm spent on duty last one 88% times fresh arrested I mean that's their fault for not having a union you can't blame me for that hasta que m-- IRT of your interest you can turn off security features and staff manager features in the gameplay setting so you don't have to worry about everyone quit dive happiness and will acquire a manager they quit grace we wanted to vomit rubbish is banned rights can't break all night we're gonna fix the park just turn off all the collusion features what else we got here hang on okay is it time for a blender how many settings have we just turned off so we've disabled all collision now so we should just be able to pop this down and not have issues let me just say yes yes we have it's gonna let me do oh my god okay boys it's time for the blender and OH blenders I got a press ENTER a lot you get this build work we're gonna be here a while look at the supports like there's not even a gap there a fire down are we [ __ ] like the game is glitched the Jesus are to your GPUs well yes the game is really chugging - as we go further and further along here I got a not look at the beams this is lagging so bad why is this guy up here oh no what does this do ins it that's a family oh the gone for a walk oh yeah oh I shouldn't have resumed time Oh their blood is on earth I just get it like encompassing some of the people in the line so I just get like grinder to a pulp and the roller coaster comes down this looks real bad at the moment so that's just like slingshot them back out okay the coaster is complete now I gotta try and toggle some of the individual bits how am I supposed to select this just make like a repeated circular motion oh oh I think we're good why is no one coming to look like the blender today why can't anyone make it on the ride it's time to test the right oh thank you thought it was just gonna stop we are current steadily climbing towards the Sun itself right now okay here we go oh I hate my life max bt 148 miles per hour just unfortunate you know that was in the opposite direction we did this pass all the right hang on wait can I open this I hope it passed it passed the safety test this right is open for business because you just don't reach the blender you just go up and you come back down and like 150 miles an hour it works oh but it's kind of slow this this might not be killing them hang on it's too gentle like we need them coming in like a higher velocity I mean it is a [ __ ] nightmare once you get in here there's like the g-force just keeps increasing this is like a gentle blend just he's like I thought you could survive just see how long it takes I'm gonna show up okay so we managed to get up to like its steady like a hundred eight G's and then we just like slingshot out that's three minutes long max vertical g-force is a hundred and eleven I can open for business like is anyone gonna come to this just see oh don't mind the carrots for a moment okay we need we need hydraulics you need a bit of leeway so they can come back oh I should turn off track supports right now shouldn't I as well yeah cuz I like that's that's just gonna like destroy the landscape otherwise target speed no launch delay if max acceleration okay one degree works alright yeah I'm gonna be here like a solid like ten minutes look you are not going to be able to see the outside when you embark on this I have to click enter like I don't know how many times does someone want to calculate this like I don't know if it's even possible to every revolution is four clicks of enter I'm gonna even like rounds have I done already some of these things that we do are just like so tedious and so slow to watch and float out and fold but I still remember me doing the poop volcano like that so like two hours just to fill uh there was like seven thousand people by the end just waiting for that volcano to erupt I don't know why people do this to themselves that actually just like stick with me to see the end result of these things because I think they properly like take a lot of work I can slow down the button presses because it doesn't actually register every press event er because like the game has to process for like half a second each time yeah like someone saying like this is gonna take a while I'm gonna grab my switch yeah you know if you've got a like make dinner like see your loved ones go to work for like nine to five now it's the time they need the cater for the psychopaths more in these kind of sandbox games not enough people do it maybe we can do like some actual mats on this hang Lent is four meters so circumference that you're going is sixteen meters right every sixteen meters you travel is one revolution what is the height from like the sky limit to the ground and when we're going down at like one degree every single time someone actually might there's gotta be a way to actually like work out the mats on this see how many revolutions we spend we would do time lapses of incredible villas IRT game this way people are saying turn off to craft picks yeah what have we said every Louis just so we can gain like a minimal amount of space oh my god that doesn't even help that much it's on Louis sentence right now people on YouTube will never understand that IRT literally spent an hour making a twirl although I I will edit the video so they [ __ ] understand how much we worked on this if you think I'm gonna spare that crowd like you are mistaken they are gonna suffer too under do people really want me to do guys the game is going to like melt I can't go underground it's going to die like I I desperately want to see what the supports look like on this there we go be free roller coaster yep that took him off so it's now just like this hover and shiverin thing okay guys we gonna do it one more time oh good we got a sleeve it settles we gotta see if it's part of it just broke this is a like a goddamn eyesore it doesn't even like load correctly when you look down they got a mercy on our souls there we go maximum velocities need to be 130 that's fine let's just maintain it the track is too long here we go we're actually losing g-force it's I don't think it's worked it's losing speed I think it's reach like a peak or something we came in too fast and just lost all speed I guess we just have to see how long this takes to go down it feels like we're barely moving the cinematic ever feels like a director there okay okay keep it off the car keep it off the cart I can't that is that what a disappointment it don't think I got a vertical g-force of 150 at the moment this carriage is completely merged I can't believe that I thought that would be bit more a bit more impressive like this is one of the weaker blenders we've done maybe it's just cuz like there's not enough angle but like we made it to fine yeah it's like that first turned 1g 127 the fracture a bit sick at least I as with the previous blender they died before they went in okay so now there's no friction so it starts at 175 and it should just keep going yes and it actually gets faster that's okay we got it we got it okay here we go we have a bit of a journey ahead of us I don't know if there's enough track I don't know how high this is gonna get cuz it's getting faster but it's not getting faster fast enough the excited rains not bad we got something fresh for back row yeah they're dead it's just the two guys at the front get to ride the roller coaster everyone else is dead okay I have to go if they go they go by the duration is only two minutes apparently it does not take that long to ride although you are going 238 miles per hour buddy and track light is 12 kilometers I'm trying to see if anyone can work run the mats on this or if it's just the lost cause like maybe we just cannot understand this one max height is 200 meters okay it's max height divided by the sine of one degree I'm sixteen which equals seven hundred and sixteen rotations okay yes that sounds right no he's actually pulling out some trigonometry the freaking numbers to represent the g-force you could always count it yeah if someone wants to watch the vod's and actually count it by hand you're more than welcome to dodge neons gonna struggle after this to say the least because it's just just look at the state of the park now [Music] [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 3,755,708
Rating: 4.900703 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, Planet Coaster, roller coaster, rollercoaster, roller coaster tycoon, rollercoaster tycoon funny, planet coaster gameplay, Planet Coaster RTGame, Planet Coaster blender, Planet Coaster g force, planet coaster death ride, deadly roller coaster, lethal roller coaster, bad rollercocasters, planet coaster funny moments, planet coaster death park, RTGame Dosneyland
Id: We-Sw8pxP9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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