"I was 17, Hungry and Eat Nothing" Punjabi Hindu Brother Story Will Make You Emotional

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my name is ibraim my birth name is Ree bfield so before I converted to Islam so my mom is a uh English lady she comes from a Christian background she believes in something but she doesn't really she's not a member of an organized religion as for my father he comes from a Punjabi background um he comes from a seik Punjabi background so my kind of background was a sort of very much a liberalism focused household um so just with that background and when I was about 15 I started looking into religions but in in a nutshell I always had a general sense of God but wasn't a member of a religion so what kind of led me towards Islam was my search for different religions I'll look into kind of the oldest religions I'll look into uh uh you know the Egyptian belief system I looked into Hinduism I looked into Judaism Islam was the last thing to be looked at I kind of come from a background that was was quite hostile towards Islam it was a very islamophobic background and it was only until I I had a Muslim friend who you know they didn't give me dawa they had zero interest in giving me dawa in the sense of they didn't think I'd be receptive to it because of that background um but they just said to me once why don't you read the Quran and I was like why not I looked into everything at this point I thought why not I'll give this a goal and uh I remember reading the Quran I read Surah F this is the same as any other kind of holy book there's a guy God and he's asserting his authority over everyone what's the difference between this and the other religions however when I started reading the Quran and I read it every day I started get really building an attachment with it it's simplic it style the way it got to the point and its message was clear morals of the story and the the message and the laws that were being discussed were so clear and and were just pure Common Sense common sensical nature of of what Allah God most high was telling us to do the fact that it just made pure sense and that's what really drew me in so in essence it's the it was the Quran after ID read the Quran I essentially believed in Islam and I called my friend and said I need to become Muslim now now I don't want to die and not be a Muslim and he was he's like just call me tomorrow I'm like no now now now cool have a shower we're going to my uncle's house and then his uncle was there my friend was there and his two aunties were there so I gave I done my shahada with um his aunties uh my friend his uncle and some people from Somalia on Skype I took my shahada just after my 17th birthday which was in October which G give basically gives me a full full year before Ramadan comes so when Ramadan came along it was quite difficult I didn't know about fasting and prayer I'd had you know a year to kind of learn these things uh but it was difficult because I my parents didn't know I was Muslim so I kept it a secret from them and it stayed a secret for roughly 2 years I didn't have a job I couldn't buy any food for myself cuz I didn't really have any money there was just no Halal food in the house you know they'd be cooking food Haram food for me and I couldn't eat it it wasn't so difficult in terms of prayer because I used to I used to be out all the time anyway so I just went to the mosque and stayed there until and came home um but the food was a problem so I didn't know what to do I didn't have anything to eat when I went to the Masid for for M and ate some dates and crisps or whatever was it was it's actually quite embarrassing how someone found out right so what happened was there was a person who was like you know why are you always going to do W so much you know don't why don't you just go to the toilet and thing cuz I was praying and like going to do like every like every other every other like second uh unit right like basically and obviously this brother's really pressing me so I'm like basically I can't go to the toilet cuz I'm not eating and I don't have a I don't have anything to go toilet with I don't have any halal food and uh this brother who was involved in the Masjid he owned a restaurant he was like come yeah come to the Masjid to eat I started eating uh there every now and then and naturally uh Ramadan is incredibly lonely time for converts because they don't have anyone around them my advice for a new Muslim coming to Ramadan would be obviously it's there is an obligation on people to support you you have to you you have to get out there you have it's your job as well to connect with people so connect with people discuss things see if there's any friends that you have that are Muslim connect with them pace yourself it's a long journey um to build yourself up to build your Iman up and also to cleanse yourself of past habits and behaviors the additional things that are taking place in Ramadan focus on your fast focus on developing a relationship with Allah fasting and Dua
Channel: The Quran Motivation
Views: 95,198
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Keywords: Alhamdulillah, Convert, Convert to islam, Hindu to muslim convert, Indian muslim, Islamic motivation, My revert story to islam, Ramadan 2024, Revert, The quran motivation, allah, best islamic motivation, india, indian muslims, islam, islamic motivational video, mufti menk, mufti menk live, mufti menk new, muslim, muslim central, muslim revert, myths about indian muslims, new convert to islam, quran, ramadan, revert story, revert to islam
Id: 2pqHEpCkhUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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