John Wick (2014) - MOVIE REACTION - First Time Watching

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hello there and welcome back to my channel love lauren here and thank you so much for clicking on this video last week i watched the matrix for the first time and that was my first ever keanu reeves movie and it blew me away it knocked my socks off i freaking loved that movie it's so good to finally understand the context of the red pill and the blue pill and i thought keanu reeves gave such an incredible performance in that movie and since watching that movie a lot of you guys have been recommending another keanu reeves movie to me and that is john wick from 2014. now i don't know much about this movie i've heard from friends that it is really good and i need to watch it so today is the day i'm gonna be watching john wick and i am super excited i hope you guys are too so grab your chicky nuggies grab your chalky milk and let's jump in what the hell oh oh oh is it sucking his brain down [Music] oh it's keanu oh my god what happened fish you looking rough right now oh god damn man what happened to you what are you looking doing you oh is that his girlfriend or his wife jesus what happened okay so i wonder if it's gonna show us like what led up to that moment like it's kind of starting off off with like showing us like the end of the movie and then going to go into how it got there it's kind of what i'm guessing right now oh what happened oh my god i just got chills oh my god did he just pull like the plug on her poor guy jesus nice car oh wow it was recent my god they're just now putting her in the ground what happened it's been a while my condolences i've seen him before seen him in spider-man he was the goblin dude you killed them we killed them just checking up on an old friend give out johnny yeah this is really sad john wick yes sign here please oh what's in there i'm sorry i can't be there for you but you still need something someone i love you john this illness has loomed over us for a long time until that day your best friend helen oh this wife got him a puppy oh look a little tripoli in the crate just looking at him oh she didn't want him to be alone oh a little puppy oh he's so cute oh look at the little face daisy oh daisy that's a cute name that's adorable oh no daisy wanna sleep on the bed that's not a doggy bed i don't think that's gonna work i feel like that i feel like the dog's just gonna end up trying to jump on the bed anyways lee let's leave his wife was really looking out for him she didn't want him to be alone so she got him a little companion it was really sweet hey you gotta go potty oh i love dogs they're so cute be hungry now is he giving the dog cereal [Laughter] i mean i guess he was unprepared to get a dog you know there's so many good courses is that russian nice ride this is a nice rain boss 429 she's 70. 69. how much excuse me how much for the car she's not for sale [Music] that was rude that was rude of that guy it is a really cool car i feel like this is his coping mechanism right now like this is him coping he's getting some of his emotions out right now [Applause] i mean he's grieving right now so you gotta find ways to cope you know and if driving around makes them feel better driving around at high speeds doing donuts makes them feel better then right on man do what you got to do you need to go hey potty time oh my god are these the guys from the gas station [Music] no leave the dog alone also they could steal the car oh as if he wasn't going through enough already those guys from the gas station came to his house to steal his car killed his dog and beat him up what the [ __ ] [Applause] whoa it goes around comes around right yo relio i want a new vin number and some clean papers where'd you get that car oh he knew where it was going he's in here it was i asked you where the hell did you get it who gives it joseph tears off [ __ ] legal son all right get out of here just get out of my shop get out right now just lose your aurelio because we own you wait what did you say what'd you say to me we own you the owner of the card you kill them or what totally deserve that you're gonna come into my shop and you're gonna pull a gun on me that's great man now you you kill me right now when you get the out of my shop you gotta [ __ ] pair on you old man oh he knew that was his car huh i need a ride nice at least he has a a car now i mean i guess he had that other car in the garage but it had a bat in the window so make it kind of hard to drive i heard you struck my son okay dude you may i ask why because he stole john wick's car sir and killed his dog oh what i wasn't expecting that he just said oh oh what does that mean yeah they've agreed to your terms isn't that guy in the in the insurance commercials the the mayhem like me i don't think his dad is super happy about what happened should i go oh he's taking he's taken off his jacket what did i do so i stole the [ __ ] car yeah he is not happy it's not what you did son it's who you did it too nobody that [ __ ] nobody is john mike oh sh we call him baba yaga boogie man well john wasn't exactly the booger man the boogie man it was at this moment that he knew he oh i once saw him kill three men in a bar with a bouncer [Applause] oh so he definitely [ __ ] with the wrong guy that's that makes sense why his dad's upset john would come for you oh that gave me chills you will do nothing because you can't do nothing so get the [ __ ] out of my sight it gave me chills when he said jon will come for you damn he really is like the boogeyman huh hello john i heard about your wife i'm sorry my condolences handle this like civilized man to move on how many how many do you have [Music] this guy seems scared of him like he seems genuinely scared of him so he's sending in guys to try to hit him first god damn he is good at shooting holy sh he definitely looks like he knows what he's doing through the shelf holy sh oh god damn is that the doorbell the cops who caught the cops oh sh evening jimmy noise complained always complain oh you uh working again no just sorting some stuff out oh well i'll let you be then good night [Music] i loved that just shortened some stuff out him and the cops seemed cool they seemed like they knew each other so that's that was funny good to see you john charlene you look good waste disposal oh it's like a cleanup crew and that cop earlier asked him if he was working again so i'm guessing that he used to be like a hitman or something especially since that that russian guy called him the boogeyman or the one you hired to kill the boogeyman i think he said will i be hearing from you anytime soon goodbye charlie yeah one of those coins i have a job for you and i've got a phone would you kill john wick for two million dollars isn't this his friend is the contract exclusive no it's open consider it done what i thought that guy was his friend i guess two million dollars means more to him than their friendship geez because they weren't really friends huh good seeing you again john perkins i have you for two nights depending on business it may be more that was the same gold coin that he used to pay that other guy it is a pleasure having you with us again mr seems like good customer service hello winston jonathan went to the one task to dole out the beatings don't receive them rusty i guess joseph tell us what about him i'd like to talk with him have you returned to the fold just visiting where do i find him so he's not returning back to his lifestyle he's just visiting if they're willing to break the rules of continental no business can be conducted on these premises list incurring heavy bill oh they're not allowed to do business at the hotel business it's personal compliments of the house [Music] maybe he thinks that guy was trying to kill him so it seems like john doesn't really want to cause any trouble he doesn't want to return back to his lifestyle it seems like he just wants to kill this this guy yosef are you scared i'm not but you should be want another give bottle a bottle this guy's like a kid he's like a spoiled brat hello francis mr vick what's it killer grammar are you here around business sir great sir francis why don't you take the night off thank you sir the security guy knew who he was i love that conversation between them though oh [Music] damn he's stuck in there like he was like silent when he killed that guy behind behind him that was crazy he's sneaky target acquired damn and they still have no idea that he's there oh [Music] oh god damn i bet he's scared now man he looks like a man on a mission doesn't he people are still dancing after that look at that no one's even like alarmed that maybe they couldn't hear the gunshots i feel like even in a club you'd be able to hear that oh my god oh my god he's so accurate he literally does not miss a shot oh empty oh my god oh the butt he's kicking so much ass right now i'm rooting for him i am on i am on team jon right now like kick his ass jon kill this little oh oh damn he's shot twice he has a bulletproof vest on though right [Music] oh did you get hit man hopefully i mean it wouldn't have gone through the vest right maybe it hit maybe he got hit somewhere where there wasn't vest you got this john damn this guy's getting some good hits in [Music] no jesus oh that looked like it hurt oh god rest in peace his spine jesus victor's dead yeah he coming for you boy he coming for you he going to get you damn he got shot and stabbed with a bottle with a sh with like a broken bottle good evening mr wick how may i be of service he's a doctor 24 7. send him up how good's your laundry i'm sorry to say that no one's that good dear this hotel has a doctor okay it's gotta be like a hotel for hitmen then right for hit for people who like do this for a job because why would they have like a house doctor if you still have business to attend to take two of these beforehand your stitches will tear and you'll bleed but you'll have full function he's kind of in rough shape right now but he definitely kicked way more ass you know what i mean he he he killed a lot of people in that club oh no this was his so-called friend really man you're gonna snipe this man while he's laying in his bed oh oh my god i thought i let myself in i noticed so she trying to kill him too for the money never knew ms perkins got a bid for lesson three vigo's giving me four to break hotel rules yeah they said no business there at the hotel right it's a [ __ ] damn this isn't even fair oh god that's gotta hurt well so much for oh not the stitches [Music] yes we have received a number of grievances from your floor concerning the noise my apologies i was dealing with an uninvited guest he's so he's so humble just dealing with an uninvited guest do you really want to die here perkins give me something little rush church you're kind of court that's where vigo keeps his private stash a church as a front do i know you i'm thinking so hey john hey harry everything all right yeah i'll leave you to it then hey harry you keen on earning a coin catch and release catch and release oh my god i i love the interactions that john has with people like they're just so he's so like nonchalant like despite like horrible things or have they could be dead bodies on the floor it could be a shootout or whatever just got you know beat up by someone and he still just like has the same composure he's just super i don't even know what the word would be like humble i guess this is will kill me what do you think you're going to do with all of that this oh damn way to send a message damn i thought maybe he was gonna take some of it but i don't think he took any of it i think he just set it on fire yo john wickes is really badass not gonna lie don't worry housekeeping will find you treat all your ladies like this you are no lady what did she just do to her thumb did you hear that it was like a cracker than just a gold coin oh no you've done business on continental ground and management does not take kindly to that sort of behavior management oh don't worry housekeeping will find you oh [Music] man i like that guy he seemed cool god damn jon coming in hot he he is a one-man army for sure damn that was the only way they could take him out was by hitting him with a car you're still very much the john wick of all am do you know what was in that world the leverage i had on this city yeah kind of enjoyed yeah i know you did you wow you're cool hitting a guy while he's tied to a chair like come on man a lot of us are rewarded for our mistakes is why god took your wife and unleashed you upon me i don't know about all that we are cursed you and i we agree step aside give me your son just a car just a dog it wasn't just a dog it was the dog that his wife got for him until that dog arrived on my doorstep final gift from my wife an opportunity to grieve honolulu and your son took that from me kill that from me we'll keep asking if i'm back and i haven't really had an answer i'm thinking i'm back or you can die screaming alongside it oh oh not a bag oh my god that is a really [ __ ] up way of trying to kill him he had his hands behind his back and they were just gonna suffocate him with a bag i'm glad this marcus guy turned out to like not be trying to kill him like he helped him in the hotel room and he helped him just now so i guess he's kind of looking out for him oh hey that's the same that's the guy who threw him off the like balcony in the club right he was the one that got away and damn i i mean i guess marcus is looking out for him it seems like he is i thought he was gonna try to kill him and take the bounty but it seems like he's not i mean he's had plenty of opportunities to kill him and didn't so [Music] i have your word then if i tell you where he is you let me walk away pull the contract done is kept in a safe house brooklyn 434 wallace plays damn i know you're coming he just gave up his son but it won't matter damn i feel like his i feel like he knows that his son is like it's over you know what i mean he's like my son [ __ ] up he needs to accept his fate at this point like his dad has done everything he could at this point to help him avoid death damn [Music] oh my god i would be scared if i were him wow that's a really cool show right there i am walking up like that god damn holy sh oh my god that was awesome that was so cool make the arrangement am here ready now a parting gift from the management compensation for last night's unfortunate incident i mean miss perkins or whatever her name was came in and tried to kill him at least they have some pretty good customer service there they gift him a car and is he is he ever gonna get his car back i liked his mustang how many times do i have to save your ass i appreciate it so you look terrible no i look retired tired you really believe that speaking of the devil there she is she looks pissed it's time to go home [Music] what's going on right now let's get on with this whatever the [ __ ] this is hello marcus this is john i appreciate you granting my son a sweat of death mark has betrayed me oh he's mad at him for not killing jon because john killed his son first my son will be still alive really gonna blame him i mean i guess that's assuming that he will be able to successfully kill jon which i mean i guess he had a chance but and for a penny and for a pound damn that miss perkins trick is bad news i feel like he's just taking his anger out on marcus because he's upset his son's gone they killed him we're helping you drawn your membership to the continental has been by thine own hand revoked [Music] oh my god is that what you do when you break the is that what happens to you when you break the rules holy like i figured there would be consequences but damn [Music] i feel like he's like drunk and hysterical right now because he knows he's gonna die oh damn wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holy sh yeah look he knows he's gonna die russian oh god damn damn that guy slipped away where'd he go he got over there quick no more bullets no more bullets he's still gonna kick ass man i honestly can't believe they're like 1v1 fighting right now do i look civilized to you i mean i guess they didn't say no knives i said no guns but still come on man oh why did he do that just to break his arm like that to see you dog [Music] yeah i guess i guess he did that to get the upper hand on him not really sure oh and that's where it ties back into the beginning of the movie yeah wow oh what is this like an animal shelter or something or a vet or a bunch of dogs in cages so oh is he stapling it eel puppies oh did it say put down on that did you see the did you see the piece of paper on the crate it said put down a little puppy you're giving him a new life he has a new friend now oh that was the end oh [Music] oh my gosh you guys i loved this movie so much i was definitely team jon the entire time i completely understand why he was going after yosef i mean like he said many times in this movie it was personal and it definitely was you know he lost his wife he had just lost his wife just had a funeral service and then she sent him a gift which was daisy the little puppy that she sent because she didn't want john to grieve by himself she didn't want him to be alone and i thought that was such a beautiful thing and for this guy joseph to come along and be the jerk that he was like he was above and beyond a jerk let's be real he was a he he was definitely rude at the gas station but for him to go out of his way to go to john's house jump him kill his dog and steal his car like it was definitely personal at that point and as much as viggo his dad tried to you know tried to take john out before he got the chance to kill yosef it it didn't work like john was clearly a badass i wasn't really sure what profession or lifestyle john had come from until i it started kind of building up for me like the first interaction uh with aurelio and yosef where they were at the chop shop where josef brought john's mustang into the chop shop i kind of knew something was up when aurelio did not want to accept the car you know he was like oh do you know whose car that is and i was like oh no so it seemed like john had a reputation and i think what really solidified that for me was when aurelio told vigo over the fun over the phone like why did you hit my son he was like well you know i hit your son because he stole john's car and he killed his dog and his response was oh [Laughter] and that to me said everything i was like okay that to me was like he he understood he was understanding the magnitude of the situation john was a killing machine he was so skilled at killing people i mean he he was a hit man you could tell he was good at it he said that he was rusty a couple of times throughout the movie and there were some times where he you know got he got hit or he got punched a couple times or thrown off the top of the balcony in that dance club but he he was a very skilled killer let's put it that way he was a very skilled killer i especially loved all of the interactions that john had with various people throughout the movie like i loved the interaction that he had with the cop after those guys that hit squad came to his house to try to kill him and they were just like dead bodies in the background and the cop was just so casual like oh are you working again he's like okay well i'm just gonna go and i loved that part that was so great but john just seemed so humble he was so nonchalant like no matter what was happening no matter how much death and destruction was going on he was just such a humble guy and i really loved that about him really glad that marcus his friend didn't end up trying to kill jon because originally when vigo offered the contract first to marcus and marcus was like consider it done i was a little disappointed i was like damn dude i thought you were his friend like i thought i genuinely thought that he was a friend of john so i i was a little upset when marcus was gonna take the contract and i i thought for sure that marcus you know was going to be the first one to try to kill john but he didn't he had i'm from what i remember he had two opportunities in the movie to kill john and he didn't he the first one was in the hotel room when john was laying down recovering and miss perkins came in and instead of killing john he shot right next to john's head to alert him to miss perkins in the hotel and then the second time was when uh had john tied up to the chair and they put a bag over john's head and marcus came to the rescue and shot those guys while that were trying to suffocate john so i'm really glad that marcus was helping out john instead of trying to kill him he ultimately died for it though viggo was pissed that marcus didn't kill jon and he felt like that he felt like if marcus had killed john earlier had just done the job like he said he was going to do that his son would still be alive but i'm just glad that marcus didn't do it because i feel like joseph and vigo kind of got what was coming to them i'm glad that john was able to get his revenge on the both of them but i loved that by the end of the movie not only did jon get his revenge and settle his personal vendetta but he also got himself a new friend he got himself a new puppy and it looked like he at the end there he was at like a kill shelter maybe because i i caught the there was a little piece of paper on the crate uh of the dog's crate that he opened and it said put down so i'm thinking that maybe he went into a kill shelter and he he took the dog out of the kill shelter and he has a new buddy now so that i thought that was actually really nice place to to end the movie i wasn't expecting it to end so soon i was kind of hoping we were gonna get to see him get his mustang back i'm not sure if he ever gets his car back but i hope he does i know that there are some sequels out there for this movie which i may watch eventually um and i hope he gets his mustang back in the house because that was such a nice car but i really did love this movie i was definitely team john john wick is such a badass thank you so much you guys for recommending this movie to me i freaking loved it so far i've seen two keanu reeves movie i've seen the matrix and i've seen this i've seen john wick and i freaking loved both of them incredible movies if you like this video please give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe i would appreciate your support a ton thank you so much for watching today's video until next time [Music]
Channel: LoveLaurenn
Views: 260,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p3KXl3kAyWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 31sec (2911 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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