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take it on with I can't sell I'm like a bird I want to fly away this where I got my squish melon squish Melon really exciting should we go to him all right I was sitting there trying to commit this is like autograph dude you might like this that is pretty cool hey what's up we fix to pull it all out but y'all feel free to go up in here and take a look make a pile all right I'll make you a deal man there's all kind of stuff in there we just we just came back oh yeah what guys what's up how are you we're back in Action y'all got the camera going today yeah we do sweet always always look again for fun Kung Fu pander yeah I think it's gone I think we're good yes old patches this one's awesome founder of scouting say Boy Scout stuff bunch of boy boy scout stuff see now I see you what are these I don't know where I'm going do baseball meanies that's cute a charger what is this uh it's like some sort of Vape juice Carrie he's got Vape juice you want something get some vape juice some used vape juice the only problem is he's kind of expansive you look through this shoe box of uh probably yeah they're all in these like fancier sorry my hand there they are whoopsies at least they're all protected so embarrassing I'm really embarrassed right now Chipper Jones remember when he was on that team and he always would do that stuff yeah the thing is when it comes to non-card stuff he's kind of Fool's Gold you know it's like a lot of super low value stuff in here to the point where I should probably run away I don't want it either do Pez expire like if I was hungry like would it make sense to buy a giant lot of pezz dispensers in any world is there any world where that would make sense I bought them if they're cheap enough and it's never really been a great idea I've never left going that was good it's kind of like you with the the beanie babies yeah like I mean like you had to do it I'm just thinking like you got Tigger you got like a bunch of cute ones Santa see they those kind of it fall in a terrible situation where they are not super valuable and everybody thinks they're more valuable than they are when they're no I don't think they have any real value like you can never get them so cheap that it's enticing because people over value them that sell them to you yeah like I'd give him $10 for this yeah I don't know but he wouldn't take it ex it could be funny to ask him but who else is going to come in here and try to buy him I had another thing I wanted but I lost it is that not books no that's not books it looks like it's um a glass set some cups and stuff thought I got all that unpacked see some sort of glass wear I thought I got all that unpacked Christmas stuff here's some more some like wine glasses looks like oh martini glasses yeah okay that whole set matches I'll just leave them all in there cuz they there you go yeah I think that's all yeah it's all the same okay thank you yeah are you back for more well my friend to go shop the cards again so I thought about um I thought about you last night cuz I almost brought two more bads of stuffed animals yeah that's all right yeah he just he likes cards and he wanted to come back to this fella these are cute Auburn scarf H Auburn Auburn Auburn fan there's not I walked around the whole place there's really not anything else this St should I get that kid but it is brand new Disney awesome do something it you sure check everything for stains cuz that bolts stuff up and stains on it here you go don mushroom that's cute yes I can just let see if I find it Wells Fargo plus what is this oh it's like a what is this thing it's like a backlit Tracer board maybe what is this thing jump rope it's like a little Lisa Frank blanket doesn't have any resale value do they is it really rare it is kind of rare look at that sells for 15 bucks keep looking you never know what you can find in here Pur El Moana how's Carrie doing over there he's still in there well that's cute yeah that's cute a little bell on [Music] it it's adorable is it like for jewelry let me see no it's just a see that's just like some jewelry stuck on it so you hang it up like this it's a windsh oh okay you want them you can have them how much for him five you get them no not for five five it was a little less maybe ballet one more I didn't [Music] look this is what brand Carter a couple things shirt oh man um some plushies another shirt y there I figured that would happen and little Elsa and the jacket sure well I don't know you tell me am I including the jacket in it or not yeah include the jacket 20 bucks for everything and then how much is it without the jacket 7 the jacket's three so how much are these then um these three these are five and that's two so that's 12 right there so that's 12 so that's a lot of the bulk yeah okay so if I got the two jackets and Elsa what would that be just those three things six bucks yeah I think that's probably what I'll do okay there you go thank you thank you how much did she asked for the plush she like gave you a whole bag five a pie five a piece on the plush yeah five a piece's gotten worse I thought they'd get better cuz it's the end yeah they're gotten worse I agree there's one like lot like a box full of patches that I kind of like dear Carrie you well yeah we're get we're getting close there's nothing else here where did those patches go me and Don have found they've gotten worse today than yesterday everyone's prices went up how much for your box of patches um that's all voice Scout stuff yeah it kind of goes together all oh with all that how much is all that um I can do uh I was going to ask 100 for the whole deal okay um but you're getting other stuff too I'm sure so uh no I don't have anything else okay I I'll literally make make a little stack man I'll make it all right I'll make you black diamond oh that is cute snoring bear how much is the plush um yeah how much is that if you want to do a few we can we could we could do a price together what's that that would sound really good to me never seen one oh that's cool that is neat yeah yeah oh sorry these guys too are they RS TL toys soft hello everything is 50% off and we got a price coated guide okay cool these actually New Balance no team real tree I what is the brand though I don't know signature some hats that's a cool hat NASCAR one with the real tree Nike Dy fit that's cool Chase off good brand you know just grab the good [Music] brands I don't know who that is just basically is there any more M&M hats cuz I really like this one I like the tree on the side how much are the hats m& yes how much are the hats um3 but we'll C you a deal we'll cutch you a deal if you get a bunch of them but six six of them yeah you want to do 15 for all of them I want to do 15 for all them with this okay did you see that there's an apron that goes yes is there top it fell off y that goes with it so 15 with that included that's fine okay I'm glad yeah I don't want to get the hats wet if you got one yeah the M&M hats are awesome we left yeah we haven't seen a lot of em& like usually see a lot of Emin collectors around with nobody's yeah you know it's it's one of those oversaturated things but I've never seen the hat so I think it's cool I like that you're getting that Garfield thing I put it out there you don't see Garfield anymore you know exactly thank you guys pretty soft Bara point in view those might be good priced at 20 21 bucks 20 bucks oh my gosh there's all types of binoculars yellow St this what sports sports a field but $15 not really worth anything we're just happy to be here what is this what's this poker oh my gosh this is cool check that out that is awesome hard to ship but cool enough that I kind of want it how much is this uh do 25 cents 20 yes that's fine I think there's two of them up there I think it's both okay yeah I think I have some change here here's a bunch of change that's 40 cents oh my goodness 50 here you want your penni back no it's fine sure thank you oh cool for five bucks man look at that is that neat how many two two of them how much did you pay a quarter damn the price was right but check this out I got three different M&M hats three different color oh o don't get them dirty here hold that for a sec I want to show Carrie my other hat so the I think the coolest hat might be this Nike one that's Nike dry fit that's cool yeah but even these Chase Authentics I paid like a buck a piece I don't know they sexy again you know what I mean I feel like no I'm going to do a lot on whatnot three M&M hats that one's a little dirty now actually didn't get dirty and then Don did you see this like Garfield what is it it's like a little I don't know but it came with a came with a apron so some kitchen thing it's in there f it up kind of cute you guys finished what is that I got to go get my glass I don't know Don bought it I bought it that's cool it's like a that's really neat it's cool but it's all like AA base what you pay five bucks we'll do okay but it's not real teams but the graphics are cool and the logos and stuff we won't lose money no no that big daddy thing is not sports right that's Stitch Big Daddy Jersey that's just for Big Daddy okay big daddy well I you know you're my big daddy your shirt button wrong too again oh the mud e [Music] your Bo peanuts not really my thing my mom likes them you already shopped over this one yeah how are you good do you have a YouTube channel I do yeah ADH Dave ADH Dave yep like ADHD but my name is Dave um what what what's the purpose of your garage sing flea markets mostly flea markets really lately cuz that's what there's a lot of in Florida where I live yeah yeah so that's cool yeah check it out I will ADH days I think I can remember that yeah it's kind of easy yeah well if we can make a deal for you please let us know because that's why we're here yeah yeah yeah it doesn't need to go home with me I like that pig that's cool Ain't It Cool it's a door stop he got a little wet last night yeah it was it was nasty out last night wasn't it let me an off wa he's very wet he is very wet he needs to sit out in the sun and dry yeah and then he might get other stuff wet in my car ah well that would not be good yeah that's the thought this is kind of interesting how it's all sealed up these are all yours okay let's see it's a bed pan carbing TI drill bits those ones these are yellow yeah but I mean you had the I've sold these in my shop I've sold these in my shop yeah what about this re recipe box that's cute it is right but do people use recipe cards anymore they just use it to decorate dude the the I'm telling you a lot of this stuff is just a decoration we don't use it anymore it's all wet though anything over here you guys look ready okay these look like Wedgewood a lot of mud Don about the mud he said that like wasted $5 on this Wow Car my shoes are getting M which makes me anxious I don't know why yeah that's a weird one I can't I can't track that one no reason behind it can you bring this if you're going to the car I'm going to go to the PTY Halloween love this's a fish car you break it you buy it young man I put dead gold pants okay so for a little bit of context here you're going to see me digging through some ephemera stuff ephemera is a fancy word for old papers I know this may surprise you but paper kind of becoming obsolete you know they probably referenced it about 3,000 times in the office you know Michael Scott paper company and so on and because of that there is actual collectors of paper now and obviously generally like the older the paper the better but it also depends a ton on content like what's the content in the paper is it like a letter from war love letter from war and it's a famous general or something that's going to be worth a lot more than just like a list of groceries to grab from 1997 like there's going to be a different value for different things uh so I grab a lot of ephemera here varying values I have not gone through it all let's see what I get and we can talk a little bit about it as we can this is what yeah now in this first room I mostly found old birthday cards things like that old stationer things that some of them weren't even written on and you can actually just sell old cards and things like that online and in bundles and things like that I also found a bunch of newspaper clippings and a few little old photographs as well I believe uh I sold some of the little old photographs on whatnot in a bundle and I think I got about $18 for them let's see what else I find I don't you think they'll actually sell this stuff old emeran stuff cuz this might be personal what you find plushies you seen this one no could be good these are like super expensive though but the thing is people are ask it has $50 tag people ask 150 she says it's super cheap less than half price what she said yeah it's kind of wild there's so much stuff here Hostess extend a top fancy I kind of dig here what is this Hallmark let's see what this goes for apparently I'm finding these a lot today yeah you too there's so many items Carrie none of which I need all of which I want welcome to aate final frer I don't even know what I've got D I've just have like a whole random in random paper goods Crystal how much was that thing the got to ask I put the $100 pedal in too we'll see there you go much Carrie they've got hemorrhoid cream awesome I know you have those hemorrhoids are they feeling better youve got to stop picking at them [Music] I'm so childish just more literally rabbits now I'll be honest I'm actually pretty bad at selling ephemera as far as like prioritizing it and actually doing it so this whole tote I'm like looking through it rumaging through it I'm trying to find comps for some of the old magazines and things like that and then I get to a point where I'm just like wow I have all this ephemera like why don't I just take it all and see what she'll price it at because you know I'm not going to research and figure out what everything's worth right now on this bathroom floor I might as well just take it all home and figure it out later well I haven't figured it out these should be photo cards too I think I can get them open y look at this guy hey y'all I have taken a few handfuls of it and run it through whatnot and I have gotten some money from it I think probably I brought in around $60 from that stuff so far maybe 70 I think there's probably several hundred more worth of it I barely even cracked into it but the correct thing to do would be to like look them all up and list each thing individually but it's just not something I'm passionate about and sometimes uh if you're not passionate about something you just get rid of it the quickest way past possible like I like looking through it but I don't really like listing it so I decided to just try to see what price I can get for everything I'm to the point now where I'm just like take it all enough cool items in here oh books so many books music music I'm going to ask for this this is like all ephemera D look at this sort of thing I do really you've seen me sell ephemera but like old photos and stuff that's like those are cool too yeah this whole tote though is just ephemera yeah old pictures documents I'll do great with those I'll make them into smaller bundles yeah she's cheap did he get a price on his um little guitar things or you want to finish your pile first in our pile one any books I want to get an idea for what she's gonna charge me because there's more ephemera maybe I should grab the rest of the epher I saw tune up the music people oh look at that $63 man this negotiate for this is hilarious I've got a pile here I'm not sure how much I can leave it in because the YMCA from Village People is blaring and I don't want to get a copyright stri mostly paper goods life magazines calendars old photos these guy you got this thing in here you can go through it if you want it's fine what else you got is that it that's it yeah just take it on with you I can't sell take it on with you for free let me give you some take it on five bucks no it ain't worth five bucks sure it is no I'm going giving you some money anyways I'm serious I I got to pack that up here take a 10 no take well cuz I'm going take the tote the tote's worth 10 bucks five give it to that girl out there five out there okay so I said five all right thank you thank um I'll bring this out trip chirp chirp hello hi she said five for this for the whole box yep all right I'll be back I'm going to go unload it thank you you should just negotiate your pile and get it done so Carrie can load it did car tell you what she charge me yeah I heard free yeah no we can keep shopping but then he can go hunting he seems like he wants to hunt I when it's free here all old maps and so on and so forth see if I can't load up another honestly I'll probably cut it short but I find another giant folder full of vintage Maps I go back into the closet and I find a bunch of stuff there and it goes on and on and on I mean I think you get the idea pretty much all the ephemera I find in this house she just keeps giving to me for free I end up with another whole bag worth but we're not going to leave all that in thank you guys for watching I hope you enjoyed this crazy deal free she wouldn't even take money when I tried to give her some so that's really cool she just didn't think there was any value in it and I told her I said there is value in it but she just didn't she wouldn't hear of it so let me know your thoughts Down Below guys I hope you like this bye-bye
Channel: ADHDave Picks
Views: 16,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage sale, flea market, yard sale, thrifting, ebay, whatnot
Id: hCMgDVj3hy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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