I was brutally honest at the flea market today...

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yeah I got to sell it though we're resellers so we got to make a profit but it is really hey everyone me and my friends Carrie and Dawn are at the flea market today we're going to see what kind of stuff we can find I'm also going to be very straightforward with people about the fact that we want to resell when I see an opportunity and we'll see if people get mad or not make sure you watch till the end to see all of our cool finds and just all the cool stuff we see out there on the flea market Trail if you like this make sure you're subscribed and check out some of my other videos when you're done I have tons of awesome flea market content hours and hours and it's free for you here on YouTube thanks guys so these are okay like seven bucks a piece I'm sure he'll charge a lot though they're um marks oh are they yeah have you already asked about these before I think maybe I can ask him Walt Disney Productions I feel like they're going to be expensive but could be wrong all right got some figures back there too how much are these 40 bucks for all 40 for all okay one of them is marked marks a lot of them say Disney but I think they might have made them all yeah they're probably all marks that's what they look like I'd be surprised if they weren't it's been 40 on them though oh Batmobiles that's cool how much are those that's a set okay that's five of of a set I want 30 bucks for H well maybe all five I I've got more in here too okay eight of them so 10 bucks for 10 20 30 40 50 bucks that's pretty hard to justify we said 40 for those and those are I think not much either I think that's a Marx that's what it looks like yeah 18 it is but is that a sold see like these just aren't that good those are more overpriced than these I got some knives Oldtimer much better than that that's kind of like a Damascus 45 Is that real [Music] Damascus thank you you take 20 on the Batmobiles one to double your money aren't you yeah it's the goal it's always the goal I tell you what $25 that's five a piece they're gone for 10 or 15 a p yeah yeah yeah um 25 huh yeah I'll give you 25 and you got a couple of boat plates up here you collect plates yeah I collect plates nice you no no I have some friends who do but I do like them yeah I know my friends like been looking for trailer plates lately looking trailer plates are hard to find yeah that's what she's been trying to find a lot of people don't like trailer plates she likes them yeah 25 let me show you something else okay I got sure thank you how much are your boat plates those are 10 a piece yeah what else you that's a good one right there I've seen some of them sell for 25 really yeah yeah all right thanks very much okay what I have is you like those so well yeah there's a really cool one five bucks M are they Bo or motorcycle how about that $25 can I give you a dollar for it what's that your money how about the $25 can I give me a dollar J did you pick that up this weekend no I got that at a community sale yeah $1 and I got another one too but this is broke and I got to get a new one of them $2 he says yeah those are cool oh yeah NE um and I got I got some of these yeah some poo yeah almost two of them let me this Disney yeah I think that's what I wanted to look at that's interesting five bucks that's uh Darth Vader pretty neat there he is hey hey I bought the bat they were too cool car yeah you know you had the like set the set of all the Batmobiles a little to 25 bucks so five a piece I think so yeah what' you do collect Stu I go to a lot of auctions and I sell online and just I had so I'm just trying to get rid of a bunch right now oh you sure sor if you want to sell your this cool I like yeah whenever you're ready for it what do you got on these three you 10 bucks for all three sure what are we looking at for J here you man by thank you 40 on this box y y drag out of your way I got here okay yeah okay I'll be here budy car that's pretty cool right no it's your old sports stuff you like right yeah there's you put that in there yeah I mean yeah why not what do you got on all this uh 10 bucks okay can you hand me that is that one of those Remington things second Remington style I don't believe it's a Remington here 10 bucks man thank you yeah I mean for a couple bucks I probably get it anyways did you fact his prices are cheap Japan thanks man a brand on that fancy K you saw you has more cards back there think somebody side somebody said you think you 10 on I'd be at like five that F yeah go for it do want me a favor I got two but do you have change for a 20 man sorry yeah I think I do I think I do now I sorry I was trying to look for some other stuff here your five five thank you I hope you change him $2 look at that stinking Game Gear just sitting on the ground it's probably not going to work and it's missing the plate but still it's pretty cool thank you you got on this uh it doesn't work yeah five bucks all right here we go thank you what do you think I can give her broken Game Gear at least 10 right at least 10 yeah he had it at five I was like yeah I can't really can't really lose with that what about that Kansas City bag PR cool and there's a jersey morning hey how pretty good how much is your jersey 20 on the that's not bad I didn't care starter no but it's starter isn't that hockey yeah it's hockey Philadelphia see I'm a pro in hockey jerseys now we were at the Iceman yesterday they were playing the Solar Bears oh wow and we were looking at their jerseys I was like I want an Iceman Jersey but I don't want to spend 100 bucks on it are all all all odonald O'Donald is that a minor league fan he's a I think he's just a player in Orlando oh yeah how much you asking on these uh three bucks each RDV Sportsplex interesting adult league it's got to be more than just a you know yeah they're actually getting his name printed on that's pretty cool how much is that one that one I want a 54 with with the yeah that's pretty cool it's small yeah it's real small what size is that it's a large it is starter I talking a lot about this I don't know much about starter but do you have any sports cards atut that's cool yeah love you Arnold Palmer he had him but he might that's he bought some from him yeah yeah I bought someone else bought most of them but he got a few of them all right we'll let you set up we we'll walk back through I just saw that at the Browns on uh Saturday someone else had it Satellite City yeah I remember the same guy but you got your little NFL helmets but they're not not in the best shape those are the old yeah let me just find the Black Lotus real quick yeah this we were I remember this one last time had to know what what' you fill up with all toys those toys she gave me everything she had left for 100 bucks same lady yep okay all items on this table $1 see these guys they individually price and they're generally really expensive so I should probably just keep walking see if there's any good clothes in here although I don't really know even if there was know a little bit that one's actually pretty cool that Miami one pretty cool Carrie is that Met's shirt any good stitches brand kind of just like it's pretty generic is my issue but it is Stitch I yeah well it's called stitches it must be stitched exactly did you yeah I didn't ask car doing in this neck of the W how are you man I look around I was like I know that voice I heard him last night on the podcast I do 10 on if it help you okay man think about it I'll pick it up for 10 why not I like it all right let me see what else I want though all right peek around I'll work we got some head covers where's your mom at today I got a her one time she's the master she is I mean she doesn't usually come to the flea market with me oh don't she I've seen her out brown I took her to the Browns once yeah she did like it but it's a big it's a long day for her she gets really exhausted I understand my mom she had just had heart surgery so I her to go out a few yard CS but they get tired yeah they do and she gets home she'll just like crash on the her little swing in her backyard and my dad's like you wore your mom out again yeah she cracked me up when that man was saying she was 90 or oh about your age I was like that was the Port Orange one I take her there pretty often if for yard sailing down there yeah but that's like kind of a horrible flea maret anything I'm going to get hey those are cool the gator and the here for the all right I appreciate you buddy thanks man any of those I'd work with you you don't know how it is give you 15 for the three all right sounds good okay thank you right in my Niche plush and golf any I appreciate it Budd thank you thanks D what was your name Ezra Ezra I think yeah I think you told me before Rob nice to meet you yeah you too buddy appreciate the deal yeah man no worries man I apprciate you thank you how's it go man you're just you do the rounds you're out there working man nonstop oh yeah Hulk that's cool what Dreamcast games you got nice where'd you get those man from a guy I don't know from a guy wait it's like all sketch about it I can't say where I got it away where he's getting his stuff I I don't want to oh yeah yeah know I get you power Stone 280 I once sold a broken copy for like 50 wow back in the day like it didn't work I don't think that is awesome well here's Power Stone and Power Stone 2 he's got both of them NBA 2K a dude I played NBA 2K so much I played uh fighting force on the dream let me see real I almost want this just to have I don't even want to sell it that's awesome I don't know what is it 10 bucks put it on your shelf if you like it man think it's clean he's got the system too got the whole console I might just get to I'll think about it I'll think yo he's got NBA Hoops brand new dude brand new packs I love sports cards a lot dude I you should what what you got on that pin yeah how much do you have on this I'm doing 50 for the three 50 for the three you look into that I don't know are you only selling them as a three yeah man CU that's the only one that I really want that one the basketball the basketball is the only one i' want is the problem um yeah that's fine like 25 on the basketball unfortunately those two that's where all the value is That's So man temp I don't really want the other well the problem is no one no one watches your channel would like that this one let me see 9293 is Sha but and I think he's in this rookie uh 92 exchange carts so maybe you get the exchange cart Shaq should be in this Shaquille yeah 9293 say Rie Alonzo Morning a whole bunch of dudes Alonzo Morning uh Herold Miner it's just cool to see basketball wax hockey's okay this is the stuff that's not the NASCAR the NASCAR no one wants that pick them up for like five bucks but like worth it though by by itself probably yeah I'll think about it I want to see what else card wise I find but was it what year is it I like that goes for like 75 of he'd open it on his card channel is what he'd do on his card Tik Tok goes for more than 50 by itself I'll buy it cuz you can make content out of it I have SPS oh my gosh look at that that is cool yeah this B 50 is a good deal just for that so I'll take the other two for I'll do 50s right yeah that was a fair price I thought it was I just didn't really you're just a tight wad I no I really am just dude that he's got the he's got the sports black Dreamcast back there oh he does how often do you see that one literally never you've never seen it it's pretty rare thank you man well that these will be worth opening on camera to probably the hockey yeah I'll have some fun with when I get around he he does Tik Tok American Arbitrage card Tik Tok that'll be hard for me to remember I have a camera yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well he he just like opens packs and people watch I'll open packs and then this will probably go on my card video too yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't think you can really go because that alone yeah so you could if you wanted to sell it you could make a profit sit down and just open it as a singular video for fun that be cool sell the cards yeah if it was like late '90s basketball I would have need I wouldn't bat ey at 100 but like early 90s is a little more all over the place look at these Atari games which are these Atari games they they're priced on the side oh I see can you what does your pricing mean okay I don't understand your 11 everything that doesn't sell on this trip is going to an antique mall and our number is 11 11 11 11 11 okay just so I don't have to price it again gotcha okay I might have bought all of his but yeah it's right there on the corner of the gentle with the hoodie on but there's a lot of there I he might bring more out but there's a lot floating around you should find some if you're looking what's she looking for what she looking for sports cards that's that's what I love to find so all right let's keep going oh you found some stuff yeah this is pretty cool oh that is cool Jordan I got dream uh Sega Game Gear kind of cool I got I got three more boxes of cards now paid 50 but the one on top 8 right what happy birthday to my wife I love when you're washing clothes yeah you keep reading it I love when you're sweeping you be killed now I love when you're wide awake and I love when you're sleeping I love you for your sunny smile and your kisses I love you dear for everything cuz you're my loving misses that's cute how much are these cards not 20 for the whole pack it's a ton in there yeah there's a lot very cute just don't do that anymore how much is uh is this all individually priced this glass yeah this one is 15 okay yeah those are cute that's tempting oh cool PES assuming PES thousand pesos yes what is that he used to live in Mexico usually it's 12 to1 I think right now 12 to one yeah so they probably paid about 80 for this new and then it's probably worth about that now you're right I mean there's not there's there's not even one online not even one the only ones that are in Mexico and they were like sold so you're you're selling it for 80 selling for 75 I got you yeah okay cool it's about that's probably what it's worth we're resellers we got to make a profit but it is really cool you saw this Carri but it's probably worth that yeah Samy that's cool you know 50 would buy it yeah look at that car it's like a little hovercraft thing yeah yeah not enough meat on the was like that was like if it was five or 10 bucks which I thought it would be even 20 it would probably be worth it 20 i' probably not usually but here in considering i' probably take a fire yeah even these kind of Stanley are selling right now it's it's thermos not Stanley howdy hey how are you everyone's kind of just got a slow start this morning huh yeah I swear last time we were the first time we were here it was dark 6 a.m. and everyone was set up this time they're like just slowly unpacking it's just like it's not as you know wild of a day it's just a regular day they roll it out as they have time morning W how are you good how much are these little mice they're 10 for the set that's pretty cute little Analise always falls oh look at this happy birthday I know right it's from the McDonald's when they used to do birthday parties at McDonald's wow my kids actually cool right I know I I'm old so yeah I'm getting there too it happy birthday thing the placement the little toy yeah that's cute yeah how much is that 10 for all of it 1980 huh yeah lost in the 80s all my stuff I had this morning you tell it already yeah that stuff goes quick I was like what the hell the battles games I've been doing it for years I've never found one and then I ended up finding both of the statue castles and everything I was like she said she had a bunch of He-Man stuff so how much for all the tiki stuff how much if I got that that and this oh let's see my 10 on that 25 25 for all the yeah for all the tiki mugs and then 10 for yeah I'll do that let think I could do good with those oh to get rid of it the Anna Lee that's the original 1980 from McDonald's when they did happy or they did birthday parties that's awesome so cool that was the thing I remember having B my seventh birthday part I had a a birthday party McDonald's I had one at the movie theater them with the ti yeah yeah that's fine those destination birthdays were the best 25 come around yeah he' come around all written on I'm going throw that in with you I don't you that's awesome I like old Disney stuff okay cool you can have that all right and there you go thank you you enjoy you guys happy hunting today I appreciate it you too Tiki are great one of them said Disney one's Disney branded tin would be low I mean 10 to 15 a piece at the low I would guess but then the Analise I mean those are kind of cool those are something look at how dirty she is oh yeah goodness she's seen better days hey look my giraffes oh yeah literally very are they the exact same they might be how much are your giraffes um I'm not sure he's coming back from the oh okay oh so that's you and then this is yeah that's my friend I don't know understood okay we come back oh for a giant brass dolphin I was looking for a giant brass dolphin do they have one my aunt would like that dolphin she's got a whole dolphin theme that's cool you did local got I understand that was a funny interaction yeah yeah like he's like don't buy it anyway whatever for the art of what there's I bet that's a he-man stuff she was selling down there you think probably great it's all individually researched and press uh oh yeah definitely yeah 18 bucks look at that that's cool it smells like um reefer does it really does yeah reer Madness that gu cool full moon Puppet Master look at this guy how cool is that that is really cool oh Gizmo I love got here's some cards Tai Bean baby collector oh hot dog I want Gizmo I don't want them for 15 but I want them it's full Lego set cool how much is this Lego set there's a price tag take off find it no I don't think I don't think there is one unless I'm losing it no there it's in there if you're interested what are you interested in paying oh 10 bucks no I think asking more toward 25 maybe okay yeah I got to sell it though I understand yeah this I might be able to make some money on kind of tempted by it this 15 on the box for Star Wars huh that's fair I will pay it what do you think 10 for this these are all diecast yes I could do fine with that yeah we got 20 thank you for the yeah they're little like Sesame Street cars those neat those really cool yeah yeah stuff overall lots of yeah there's a whole bunch of stuff thank you so much we haven't brought out yeah yeah now you guys always have great stuff I think this is the neatest thing kid loves this thing oh it's like he's Trapped In The Box does he like come out and go for your finger is he that one he just makes like he shakes the Box yeah yeah yeah yeah let me out yeah I've seen that that is cool I did okay a little one1 doll boxes they had the other day there's some good little things in here go anything in there for gu1 to $3 most of it is marked I like the soccer figures though cuz you don't see them all the time no not not those on yeah they me this is 94 I remember this I might get these just cuz I never see them for two bucks little there's some other guys in here oh is this Sports guys no it's not it's just just like figures yeah just Andre the Giant dude Dr freeze or whatever I'll look it got it yeah I'll take a look can you take a dollar on this bag is in this one yeah I like uh Dave might you want that were they like Burger King yeah those were burger Burger King right yeah uh usually they're a little too high for me not necessarily from you but every time I find them they're a little too high how much are you selling them for I don't know why everybody wants that one everybody wants what I don't know everybody relax that little bumblebee oh Transformers yeah Transformers yeah yeah it's tiny I'm walk across right here like this Chuck-E-Cheese thing it's caught my eye it's caught my eye it's just like the top of a bucket or something but it's cool right I was Branch any Octonaut stuff we got Rex what WWE Bel for I found some stuff what do you think on this stuff uh toys I bought five bucks yeah it works back actually I'll just pop it in here those two bin right there yeah no one's been through yet okay cool I had these the F markers before the blue I got you let me get you five first yeah I like playing with the small stuff it's kind of fun all right everyone as you know I usually when I go to the flea market get multiple videos worth of footage so we're going to stop this one here there's a ton of stuff coming up awesome finds things like that I kind of started off the flea market today trying to just be super honest with people tell them I'm a reseller and kind of see how they reacted and uh you know most people didn't care a lot of people like yeah I get that yeah so I mean I think that a lot of people out there are scared to be honest about the fact that they're going to resell the stuff and that's really probably not a good idea you should just be honest tell them what you're doing every now and then it will even give you opportunities to get more stuff uh people may hold things for you because they know what you like to sell that happens to me a lot with plush where people be like oh it's Dave I've got this bag of action figures this bag of plush cuz they know what I sell so don't be scared to be honest with what you're doing out there anyway some cool finds and the best finds are still coming so make sure you're subscribe make sure you hit the like button comment down below and come back in a few days for the next segment or there's tons of flea market videos on my channel if you enjoy it go watch some of those watch some of the garage sales with my mom and me and we look forward to seeing you next time
Channel: ADHDave Picks
Views: 15,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage sale, flea market, yard sale, thrifting, ebay, whatnot, webster, swap o rama
Id: AJhJs0OsYjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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