I Visited the Most Suicidal Town in the World (Greenland)

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thank you to storyblocks for sponsoring my trip wow i've had this dream for so long cannot believe it i cannot believe i'm here look at this so this is greenland the least densely populated country in the entire world a lot of people you talk to don't even seem to realize that people live here but they do a whole 56 000 of them greenland has the highest suicide rates in the entire world a rate that's 24 times that of the united states and the city that i was headed to to sealock has the highest rate in the entire country i didn't want this to be my focus of my trip to greenland but this statistic has been in the back of my mind since i started finding interests in greenland when i was a kid i didn't go looking for answers i just wanted to see this town and hear people's stories all right i am now into sea lock and i'm ready to meet my friend hello hello nice to meet you in person man so i met this guy on facebook i kind of did a general facebook search of anyone who might live in greenland i found vitus and then i sent him a message about my dream to visit greenland and then just a few messages later he invited me to stay in his apartment in the city this is your car yes cool yeah i love america let's go so you were born here this is our home wow cool now that we've officially met each other you think you can give me a tour this is school of kids internet tv oh that's where you get your internet and this is their big store wow i don't think i've ever been to a place more picturesque and more quaint driving from one end of the sea lock to the other takes five minutes as small as this place is it's actually the most populated settlement in the entire east coast of greenland even though it's the home of less than 2 000 people hello what's your name and in the first hours being there i think i met the entirety of his family just from coming across them on our drive hello hi welcome thank you we have the whole family in here now it's really nice that you have a family that you're close to you love them i love all of my families and friends i know we just met that we're gonna be friends yes come enjoy the view yes what do people do for fun here drinking drinking pot you think that most people here have alcohol problems unfortunately yes they cannot control love yeah what about you me yeah yes i do i don't know it's hard to explain good morning it's foggy today beautiful so where are we going today we're going to the church today we're going to church the next morning we headed to church to attend the confirmation of the nisa vitus confirmation is something that greenlanders take very seriously it's sort of a milestone and defining moment of a greenlander's life but after church as vitus and i were heading home i noticed the flag at the hospital was at half-staff so what does the flag being half-staff mean it's suicide today yeah wow i don't know that's crazy suicide these greys yeah really yes it's been a long time i've been here you you have friends that committed suicide yeah many friends really yeah my question your cousin is that pretty hard for you yeah very hot sometimes you have to think about him okay we don't have to talk about this we don't want to [Music] your favorite part about living here [Music] vitus invited me to attend the party his family threw for his niece's confirmation i got to experience polar bear soup no i'm not even joking greenland confirmation parties have many interesting traditions that are practiced one of them being a game where someone literally just throws up money in the air and everyone tries to catch it [Applause] [Music] but throughout my day experiencing the party and interacting with everyone from what i could see everyone seems so happy and content so much laughter and smiling everyone seems pretty happy yes here we have it that's good in a town with a lot of sadness it was clear the importance of family and holding them close [Music] no luck today but almost we're in the peak of summer here in greenland and it's freezing yes does the cold bother you no no i was wondering what was going on inside vitus's head he had the most kind caring and quiet soul but he had made several remarks about some deep sadness in his heart i just wanted him to know that despite the few days that we had known each other that he could talk to me and even if i didn't know exactly what to say i could listen you gotta say what's up youtube what's up youtube yeah you did shut up so today at the soccer field um i could tell that you were a little sad is that something that you struggle with yeah i think so yeah it's made me really really sad will be a good person i think you are a good person i think you have a good heart dude yeah i can tell yeah what what do you think caused your depression just like like age and sleep again the routine yeah it's the same thing every day every day it's feel like this i'm alone in the world did you ever think about like suicide i just won't just feel like i'm stuck or something like that feelings are crazy yes really crazy [Music] so is that the mountain we're gonna go to the top yeah oh this is a little bit intimidating i'm not gonna lie i feel great really great i don't know it's just like being here for a week man it's crazy yeah seeing how beautiful it is but seeing the reality of this place why do you think it's that way i think the most people in here it's just shy to tell their feelings and start to dealing my feelings four years ago and since you started saying what you feel to others it's helped you yeah very much we're so close yes and i think i see that you're happy now but then i don't know i don't know what's going on in your head like are you okay yeah i'm [ __ ] i'm happy i can't believe it's real it does not look real at all [Music] anyone who's watching this video if they're sad no matter where they are in the world what what advice can you give them just check their feelings talk about when you are sad talk about it when you get jealous talk about it and you will be happy just talk about everything and don't be shy i'd like to thank storyblocks for helping make this story happen i believe that every creator can benefit from a storyblocks account with a demand driven library that offers a diverse range of 4k footage after effects and premiere templates music sound effects and more storyblocks offers everything that you need to enhance your storytelling there are flexible plans for every kind of budget and with the limited all-access plan you can get unlimited downloads to over 1 million assets in their library i highly recommend that everyone who's interested in video creation to check it out the link will be in the description where you can sign up thank you to storyblocks
Channel: Luke Korns
Views: 5,202,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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