I Spent 100 hours Recreating my own Outpost in Rust

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this wipe I'm going to build a copy of The Outpost in the first ever player run monument in Rust this is going to take many days just to build and cost over 1 million stone and tons of other resources to construct I spent many hours studying The Outpost trying to figure out just how to build this and first of all I'm gonna need an area with the space for a 20 by 32 building and I know this is pretty hard to believe but finding an area like this is no easy task and I spent many hours just looking through servers and I even found a location for outposts but they got traded immediately well come on if you started but I didn't give up on this spot just yet then I moved into the snow and I formed up on everything here silver Stone scrap and guns I made a tier 3 workbench crafted up explosives and went to take back my base location there we go wanna make this space way more beefy this time what the bro I'm dump I'm done bro get get me off this game get me off this game now but before that I want to thank the sponsor of this video howl howl is a rust gambling site and right now they are doing a 25 000 giveaway for you guys in celebration of their new game mode Blackjack and if Blackjack isn't your thing you can use my code iuk to play over 2 000 sloths and live games the wheel coin flip and more all for free they also have a free rust case that you can open daily and win up to two thousand dollars check out the 25 000 giveaway Link in the description okay take two and after the last day's failure I was pretty pleased that I was able to find a good spot almost immediately this looks promising no basis yes is it big enough and the base fit perfectly 18 19. it fits yes it actually fits oh bro bro it's taking me so long to get here yes okay let's get up to space and so I started placing down the first base and I began with this tower that you see to the left as soon as you walk into our post it's the smallest base in our post and would make for a good starting point we have it this is the spot this is the spot is that why I started farming getting up a level two workbench and then enough Stone to completely finish that first base okay base is basically finished let's need to add a roof but it's looking good then I took a small break from building and headed over to Airfield where I got an ad drop which gave me my first gun first base done a lot more to go then it was back to the hitting box very boring luckily I lived in the snow and the snow is filled with Farmers for me to kill oh so yeah to begin with farming was easy all I needed to do was go out with the gun and kill some people that had already farmed bro everyone I kill is just filled with stone I would also need that ton of components for this Outpost luckily getting most components is really easy and all I did was run the train tunnels okay so that's that's all the scrap we're gonna need then I just continued building on The Outpost another building done let's just keep it going and as it started getting bigger and bigger people started taking an interest in what I was building foreign so much building all I'm doing is forming a building and there were way more people than I thought in this area and I started running into them everywhere by my base oh my God running to Outpost [Music] on my doorstep oh you're a [ __ ] and that's how it was out for me everywhere bro and yes it did give me a lot of guns but it also cost me a lot of time and so it was time to pick up the pace so [Music] [Applause] okay so we're actually starting to get somewhere so right now we've made it all the way over to the recycler is the next next part I don't know if you can see but I think it looks good so far trust the process okay I would say we're about 40 done now we're about three days into this project but I mean it's just a lot of farming and building which is very tedious but it's gonna look nice when it's done so it's gonna be worth it [Music] bro what a rat bro who sees a base like this and thinks oh I'm gonna camp that building this I also had to take help from the competition as I bought all my wood from our post I mean it has to be done but it doesn't feel good buying from the competition bro I just realized this but but this is huge like what I'm building is actually so big it was actually starting to look like Outpost and people were starting to notice what I was building the do you like what I'm building yeah yeah you're building Outpost yeah but yeah I think I think we're starting to get to the point now where people are going to start noticing what we're doing because now it's actually starting to look like Outpost but it had taken me many hours of building just to get here and there was still so much left to build okay and that's another building done bro we are running through gears okay this is taking a lot of time actually this took like I thought I would be able to do this in like two days like just get up this but it's taking so long but as I've been out forming stone I've also found silver and at this point I had quite the collection because all we really need is more Stone so much Stone bro I don't know how much Stone I've actually used but it's it has to be some insane number and so I slowly started smelting it up and I cropped it up a few Rockets but at the dentist I was out looking for a base to raid I saw this Mini Cooper land on a base nearby [Music] bro I didn't bring any ladders I didn't know how close these people lived and how fast they would come back and so I didn't want to risk it then go and get ladders at my base luckily I had a secret weapon for a situation just like this my friend own rocker he was on the same server as me recording his own video and so I gave him a call on to come to uh M4 and bring me ladders yeah I just counter already kill each other kill him let's run back oh my God yeah that's a lot of boom and well this wasn't a bad base to raid and so with the help of own we raided it but the people I had stolen this from wasn't too happy with this and they started coming back the people people it's on the roof he seems like oh I'm just down I'm dead bro hide down there I'm coming [Music] instead we managed to fight them off and we finished the raid oh my God oh Jesus oh God damn it and oh God damn man what the [ __ ] man yeah not bad for a free rig and with this I was pretty loaded I did however not get any Stone from this which was kind of what I needed and so he was back to farming and then building bro my brain is on autopilot right now okay that's another segment done okay so we have a bit of a problem uh we have gotten to the point now where this is so big that it's hard to actually keep up with upkeep if I'm not careful I'm gonna be back in the same spot where I was when I built the biggest farm base where I basically couldn't sleep because I couldn't put in more upkeep than like four hours yeah so right now we have 55 for this DC and that is going to go up quickly at this point and then the second building is 40 000. so we are now at 95 000 Stone per day and that is going to go up by a lot so yeah the upkeep of this base really started to become a problem and I've turned up the stone I formed would just go to upkeep I mean all of this stone is just for upkeep basically and so it was time to act the stone intake and get my hands on some Ortiz one of these will give you 50 more Stone from every node I first put the farm base in one of the many spaces I had already built then I went around the map to try and find a form base to steal go to clones from and I found just that in a swamp nearby this looks promising oh yeah this is perfect and so let's just oh the teeth oh yes good clones [ __ ] yeah let's get the [ __ ] out that is so perfect there we go we got these we also needed more space in the TC's four stone TCS only have 24 slots for resources and we needed way more than 24 slots at this point and so using some electricity and conveyors this was easy to fix so now we just put Stone in this box and that gets automatically transported into the DCA we're good at this point own rocker was also done with his wife and so to help me get the last bit of stone he told me he would form five boxes of stone for me if you went over to his channel and watched his video on this one okay so right now we have me and oh not for me and I think together we can get this done in no time okay I think that's all the stone and with that I could place down the last few buildings okay that is this section done [Music] it was finished [Music] but one thing I still needed was a lot of gears for all the garage doors and other stuff and so I first tried baiting for beers but that didn't really work oh [ __ ] bro where are all the gears oh my God bro I just want some gears every single base of Raiden hasn't had a single component how does that even make sense who has a base with no components as though we was back down to running the train tunnels and after a few runs down there I had a lot of gears and so I placed down the last doors and we were now fully secure all right bro this have been such are wild like experience because it's taken me so long so much longer than I thought it would have but something is still missing around here oh yeah I'll post has a wall around it luckily for me I had gotten a lot of walls from that one raid earlier [Music] they basically as close as possible that [Music] not really perfect but we take that okay yeah we need like 20 more walls and it's good okay that's on the stone now to Croft up the walls that's a good [Music] okay the wall is done thank God one thing I don't like with what I've built is the the skin on all the doors like this is this just looks wrong having these kind of doors on on outposts I'm gonna try and make it a little more believable I think either those yeah those ones looks good I like that I also really don't like that so I'm probably gonna go for something like that instead looks kind of cool yeah that looks [ __ ] nice okay that's that but there's still one thing missing we need to secure this Outpost oh yeah so The Outpost is supposed to be the safe haven where people can show up and interact with each other without the risk of dying and while there's no way for me to create a safe Zone like Outpost I can't create a budget safe Zone using turrets okay so first we just put down these electrical stations here we go now we just need a few more of those and we can start placing turrets okay we need a few more cameras and computers to finish this off who is building hello let's see okay we're obnoxious I'm having so many people like just come over and check this out people must be so confused when they run up on this just like what the [ __ ] is this like can you imagine you're starting up on this okay we need a few more cameras and computers and so I first had it over and did the underwater Labs but that's so nerfed at this point it's rather useless well that's 40 minutes wasted doing this for the rest of the turrets would just be so boring and so instead of farming for cameras and computers I decided to steal them from other players candidates there's one turret oh bro itself I have so much I don't need that [Music] yeah one turret that's it okay well time to do more raids [Music] come on foreign [Music] Rockets I don't need them yes cameras cameras and computers why do I get Rockets bro I don't need them I literally don't need Rockets oh look at this we got some Rockets I don't care you know what we got too we got the cameras and computers and we can finally place down the last turrets boom turrets are down I'm also gonna place down these metal barricades just to like stop people from getting into places they shouldn't be yeah that actually looks good there we go okay I'll post is secure and so now if anyone is being a dick okay we need to start filling up the shops with everything that I'll post to selling and Sam sites especially because you can't actually craft temp sites or get it any other way than buying it from Outpost basically they have a monopoly on Sam sites also we have another problem where the vending machines actually only have a few available slots for you to use and so I need to figure out the way using the industrial update to where if someone buys something it gets automatically transported into the vending machine and I don't I don't know how to do that okay so you buy something from the vending machine boom the board gets bought and it gets automatically filled up we take that that took me so much longer than it should have oh my God now we just need to replicate this on the actual server okay so this should work now we should be good to go let's just try it out see if it works so we would go bam [Music] boom we get wood boom we get low grid this should fill up okay we're good yep and then this get transported into here all the like extra [ __ ] just get transported to him and so welcome to the finished Outpost [Music] but one thing was still missing the three recyclers and so I had only reach out to face punch on my behalf to ask for one earn I have an important question you can't say no okay that okay great so I okay is remaking Outpost next to Outpost like one-to-one replica farmed over probably one to three million stone can he get a recycler for this hello I'll know clearly they were scared I was creating something that would put their Outpost out of business and they did not want to make this a fair battle anyways I did a few small things here and there to the base like I customized my very own sign telling people not to build in our post and I also added turrets on the roof to reinforce this and it was done and so it was time to open up hey we are officially open and so I told everyone that we were open for business in chat and a few minutes later people started to show up hello um maybe I'm giving turbine you please you want the jackhammer yeah okay right there thank you bro goodbye [Music] um can I have a button please oh thank you bro thank you no problem we need to keep my customers happy and you know what for a first day opening it wasn't half bad I realized I could give something that Outpost just didn't have and I was outside vending machine trading and customer support which was easily the most profitable of the day then I just spent the next hours chatting to customers and having fun can I have two same sites all right hello I like the base man and then it was time to close up hey man foreign next to our post and Greek got the better of me and I stole it from him [Music] oh my God that guy is not gonna be happy with me the guy bathing lived in this space here and he was not too pleased with this and that very night I woke up to someone trying to shoot out my samsites bro why I'll taste these earlier in the day to stop people from amla arresting The Outpost oh no not good if they managed to destroy the Sams and then emblem arrest my base it would do some serious damage to the outbox I had to stop them no no [Music] this one replaced [Music] foreign [Music] easy [Music] [Music] yeah [ __ ] your camper van I managed to fight them off and I could replace the samsites they are destroyed [Music] oh but that's it that's just dead leave me alone man there were some minor damages down to the base but nothing I couldn't fix and I thought this would be the end of it but they were not done with me just yet bro what am I supposed to do and if someone is determined to break your Sam sites there's really nothing you can do about it as a solo it doesn't matter how much you try and fight it eventually they will break I even made trips over to our post to try and replace the broken Sam sites but once Sam site cost 500 scrap and So eventually I ran out of scrap and I knew exactly what was coming bro it is way too easy for them to break myself like there's nothing I can do [Music] God bro I tried fixing up the base as much as I could but it was too late I would have to fight them off [Music] get [ __ ] get out of my compound bro [Music] finally I can secure the base after fighting them off I could fix up the base okay the base is finally fixed we used most of resources but it's finally when you [ __ ] kidding me man oh my God so yeah again they hit my base with another Amala restaurant bro I don't have any resources like I'm basically out bro all I did was steal one raid from these people [ __ ] and this time they came with something else to make sure that they could take me out oh well that guy's shooting yes one of them started hacking winning this just became so much harder but guys she thinks [ __ ] [ __ ] he's shooting so hard how am I meant to win this wait the server is really starting the server was restarting in five minutes if I could just hold out till then I knew I had a better PC than all of them and I would be able to load into the server faster than all of them and I could kill them before they were able to get on the server oh my God you died I need to try and see on the compound because if I managed to kill them as they're loading in I need to make sure they can't get back in okay here we go restart three two one please tell me these guys don't have good PCS okay that was a fast restart for me that's good [Music] cheater just [ __ ] oh you're so bad oh and after this it was finally over they cut their losses and ran back to their base and I could fix up my base which would be a lot of work because I was out of resources I needed some help and so again I turned to own hello and he went down to run the tunnels for scrap to replace the Sam sites and I went out to from Stone to fix up the base and after a lot of work it was fixed and it was time for some serious justice of my own and I wanted to give these guys a taste of their own medicine I had throughout my time on the server built up quite the collection of mlrs rockets and so we built a base over by the military base and we decided to send over some to their base yep firing [Music] hell yeah oh it's so broken bro with 10 minutes do it again [Music] let's go [Music] yes that strike oh yeah oh [ __ ] oh yeah that that [ __ ] did it and for good Master we finished off the base with some Rockets and the base wasn't half bad I don't know this crap [ __ ] yeah oh my God oh my God okay look at that box get so [ __ ] bro the enemies of that post had been dealt with easy well don't log off your stuff they're [ __ ] with someone for seven hours I think that's a good lesson and with that it was as if nothing had ever happened but one problem with all this was that I was tired of farming stone for upkeep for repairing the base for everything I'd far more nodes this wipe than most people will do in a whole year and frankly I needed a better method of getting stalled and luckily with all these raids I've been doing one of the things I had a lot of was diesel fuel and using this don't Quarry one diesel fuel will give you 5 000 Stone and so I set up a two by one next to the stone quarry and I ran that for a few hours [Music] what the hell okay all about bro we got so much Stone from this then it was time to open the Outpost again but it was slow going I would get one customer here and there but for the most part it was empty okay end of second day let's see how much we've made it's not going as well as I'd hope second day open not that not that good I need to do something I didn't get it I then looked over to Outpost and it was absolutely packed people were shopping and chatting and the outposts were thriving more than ever like what more could I do add the cheapest prices I had that Personal Touch I feel face punch Outpost was missing why wasn't this working well it can all be explained with the mirror exposure effect or the familiarity principle a psychological phenomenon in which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them yes even though I'm cheaper most people will still choose face punches Outpost over mine simply because that's what they are familiar with and I guess I also don't have a recycler but no it's just because they are familiar with it whatever so if I wanted to take face Punch's business I would have to take their Outpost out of the equation and for that I would have to get my hands dirty but before that I set up some lighting around my Outpost and I have to say it looked really nice but how was I going to take out face punches Outpost well it's actually rather simple all I needed to do for this was grab a chainsaw and a tea and form up a bunch of wood then craft that into walls and place them down around our post need more walls okay that's still all done then after that do another lap around Outpost adding TCS boom bro I'm getting so quick at Boiling off [ __ ] and for the roads I place down turrets and just like that Outpost was now unreachable to anyone but myself and if people want the Outpost they would have to come to me and that kids is business 101 but my Outpost was still missing something it just looked very very naked and so I brought in professional bass designer dust to decorate it yeah take this and go nuts all right that's good do my best okay so is it done it's done okay let's see [Music] oh wow oh yeah this is so much better than looked so naked before no it actually has some decoration okay so here's everything turned off and I just click switch and boom yeah this looks nuts and before I could even open some people found their way in and they were very impressed very nice very very nice well it was like coming to check it out to rain but can't be mad about this ain't no way of writing this it's too cool you thought it was a village not an outpost did you guys wall off Outpost so people would come here yeah feeling you did yeah that's the the biggest brain thing I've ever heard but it had now taken me over two weeks of playing just to get to this point yeah I know that's a lot and even though when I started this project the server was at a decent pulp as time went on the pope started to slowly go down and at this point there wasn't much business to be had on the server but I still had one more thing up my sleeve one more thing that face punch didn't and that is subscribers wait how many how many did they have oh [ __ ] they have more than me okay I need you to help me overtake them anyway where was I oh yeah subscribers So the plan was if I could get some of you guys to start playing on the server I could use that to take this to the next level and really start to make this a profitable business and so I turned on my stream oh what do you guys think and I leaked the server to everyone on it and I mean it started out about as well as you would have thought but even though it was a [ __ ] show their business had never been better okay what do you have for me I found this all with the stone pickaxe man very nice broccoli oh my God he's building a [ __ ] are you okay that's very cool I was getting richer by the second I also made sure that the rules were followed and that any rule breaker got the right punishment I also captured one of these rule Breakers and I quickly put him to work in my tea Farm as sort of an unpaid employee very good but the Ross business is a dangerous business and I had multiple attempts on my lap thank you oh sorry I tapped it I tapped it it wasn't it was clear it was a Miss input Miss input calm down there's a missing point this was quickly getting out of hand and I needed some help to keep this place secure Meet The Outpost card omrocker dust brolo and fancier and while face punches out pose gives their God trashy and lures and hazmat suits my God was fitted out with the finest metal armor and M249 and a rocket launcher and these guys kinda took over the contact between me and the customer hey fancy people are cutting the line you put that spear away you put that spear away no he's gonna kill me all right next next in line please next in line and the profit well that just kept growing I've acquired some other stuff and you know from from the people the good people oh yeah we're selling all of this look over there over there yeah so thank you Ben well I was gonna I was gonna give you some words oh yes bro let's go away okay we're gonna be ready let's go let's go it's working bro it's working we don't have the farm anymore no and I think the richest had completely gone to my head but started out as me on the first opening day chatting with the customer and making sure that each one of them had a great time now when I looked down on them all I thought was how can I make a profit of them is that just what happens when you become a big business I don't know but it sure felt nice seeing all that hard work I had put in finally pay off but the success of a player-run Outpost had now reached its way to the top of face punch and I don't think they like the competition wait homes is typing in team chat did you really think you could beat us he said what oh no uh I don't know bro uh oh my God but he's right there oh my god oh what the [ __ ] that's a Facebook step everything is disappeared why did why did you mess without posters why did you do this this is your fault I don't know man I've made a competition okay this place is going back to the normal ice like how you first found it dude oh bro tell you exactly how you found it help me to beat face punch in something at least by subscribing down below also I'm recording a video right now over on my own server iuk Island join and you will have a chance to be in one of my videos link is in the description
Channel: IOK
Views: 487,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iok, rust solo, rust pvp highlights, rust solo pvp, rust iok, rust solo serie, rust snowball, rust solo snowball, rust, rust movie, rust oil rig, rust solo raid defense, rust richest solo, rust best solo wipe, rust solo experience, rust fastest start, rust base build, rust progression, rust gameplay, rust solo vs clan, rust raid, rust 2022, rust wipeday, rust solo wipe, I Recreated my own Outpost in Rust
Id: PqyT3EtvuCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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