Read The Quran To My Christian Mother, She Replied It's From God || Brother Webb's Journey To Islam

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in the name of Allah the most beneficient of the most merciful in the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful Salam alikum to everyone uh you know you saw me talking to um wi Sam during your speech I apologize it was a great speech by the way but that's because I have a lot of love for Wham uh who was a very close brother as well as not men but I think this is the first time we actually rocked it together which is incredible and and it it's wonderful to see both of these incredibly articulate intelligent uh young men um doing it you know and may Allah increase their D it inshallah in this life and the next secondly I just came from Boston so I'm going to be finishing before 8 my talk will finish before 8:00 that's for sure and those of you from Philly don't even give me Salam today right um I actually am from Oklahoma uh USA yes and I became Muslim in 1992 and I was talking to Isam about really honestly I think the topic is not given enough time you didn't take the time you needed actually um to talk about three heavyweight you know three incredible prophets in 15 minutes and I think also there'll be a little bit of information overload but one thing that did initially surprise me about Islam at the age of 18 my first Imam was Rakim and through that being directed towards getting a copy of the Quran and thinking that when I read the Quran it was going to be almost like a diet tribe against Christ and that's really that's something I I was so scared I put the Quran in the restroom because I was worried that if my mother found the Quran I would be like gab Jam or something like she would take me out so actually in Oklahoma Oklahoma right I kept the Quran the restroom and I opened the Quran for the first time and I found a chapter called Mary the 19th Chapter of the Quran and I was expecting again to be you know kind of a diet tribe against Christ his family Christians Jews you name it but in fact was really one of the most beautiful chapters in the Quran that when I read it to my mother who to this day is a non-muslim goes to church every Sunday and Wednesday when I read the first 40 verses of s maram to her in English she began to cry and she said this is from God so that really sparked my interest and that ultimately kind of led me to become Muslim now the topic that we're giving is about given about the prophets and the the the backdrop of this convention is about Sharia and in this attempt to cherize America right we need to become educated and literate as Muslims in speaking about Shar and when we're given this opportunity to talk about the prophets three of the greatest prophets what is their relationship to Shar this attempt to cherize America number one we believe that all of the prophets from Adam to Muhammad peace be upon them had the same Creed in says that the prophets were brothers the fundamentals of their Creed were the same secondly we believe that as a source of Shar all of the prophets agreed on that Source secondly we agree that they all agreed upon theid of Shar the objectives of Shar and this is a discussion that we need to be having here here at this conference because the topic is about Shar and people are shariz I'm from Oklahoma it was the first state to try to attempt to pass the anti-sharia bill this creeping Sheria it's like a TLC song and I creep right you're creeping with Sheria so how do you respond to that in light of three of the most important historical figures for all of us is that we believe that they brought five major objectives that can be touched on that make up the core of Shar and you learned this by the way in the fourth year in AAR in and you practice it in two years in as someone who's training number one we believe that the Shar came to preserve Faith to look after faith and that's why we believe and that's why we believe that Christ was not crucified or killed he was protected because if your point man dies that means that there's a weakness in your call secondly we believe that they came to preserve the intellect the intellect of the people that's why he said I came to teach you Isa and our Prophet Muhammad says and the only thing that a Muslim is asked to ask of an increase for in Quran as mentioned by Imam IB ha is an increase in knowledge number three is the preservation of life people should not be killed and that's why in all three of these incredible prophets messages We have basically from The Ten Commandments Thou shalt not kill the fourth is the preservation of lineage and family and that's why you know try it before you buy it doesn't work you have to marry it if you like it if you like it put a ring on it right and we know who said that and don't ask me how I know it's a long story I got kids man if you like it put a ring on it and vice versa sis if you like it put a ring on it according to the malakis it's fine and that's why we find the mother of Christ saying in the 19th Chapter of the Quran when Mary was surprised of the fact that when she goes back to her people with this child they may accuse her of fornication and she said I would rather die than be accused of that her sense of her sense of dignity her sense of and let me translate that I apologize her sense of fidelity and integrity was such that instead and you can compare that to Kim Kardashian now or JLo 45y old woman on a cover Magazine with no clothes on come on man no I mean it's a trip because it's inverted and IM said that when people see the permissible as forbidden and the Forbidden as permissible this is a sign of a spiritual psychosis they have forgotten their very nature so she said yeah I wish I was dead before they will accuse me of something like that now how do we carry ourselves at the convention sis or BR do we have that E Shan comes and says you ain't never going to get married come on man put a little Foundation here your foundation's here girl it ain't here come on bro walk with a little swag he made a mistake we say Iman swag right carry yourself man come on you wear some bracelets man it's cute man no wear a little necklace here in Allah you know Mr T them girls are like you right where's the f as one of our young sisters from Boston told me I love a brother who lowers his gaze and the brother that has the nor of vicker is the one who appe to me and vice versa so a sense of dignity a sense of e and we see that Islam encourages us no try it before you buy it and unfortunately in our communities the hardest thing to do is get married and the easiest thing in any book of f is marriage and that's a curse that we have polluted the sh we've made it so difficult that now we see facade in our community because we make it easier to climb Mount Everest in some sandal than getting married in our community and let's not even talk about the converts the other thing that they came to protect was the honor of people there should be no Jim Crow policy in Islam there should be no one should be looked down upon there should be humility and that's why when Christ came from his mother as a baby he talked now all of us have accomplished things all of us have done incredible things in our life that cause us at times to become self inebriated we forget who we are and that leads to oppression and and and and wrongdoing the fonic personality and when he came from his mother can you imagine if he walked up in the hospital and this baby was like spitting I'm saying like Cornell West saying like nefarius instead of bad just you know droing it and not only that he knew the Torah up and down he was a h and he had his gobs he had everything rocking and it's a baby you would say this baby has a right to be a little proud Pride proud you know have a little pride but what did he say when he came out of his mother's loins and the people started to accuse his mother of an evil crime he said abdah the first thing that Christ said when he was born and he spoke as a child is I am the servant of God why to maintain humility because a humble person will not oppress others a humble person will not dishonor others so we learn how to gauge success and finally property the property should be preserved now we don't have much time now I think my 50 minutes is over um to be real but I want to touch on a few points quickly about the story but I thought it was important to show how Sharia this incredible Sharia that we're talking about how that doesn't bleed back through but nors back through all of the other prophets and you find the Sharia in their life so for a Christian to say I want to ban Sharia you want to ban Christ for Muslim to say or or Christian to say I want to ban you know Sharia a Judas say that you would ban the Torah because we will find many of the similar objectives in the same text but the story starts with a woman and that's what's incredible about the story of MSA that if you look at the story of Moses the entire story is about incredible women his mom his sister his wife the wife of pharaoh the wife of pharaoh was so entranced with God now we get married the first thing we hear is I want a house I can relate I want a house too but she she said I want and here in Arabic actually it doesn't work if you're good in Arabic you're like why is the th coming before you know the actual object of the supplication it's very strange she didn't say oh my Lord I want a house in Paradise close to you she said oh my Lord close to you I want a house in Paradise because as one of our MH said for her to be in paradise and be far away from Allah would be hell so the comes before the so being near to God is more important to her than even her own pleasure so she sacrificed in this life and she sacrificed in the next I'm sorry to hit on your story but that takes us to The Life of Christ and this incredible example of women I mean the prophet when he made Hijra we never talk about how a woman a he climbed on her back to go over a fence in Mecca this is reached to us with a which is from IM that the prophet she he couldn't get out of Mecca I mean after he left the house what happened being he was in a cave yeah ask yourself what happened he couldn't get out the walls were there a woman she got on her all fours and said climb my back Allah cuz I know where it's going to head now how could he you know but this story is about also incredible women and men and one of them was the mother of Mary who supplicated to God for a child and Allah says about them that the family of Isa because as Muslims we learn a quick lesson nothing happens in a vacuum thei syndrome doesn't work yo I'm not going I'm not going to I'm not going to join him and say well I'm just waiting for the m to come get out of here you know I'm going to be righteous when Imam M comes one of our Scholars said if you have that attitude when imami comes you better run cuz he going to be looking for you so first and foremost it didn't happen out of a vacuum these were righteous people these were a righteous group of people and that's why it's important for us even before we're married to be righteous a tawa has Jamal to it has a n to it and that's why the prophets constantly thought ahead and said not only my my close family but my distant relatives as well yesterday a woman from usbekistan became Muslim in rockberry and she said my ancestors were Muslims but we left Islam and I said but their supplication came back to you so that outward concept of having so Christ doesn't come out of a vacuum Christ comes out means that they were as we understand it helpers of each other or cooperative towards righteousness and we believe that cooperation towards righteousness is one of the fundamental principles of sharia no matter who it's with and that's why Allah says and Allah says which means help all of you Muslim non-muslim whatever you are towards goodness and not towards evil and this is the same advice that man gave to his son that's found in and what the last so we find a Continuum so the family of Christ did not just pop up one day Harry Potter style Bing oh righteous people there was work Allah says goodness brings goodness you will know the tree by its fruit so his grandmother was praying for a son she was granted a daughter and Allah says and when the mother of Mary realized that she had this daughter she said oh I had a daughter and here we have two this is this is of America now and if you read it that way then it's Allah who's speaking and Allah knows best what she gave birth to another reading of the Quran which is also authentic which means God knows best what I gave birth to and we understand from that that it's the mother of mar who's talking and here the scholar said this is the ad that the believer should have with Allah when things don't necessarily go how you plan you say you know what Allah knows list and the next part of the verse and here we need to explain something in only 3 minutes and that is that this means and men and women are not the same some people held that oh this means that Islam like says girls you know what I'm saying it's like patriarchy but according to the strong R of the Quran is the statement of Allah as if to say this girl that you're given birth to is incredible this girl that you have been blessed with is something else is something special and that's why later on it says it's hard to translate this it means you know like NB is a seed that grows so Allah describes the growth of Mariam as though God took it upon himself to raise her and nurture her just like you see the vegetation grow and become right and perfect and win the Blue Ribbon this is how Allah took care of maram and that's why the prophet said that Allah taught me how to be as a person and then we know she gave birth to this young boy later on MAR who was going to be her son Isa Christ but before that that the Dua again one of the themes of this story if you pay attention is supplication so it begins with a supplication in the middle she makes Dua for her children and for Mary and then Zacharia comes to her the father of John the Baptist and sees that wow she he sees that miam in Palestine she was rocking mangoes yo in like watermelons fruit like you know pineapples and stuff in Philistine in the winter what's that oh it's a pineapple even said that in that every fruit that Mariam had would a one like the blue ribbon so he was shocked he said where did you get that from she said who from Allah and immediately when he sees that he has any boost and immediately he makes Dua and the here you have to watch this because we have any time now but this is dope I mean excuse me auntie this is really good and that is that is that we know that Zacharia his wife was what was Barren she couldn't give birth to children so when he saw that Mariam God had given her fruits out of season he realized if God has the power to give my this niece of mine fruits out of season he can give my wife a child out of season and he made Dua and he was blessed with John the Baptist now as I finish the story in 30 seconds she gave birth to an important child his name is Issa and there are some fundamental beliefs we have about him that I'll share really quickly and I apologize to the time sister may Allah bless you you're doing a great job cuz I see you number one is we believe that he had no father that his Creation With God was like the creation of Adam number two we believe that he's one of the greatest prophets in Islam number three we believe that he gave Glad Tidings of [Music] Muhammad as mentioned in the Quran number four we believe that he taught absolute says in the fifth chapter of the Quran whoever Associates partners with God on the voice of Isa on his words quoting him they will not enter paradise and God says in the Quran in the fourth chapter of the Quran says leave off saying that God is one of three he's only one we believe also that he wasn't killed but it was his likeness as mentioned in the Quran the last is we believe he he will return in the 43rd chapter of the Quran he says that Jesus is a sign for the last hour and I want to clear something up quickly as we finish and this is for the Muslim the idea that Jesus returning is somehow not support by strong text the of our he has a book where he took all the asan of the hadiths those prophetic Traditions that prophesy the return of Isa out of them 13 reached the status of 13 reached the status of where it would be impossible to entertain the idea that it was a fabrication as mentioned by im as I just some quick lessons that I touched on and I'm done number one the relationship of the prophets and Shar these five important objectives of Shar which they're I'm sure they're going to be talking about this great condition my first time to be I I'm very happy to be here number two number two is that the prophets were brothers their fundamental belief in God and the Hereafter and the angels and the books and The Messengers is the same although they might have differed on certain things that were permissible during their times number three we said the story starts with Incredible women and this is the pattern we find often in the Quran that women and men are involved right at all levels so we find the prophet the early days of his s involved a slave a youth a woman and a rich man because that was everyone who represented different social realities of his society sallallahu alaihi wasallam and then we talked about some of the beauty because we have much time really of we could continue and he could I'm sure he's going to do a much better job than me cuz his YouTube videos are off the chain masallah but but the the incredible beauty behind the quranic expression right how you can just keep abstracting and Abstract extracting lessons after lessons as Abu hanifah said the stories of the righteous are more beloved to me than because in the stories of the righteous is the reality of is the reality of Islamic law and finally we mention the points about those five beliefs about him thank you for your time I apologize for going over a little over
Channel: Muslim Revert Stories
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Keywords: revert story, revert stories, convert to islam, muslim revert, revert to islam, my revert story, revert, i will never be a muslim, muslim revert stories, revert story to islam, latino muslim, muslim convert, muslim reverts, my journey to islam, revert muslim, new muslim, convert stories, journey to islam, muslim convert stories, became muslim, convert story, new muslim converts, shahadah, Read The Quran To My Christian Mother, She Replied It's From God
Id: 8ft1qbpfFSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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