I Survived the World's Smallest Town

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this is the is the world's smallest town manawai Nebraska you read that sign right it has only one resident why is there a simple explanation or is there something sinister going on in this town what are they hiding in this town and why hasn't anyone moved here thankfully there's one man brave enough to investigate the place that visitors might not be welcome this is the smallest town in the world there's one person lives here it's actually crazy some say that's for Goodreads this town used to have a population of over 150 people but it's slowly deteriorated down to just one person which makes you wonder where did all the people go did they simply move to a bigger city or is there a spine chilling secret hidden the story of getting to this town of just one is honestly as strange as the town itself the closest airport is hours away and finding a nearby hotel is well impossible as I got closer and closer to this mysterious place the towns just kept getting smaller and smaller I mean growth population two it is 100 bigger than monowa the towns are literally getting smaller and smaller and smaller why clearly there's something in this area of Northern Nebraska that's keeping people out it's actually just so weird I mean look at this nobody's here anymore weirdly creepy I mean why would anyone live out here they have something to hide well apparently they do because rumor has it that the only resident of the world's smallest town has turned down interviews from Oprah and Jay Leno as I drive through these towns I decided to find someone anyone who could give me more information about the area whether or not this is even a good idea as it turns out it must be super lonely around here as finding another living Soul nearby was basically an impossible task it feels like they just left the town is gone now and we're about to go to a town that has one person I'm kind of worried which leads me to believe that maybe I'm entering a place that I'm not welcome as I was closing in on the smallest town in the world I realized that the only way to answer my questions was to go deeper down the rabbit hole welcome to downtown monowa so yeah it's a Hopping downtown we got the tavern the library that's that's it that's this is the town this is downtown I was starting to think that maybe there's no one here or if there is maybe they're watching me get that weird feeling about small towns like this so strange since nothing is open yet and by nothing I mean the only place in town the manawai tavern I decided I better take a look around town that is if we can still call this a town anymore so far it doesn't look so good I found several buildings that were in deep stages of Decay so much so I could almost push them over I actually just don't understand how a building just becomes like this how does that happen what is it about churches that are abandoned that are so creepy it feels weird I don't like being around it I don't even know what's in here yeah I just add this kind of stuff just creeps me out like somebody used to preach in this church that was their job people showed up and came to church it's also just interesting this town is so small that you can't even go to church here anymore now which is doesn't exist straight so there is a basement ah it's so scary dude this is all this is beeper stuff oh my goodness even the bees are abandoned that's the pun intended oh man all of our friends from the B Movie are dead Barry b Benson where is he the tavern was going to open in about 10 minutes and this little Library gave us our first clue as to who lives here this insane amount of books so cool even though this town is completely abandoned it somehow has a relatively well-kept public library and strangely enough the door was open it's almost like they wanted me here Instagram Isaiah pre-youtube would love this set me up in a chair behind a fireplace holding this a perfect photograph like an awful lot of books for just one person to read with the tavern finally opening up it was time to hopefully meet the individual who lives here and get the answers to our questions I'm a little worried to go in there I'm kind of nervous when I walked into the tavern I was met with the shock of my life yeah I'm just as confused as you are that's a 90 year old lady living by herself in the world's smallest town not only does she live here but she runs this tavern but for who she's the only resident I mean look at how many tables are in here there also seems to be a lot of memorabilia about the attack I came in here for answers but now all I have is even more questions this might be the strangest experience of my life my biggest question right now is can I get some of those eggs they look bust so while I ate these delicious eggs we had a chance to chat a bit which led me to asking if she'd be okay answering some of my questions on surprisingly she said yes even though I learned that she's turned down some pretty big names in the past for Winfrey and Rosie O'Donnell they were getting together a show and I said well I tell you what before you go any further I said you just as well no I don't like Rosie O'Donnell and she said you don't I said no and what's more I don't like Oprah Winfrey one thing's for sure Elsie is a Savage Elsie lived here with her husband Rudy who the library is named after sadly he passed away in 2004. Elsie went on to tell me that all those books are actually books that Rudy has read talk about a book one but if she's in the one reading the books what is she doing with all of her time I open around nine every morning oh through the day I'm just in here for whoever's around or send out a beer or whatever they want while driving here I didn't see a single soul which begs the question who's stopping by but what we do know is that from time to time the FBI is stopping by who is this lady have a sting operation come out trying to catch us on beer or cigarette do you get a lot of Sting operations oh no yeah really kind of run went out last week so they come in here trying to buy beer or something oh my goodness but they can't lie to you like this last one the other night I said to him are you 21 because he looked all of about 15. I'm not 21 he said she's acting like she's the sheriff but turns out she kind of is what are all of your titles well mayor or the whole town board okay the whole board too you're the village Marshall as well so you enforce the law one of the reporters one time asked me if I ever put anybody in jail because there's an old building up here that years ago used to be a jail and I said no I said I if I put them in jail I'd have to cook for him so I just tell him you know I'm going home and behavior go on home and behave yourself oh that's so funny wow you're the village Marshall you're the mayor you're the bartender and the only citizen yeah I began to ask Elsie the most important questions and little did I know Elsie was about to blow mine so how long have you lived in monoi from about a year and a half old at Peak how many people lived in monowa between 140 and 105th Elsie told me that slowly everyone left the town and soon that 150 became just her what do you not like about the big city I in the crowd to me you had don't have much privacy you don't you're almost restricted to a smaller area I I mean that's just my opinion I wanted to know what kept someone of her age coming back to open the tavern every single day oh something to do I'd say more than anything I thought I've often said I can't imagine getting up in the morning and wondering what I was going to do till evening you know or time to go to bed again or whatever turns out Elsie's most important role isn't mayor or Sheriff it's a friend to talk to a lot of times I'll spend an hour maybe in the middle of the afternoon just sitting and visiting with whoever's in here you know because especially if there's like one person comes in I I feel like you should spend some time with them you know even if I don't know them I get acquainted with them but I've always been a people person I like to be around people kind of ironic that the lady from the smallest town in the world loves being around people but there's actually quite the community that supports LC every day turns out people aren't trying to keep their distance in fact some of these folks make long drives just to visit LLC and keep her company everybody needs somebody to talk to sometimes and I try to not give them any advice I try to just listen to them you know suddenly we were interrupted and I was face to face with one of the passerbys how are you you guys from Texas oh yeah people were flooding in and soon this place wasn't lonely at all and honestly I'm thankful I made the 15-hour drive to spend the day with her although it did just dawn on me that I have a 15 hour drive home [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Isaiah Photo
Views: 2,965,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jM-UzyfCWK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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