I was not prepared for *JOHN WICK*

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hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel i'm natalie and today we are watching john wick [Music] welcome back to my channel everyone thank you so much for being here especially you yes you hello you thank you to all of my little golden nuggets who stick around who watch these movies and shows with me on a regular basis and most importantly who subscribe so that they can be a part of the little golden nugget community i really appreciate all of y'all you guys definitely make up the backbone of this community and this channel and you guys are so much fun to interact with in the comments down below so thank you and welcome if you're new hey hi how are you if you like what you see here and you enjoy these kinds of videos maybe consider clicking that little red button below i never know which side it's on to subscribe we definitely have a lot of fun over here today we are finally checking off an action movie i feel like it's been a long time since we've watched just a straight action film we have watched some slower pace movies that have action in them things like drive i would consider drive like a drama first with action elements second but maybe it's considered more typical action just because of the pacing we've watched a lot of superhero movies with action some sci-fi stuff with action but i feel like it's been a while since we've watched just a straight pure action movie and today we're checking one off that's been on my list for a while and that is john wick and i'm excited to check it out because i know nothing about it except i do know one little spoiler from the deadpool 2 movie i believe that there's a certain creature that dies you know if you're watching this movie with me here on youtube just expect there to be spoilers i already know the dog dies so uh i'm probably still gonna get wrecked whenever the dog does die i don't know if if it's like a dog that dies early on in the movie or later in the movie either way i've got like a whole box of tissues here so i am ready to go cause even though i know it's coming i'm still gonna cry um it's a dog like there's just no way around crying i'm pretty sure like unless it happens really fast and we move on really quickly but if we dwell on it at all it's i'm gonna be a wreck because you know i care more about animals than i do about people quite honestly that's one thing i've noticed a lot in some of the videos where i react very viscerally to pets dying or animals dying and people are like dude this happened to like people and you didn't react this much i'm like yeah i like animals i like animals more than i like people is that surprising like is that not okay i mean maybe it's problematic but people are just more complex and animals are innocent adorable creatures that need our love and care and they did nothing wrong to you dogs are god's gift to the world and people people are not so that's why i cry so much at animals getting hurt in movies or anything happening to even fictional animals quite honestly so that's all i know about this movie i do know also that keanu reeves is the lead which i'm excited about because i don't think we've seen him in a movie since the matrix here on my channel i i don't think i've seen him in anything in a while so it should be fun time today but with all that being said guys i have rambled on long enough um this intro was pretty rambly just talking about the few things i know about the movie rambling about my passion for dogs so with all that being said i think we should just hop on into this movie and see what it has in store i'm excited to finally check this one out with y'all so if you guys are ready grab a drink grab a snack and let's get into the movie okay that's an intense way to open the movie i like that oh oh you don't look so good john it wasn't a lot of blood there what are you doing john looking at you oh is this the woman he loves he took a selfie video of them making out ew that's kind of weird john we're gonna have to go back in time interesting this looks like now we're not in new york anymore especially with a house like this ekg hospital ekg peeping did she die oh the empty jack and jill sink and the color tones are really cold and gray i'm wondering if she died what was it like sudden did she just collapsed what happened did she like have a stroke or an aneurysm or something or a heart attack what the heck that is so sad is this la or new york maybe it's new york willem maybe it is new york could have just been a rainy day what are you really doing here marcus oh they know each other okay maybe that is new york and we're in queens i don't know that i think that's the new york city skyline i'm pretty sure i think you see the empire state building i guess they did wow he's rich with a house like that in new york holy and the pen she's like me i do is he moving oh what oh she's delivering a cat or a pet oh no oh no i can't get it oh it's a puppy oh no oh dang it i'm already oh no oh no the dog oh no i don't want to get a zest john i'm sorry i can't be there for you but you still need something someone to love what helen what oh it was a long time coming she scheduled a puppy delivery to arrive perfectly after like just enough time after her funeral that's so sad i know that i know the dog is going to die and i just feel for this man i just feel for this man oh god this is the first time we've really seen him break down he didn't really break down when she died even the dog's like can you let me out are you gonna let me out yet oh god i should have brought like makeup over here i'm gonna be crying it all off it's a little beagle too eagles are so cute and stupid daisy has got the same thing as her bracelet so she like daisies oh it's really cute dang it come on no let him sit up let him sleep on the bed with you he's going to eventually what you're going to make him sleep on a towel on the floor that's not going to go well buddy he's going to get right back into that bed oh he's so cute oh there he is there he is a puppy is like even better than getting i think like a full-grown dog because like a puppy's not even gonna allow him to like wallow in self-pity or grief it's gonna like force him to get up and engage with it they have a lot of energy you know although he's still getting up at 6 00 a.m which is crazy oh it's so cute i don't want to die what what do you mean what oh yeah what are you gonna feed the dog are you gonna feed the dog cereal she really should have scheduled the shipment of food too the dog's like i'm coming too yeah oh yes so cute although that's a really nice car to not lay a towel down for your dog to sit on those leather seats i mean that car is really nice new jersey oh that explains it [Laughter] i'm just gonna say that explains why you can afford the house it's still he's still rich it's a really nice house but jersey's definitely more affordable oh hey theon [Laughter] uh oh nice ride uh-oh well yeah what about it bro these guys make me nervous how much excuse me how much for the car she's not for sale what the hell dude oh he speaks russian yeah good day sir those guys are totally gonna come back around they're pretty intimidating and scary i'm like a little worried right now oh whoa the color tone just shifted so dramatically is he going on a flight or is he just driving on the air on the airstrip what the hell does this guy do for a living is the dog buckled up bro [Applause] there is no way that the dog would be okay in the car like that okay wow he's got anger so he just drives like that at an airport they let him in to drive like that when he's angry yay [Applause] i'm getting attached to this dog man that's bad you need to go they seriously broke into his house just because of the car really really because of the car no leave the dog alone are they gonna kill the dog as a puppy i thought the dog would last a little a little longer all cause of a car man all cause of a car you couldn't let the dog live really it's horrible at least yeah all right we got to show your face so he really knows who you are really that's kind of stupid daisy they put daisy right there next to him so when he wakes up that's so awful even though i knew it was coming that's so awful why why it's like the last piece of his wife left so sad all for a car it's like so crazy all for a car where'd you get that car oh oh did he steal from the wrong guy does he know whose car that is this guy didn't even change his shirt he washed his face and didn't change his shirt that is commitment he knew exactly where it came from he just went right to the source he knew it or did he get the call you get the call oh is this guy calling oh it was it was huh interesting where the hell did you get it who gives oh we went back editing was great there i liked that wait what did you say what'd you say to me we own you these guys are so annoying thank you for punching me deserve that you gotta pay on you old man oh i can't wait for viggo's son here to die i'm ready for him to get his ass beat i was this vega i heard you struck my son uh-huh yes sir i did you may i ask why well he deserved it sir he was asking for it he stole john wick's car sir and uh killed his dog yeah what do you think about that viggo yeah oh he realizes the gravity of the situation huh yeah he i like how immediately he's like oh yeah yeah he deserved that uh my son is an idiot [Laughter] i love him immediately he's just like oh okay aurelio sorry for calling sorry for bothering you sir have you seen my son oh yeah he's worried about his son i would be too be worried that your son's gonna die i guess john wick is known as like maybe he got all of his money from like being an assassin or being i don't know just clearly doing some really badass action type stuff oh he just hit him so hard that he made him instantly vomit man theo i just give one theo i don't know this actor's name oh no it's a isn't it lily allen's brother something allen right he really does a good job playing characters like this who are kind of like full of themselves and stupid and then get their ass beat over and over he once was an associate to ours oh he used to work for them we called him baba yaga baba yaga i know what the baba yaga is boogie man the russian boogeyman he was the one you sent to kill he was an assassin is he pulling out his assassin gear right now is he digging it out he's coming out of retirement just for you and that's special i gave him an impossible task really a job no one could have pulled off and he did what was it the bodies he buried that day lay the foundation of what we are now and then my son a few days after his wife died you steal his car i kill his dog john will come for you this is epic seeing it from both perspectives of what's happening this is great really does so i wonder if he's just if he's gonna try to protect his son he must he must be like gonna hire some people to try to protect his dumbass son tasker crew how many how many do you have all of them yeah i was gonna say probably all of them oh no it's a suicide mission poor oh these guys they got a cover for viggo's idiot son are you kidding me i would be like i'm not doing this like off i'm not protecting this dumb ass kid oh they came out to his house [Music] take the children that don't behave that's so interesting because he's sending people out to go after john wick but the children who didn't behave in this were was his son so john will come for him these closed captions in this really intense font is so interesting he is really efficient he's really efficient wow he he killed like four men in the span of five seconds now you've got a lot of evidence in your house how is he gonna avoid like having charges pressed against him after all this these are the things i wonder about wow i like the way that was filmed on both sides of the wall a knife john i get really scared with knives you'd think i'd be just as scared with a gun but the knife thing is freaky oh i bet you're regretting that you brought out the knife bro cause now it's being used on you i would regret it i'd be regretting it at this moment all of his body weight ah okay okay okay [Music] oh who's at the door at this hour oh my god a police officer no way i was wondering what would happen if a cop showed up or even john he knows him noise complaint oh a noise complaint oh he's not even hiding the dead bodies is he working with the cops do they know you uh working again oh no just sorting some stuff i'll leave you be there oh it's not a problem okay wait being an actor in that role just like to have a couple lines and then go is like the best because you just show up on set for one day and you you make it in the movie it's fun it's easy you get paid you get to act with keanu reeves that's fun wow that was funny okay so i guess the cops aren't a threat to him they just let him do his thing and he doesn't kill innocent civilians so it's okay oh is this a cleanup crew it's totally a cleanup crew waste disposal and here i had feared you'd left all this behind uh they were like missed his business this is kind of cool i kind of like that it's not like an origin of how he became john wick it's just like he's already a badass and we just get to like pick up with the action this is fun willem ah would you kill john wick for two million dollars wow consider it done really interesting so willem is gonna get in on the action that'll be fun it's a lot of good money to be made in this assassin business i mean this is a lovely home as well it's really making me rethink he's got a cupboard under the stairs like harry potter style but for assassin gear and he's gonna roll it out on the piano i mean wow the aesthetics if i was an assassin i would love to have a place like this i actually do want a harry potter cupboard eventually one day in my home that would be cool i don't know what i'll put in there but not a person but you know good seeing you again john oh she knows him too what the hell perkins perkins so when the old players get a facelift oh he used to stay here all the time it is a pleasure having you with us again everyone seems to like him this is funny i like i really like that it's like he's got this whole established history he deals with these gold coins instead of like money it's interesting is this the owners club whoa whoa i'm just so curious why he deals in gold coins only and oh my god there's like a seedy underground club hello winston winston is this the owner if they're willing to break the rules or continental double the bounty you know the rules no business can be conducted on these premises list incurring heavy penalties really yeah is that why people stay here that's so funny it's like a place that's off limits interesting he's got an entire suit bag filled with guns that's such a cool choice honestly this movie is really making being an assassin look really sexy is joseph here partying like a dumb dude i would not be sleeping partying doing anything i'd be panicking mr vick ah he knew exactly who he was so why are we emphasizing how much weight he lost 60 60 in bold yellow why don't you take the night off oh yeah yeah go take the night off francis thank you sir oh good we're letting francis live francis doesn't deserve to be involved with any of this bull i guess that's how you get into the club you just threaten to kill somebody if they don't let you in i can't believe he found where joseph is already there's no way we're gonna kill him this fast huh that would be crazy wouldn't it there he is i just have to fight off his bodyguards statues level two that's level two that's funny he said yes no it's not he's so good at killing them silently he doesn't let them make a peep holy sh uh-oh now they know almost they almo he almost got away with it it would have been a little too easy huh i mean he did come out of retirement yeah joseph yep why didn't he kill him like that does he want it to be slower and more painful i'm surprised he didn't take the shot earlier he had the clear shot of him earlier and he didn't take it oh this is fun this is cool the strobe lights and the club music oh guys you got to get out of the way yep oh it's going to cause a stampede that's going to make it a little bit harder to catch him i think actually people seem barely phased oh he's out that's annoying he just looked annoyed and he still does it so smooth he's break dancing now holy this guy is so smooth wow he is just assassinating everybody like it's nothing you're done now he gets shot he just got shot he got shot oh no oh no john i receive a bulletproof vest on there it does look like there's a little blood on his shirt but just not enough to where you'd think he'd get shot this guy's good okay all right this guy's the first guy to really give him a fight he just jammed a bottle into his side hold on to him john don't let him throw you oh that guy is good he's covered in blood my dude oh he's back at the hotel he's a doctor oh a doctor how good is your laundry i'm sorry to say that no one's that good i love how the guy's not fazed like this is just all in a day's work this is funny take two of these beforehand your stitches will tear and you'll bleed yeah but you'll have full function oh great this doctor is just like no whatever yeah if you got to kill somebody uh here's a bill that's a bill for that is it built for that this place is cool willa i'm right i forgot about you so is he gonna try to kill him at this hotel when it's not really allowed that's kind of crazy maybe sniping doesn't count because he's not on the property okay he's got his blinds open oh no he really could take the shot and kill him right now he could do it perkins i'd really hate the sound of breaking bones i really hate it ego's giving me four to break hotel rules break hotel rules that's great what happens if he kills her does he get in trouble because technically she came after him so isn't it self-defense what did she just put in her mouth who's calling in a time like this oh this guy and willem's just watching like willem could have killed him but instead he chose to shoot next to his head unless he missed but i doubt that that was a miss it feels like that was a warning like he had a change of heart but i don't know throw her out the window or something oh there we go and he's leaving interesting he's leaving how do you need little seed a dino reservation pops perhaps what's a dinner reservation what does that mean to talk with the management is oh he didn't kill her little russia church new york unicorn what about it it's a front i just feel bad that his stitches are already open all the work from the doctor that's so funny he didn't kill her so maybe it really does like it doesn't matter like they're all such professionals it's like if he killed her he would have gotten in trouble with the management and the owner of the hotel so he knew he had to like catch her and knock her out and like just get her to stop they're all too slow oh my god the poor the little babushka the little babushka she's just sitting there like i was just praying i was just here for church she was just here for the services [Music] funny man vegan will kill me oh he switched to english interesting so will he uh-huh i like that line uh-huh what do you think you're going to do with all of that this is he gonna light it on fire holy sh he just lit all of that on fire wow i feel like yeah i'm gonna kill your son and i'm gonna ruin everything i'm gonna take away everything you have nice awesome you are no lady trust me she breaking her hand to get out of that and didn't react she didn't react she didn't react to her dislocating her own thumb she didn't even flinch holy crap she's crazy she's actually crazy don't kill harry harry don't worry housekeeping will find you harry i liked harry why don't we have to drag him into this he was minding his own business he was just babysitting oh this guy this guy's here the only guy that kind of kicked his ass i feel like this guy has to last longer because he he put up such a good fight i feel like just going out in gunfire is a lame way is he gonna try to run him over yep oh no oh no and they didn't kill him right then and there you'd think they'd shoot him in the head right then and there when that's the only chance that you have when he's down but no they're gonna like kidnap him and tie him up why not just shoot him in the head because of the movie obviously we got to keep him alive but in reality be like quack he's down he's never down it was just a car just a dog just a dog oh him and i was thinking the same thing i wish we'd had even more time with a dog just to really finalize the bonds you know because we only only had a few days with it or you can dodge leaving alongside here how are you gonna get out of this john marcus marcus honestly i keep forgetting about marcus and then he keeps coming back around it's amazing this guy does have to go out slowly because he's pretty tough [Music] oh all right okay marcus i wonder if he just told john from the gecko like hey they hired me to kill you instead i'm gonna go sit on some roofs and follow you and just be your backup sniper like they must be working he must know that marcus is out there helping him because he didn't seem fazed by the sniper bullet could it cool it cool it cool it cool no now he's really scared now he's scared i have your word then if i tell you where he is you let me walk away oh oh pull the contract what a coward oh the contract out on him yeah he's kept in a safe house brooklyn 434 wallace plays you'd really sell out your son like that you're a great dad he's going to let viggo live wow he's going to let vego live he really he means his word [Applause] now he will now now he will yeah it's all over now dude man he broke into that so easy that was like the easiest thing ever he was gonna say just a dog he was gonna it's interesting he was gonna say that too the same thing his dad said but meanwhile neither of them apologized they didn't give the car back unless i missed that our pleasure sir a parting gift i'm wondering though how we're from management the car oh wait we're still waiting for perkins cause we got to end up somehow where we were at the beginning of this movie when he's like got wounds and he's like collapsing watching the video of helen uh but this wasn't the car that he was in at the beginning of the movie so i don't know something something's got to happen this is a different nice car huh this isn't yeah this isn't the one he initially had but it's nice it's really nice compensation management is very thoughtful i'm just worried about where perkins is i'm not gonna lie how many times do i have to save your ass marcus she's watching yeah uh oh is he gonna get in trouble oh no this is his house i see they were here waiting for him are they gonna kill him are they gonna kill marcus i don't want them to kill him oh she's here great i always liked you marcus god damn it the last on the old guard you're gonna cut the femoral artery you're not gonna you won't give him a swift death that's awful man oh okay oh wow holy so he didn't maybe put the knife all the way in because he didn't want to kill him but then marcus was like okay kill me bro i'm done so sad you're done no you're not john wick's gonna come for you next i apologize for calling you after this hour is this the guy from the hotel why is he calling her miss perkins your membership to the continental has been by thine own hand revoked are they gonna kill her do they kill you if you break the rules that's the cleanup crew the cleanup crew oh my god they all work together what a small world that was pretty badass she had to have known she was gonna be killed that's crazy which is why i'm not the one telling you with a certain helicopter to a certain helipad is being fueled for a certain someone ah thank you for not telling me that sir damn so much has happened in this movie like so many people have died holy i really thought like some of these people would be left alive but no so far i mean now it's just got viggo and mr mayhem left and john may even die i don't know god damn i knew he'd come why are you laughing viggo why are you smiling does he just know it's gonna happen and he's like whatever somebody give me a gun he's laughing he knows it's hopeless is he like it's all over that was a good one that was a good one is he high what the is happening maybe he just has made his peace with dying [Applause] he could have hit you head on but instead he doesn't like that is that viggo in the car yep oh my god uh oh wow good timing oh damn well that was a gift for management no now he doesn't have it anymore oh where's viggo there's no way he made it on the helicopter oh no he's over there he's about to board it but the thunder the lightning no more guns no more guns yeah if you'd like that wouldn't you no more bullets oh he agrees interesting they're just gonna fist fight to the death now i like how i feel like it wasn't even raining five minutes ago i feel like this thunderstorm just started we were professionals civilized your son ruined all of it i mean granted you could say john's taking it a little far by killing like so many people for the dog but i don't know i think if his son had just apologized it would have gone a long way so no more bullets but knives are okay uh he's definitely gonna get a wound in because we've seen john bleeding at the end of this film [Music] what he did that on purpose what in almighty god's name what what what what what what he did it on purpose whoa just sitting there staring at each other in the rain bleeding out this is pretty crazy oh oh god the knife i didn't even see it there helen let's go let's go home it's time to go home is he gonna be able to get up are you gonna be okay john what is this building that he's breaking into this a kennel is that a kennel oh my god it's full circle there's more dogs he's gonna use drugs and meds meant for dogs on him i guess it's all the same thing it's just gauze and oh john is there no one we could call who might know what they're doing is he just gonna take one of them oh did the sign say to be put down this is a kill shelter or something let's go he's gonna take one okay how did he just randomly stumble upon a place like this staple himself up and oh goody it's actually like you know it's not you know a regular kennel it's like a kill shelter so i can rescue one of these dogs that's so funny what an ending after that movie i just i'm gonna go cuddle with my dogs after this coat is on the ground i can only fit one on my lap at a time but this is ridley i think i've introduced you guys to ridley he's very sweet that was a really fun movie i really enjoyed the music the action it was just so smooth john wick is a character the fact that he's just like this formidable guy and i like the fact that it wasn't an origin story that it was like he's already this badass and he's coming out of retirement because some guy pissed him off and killed his dog that made everything so much more suspenseful and thrilling because you know people are just insinuating that he's crazy and really good at assassinations and you don't want to mess with this guy so that made it the stakes high and fun to kind of see everything play out and see how formidable he actually is which is very i did briefly look up was this based off of a book or a comic book but it wasn't so that's interesting because it definitely seemed like the source material for this has a lot behind it it felt like watching a james bond movie play out with all the different characters and everybody seemed so familiar to one another character-wise i also really loved the whole world i mean i don't want to live in it but you know i don't love it in that way but i liked this whole hotel where the rules are different and you're not allowed to you know kill anyone at this hotel or you get killed and it's kind of an unspoken rule like they mention that it's a rule but they don't say what the consequences are and you just see what the consequences are at the end it was very fun and i really liked a lot of the characters that we met even though unfortunately most of them are dead now but not mandate the management guy the owner i liked him he's still alive so that's cool but you know harry marcus the dog so it'll be interesting to see who's in the next movie i feel like i'm giving uneven treatment right now code was just like sitting down there like why aren't you picking me up but if i picked him up he'd be squirming to get off of my lap and ridley's significantly smaller so this was a good suggestion i think i probably would have been a little more shocked and cried harder had i not known the dog was gonna die but it was still pretty just sad and devastating i thought we would have him around a little bit longer than we did i actually that's probably the only complaint that i would have had i hope you guys can hear him sniffing the microphone that's probably really cute anyway that's probably the only complaint that i really had about the movie i just wish that we'd had a little bit more time to bond with this dog and john and kind of watch him lean on the dog even more through the process of healing and grieving and watch them you know become even better friends because they even said it was only a few days after his wife died so it wasn't very long i kind of wish it had been a little longer even if it only added a few minutes to the movie i just would have appreciated a little more time to kind of like watch them bond get attached to them even more really see how much the dog meant to him because i feel like that's the only thing is yes i could tell he was happy to have the dog in his life but it wasn't it didn't seem so important to the point that like he would kill all these people i feel like it we could have had a little more time with him and the dog just to really establish that bond and really feel like it was even more gut-wrenching but maybe that's just because i knew it was coming maybe that tainted my view of it i i just feel like i wanted a little more time but that's really the only complaint that i have um i think everything else was really well done really loved some of the comedic moments between certain characters like even just the one scene with the cop coming to his door and being like oh you're working again like not even phased that there's just like dead bodies everywhere cause that was a question that i genuinely asked like how the is he gonna be not arrested when like if anybody came and saw his house right now but it's like the answer is like no everyone's just in on it and it's fine and there's this whole network of people that are you know in this line of work or at least in the know about it and it's just okay so um that was really funny and i appreciated that yeah it was a good movie really sexy really fun just like a good action movie and i'm excited to see what you guys think in the comments down below i had a good time and didn't cry as much as i thought i would with the dog because he died a little sooner than expected so that's good i didn't really feel like crying today but that's all i really have for you guys in this video so if you liked it definitely make sure to give it a thumbs up because it lets me know that you guys like this kind of content you want to see more action stuff more things like this definitely let me know your thoughts in the comments down below and anything else you might like me to watch next and subscribe if you want to till the next one stay colden bye bye you want to get down now i'm guessing okay [Music] oh
Channel: Natalie Gold
Views: 835,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john wick, John Wick, Keanu Reeves, 2022, john, John, Wick, wick, react, reacts, reaction, reactions, reacting, commentary, movie, movies, film, first, time, watch, watches, watching, natalie gold, Natalie Gold
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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