I was promised wealth, fame if I signed agreement with the devil - Bamboo | Tuko TV

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we all know what comes to mind whenever we hear the name team Simon Kimani AKA bamboo today on candid we Devon we get to hear his intriguing story of how he almost sold his soul to the devil the record deal you want money you want fame what do you want but that's not all the courageous man exposes the Dark World in the music industry she said I know why you haven't gotten a deal yet you need to come with me on my show the man himself bamboo says it candid Andrew right here on candid with Yvonne [Applause] what are your full names bamboo uh Tim Simon bamboo yeah where does bamboo come from how was life growing up I think that name came from uh just I guess you know the influences I had at the time right yeah and um plus that tree is very powerful you know it's a it takes a long time to grow but once it grows it begins to really you know really spread yeah yeah yeah and yeah so my but I'm not really a pastor though really well but you pretty a lot online I wouldn't even call it preaching I just I just testified because I've always been that type of person to even when I was rapping I would just talk about what's the stuff that's going on in the street or the stuff that's going on in government and then I would talk about it and I think Hip-hop and I think rap music just gave us a voice right but now that I know more I'm talking about stuff that's true and then as you're talking about it people are thinking you're preaching that's what I see when I see you preaching with your baby girl yeah it's just pitching next don't say anything else yeah yeah yeah yeah so I guess it kind of seems like I'm preaching but yeah you know I'm just I just as you grow you know you you learn new things and I I realize that wow you know there's truth out there and I was always somebody who hated cover-ups you know especially in leadership you know like when they cover things up when they when they're hiding things from the public they don't want the public to know that thing irritates me you know what I mean driven to like exposes yeah I love exposing it I love being a whistleblower just exposing wickedness and exposing evil where did it all starts how was it growing up well I grew up in the in the U.S well I I went to the US my parents took me to the US when I was maybe I was just a baby couldn't even speak yet so I I lived there and grew up there and studied there until I was maybe about 17. then um 16 17 and then I came to Kenya and finished high school and continued my studies here um I think my parents really wanted me to have a you know a sound cultural understanding of where we come from and things like that so um you know I we came I came back home and went to school and continued my studies and after that I got into music while I was still in you know in in my studies I I started getting into music I really loved it um specifically hip-hop so um you know I just began practicing and and got really good at it you know so um and those were the days of keshaka I don't know if you remember Kate shotgun in case out yeah yeah so we were case out okay was just like across the street from us in dandora so you know uh yeah that's how we that's how I got my start yeah how many songs did you produce at that point we did we did wow we did a lot of music but mainly a case of did two albums so you know uh shout out to case out by the way and hey we did two albums and um the first one was called Nairobi and it was just a reflection of what we were seeing in Nairobi yeah yeah and then corruption and just I mean the corruption was through and through man you get pulled you get you can get called by a police officer whether you've done anything or not he's just digging in your pockets if he finds money he's taking it so so we so I coined the phrase Nairobi because of the just the the amount of robbery that daylight robbery that was taking place in Nairobi yeah so um you know we were so young and that was during uh moi's time yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so um the second album was called nairobism where we transitioned now you know I think Moy was out of power now now I think it was you know somebody else then um you know we were more into business now you know Bucky was an economist so you know we we were into business now we were into the the business side of music you know at the time there was no industry to speak of so we were more on the on the side of advertising and things like that and and marketing and and make and trying to make a living from that because we didn't have any other job so um yeah that's what we were doing that's how we got our start uh the studio was samawati samawati Studios yeah yeah yeah that was um she owned that studio it was at riara primary school so hey we used to hustle to get to the studio every day we started from scratch you know yeah yeah it was it was it was not easy you got so big in the industry and and gained some interest from people how was that for you who got interested in you and what why were they interested in using as a project for example um I think that just comes with influence um we had a lot of fans you know a lot of people who loved what we were doing yeah I think we we also inspired a lot of other artists to come up and you know you just guys who ended up who really sounded like us also there was the kleptomaniacs came out of nowhere there was you know there was ogopa DJs it was Issa and then all of a sudden you know we like we inspired a whole generation of people um to start to start making music with with our particular kind of sound so and and we were one of the first if not the first to really rap in Swahili and and really tell stories in Swahili and and give people you know the the news but in a musical format you know because that's what hip-hop does it gives you the news yeah but musically of what's happening on maybe in your life or on the streets or in politics or whatever what have you so yeah that's uh that's how we we began and and people really took a liking to the sound and through that you know obviously companies see the opportunity to advertise and affiliate themselves with what's cool so that's you know that that was part of the business that's how you got now the interest of these people yeah yes yes yeah so how was it like because you in your testimony I have seen before how in the middle of your career in music you almost got initiated Into the Dark World yes um how was that like for you who approached you okay you don't have to mention names but yeah how is it that like cool I think um in fact I can talk about a case that something that happened to me while I was in New York that I never spoke about that I've never even testified about but uh while I you know after I released compare and I started really touring um I was you know touring in Tanzania I was and then I came back to Kenya and then um I flew to the states to come just to do tours and and and you know music uh concerts and things like that and to connect with us artists as many as I could because you know that was that was my goal at the time to be successful in the music industry um because I had not yet learned what the music industry is really about I thought it was about you know doing good music and just the hype you know hey I was so hyped up I was I was so hyped so um I got back I got back to the States because I had grown up there you know so but through music I went back again so I'm back in the States I'm doing concerts I'm doing shows and because of these concerts and shows I'm getting some recognition while I'm there so I'm starting to meet with you artists in the US so mostly hip-hop and R B artists and you know there's there's a big thriving industry there so um you know there's a lot of obviously there's a lot of money to be made there's a there's a huge market and um worldwide influence and all of those things that I was looking for so but while I was in New York is when you know I met a certain lady um who I was dating at the time her name was crystal so Crystal listened to my music and she was like and she was you know she was half Jamaican and half uh Italian so she was you know very interested in my music she was like she listened to it and she was like wow you you can get a record deal you know you can you can really blow up I was like yeah that's why I'm here that's what I'm doing yeah so she said but I know why you haven't got it yet because I was going for meetings I was I was yeah I mean I was meeting like um some very high profile people uh I was at J Records while I was at J Records Tyrese was there um you know like I was meeting with with like really cool musicians you know really established names um and having meetings with the record companies that signed them and you know at that time like I think the like some of these record record deals were like 2 million now it's even more yeah but you could get just a signing bonus was like 2 million US dollars so yeah yeah so I was really good I was going for the gold then um she said I know why you haven't gotten a deal yet you need to come with me and so she took me to uh she took me to a guy who he was dressed in all white he was he was uh some kind of a priest and she said that she said that um once this guy has um baptized you or this guy will pray for you and you'll be and and things will start apart things will start popping popping meaning things will start happening for you yeah is this person like on the earth like yeah yeah he's a real person but he practices a kind of uh religion called Santeria so casting spells yeah yes yes yes yes yes those are those it's it's one of the many gates of you know the kingdom of darkness put it that way so Santeria and like all these guys palomayombe and you know there was an ancient Yoruba they come from you know West Africa kind of occults um occultic things and um so that was that was the gentleman that she introduced me to so you know he happened to have a shop a store in New York and in his store he had all kinds of things you know books about dreams books with spells books with um interpretations of dreams and things like that he had candles everywhere there was Candles there was candles with pictures of Saint Mary Saint Paul Saint Teresa Saint just names that I'd never even heard of there was there were many candles there were there were candles for love and there were candles for relationships and there's candles for favor and all kinds of stuff you know um that today I know is witchcraft but in those times I didn't know what all this stuff was about you know um and so I met the gentleman and I told him what I'm trying to do and he said ah those are he said he told me it's easy yeah you said that's easy you know we can do that for you um I at the time I didn't make the connection like what does this guy have to do with music this guy is not in the music industry he's not a record label owner he's uh it's just a random person yeah yeah YouTube like maybe bring some money or anything with anything we didn't even mention money he just said you know come he just come as you are and we'll um pray for you and I guess the prayer involves some kind of baptism yeah so it looked really you know if you looked at the cat the candles and the things like that it looked really Catholic you know like because in the Catholic Church you have those you have a lot of Saint Mary you know type of things not knowing that Saint Mary has nothing to do with Christianity you know that's they're worshiping the goddess of Heaven they're worshiping the the so-called Queen of Heaven so he's a goddess that they worship you know they're really into goddess worship and it is predominant even today um in in in the US there's a lot of goddess worship if you see if you look at the Statue of Liberty she's standing holding a light of Illumination that's the god they worship it's not just a statue it's not a symbol of Liberty it's the god that they worship okay that's that's the Queen of Heaven that they worship uh or other also known as Colombia so but I at that time I didn't know these things but I think God wanted me to go through these stages so that as you go through you learn certain things and then you're able to reflect and say oh wow I saw these things yes so um he wanted to initiate me really into the Brotherhood and from there you just see doors opening for you things you make a slight effort and the doors open like 10 times more than the effort you put in so um I I told him that I was going to think about it and then come back because I had a gut feeling like this is this is this because in his shop right there on the counter there was um there was what we call the Grim Reaper the Grim Reaper is a it's like a it's a skeleton that is covered in a in a black robe and it's holding a sickle you know what a sickle is yeah with the sharp pointed sword at the top yeah it's a harvesting tool right so the Grim Reaper is is standing on the on the on the counter just next to the cash register and from the top to the bottom of that Sickle there are dollar bills tied so I'm I'm wondering okay this is really deep this is like a Halloween type of stuff like what does this stuff have to do with music you know because yeah so I I was thinking and then the person who brought me is somebody you know that I like it's somebody that you know we're really enjoying time together and stuff so I'm wondering what am I you know what is what is what is the connection of all of this so um but that's a lot of the times that's how people get brought in like a guy will be initiated will be brought in by a lady who he's probably in a relationship with or a lady will be brought in with a guy or vice versa yeah yeah it's usually very it seems very organic yeah it's not full yeah yeah it's just it's very smooth so uh I told this gentleman the Santeria priest that I would think about it because I looked I'm looking at the the Grim Reaper I'm looking at the you know the stuff in this shop and the feeling is just like the place felt weird you know I was like okay I'll think about it and then to make it really look like I'm really interested I even bought some books so I took like three or four of the books and I bought them and then I and I and I went with him and he was like yeah he'll be coming back yeah so I carry them with me and not knowing that you know once you carry those things into your house you really give the devil a doorway a doorway to come in because those are his things you know so you're not supposed to have anything that belongs to him or wear anything that belongs to him why because you're giving him permission to come in those things are consecrated to him so I brought those things in the house I didn't know I I just you know threw them on the side and kind of like I knew I was not going back there but I did not know how to open the door at the same time so I think it was the following day I mean 24 hours had not even passed and I was I was in the washroom and I Heard a Voice very loud and clear and it spoke to me in a very in a very New York accent in a very American but with a very deep bass and he told me he said what do you need you need a record deal you want money you want fame what do you want I have all of that I can give it to you at the house and I was alone Crystal was upstairs I was downstairs I was in the bathroom I just spoke loud and clear and what really made me know that I'm not hallucinating or I'm not imagining this is that the voice came from oil 360 Degrees like you can tell when somebody is speaking to you from the left side yeah or from the right side you'll turn right this voice came from 360 Degrees all around me so it's not like a particular direction I could look well you're scared and I was just I don't I won't say I was scared but I was like I was alarmed I was like oh this is real so yesterday in other words in my mind I'm thinking okay yesterday whatever I was doing that thing was real so you know he kept speaking he kept telling me trust me he was trying to tell me trust me I can I can give you everything you're looking for and in hindsight when I look at when I remember and I I take into consideration how Satan approached Jesus and told him I I have control of all this sure the empires of the world the money systems the the political systems the governmental system the justice system I control everything and I can give it all to you if you will worship yeah but Jesus told him no and this same devil he approaches a lot of people it's not just not just me it's not just Jesus he's approached quite a few people and a lot of these people have said yes unfortunately yeah and you see them having money power and influence and promoting policies or promoting Lifestyles that are Antichrist you know so I didn't speak back to that spirit because I knew I just knew that this is wrong this is evil this thing is not supposed to be talking to me and I figured that it was because I had brought those books into the house that the thing had a legal right to come in and it came in with the books it's and it followed us the whole time it was just now speaking so it had been watching us and just waiting for an opportunity to speak to test the waters to see what I would do so I ignored it I didn't speak on it and I've never really told anybody since that day but right after that I began making plans to leave this chick because I was like this lady is yeah this lady is deep in some stuff and she's trying to pull me into that and you know to me it wasn't I I felt that this has nothing to do with music you know I had not yet made the connection that this is music this is the industry this is the business yeah the business is Darkness it is the kingdom of darkness it is Satan it is Baphomet worship and the worship of devils it is Freemasonry blended with music to advertise Freemasonry which is satanic which is advertising Satanism and Witchcraft and things like that and so what they are doing is really they use what's cool to attract the masses and the masses believe that you know this is just my favorite celebrity but you know your celebrity is doing things behind the scenes that he's not telling you about yeah yeah and like I told you I hate it when people hide things and then come out in front of the public and act like there's something else when we know very well behind the scenes your worship you're bowing down and worshiping this this thing with a goat head and a body of a human being or it's not even a body of a human being it's a body of a mixed of a of a male and female this is like a disgusting thing that they're bowing down before but because this thing is giving them money this thing is giving them power and fame they're willing to betray Humanity because of the things that they want so you know to be uh to be a a real celeb you have to be incredibly cold-blooded you have to be very selfish and you can't care about the the fans who love you so much wow and you know one of the things you have to remember is that human beings are like roads a human being can take you places human beings can take you from places that a human being can bring you things a human being can take things from you so the human being that you're following even if you've never met them personally as long as you're following that person even from afar even through social media even through television as long as you're following and admiring and trying to be like that person that person is going to take you somewhere and drop their agenda yes that person is going to take you where they are that person is really going to take you to their God these are things I didn't know back then I didn't understand the relationship of the celebrity with the fans even though I was a celebrity and had fans in Kenya yeah and in Africa but I didn't understand that people live through their celebrities vicariously you know that I don't I don't even know how to just find that word vicarious but it's like it's almost that like you identify so much with a certain person that you don't want to be like them yes yes yes yes yes so that's why Jesus said I am the light of the world he that follows after me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life in other words because people are following celebrities nowadays you don't know how much it's just it's just that social media is really revealed who's being followed but before social media we didn't really know who was being followed like that because we couldn't see the numbers but now we can see the numbers that these celebrities are being followed but what they're worshiping behind the scenes the fans cannot see that but that's what the fans are really following yes unknowingly so the fans are following the gods that the celebrities serve and when I realized that I said this is so unfair this is so brutal it is so cold-blooded and and a lot of these celebrities they're they're so deep and evil that they laugh about it they talk about it sometimes they say it openly even Kanye West was saying I sold my soul to the devil I know it's a crappy deal at least it came with a few toys like a Happy Meal he said it straight up he didn't he did and he was not lying and he's telling the crowd he was he was rapping when he said that he said it to the crowd and they were cheering this is the things so the people are I'm sorry to say it but we as people are sheeple we are like sheep we're just like so dumb that somebody can tell you that he's serving the devil and they still won't believe it they'll still be like yeah man yeah that's cool man play the music yeah as long as you're entertaining us we don't care about just do what you're doing you know so yeah that voice came I ignored it and now that I think about it there's a scripture that says my sheep hear my voice the voice of a stranger they will not hear in other words the voice of a stranger they will not listen to they won't have a conversation with and I think that's why when that voice came obviously that's the devil you know so obviously when he came and I ignored him is because inside deep inside me I knew you are not supposed to speak to that being it was like an unwritten law inside me that you're not supposed to speak to this being and this being is not supposed to be speaking to me yeah so I ignored it and I got rid of those books and I knew instinctively get rid of those books I think it was God just showing just you know because in all of us we have a conscious conscience and that conscious is oftentimes the voice of God speaking to you telling you hey this is right and this is wrong even if you've never seen a Bible before you know what is right and what is wrong instinctively and if you violate then there's a judgment for them so it was that voice telling me okay this is wrong like when I saw that Grim Reaper inside um this Santeria priest shop something inside me said if you cross this line there's no going back oh my goodness so I knew okay this is the line that so many of these celebrities are willing to cross this is the line that somebody like diamond is willing to cross you see because you're not going to become a real celebrity superstar in this world in this spiritual system without having the devil really backing you and that means you're going to be in Covenant with the devil that means that you and the devil are forever one and he can use your image your likeness your voice your property you belong you you literally you become his property but to the world they see this person who has become so successful they see this person who is is so admirable you know the jewelry the fame the numbers the fans the power and people are disillusioned by it and they see it as something that they want as that's something that they desire because it looks like success but it's not it's covenants Michael Jackson had a similar Covenant with the angel of death and when I talk about these things guys look at me like I'm crazy and I'm like my friend just investigate what I'm telling you he had a covenant with the angel of death and if you look at the angel of death it's like a pale white pale white man with some kind of strange Beauty like a mixture between male and female yeah so when you see Michael Jackson he used to be dark as me and then what happened is plastic surgery yeah and then he turned into this other figure that is like a mixture between male and female and that's exactly how the angel of death looks and if you listen to the music just look at the music video like Thriller what was it what was in the video it's like creatures yeah really gothic stuff is creatures coming out of the grave and they're dancing like zombies coming out of the Grave so I mean this is real stuff this is he it wasn't it wasn't just being artistic it wasn't just being creative there's a definite Covenant involved and in exchange for that Covenant and on the strength of that Covenant you get money power and fame yeah so what happened after I got rid of the books and you decided not to listen to this voice yeah so I got rid of the books decided not to listen to that voice ever again and I was now beginning to get a clue that life is spiritual but I did not realize it at the time I was still thinking like no this is this stuff is crazy you know and I decided to leave this to this chick called Crystal I decided to leave her alone because this chick was really deep she was always talking about spiritual stuff but not Christian spiritual stuff she was always talking about you know things that have to do with you know dreams and deep spiritual things so I decided I was going to leave her and leave New York period and go back to Atlanta so I drove back to Atlanta and you know decided I was going to forget about New York and Crystal and the voice and Santeria priests and all of this nonsense anyway and get back to music and I was really thinking about um also coming back home because I know that the industry I knew that the industry here was also growing more so in West Africa than in East Africa and so I knew I wanted to just come back and just you know um Jump Around Africa a bit you know West Africa I had lived you know me my family had we had lived in uh Nigeria for like a year around two years so um like I still had you know we had connections there there was and the Nigerian you know afrobeat scene was really starting to grow so I decided I was going to come uh come back home and just you know bring the the connections and the producers and and the networks that I had in the US back home and just continue to grow the industry you know um but when I got here is when I realized that the enemy was really fighting me because if he approaches you and you say no life is going to get really hard for you to pressure you yeah to go back so crazy things started happening I mean doors that were previously opened was were suddenly shut everything that could go wrong was going wrong I mean from I would go to the studio lights would be out I leave the studio the lights come on just a Non-Stop like that I go to the ATM to withdraw money the ATM machine swallows the card and will not give me back my ATM card just crazy things like that and and just I mean and it was the doors that were open were suddenly closed uh people I was doing business with who we were so excited to do business together or suddenly are not interested yeah wow so those doors can be closed on you and I didn't I never realized that wow that thing it wields a lot of power you know so I was growing more and more desperate as these doors kept on closing these things happen not just to me but all over the world yeah and these things are taking place in keeping people subjected to um systems of desperation poverty lack rejection oppression these are spirits that are functioning on people's lives and I was receiving a first class education yeah yeah yeah so you know I'm back in Kenya I'm trying to do things I'm really like I'm trying to take advantage of so many of the opportunities that I had that I the networks the connections the phone numbers I mean I knew I knew so many people in the US like I hadn't met you know so many cool artists I had met you know artists who I thought were cool you know I had seen Jay-Z I had seen I had met with Akon on several occasions I had met with just the who's who's at the time um and I didn't know that these These are the occult things that people are practicing behind the scenes you know like Jay like Beyonce like these are people who are prac who are deep in the occult and they show the fans and if anybody cares to dig or investigate or do any amount of research they can find out for themselves you know nobody really has to tell them but if they choose not to then they can just blindly continue to follow and in the and what they end up in will be up to them but yes doors were closing um nothing I was doing was working yet I used to do the same things before and yeah so um I began to realize that hey there are forces fighting me and um desperate people do desperate things so I found myself uh with another another lady who was telling me that she wanted to manage me and she wanted to to get me some connections because I had already built a brand so there's so much we can do with that you know so um she tells me that I wanted I want to you know do a bit of management work for you or at least act as an agent and and get you some contracts and let's make some money and things like that and I was all for it I was like okay cool but she turns out to be another Crystal yeah so she introduces me to a guy called Dr Jafari and I've told the story about Dr Jafari before but um he turned out to be a a witch doctor who operates in Mombasa so I went down to Mombasa and and you know it started from just a conversation I had with him and he told me everything that was happening in my life so I was like okay well how did this guy know this stuff but I figured okay maybe the lady told him so you know I was still I had still not fully you know believed in this guy I go down to Mombasa to meet with him he picks me up takes me to the hotel I drop my things and then we proceed to his his office his office is [Music] um what can we call it just like a hotel room that he is rented permanently and there's a bed and then on the floor there's all kinds of things I would call it fetish or just things that look like I don't know old calabashes and old just Dusty little strange things um that are difficult to describe but they just look like ancient African artifacts and things like that yeah so he told me to take off my shoes sit down and he be he decided he began to recite some kind of incantation and it sounded like he was reciting what can I call it like it sounded like some of these words that a lot of Muslims use like yeah like Bismillah Allah blah blah blah things like that and after he recited these things out of like one of the Calabash you know like a calabash is a it's it's just like a bold with a top yeah and a bottle bottleneck and with African drawings on it and things like that and it's kind of Dusty and it looks very old so there were many of them and after he recited the incantation a voice began to speak from inside the caliber so I was like now I was like really because like I'm alone with him or yeah it was just it was just me and him so and I knew that there's no way that voice can be coming from anywhere else it's not like I'm being pumped or something like I knew this is okay this voice is definitely coming from inside of this calipash and that voice was talking and it was telling him things and he was explaining why we were there who I was what I had been going through and that I am seeking assistance so that thing had a high-pitched voice and it was just and it was laughing and it sounded very it sounded very sarcastic to be to be honest and it was but it was speaking of very ancient Swahili so a lot of the words it was saying I could not understand so this the voice is speaking to him and giving him instructions as to what he should do and we had the instructions were that we were to go and buy a can of Zesta and we were to use it for a a ritual a process and the reason was that apparently people had put curses upon my life through Witchcraft and that because they had put that witchcraft on me I would have to do some things to remove to undo the Witchcraft and I think a lot of people get caught up in the same things like the same story they they tell everyone the same thing if you have any kind of Misfortune any kind of you know whether it's divorce whether it's your health whether it's your finances whatever it is they'll tell you that somebody has put witchcraft on you and we're going to help you but that help involves you buying something or paying some money and that represents a covenant now you've come into agreement with a witch with a sorcerer and that means you're in Covenant with the devil really because once you pay this Sorcerer And this sorcerer is in Covenant with the devil you're that's it yeah so at the time I didn't know that and I'm listening to The Voice coming from a calabash and you know I was at the time I was very spiritually ignorant so I didn't know anything and I'm very curious and at the same time I'm in a desperate situation I've come all this way so I might as well see what this guy is what this guy is talking about so the thing explained that and and then Jafari translated it to me that what I was supposed to do is we were going to go and buy a can of disaster and then I was going to go home and shower and as I'm showering I'm going to say that all the stuff that witches and wizards and whatever have all the Witchcraft that they have put on me should come off of me and enter into that can and you know me growing up in in the US and growing up in you know in educated circles I I I I've never been superstitious so I never believed that such things were even really real but because of the things I've been experiencing and the things I was witnessing now I was thinking okay let me give this a try and see what happens so I went back to the hotel and did as they said and then he told me after you after you showered take this can and put it under the bed so tell me I did it no yeah it did it hey once you're in you're in so I did it I put it under the bed and of course I couldn't sleep for a long time man I kept on peeping under the bed to see if there was any change but there was nothing the next day the guy calls me and says okay I'm downstairs bring the can so I I go downstairs I come with the can and we go back to his office he recites the incantation the voice comes back and he tells me to open the can so I open the can you know how Zesta is right you you take off the plastic yeah yeah so I peeled it back myself and I gave it to Jafari Jafari spread a newspaper on the floor and emptied out the contents of the can and inside the can was things that that it wasn't just jelly put it that way it was things that are difficult to describe among them what looked like rosary beads you know these Catholic rosary beads yes some some strange balls of just things that it's like how do you even describe that thing um there was what looks like a tomato that has been peeled there was just stuff just it and it was and the jelly was there also so it looked disgusting you know and and that's how witchcraft is witchcraft is disgusting it's filthy but people do it because of the power the temporary power it gives them so and also there was what looked like a white string and then I followed the string and it turned out to be the tail of some kind of a chameleon or something like that like a it was like a white dead lizard and it was this it was repulsive you know those things are disgusting but he told me that these are the things that people have been placing on my life in the form of Witchcraft to stop to shut all my doors and they said it was it was uh you know you're the artists that are jealous of you are fighting against you and I whether that's true or not I don't really know but here we are and this lizard type of thing and this what represented you know this is to stop you from so this is to stop your finances another thing another artifact like the rosary is to stop you from traveling and just everything represented something so that that voice began to explain what we need to do to remedy the situation so I was supposed to pay for a camel that they were supposed to slaughter and pour the blood of that thing upon all of that and to destroy and that was how they were going to destroy that that uh sacrifice and usually I don't even go into these details to talk about it because it's disgusting but there's people who are in this situation right now who are being told that they need to pay for a sacrifice but they don't know that by paying for these things you're getting yourself into Witchcraft and into covenants because of your desperate situation and your ignorance of spiritual laws so they you know he I told him okay I'll pay for it but I don't want to be there yeah when you're slaughtering this camel because they were supposed to do it on the beach you know we're in Mombasa they're supposed to do it and on the beach at nightfall so I was like I'm not going to be there you know that sounds like one of those trips you don't come back from so I didn't I didn't go but I told him I'll pay for it he said there's no problem he can do it for me so while I was while he was doing that I was in a movie theater watching a movie I decided to let me get my mind off this stuff you know so uh as I'm watching I start feeling overwhelmed like I'm about to faint so I tried to shake it off and it comes back again stronger and every time I tried to shake it off it was getting stronger and stronger like I'm about to think like I'm about to pass out and you know you can feel it you can feel even when you're sleepy you want to sleep but this is a feeling this this was not sleep this is like I want to pass out so I woke up from the theater I walk out while the movie is still going on I'm still fighting off this feeling then um you know I didn't I didn't know what to do but I got the idea of maybe calling a pastor who can who can um who can help me I just decided I was going to explain to him what happened so that he can maybe tell me what's going on so I called the pastor and he told me and I told him everything and then he began to pray over the phone and he prayed in the name of Jesus and that thing left me alone the feeling of yeah dizziness yeah and fainting that thing left me alone then he told me look man you need to get out of there get on a flight come back home immediately you know so I got out of my bus I came back home and I decided to put all that stuff behind me I just you know continue working but you know as as I was going through all those things it was definitely God was also drawing me and showing me hey this is this is the reality on the ground life is spiritual you so I was getting a first-hand education yeah experience on how these things work so and so many people are practicing these things and every village has a Dr Jafari who does favors for you know people for various reasons you have polygamous families and the second wife wants to be the first wife so she goes to a witch to Bewitched the first one yeah and they're sibling rivalries also the the children of the first wife want to kill the children of the second wife so that they can keep the inheritance and there's oh and it's on and it's and I'm telling you it is Rife throughout Africa and it's all in especially in polygamous families but it's it's worldwide witchcraft is a worldwide you know problem and wherever you find witchcraft you find poverty rejection unusual hardship a vast array of sicknesses and diseases Misfortune untimely death because this is all kinds of just Madness you know just craziness and the only way you can get out of that is through Jesus is that how you got sent yeah wow that's how that's how I got saved that's how I really began my journey of learning but now even after getting saved you're beginning to find out that there are churches that are set up that are not real churches so this is part of the journey you keep learning because even you know after I was in I was saved now I'm trying to live right and I'm finding out that this all this corruption in churches and I'm like man so you know things I thought I left in the world are going on in the church so and Corruption and twisting of scriptures to enrich oneself at the expense of the congregation and on and on and all kinds of scandals and crazy stuff because you know the enemy is trying to fight you viciously from getting saved from finding out who you are from learning God's word from for yourself he wants to fight you on I mean tooth and nail to prevent you because you know just one person can make a huge difference just one person realizing who they are and not being deceived and not being subjected under a false prophet because there are so many false prophets and Jesus prophesied this he said at the end there shall be many false prophets so they are right now there are many professing some themselves to be some great one you know yeah and and also even showing some you know strange Little Miracles here and there and they have and they have so many fans but if you read God's word for yourself and you analyze what they're doing you'll say ah you realize yeah but if you don't read God's word if you don't know the Lord yourself you're going to fall into that trap so it's escaping the world coming into the church but Escaping The False Church also and then getting into a personal relationship with the Lord by yourself alone like search for the truth yes tell me about the things that you do now to continuously draw people to God because you know the secrets of the dark world including now talking about your book yes yes so um we try to do a lot of videos um you know con we have conversations we have con conventions we have meetings um and books you know that we write for the purpose of getting information out there you know like people need to know this stuff the the amount of suffering that's taking place out there is not it's not necessary they don't have to struggle the way they are struggling they don't have to suffer the way they're suffering but there are spiritual forces involved unless they address those spiritual forces this cycle is going to continue so we write the books so as to you know put the the information out there there's that there's not only the forces that are fighting against them but there's something they can do about it and so I believe that because there are so many false prophets and so many people have been disappointed by these false prophets they think that Jesus is fake but Jesus is not the fake one these false prophets have come in purporting themselves as if they are representatives of the Lord but one thing that people need to know that is that they're not supposed to have a broker between themselves and God they're supposed to have a direct relationship and that's what the scripture says in first Timothy 2 5 I think he says there's one God and one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus so the Lord Jesus is the only mediator between you and God you're there's not there's not supposed to be some broker maybe there could be teachers evangelists prophets pastors who teach you how to have a personal relationship with them yeah but they are not supposed to be your covering as soon as you have a covering you're going to have a very frustrated life in Christianity yeah it's good to have mentors and teachers and people you honor if they are real but whatever they are not real yeah you find yourself and that's where you have cases where the pastor like remember you remember Bishop Eddie Long the guy was found this is a bishop but he was he was he was molesting boys [Music] and taking them on his private jet and who paid for the private jet the people with their titles and their offerings so what were they contributing to and they're wondering why their lives are not moving forward they haven't they have a broker between them and God so that's very dangerous so you know we teach people you need to have a direct intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus yourself otherwise you're going to have a broker and you're going to have a brokered Christianity yeah wow this is so much to take in is that the reason why it took time to write a book about money well yes and um also because you know this book is called the truth about money and I wrote it because they don't talk about money in schools what they teach you is maybe the denominations but they don't teach you where it comes from who prints it who gets it and who doesn't how do you obtain it how do you keep it how do you protect it how do you grow it they don't talk about that you don't receive training about that what you are trained for is employment they do not train people on how to become wealthy that's why the masses do not become wealthy what do the masses become they become employees and they even strive to become employees they're told go to school get good grades graduate so that you can get a good job so they already taught you to focus on a job they never taught you about wealth creation and they don't want you to become wealthy but it is possible to become wealthy if you decide that you are going to take your attention off of Just limiting yourself to getting a job to now thinking about how God thinks about you as a kingdom citizen as a diplomat and an ambassador of the kingdom of God in fact what we talk about is not a religion at all um Christianity is not a religion it's a kingdom with a government and the citizens of that Kingdom who are in this world are representatives of that foreign government and they are supposed to represent that government as the Ecclesia and the Ecclesia are just representatives of the culture so I'm just a representative of the culture of the kingdom of God as a diplomat I'm not a religious figure I'm a diplomat of a government yeah interesting tell me about how you met your wife was it after you got delivered or before because you're talking about these two girls who tried to yes appreciate it too yeah so I definitely met Erica afterwards all right um we were introduced through a mutual friend called Tommy so Tommy he just reached out to me on Facebook I had so many fans on Facebook I didn't you know I usually do I'm not able to reply to everyone but for some strange reason I I read his message and you know he just was telling me that he liked one of the songs I had released called good over evil where I was exposing this same stuff you know but I was just alone and I didn't really know anybody else who was talking my language you know um the Christianity that was out there to me was so Bland and watered down and just it's like you do you guys really know the war the battle you're fighting or you just or to you church is just attendance on Sunday and you sing some songs and swearing around and go home back to the same defeated life you know so I I felt you know really alone at the time but I think God Was preparing me to meet with other real Believers you know real disciples um a real real what can we call it ambassadors [Music] of the kingdom of the government of heaven so um he introduced me to her by just sending me a WhatsApp of her of of a portion of her testimony where she was speaking and I said wow this is interesting you know I'd like to I'd like to hear more so you know a long story short he gave me her number and we started talking on WhatsApp and I told her that hey your you know your testimony is very interesting and I think we went on for like maybe six months just chatting yeah just talking like that and then I think a year later I traveled to Uganda for the first time so I ended up meeting her before I ever met Tommy personally Tommy I'd only spoken to him on Facebook but uh I met her personally before I had met Tommy so by the time Tommy came to Uganda and and you know caught up with us you know we were already now going on missions in Uganda from place to place and just you know she would testify and I would just and all of us would really just testify and talk about the things that we've seen and heard and um that's how our us our relationship started yeah and the rest as they say yeah you know a beautiful family and still testifying together yes what kind of advice would you give to who probably thinks music is harmless some of these movies that people watch are harmless as we wind up what are what are some of the red flags that people can see and think this is a thing to keep off oh this is harmless well they need to know that first and foremost that life is spiritual right it's not a it only looks physical but it is very spiritual that there are two worlds that function parallel of one another there's the spirit world and there's the physical world and they are together and everything that takes place in this physical world has already taken place in the spiritual world and oftentimes God will warn you about what is taking place in the spiritual world that is about to take place physically and he's showing you in a dream yeah but you're not realizing what the dream is so a lot of people suffer stagnation a lot of people suffer retrogression things like that and they see these things in the dream because they're dreaming about being in high school but they're like 40 50 years old what you're dreaming about high school you're dreaming about yourself in primary school and walking with the friends that you were with all those back in those days what does that mean retrogression and other such like dreams what is God showing you that there are forces working against you to keep you in the cycles of poverty rejection lack frustration never fulfilling who you were meant to be so um they need to know hey life is spiritual and it is governed by spiritual laws and so what an ambassador does is to introduce the culture of the kingdom of God which is a superior Kingdom to the kingdoms of this world that hold people in poverty lack frustration you know uh rejection Etc so there is a superior Kingdom and that Kingdom functions based on principles so if you learn these principles you can begin to flourish in life life does not have to be hardship and tears and pain continuously it doesn't have to be it is for many because they don't know these principles they go to church but they are not taught principles they are taught yeah so a seed they've been sowing seeds nothing's happening nothing's happening they've been tithing they've been giving what is happening nothing because this is a kingdom that is built on principles statutes and laws and if you obey those laws you begin to flourish wow but if you don't you'll live your life like a like a like a like just like a a religious person and what we have out there is religion there's if you look outside just drive down the street there are churches on every corner most of them are just religions religious pyramid schemes where people are just contributing to enrich one man at the expense of the congregation are their lives advancing are they making progress they need to check that yeah they need to check the trend of your own life am I truly making progress here am I really seeing the hand of God or what is happening here and God will oftentimes send you messages to let you know hey you're in the wrong place you know so life is spiritual um and and they need to learn Kingdom learn about the kingdom don't don't learn about religion learn about the kingdom and the king and if you do that life starts to make sense amazing yeah and when it makes sense now you start doing things with your life as a king because God has called us to be Kings Prophets and Priests so you as a Believer because that's what Christ is and if Christ is in you then you are a king a prophet and a priest so in those roles as king prophet and priest you can dominate the Affairs of your life instead of the Affairs of Life dominating you right yeah so that's what he wants you to know so that's why he would go around preaching Kingdom he never went around saying go to church on Sunday he never go went around saying give me your tithesis he never he never said any of that he said repent which means to repent okay is where we get the word pant Penthouse yeah it's it's the house that's on top so to repent is to get back on top of things be the boss again get back in charge of the situation of your circumstances of your scenario of your life get back in charge repent turn away from the things you used to do that stuff is useless it's what's making you a slave and get back on top of things and be a boss again because I have given you Dominion right yeah yeah so that's why Jesus walked around saying repent for the kingdom of God yeah he was always talking about Kingdom this is government it's not a religion so what we practice is government we have learned so much today yeah I can't even imagine begin to imagine things that are expected to hear from your experience your life testimony is half of what I expected and it's amazing that you're even willing to come up come out in the open and talk about these things without fear now looking back do you regret any decisions you made in life leading up to this as we wrap up the only this the only regrets that I have is not getting saved sooner that's that's the regret that I have um and not starting business earlier also because I think business is something that every Kingdom citizens should be involved in because through business God wants to bless you the scripture says you know whoever sells the corn or whatever service he's offering the people will bless him but it curses upon the head of him that does not sell so selling being in business is is part of you know God's mandate for every Kingdom citizen that's why I started Mobi yes yes Moby is a very cool application it's just like um it's a ride hailing application you can download it it's on Google Play and iOS um and it's a application that you can use to get a ride uh taxi ride um from point A to point B and we decided that we were going to be very generous with this system and use it as a system to empower people so not only by taking a ride you get 10 of the fare goes right back into your wallet in the same application yes as a writer and also as a rider or a driver you can refer other drivers and other Riders and every time they take a ride or drive you get four percent of the fare so if you refer to your mom and she takes a ride four percent of that fare goes into your pocket and that four percent comes from the company's side but it's usually used as a tool to empower the user because it's one of the Kingdom principles that when you Empower people God reciprocates that and brings it back upon you so we we are putting that into practice can people hail Mobi in aerobics ever in the country yes oh no for now it's it's in Nairobi first but it will definitely be spreading so how can people reach if they have any questions about spirituality anything even your books how can people Rich yeah so you can find me on Instagram um is at bamboo the hip-hop Prophet ah so bamboo b-a-m-b-o-o The Hip Hop Prophet yeah yeah yeah hopefully Instagram that's Instagram yeah um on Twitter um the real bamboo yeah and you can find me on Facebook uh life is spiritual Ministries life is spiritual so but mostly Instagram um bamboo the hip-hop Prophet just DM me and you know I I I'll get around to getting back to you usually within a short amount of time yeah you get so many people who come to you seeking for help you know to find the truth we are willing to do that also for our viewers yes yes yes well thank you so much and you know we thank you so much for even agreeing to give us this interview taking us through all this journey and your past experiences and the lessons that you learned from these experiences I do hope that people learn a thing or two from this and make decisions wisely now that you have the knowledge of the Dark World we know exactly what not to do yes and exactly what to do as well yes well so we thank you so much and thank you viewers for watching us until the end of the show would like to add you to please reach out to Erica and bamboo they have amazing stuff on their website they will share the link to the website on the linked content on the linked comment I also like to add you to please use their mobile application called Moby experience the amazing services that they have and please reach out to them through the number that we have shared on the linked comment if you have any questions if you'd like us to bring them back on the show for whatever reasons and any questions that you would like us to ask them please write to us through the email addresses that we've provided for you and we will come back here and bring all those questions to them and get answers for them well thank you so much for watching till the end of the show my name is Yvonne Kara and until next time keep it foreign
Channel: Tuko / Tuco - Kenya
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Keywords: human story, kenya news today, african news, Breaking news, Kenya citizen news, Kenya latest videos, tuko.co.ke, tuko, citizen tv kenya, tuko talks, tuko talks latest, tuko news, tuko stories, kenya entertainment news, unheard voices, candid with yvonne, inspire kenya tuko, inspire kenya, lynn ngugi channel, tuko my story, tuko talks kenya, tuko show, tuko tv, Yvonne Kawira, tales of wanjiku, tales of wanjiku tuko, lynn ngugi, lynn ngugi show
Id: -BipJ5A3boU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 25sec (3985 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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