I Visited the WORST Reviewed Zoo! *abandoned*

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[Music] welcome to the best versus worst zoo okay y'all so we're here at the old la zoo can we pop up on the screen how old this place is because it looks like it's been around here since the aztechians i just like what were these for i am finding a lot of snacks though so like if we're hungry we don't need a little vendor we need uh i don't want to touch it so i don't know what these stairs were for they look spooky comment down below what you think these were used for maybe this place shut down [Music] so we are currently in the original part of the zoo this thing is like half old half new but this looks new still this is so cute look at all these little flamingos look they're just standing like this they're just having a little flamingo moment hey do you know why they're pink i thought they were pink like the bee on your shirt because they need to go buy merch from earth.com so we are with the king of the jungle so there's nala in there simba he's right there ray would you have this in your home yes eloise heck yes i think he would eat louise eloise might try to eat him how do i buy a lion maybe i should change my logo to be like a lion something so we have found evidence crikey something alive has been here recently [Music] it's a secret you can't know just know we have found presence of an animal cry key this is a natural environment how do you do an australian accent i don't know we have an animal on the loose there is an animal on the loose get the zookeepers why is he running so fast okay so we have a challenge okay we have ten dollars each to buy each other the best gift possible okay all right let's go if i was to guess i would actually think keely would be a giraffe girl i don't know why but there are so many cute animals like a red panda oh my gosh as a kid i loved these little guys hello if you haven't subscribed to brianna's channel do it now these are adorable oh i could give us a little picture frame [Music] i'm going over budget i'm trying to figure out should i get her best friend's necklace for us or should i get her this little keychain puffball are you ready yeah i'm nervous for some reason you go first oh this is so cute are you cute this is definitely over the limit because all the stuffed animals were super expensive yeah so i got you little things they're not as big but i got you this little fluffy penguin keychain it's so cute i think you can put on your heating and then a little monkey magnet you can put it in your fridge and put a photo of me hey look guys it's your friend look at him he was looking at her why are you staring at my octopus like that bro they're jealous look at them all posting up hold on we found an artifact come here look it's it's a soldier there's history right here there maybe olden days look sir reginald the force whoa i hate this like this is too small for eloise like what kind of animal would be in here i hate that a giant wait there's there's like a connector bye bye hi vince this video is brought to you by stephen's shoes who have been stepped in pee stop he's so terrible same age as me that's creeper says in march so i want to tell y'all a little bit of a background story my favorite show in the entire world growing up was and he was a lemur so that's why they're one of my favorite animals because like it was my all-time favorite show [Music] giraffes are like horses but add some pizzazz yeah hi bud oh he's so short oh look look these guys think you know you want it come on oh it fell hey buddy come here [Music] you got it he is kind of short oh yeah take the whole piece of lettuce i feel bad for this guy because he saw shorty come here oh come on you got it buddy i got it i gave it to him oh there you go crunchy crunch oh he keeps losing it so we are actually walking up to an abandoned barn but look at this there is like a stage whatever animal lived in here like look he could put on a show there's a platform that makes me think i'm a cop like a bird because were like i thought it would have been chuckles he belongs in the barn can we see him actually you can see him here [Music] so behind me there are actual tents you can stay in overnight so comment down below if you want to see me stay overnight in a zoo and please comment because i would like to whoa wait i'm actually obsessed with that hey guy i love how he's turning his head like all the way yeah do you think he can go all the way around can he but just the one time i like that he kind of did this with his head like okay he's so cute he can feel so when i start scratching on his back you'll see he'll stand up oh my god [Laughter] take a guess of any animal you could think right now a toucan i think it's a it has fur oh it has three claws i think it's a sloth oh oh is it an anteater oh my gosh this is xena and you're not far off with sloths our closest relatives are swastika armadillos look at his tongue this sounds really impressive oh she's so cute she's standing [Music] and just hold it right up to her so she doesn't have to bend all the way down to you it guys so weird oh it feels like a spaghetti noodle yeah she's a very clean looking animal for how much food she gets on her on a day-to-day basis it feels like a worm she can use her tongue to reset oh yeah thank you i really appreciate it that was great there's a tree in the middle of the mayhem was this animal supposed to eat this tree was this a sustaination station decline yeah that's that's an oak you should buy it just make sure guys if you look under the video and hit subscribe i'll bite this thing okay [Music] there's actually animals here i got to see them oh i didn't get to see them i'm kind of disappointed i don't like this anymore there's so much glass down here it's scary we're on the hunt for the gorillas oh my gosh you're welcome oh he he responded he got a big booty back there baby got back he looks like he's like the king oh they're one of my favorites i love them so much so this is a little more exercise than i typically do when i go visit a zoo typically you get a refreshment there's like little spritzies everywhere a nice monkey will say hello but you know here here we are we have found yet another cage this is big so we climbed up a hill my question too is like where were the other exhibits like you have to walk in the wilderness and then see one cage where does this go nowhere i feel like this could have been a bear probably what's your guess oh it's a sloth oh he's way up high dang sometimes they move so slow that they turn green because of the algae on your back whoa i like animals too much guys i'm like five it's fine i'm like these guys are big look at how long his arm is jeez bro oh my gosh oh my gosh oh wait he's eating a carrot well i want to live that life i just want to swing branch the ranch eat carrots all day they're literally like oh they're like so funny just sitting there with their arms up they're sassy it's so sad nowadays everybody's getting canceled on youtube even the tiger chat tigers have been canceled oh man canceled culture needs to stop this makes me so sad it's teeny and there's like it's small there's your little feety little feety and then you have like two doors and i don't know where they lead to but there's also used kleenexes and yet again more snacks so are you hungry i'll pay you 500 that's a lot of money man what the heck was that these are regal monkeys they have stashes those are mustaches i literally thought that those are eyes bro oh my gosh look at that oh [Music] oh wait i must see your face oh he's funny-looking okay he is strutting oh my god hey dude a mandrel oh my gosh like he's strutting he is taking his runway walk he literally went good looking i really want that energy it's on the shoulders [Music] all right keely your turn now someone is playing a fiddle listen what the heck the music is over and so is the laughter over there there are more exhibits over here and people are in them everything's going a bug hit my face oh i'm stuck in here available fence hurry hurry vince hurry vince hurry about what you scared it what what is that supposed to mean oh there it is there it is he darted in that chicken hole is that mice no it's a little lizard guy oh i thought it was a mice oh my sorry not many wild animals yeah besides stephen well um vince did you get the memo this place is abandoned oh wait is that what we've been filming this whole time oh so the worst zoo is the worst because it does not contain animals however i'm glad this place doesn't contain animals because it does not look suitable for anyone including us that's why we have to go to the best oh yeah oh wait there they are hey guys i'm trying to see if they you're the animal whisperer they're so cute look at them they're like a little slippery little little little ocean dogs they are kind of slippery oh they're like so fun they're so cute oh they're so cute all right what do you rate the otters a 10 11. a 12. i don't know what are the odds i rate the otters i love it
Channel: Brianna
Views: 2,981,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, challenge, family, brianna, preston
Id: 6gBloK1vsiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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