A SOLO's Path to a 200 Rocket Raid - a Rust Movie

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[Music] hey so if you happen to enjoy what you see here then please make sure that you subscribe it's free and you can always change your mind later yep that's me in the middle of the most intense solar raid about to take that rocket straight to the face but how did we end up here well for that there is some backstory i have to catch you up on let me tell you the story of the three clans it was winter and christmas was right around the corner the server had just wiped and 200 people were making their way onto the server the earlier wipes had been all about these three clans one by lone side one by military tunnels and one by large oil rig each wipe was about what clan would be the one to come out on top these were decided by online raids a big event where one clan has to risk all of their rockets and the other clan has to risk everything it was a friendly competition and each wife would have a different winner but then here comes this swipe the three clans joined the server like they had done all those other wipes earlier only this time something had changed clans from other servers had heard about the competition between these three clans and they wanted in and well two days into the wipe and all three of the original clans had been raided this was devastating for them and so they started talking to each other and for the next wipe they had devised a plan all three of them joined forces to get rid of all the other clans and well seven days into this swipe and they had raided all the other clans the server was at peace again but instead of going back to fighting each other the power went to their heads and they started taking out anyone who would dare to oppose them didn't matter who you were a trio a duo or a solo and at the end of this wipe their base was the only one standing now the next wipe all the other groups had a choice to make they could ally with the three clans and help them or their fate would be the same as the wipe before now some groups took the deal and decided to ally with the three clans others fought for their honor but in the end they all lost and from that wipe on more and more people were forced to ally with the three clans or they would be dealt with immediately and time passed by and every now and then a group came along who tried to take them down but none succeeded big thank you to apex gaming for helping me bring you this video if you want to help support my channel and you're also looking for a new gaming pc then go down into the link in my description and get yourself an iok gaming pc use code iok at checkout for five percent of your purchase and again thank you to apex gaming for continuing to support my channel now then here is where i come into that story all alone no idea what i was walking into [Music] oh [Applause] wait oh i placed down my base in the middle of the map and immediately started snowballing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait for daytime can't be fighting in [ __ ] darkness i still don't have all the bps so this graph is big we can research a lot with that [Music] my god [Music] the reason i had built in the middle of the map was because it was a very small map and so i would be able to hear every single raid on the entire map and it didn't take very long until i started hearing explosions close by [Music] i'm so bad [Music] [Music] okay well i'm glad i went back okay [Music] i was just gonna go home i'm so happy i checked this body what you're running back to the base probably where do they live it could be a good rate target i mean double bass was probably loaded from the inventory i got a loan so i probably loaded as well [Music] i wish i got basically everything from the red what uh oh they're not happy and i got a garage door a tier 3 and explosive ammo that's so good okay so now i have all three workbenches and i haven't crossed a single one this could be a good raid honestly there's a codelock on it it's quite big so might be a decent raid and after getting my hands on all this loot i spent the next hours just grinding what [Music] then i did my first raid of the wipe i chose this space because it was the closest base to mine oh whoa nice this is so good this is exactly what i needed like i don't have i have barely any components so this is super good a few more guns gear sets for days yeah i'm gonna move everything from this red cards yes now we can form oil rig i transferred all of the loot from this base back to mine and then i finished up most of my base [Music] i was just about to go to bed and then i started hearing bradley getting taken one second probably and i figured that my base was secure enough at this point and so i decided to go for it [ __ ] i should have taken a silencer i mean i mean now i have idler so should be quite easy to counter [Music] so [Music] so are you have to be you have to be kidding me bro i played that so perfectly oh my god so after losing this fight i decided to call it quits and i logged off but little did i know i had just started the clock the next day it was time to start challenging the other groups on the server so i woke up really early and the first thing i did was i headed over to train yard to get a red card [Music] but as i was heading home i started hearing a raid on the other side of train yard [Music] i'm not into that [ __ ] this loot i don't really care for it [Music] that [ __ ] armored thing [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god oh my god holy [ __ ] loaded oh as i was running around the map farming i noticed a farm base at the edge of the map in a swamp and so i crofted up some explosive ammo and headed over to raid it and for some reason this thing this farm base was what would change my wife forever [Music] please be loaded oh my holy [ __ ] oh [Music] well thank you [Music] okay what the [ __ ] i used the berries to craft wood tees and just did as much farming with that as i could [Music] yeah i think i think this will do i think we're okay for now using some of the wood from this i put down a compound around my base but before i could completely secure the compound some people that had been looking for me since yesterday ran by my base so [Music] but how to [Music] with how was it there's four of them now obviously i had no idea who these guys were i thought they were just running by my base and hurt me inside so i had no idea they were actually looking for me so i just continued on with my day not realizing that my time on the server was about to end okay let's go on a big recycle run recycling everything that we like don't really need oh my god we have more components than i actually thought holy okay let's put some stuff away we're not gonna recycle all of this not recycle pipes or springs like that let's keep like six of those keep those keep those keep like six of those let's keep 18 of those escape that rest will just press will recycle i don't think i'm gonna need rifle but it's like i have a case like i if i lose all of these guns like i'm just bad at the game so i'm just gonna i'm not gonna crop they get slightly let's be real 50 high call uh no [ __ ] that [Music] this is so good you can basically research everything we'll need almost at least okay we have explosives [Music] actually i'm going to go and settle all of this fertilizer and get more scrap from that and i can set up a terrorist before i buy a minicopter because i want to buy a minicopter now but it's 100 getting stolen if i don't have turrets so i'm gonna go sell this first i ran over to the bandit camp to sell all the fertilizer for scrap now this much fertilizer will take you a long time and so i took off my headset and started looking through my phone and so i didn't hear the explosions coming from my base after an hour of selling fertilizer i put my headset back on and i heard an explosion coming from my base and so i'll be spawned in a sleeping bag next to my base what the you have to be joking me i've been away for like an hour defeated both my tcs are you kidding me why yeah that was the question really going through my mind why would someone want to get rid of me this bad oh wow they used so much [Applause] did you see so much now this got me really confused i couldn't wrap my head around just what i had done to deserve this over 40 rockets was used that is over 4 000 metal frags 80 metal pipes 56 000 sulfur and 900 low grade and for someone to use that much on you usually you have to really piss them off but for the first time i had no idea what i had done and to who i had done it and so i decided to ask in chat to see if anyone would take credit and some people did ben and one two three they were happy to take credit for this raid but i still had no idea why they would raid me and so i looked back in my footage to see when i had run into them before and i only fought them twice of course once at my base earlier but then also at the fight by launchite yes these guys used 40 rockets raiding and griefing my base just because i killed them once after taking bradley but that's just how these guys played they were the big dogs of the server and the server had gotten to the point where no one would dare to cross them because they knew that killing them meant losing your base and so at this point they were allied with half the server which meant that the reason they needed to use 40 rockets on you can be as small as just losing one fight now i still had no idea where they lived but i figured it would be pretty easy since it's probably the biggest base on the server there was still a lot of loot left inside my base and so i moved everything over to the base i had raided last night if they think i'm honestly gonna give up i'm i'm finding out where these people live after moving on the loot to my other base i went back to bandit camp and picked up all the stuff that i had left there i mean i guess we still have this kit but this is like it's not [ __ ] nothing [Music] the first thing i did before anything was i went around the map looking for their base i first figured they must have lived close to launch but i couldn't find any bases that looked like something they would live in and so i kept looking in the direction they ran in after taking bradley but i just couldn't find it and after 30 minutes of searching for their base i gave up and instead i started to rebuild and they had left a broken tier 3 workbench which would make this much easier so [Music] [Music] okay thanks for starting to look up now we just have to wait for surfer and metal to start and we can move in while i wait for that time to regain some guns now i wish i could tell you that this was an easy start but i just couldn't catch a break [Music] what no way [Music] i'm just not supposed to have a good day in rust like i'm just not supposed to have a good day after taking a break and cooling down the sulfur had finally smelled dead and i could hungry for my base to a point where it was actually livable [Music] so i moved all the loot back to the original base to make the comeback easier i bought a mini copter it was time to fill up the base with loot again oh my god i didn't record whatever i got this super good [Music] [Music] i decided to take the mini copter to do large oil rig when i realized why i couldn't find the base of the people who had raided me what i had been looking on the island and well they weren't living on it this just had to be them and i would lie if i said that this didn't scare me a little bit at this point i also understood why these guys felt like they ruled the server with a base like that how couldn't you i had a lot of work in front of me if i ever wanted to get even with these guys [Music] as i was waiting for the crate to open heli came out and so i decided to leave with what i had and take down heli instead [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god to t4 rocket crates okay well all right ps got saved yes huh is this supposed to be a full time as i was going back to do oil rig cargo ship came out and so i decided to take that instead oh okay let's fix let's fix our base now the only thing you have to get rid of don't with myself is this met i hate that they made it metal they would have been so cheap otherwise oh whatever hmm [Music] it had now been seven hours since i had been raided and i was back at roughly the same spot as i was before so satisfied i logged off i had some work to do the next day next morning the first thing i did was i checked out ben space okay so i'm pretty sure the people that raided me live in that thing which kinda sucks because i said that i was gonna read them and now i am it's just gonna be very very very hard i added some defenses to the base so raiding me would be even harder now my base was still not as strong as i wanted to be and so until it was i would try my hardest not to fight with ben and his group a base next to mine started getting raided other raiding [Music] i think that was a rocket launcher at least it's back [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] kidding me this more what the triple rocket launcher double do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] uh oh my god oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god [ __ ] yeah foxy [ __ ] off [Music] [Music] [Music] it's going to shift in here i'm not going to push anymore [Music] [Music] foreign uh i'm so [ __ ] good [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] it was a long fight but at the end i managed to get out of there with most of the loot including a bunch of rockets and more guns than i'll ever need then heli came out and i took it down [Music] oh i'm getting some more boom i recycled and then i did a small raid oh [Music] i did cargo ship again and that was trash i also set up a shop where i sold items for sulfur this is a great way to get a lot of sulfur without actually farming i took heli again [Music] [Music] yes and then i logged off it had been a good day where i had gotten a lot of loot but all that work was about to be put on the line because i logged in the next morning to rockets being launched at my base [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] just find your way and try to [Music] yes [Music] way down below and that's not a place where you would like to go i've got cigarettes and brands [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i [ __ ] fat fingered [Music] [Music] [Music] just find your way and try to stay true [Music] ah i'd managed to secure the base now i just had to clear the compound [Music] one two three one two three no what after a bit of fighting i managed to seal the compound now i wasn't sure who he was that raided me look at this raid base what kind of rainbase is this but it turned out to be one of the many allies of ben i did some farming and then i fixed up the base then it was back to the grind [Applause] so all right it went down in my base oh bro my crates this wipe i've been [ __ ] nuts [Music] oh yes these crates are nuts oh more buckets but we've been getting at least one locative or crate in every single hello we've taken that's nuts i'm gonna move all my c4 and rockets into one box and i'm gonna see how much i actually have oh damn we've really started to get somewhere i mean we're still not even close but i haven't crafted any of these rockets or c4s so okay let's do a tiny run to our post get some important stuff are you okay pretty okay run [Music] foreign hey doing kinda good at this point i felt like my base was strong enough to start messing with ben and those guys and so when one of their allies started getting braided i decided to go for it is it getting baited isn't the [ __ ] no way right no it's not it's probably breaks guys there's no way these guys are getting raided what the [ __ ] is happening so [Music] [Music] ah no way i didn't think they could come out that way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pretty good halt after this it was just for me to keep going out and collect more explosives [Music] do [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] way too easy i started fearing explosions again coming from the direction of pen space and so hoping to get more explosives i went for it come freddie come come come loot what you want you're getting banned anyways stupid hacker i had a bag close by so i respawned and ran back ah it's r21 but i believe he lives there he killed me with an m9 from that i'm not base so i'm pretty sure he lives there we're gonna go raid one two three man freddie yes you heard right and the timing of that couldn't be any better ben and his group were at raiding with one of their allies and so they were talking in-game which let me know that they were about to come and raid me again so i killed it up and then it was just for me to wait this was it if i lose here i would lose everything i had worked so hard to get and i thought i was ready but i had missed something very important for a raid defense which would make this raid defense so much harder i had no wood in the base which meant i would not be able to seal there we go [Music] is [Music] is [Music] and me to my mind [Music] the only cause is [Music] i didn't know little by little [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what the [ __ ] they were starting to lose the raid and so minicopters came with more people and more boom so [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] all i want is [Music] so many still you want me to take care of ready [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] already crowded trying is [Music] everybody's trying to be here there's still more somebody are there [Music] so [Music] [ __ ] there's every [ __ ] you're on the server raiding me what's going on like it just never ends just keep coming i kid like [ __ ] 10 of them how much what [Music] [Music] here freddie here here [Music] oh baby watch live [Applause] [Music] hoping [Music] is [Music] [Applause] no no no no no no [Music] [Music] is [Music] huh what's up i don't know i don't have any [ __ ] wood anywhere that's where i'm losing i don't have any [ __ ] wood to seal with oh i feel like this is gg now bro there's just too many of them like i killed like 10 of them and they're still like five more i guess i don't know what to do there's too many right now i need to kill all of them inside right now and it's going to be so hard take this take this take this one come come come here come here man uh take so far so far so far you wait wait [Music] i'm gonna kill myself [Music] [Music] you're gonna get bad babies you're so bad you're getting banned i'm getting [ __ ] the admin on you stupid i'm gonna go on discord and i'm gonna i'm gonna call the admin you [ __ ] [ __ ] you know why did i actually win is that it we're getting offline did i actually [ __ ] one oh my god yes i had done it with everything on the line and with them at the core of my base i managed to defend the base and all the loot inside was safe nice subscription to them they're so salty i mean i would be too what'd you do to them i mean they gave me online right not that all people do that even though they call me cheater and well after this i spent the rest of the day just preparing i was hoping that i could do the raid later today oh my god these [ __ ] crates oh [Music] my god hey another c4 rocket crate [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so yeah i think this will do that is 118 rockets and 32 c4s and one c4 is the same as two rockets so 182 rockets was what i was gonna hit their base with now we had the boom for the raid but that's just like ten percent of what you'll need to try and do a raid like this the rest of the percent goes into the plan timing and skill now for the plan these guys always have people online and so how do you online read a base like this most people will say that's impossible but it's actually not it's all about when you start the raid and who in the clan is online almost all clans have a base [ __ ] this guy sucks at pvp and so all he gets to do is take care of the base and farm and from watching the clan in chat i believed that this guy was the base [ __ ] and so if i could start a raid when he was the only one in the group online it would give me an upper hand going up against their least skilled player so i started getting ready i first headed over to set up my raid base [Music] you also need a lot of stuff for a raid of this magnitude so i made trip of the trip just filling up this space with weapons and resources then it was time to move the rocket and with this many rockets that was going to be two rounds [Music] as i was running in to depot the rockets i started hearing footsteps and garage doors opening inside of the base i still had three rows of rockets back at my base but if i want to get him i have to leave all these rockets in a true rocket raid and so at this moment i made a choice and i still don't know if it was the right one you can tell me what you think in the comments but i decided to do the raid without these rockets and just hope that this would be enough [Music] [Music] yep this is going to be [ __ ] [Music] i need to get i need to get all the rockets right now before he gets on the roof [Music] let's just have all the rockets on me i'm gonna stand in this i'm gonna english animal you know they may be right cause love is [ __ ] i know i'm [ __ ] i don't care [Music] thing is there's so many places you can come from there's so many things that can go wrong right now i don't even have all the rockets yep i'm just gonna try and waste all my rockets bro this is going to be so expensive armor takes so long to get through i'm just waiting for that to open i get rocketed i don't know what to do here i'm so dumb for not bringing all the rockets i'm i'm mad at myself now that's like two rows of rockets more than that [Music] oh [Music] i think i'm starting to do some damage here [Music] i'm gonna push it on is [Music] [Music] he just rocketed himself oh [Music] hey baby can you tell i'm not a criminal [Music] true that's me close [Music] way down below baby [Music] oh know what we'll ever say just find a way and try to stay true so [Music] [Music] keep it outside [Music] oh my god [Music] and try to stay true [Music] okay [Music] how the [ __ ] is this not blowing is he saying i'm hacking there we go okay good [ __ ] blow you're such a loser bro why play with hex i'm online raving how am i a loser but if you're playing with hats bro oh my god but they don't have [ __ ] they haven't crafted anything [Music] oh my god oh i could have died so easily he's talking about despawning [Music] ah i don't know what to do you need a grenade launcher oh [Music] [ __ ] i had run out of explosives but if i could respawn at days grab the rockets and some scrap for a mini copter i could hopefully get back before they managed to seal the base come on oh [ __ ] [Music] no i couldn't see he went under i was looking at the door tower [ __ ] it spawn tower [Music] okay let's [ __ ] go [Music] [Music] oh that's it [Music] are they [ __ ] insanely rocketed that's fine missing a pvp rocket now wait how did one turn off what did i mean i'm [ __ ] as soon as as soon as they'll go out [Music] no if there ever was a time if the ros gods believe please no it looked like this was over and that i had lost it was a really fun fight and it actually looked like i had it at one point but because i didn't have these three rows of rockets i didn't have enough to foundation wipe them but had i really lost i grabbed a kit and ran back to see if i could get back inside [Music] [Music] so [Music] no they're moving loot somewhere bro that was the play they were quitting and transferring all the loot to their allies i ran back again maybe i could still get some loot from them [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [ __ ] off i'm just gonna put enough harness [Music] [Music] oh rockets [Music] you're really that dumb that you're going for the pickup no it's back no stop choking [Music] and after this they quit the server it turned out even though i had technically lost i managed to do enough damage to the base so that they couldn't rebuild and so here is where this video ends and honestly i couldn't be happier with the ending even though it wasn't exactly how i hoped it would go i had done what i set out to do i had gotten them off the server and in doing so i also did something no other solo player has done on youtube i really hope you guys enjoyed this video check out my pc at apex gaming don't forget to subscribe join my discord server and follow me over on twitter but i will see you guys in the next video peace and goodbye
Channel: IOK
Views: 598,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iok, rust solo, rust pvp highlights, rust solo pvp, rust iok, rust solo serie, rust snowball, rust solo snowball, rust, A Solo's Path to A 200 ROCKET RAID, rust movie, rust oil rig, rust 200 rocket raid, rust solo online raid, rust solo raid defense, rust 200 rockets, rust richest solo, rust best solo wipe, rust solo experience, rust fastest start, rust base build, rust progression, rust gameplay, rust solo vs clan, rust raid, rust 2021, rust wipeday, rust solo wipe
Id: CdvsXRvr0NY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 43sec (6463 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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