I Walled in the entire Launch Site as a Solo - a Rust Movie

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hey my name is iuk and in this video i put a compound around the whole launchite monument on a vanilla server completely on my own while the rest of the server tries to stop me but first up let's go over the game plan because this is no small task one wall cost 1500 wood and i would need hundreds of walls to do this these walls would also have to be up kept by its own tc which would cost even more boxes of wood and stone now i've actually done something similar to this before when i walled off an entire island for myself in this video in this video i used outpost to trade in stone for the wood i needed a rather ineffective way of doing it actually the most effective way i've found to get wood is using a pure wood tee and a chainsaw using this method you will get between 8 and 10 boxes of wood every 30 minutes but for these wood tees i would need to make my own berry form something i've never done before and so i had a lot of work in front of me i also figured the rest of the server wouldn't be too thrilled with what i was about to do and so i would need to make my main base as secure as possible to the tour of land raiders and so i had a few things to do let's get started yeah let's go this video took a long time to make and so if you could do me a favor and subscribe that would mean a lot okay let's get down a base i'm gonna put down a base on this side of launchite like around here to get up the main base as quickly as possible i decided to use a furnace base as my starter base but for this i would need a level 2 workbench first and so i just formed a few sulfur nodes and i bought one at the shelf nearby the plan was to just keep this furnace running it would give me a lot of metal frags quickly i had a lot of farming in front of me and so to make this easier i bought a jackhammer at the outpost and then i spent the next few hours just farming as i was out roaming around my area i found a decade base oh my god [Music] it's so nice i repaired the mp5 at face and then i ran back to see if this decade base had anything else to give it was clear that someone had gotten to it before me but there were still a few bits and bobs left [Music] this guy was clearly the one who got most of the loot from the dk base oh but from this i got enough guns to start this wipe i built the garage for the minicopter [Music] i put down the farm base on the river next to where i built [Music] i started hearing shots by a decade compound close by and i headed over to check it out [Music] how many bags do you have what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] oh we need to get home with this now someone's taking bradley okay shit's popping up now someone started taking bradley and so it was time to show this server that this was my monument [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign i need to build my main base really soon we can no longer live in a stone farm space that's just not gonna cut it what the [ __ ] yeah let's go i continued hearing shots over by that decade compound from earlier [Music] [Music] what the [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] i was quickly starting to fill up my two bases with loot and i was now a bit too loaded to keep it all in this unprotected bases and so i started building on the main base [Music] [Music] okay still love the bases looking good i headed over to the decade compound with some ladders to see if i could get my hands on any more loot [ __ ] [Music] all the locker rooms of this space were exposed but i would need more ladders if i wanted to access it in my ladders [Music] oh my [Music] this loot boosted my wife into endgame after just a few hours on the server let's go another m2 and t4 kits i want to spread out the loot too so if someone comes and raids this i'm not going to be back on zero that's why i left some loot in the other base i headed back with more ladders to get the rest of the lockers [Music] oh my god this is so nice [Music] nice [Music] here we go we got so many kids from that yeah we need to continue working on the basis [Music] you [Music] [Music] people continued thinking bradley as the day went on [Music] [Music] i don't care about any guns i'll go back i'll come back for that [Music] [Music] [Music] the inventory we go back go back to base depot and come back [Music] [Music] okay let's go jesus christ we're getting a lot of loot oh my god why is everyone so loaded bro i've gotten like a box of components just from this fight and like two rows of guns how many were that bradley fight i just cleaned up the two that were left i started to realize just how many people lived around loan child and even though i've been lucky to get out on top in all of these earlier fights i knew it was just a matter of time before the first obstacle showed up [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] bro so ah man i have my own discord server where you can find a playlist with some of the songs i use in my videos here you can also find the bass i used in this video and you can find people or groups to play rust with or if you just have any questions i'm very active over there too i finished building on the main base and day one on the server was starting to come to a close when the worst thing that could happen happen a group on the server figured out who i was and in front of me i had probably the worst three days of my entire rash career and probably the most broken i've ever gotten in rust [Music] oh i'm getting raided [Music] yep i still had all my loot spread out and so a good chunk of it was still in my furnace base [ __ ] man that bass is kind of stacked luckily i still have a lot of stuff in the other bases i didn't have many guns in there which is which is nice like all i really had was the silver yeah basically a silver and i honestly i don't mind i can lose the silver i don't care man thank you so much i appreciate it you know you're also still from your favorite space very nice bro [Music] they had completely grieved the furnace base [Music] and after this loss i logged off and i guess raiding and griefing my furnace base just wasn't enough because as i was offline they also raided and griefed my main base too great [Music] fantastic i mean i still have this is that something [Music] whoa [Music] luckily the furnace space had started to decay and so with a bit of picking i could take that back [Music] [Music] oh i left so much open [ __ ] but i didn't leave this open yes come on let's go they had just gone for the grief on the ferny space and so one of the lutherans were completely untouched and coincidentally it was the most loaded one out of the two [Music] i'd lost my workbenches but using some sulfur i bought a new one at bandit camp using the drones we'll have so much left in here i'm so happy to get this room this is the best loot the best loot was in here they never got it all they got was the silver and i couldn't care less about the sulfur i'll list four more if i need them [Music] okay there we go i really grieved it a lot [Music] oh wait they actually didn't they didn't bro they got like no loot at all [Music] wow okay i mean they just went for the grief like that's it on both bases they didn't want the loot they just wanted to greet me which is they think i'm gonna quit the server because they griefed me with the stone tc and a few stone floors and i hiked on a wooden ball on my furnace base no no no no no it was clear that these raids were less about loot and more just about grieving me and so yeah after about an hour back on the server i'd now taken back both of the bases this group had taken from me okay base is now back the griping is gone tc's are on the main base so it wasn't as easily grieved next time i also raided and took over a base that was just too close to my base back to walling of launchite i had now come a long way with the berry farm and i was quickly filling up my boxes with all the berries i would need like three minutes over an inventory of wood like it's go op i mean we are going to need like a box of external walls but to be able to do that in no time i put down a compound around the base okay now i feel a bit more secure and i don't think i'm gonna get [ __ ] as soon as i start [ __ ] with someone now feeling a bit more secure i moved all the good loot from my furnace base over to my main base and then it was time to catch up on all the time i had lost [Music] [Music] oh nice that's great [Music] [Music] [Music] so we needed this tier 3 i noticed a group living out of a small stone base and so i decided to raid them [Music] so so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] i waited for things to cool down and then i started to transfer the loot from this raid the loot from this raid helped me a lot and i was going to start working on the wall that was at least the plan but the group that grieved me wasn't done just yet oh [ __ ] off oh they really don't want me to actually place the bike wall tc outside like what have i done i haven't done anything to them but you haven't done anything you got me worried now i'm moving this moving all my t's and i'm taking one of each of the clones because i am not losing that progress i'm i i'm i need to go around my base and just take out every single sleeping bag they have way too many sleeping bags around my base i gotta understand why they're literally putting all their focus into me they literally just used four c4s just to grief me like come on man [Music] the [ __ ] do these guys want oh are you really reading my tc they're all actually raiding my tc i think these guys are [ __ ] losers [Music] reading that base really there's nothing in there dumbass bro they really want to raid every single one of my bases and grieve them like just to grieve them not even for the loot just just to grieve them [Music] so [Music] of course i get shot from behind [Music] holy [ __ ] i hate them i am doing a sweep of my area and getting rid of every single bag that isn't mine nothing much happened after this i continued building on the base placed down turrets and secured it as much as i could and then i logged off and for the second night in a row this same group came over and offline raided me and this time griefing me even worse [Music] [Music] so [Music] now at this point the best idea would have probably been to just pack it up and switch server or at least build a new base but i decided i wanted to raid back this space since they were so hell-bent on taking it from me but it was really easier said than done why the [ __ ] is that so expensive ah one shop front is three c fours or six rockets and well let's do some counting one two three four five six seven eight shop fronts is what i had to get rid of if i wanted this base back and i didn't even have a level three workbench anymore well let's put five hours of work into this two minute montage [Music] [Music] [Music] and it costs so much to get rid of all the all of these so [Music] let's go finally i'm insane helly so good [Music] hey it's completely fixed our base is no longer grieved now we can start playing the game again and so after five hours after i had logged in completely raided and grieved i had gotten my base back but i hadn't gotten much sleep that night and so i went to close my eyes for a few hours and i guess the people who raided me weren't too happy seeing my base completely fine just hours after they had done such a bang out job griefing it and so as i was taking my nap they raided and grieved my farm base luckily they had just gone for the grief again and so all the loot inside was untouched also because of the size of the farm base and how building privilege and rust works i could just move the tc to the other side and it was mine again but this wasn't working this little dance between me and this group just had to end if i ever was to wall off launch right and so when one of them came over to my base to ask for an online raid i decided to talk to them yeah maybe but like it has been [ __ ] annoying but like you do you really think you deserve an online raid definitely not no after a bit of talking we finally made peace apparently this guy dumax was the one so hell-bent on griefing me it was d max's idea but now he had left the server and so the guy i was talking to promised to not grieve me again and as a sign of good faith he also let me into their base and let me get my revenge on doom max nice and so finally i could get back to what i wanted to do this wipe and i wasted no time [Music] okay we have enough wood now i think at least for now but this is what one wood tea makes at this point launchite was crawling with bigger groups and grubs [Music] well they're feeling like [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] how [Music] [Music] the [ __ ] man of course if all these people in launchite made running it so much harder luckily that wouldn't be a problem for much longer as i could finally start working on the wall but technically you can't actually completely wall of launchite because of road since you can't actually build on roads luckily it's pretty easy to work around that and all i did was place these turret pods at all the roads making it impossible for anyone to get in about me it was a long way around launchite and so i started small just trying to get from the road by my base to this other road i first set up the third ports on these two roads [Music] [Music] and with that finished i could start connecting the two roads oh yeah then there was also the bases by launchite because i had to raid any basis that would interfere with my wall luckily most launchite bases are pretty loaded [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay so i have these now going all the way from my base to here i have tcs now i'm going to start working on this side too so like the whole of this side is is mine and no one can do anything because i want to get the walls down for all of this also uh tonight hopefully i wasn't making too much sense at this point as you can tell i hadn't gotten much sleep at this point but i finished the wall all the way to the first road and i also started working on the wall on the other side of my base [Music] but even though i spent most of my day just farming and building on the wall i also got into a fair bit of pvp [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] ah [Music] but i mostly just spent the day farming and building on the wall [Music] [Music] so [Music] many hours later and basically half of launchite was walled in [Music] but even though a lot of launchite were now walled off it didn't make launchite any less active [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sake man [Music] [Music] but people were starting to notice my wall and some groups even started camping my base [Music] so nothing really that interesting happened the next day and i just spent that day working on the wall [Music] and i actually made a lot of progress and because i got so much done that day i decided to treat myself and i spent the most of the next day just pvp [Music] [Music] check both are you guys 11 hp [ __ ] they didn't get any rocket study games i've ran with it [Music] okay [Music] [Music] people were starting to notice that they were getting cut off from launchite and they clearly didn't like that because one group used four rockets to destroy one of the turrets [Music] and yeah this happened a lot where people would break turrets or balls and the thing is it's so hard for anyone to break turrets or walls but it was so easy to fix that really didn't bother me [Music] [ __ ] me people don't like those turrets i mean i have i i have enough i just keep replacing them i don't care like it's one camera and a computer and some high call you have a turret like i'll keep replacing them till the end of wipe don't you worry i found a deaky base which helped me get stone for tcs i continued forming wood crafting that into walls and placing them down [Music] trust me this was as boring to do as it sounds but i now only had two spots left to fill in and launchite would be mine but even though there weren't a lot of places to get into launchite people still made their way inside [Music] oh [Music] that probably was terrible holy [ __ ] that was bad [Music] [Music] it was time to finish this wall [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah a bit scuffed but there we go finally it's done okay it's done the wall is complete it's probably the worst thing i've ever done in rust but now it's done look at this all around launchite [Music] i yeah okay we're fine we're fine it's fine like bro look at this [Music] my wall get the [ __ ] uh bro this is like i can't believe i actually did this like it's it's actually not and just like that it was finished all it took was 8 days and basically no sleep and so with the wall now finished i could start playing rust normally or i mean as normal as you can with the launchite in your compound [Music] what up [ __ ] hell it [Music] [Music] nice that's great save it oh it's such a bad really great otherwise a clown next to me started getting offline raided [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'll take these kids easy [Music] [Music] so [Music] no way he'd get up i was shaking the roof i didn't think he could get out there [Music] you're not dead [Music] oh of course he goes down [Music] [Music] okay we got something need that okay i say at the end it was still a proper profitable run after the raid was finished i never saw them transfer any of the loot from the raid base i suspect that they had just quit right after the raid and so i headed over to raidet [Music] as i was standing afk in base i noticed that hilly killed me and then a group took it down right outside my base [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] hoping [Music] you just they came to raid me wow no way man is there scrappily oh they came big i'm not even sure who these guys are i was slaving in my bed and then i saw i died deadly and that's what baited baited them out terrible hardly now i wish i'd let them start raiding that would've been so much more fun i didn't know it was a raid i thought they just like were roaming and they took headley outside my base yeah i'm not too sure if i can call this a raid defense or not i mean they never even shot one rocket because for some reason they thought it would be a good idea to take down heli with two rows of rockets on them but anyways i now had a bunch of rockets of my own and so to end off the wipe i wanted to do a raid and so when a group dropped the m10 on top in the shad i knew just to durate i first headed over to check out their base it shouldn't be too hard sending a few mlrs rockets oh yes go for it i set up a base next to the military base for the mlrs rockets [Music] then the raid base outside of their base [Music] [Music] but before i could transfer the rockets they raided [Music] i'm not a it [Music] okay i guess i guess you don't go normal right then and so i decided to say [ __ ] the raid base and just sent it [Music] just speak alone staying in your [Music] way down the below [Music] can't do anything about it like they just they just sit there and watch as i without lifting a finger go again [Music] [Music] okay one life and we just [ __ ] send it through [Music] [Music] of course you rocket pvp it was a solo one life online raid it takes a lot to win one of those but i guess i did enough damage to their base because when i logged in the next day their base was started to decay i wonder if they rebuild oh no and just like that this crazy wipe comes to an end of the spending days working on this project i'm so happy with how everything here turned out if you enjoyed this video please make sure that you subscribe i also have a twitter and so make sure that you follow me over there you can also join my discord server for channel updates or if you just want to chat with me but i will see you guys in the next video peace and goodbye
Channel: IOK
Views: 534,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iok, rust solo, rust pvp highlights, rust solo pvp, rust iok, rust solo serie, rust snowball, rust solo snowball, rust, rust movie, rust oil rig, rust solo raid defense, rust richest solo, rust best solo wipe, rust solo experience, rust fastest start, rust base build, rust progression, rust gameplay, rust solo vs clan, rust raid, rust 2022, rust wipeday, rust solo wipe, rust solo online raid, I Walled in the entire Launch Site as a Solo, rust wall
Id: acK6Uhd2CWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 5sec (4085 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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