I *very* strongly recommend: Resident Evil 4 Remake (Review)

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this video is sponsored by Ridge and their wallet and keycase the next update for your wallet and keys is here and you can get 10 off your order by using offer code skill up click the link below to get to it or stick around to the end of the video to learn more Resident Evil 4 remake is one of the best games I've played in my life and like most games I really love I don't quite know how to properly review it so I'm just going to talk for a bit okay okay I played the original on the GameCube back in the day but I played it at a time when I wasn't really accepting new games so to speak the original dropped about six weeks after the launch of World of Warcraft a game to which I would be hopelessly addicted for about the next decade I'm like a drunk with all those blackout spots in my memory when it comes to video games and Resident Evil 4 was literally the first casualty of that condition I know I finished it I remember bits of it like the lake boss and the castle and Ramon and Ashley being [ __ ] annoying but it's just flashes of recollection and Vibes the sum total of those told me that Resident Evil 4 was a good video game that I enjoyed playing but it left no real impression on me again in large part helped by the fact that the impressionable part of my brain was in a committed relationship with another video game at the time and that other video game did not like to share for that reason I've always been a Resident Evil 2 or 3 man more recently a Resident Evil 7 man the Raccoon City Police Department was a sacred place to meet literally one of my favorite video game spaces ever the Nemesis of Resident Evil 3 seared itself into my brain as one of the most terrifying things I've experienced in a game the entire experience elevated by the omnipresent threat of him just busting through a random ass wall to coat hanging you Resident Evil 7 immediately grabbed me for its boldness its shift to first person perspective it's all like horror set pieces its willingness to embrace a whole new cast of characters and setting while still feeling authentically Resident Evil with its puzzles its weapons its items and its metanarrative 2 3 and 7 with the experiences that really defined Resident Evil for me and force sat as this other thing this actiony game set in far off Europe no zombies all sorts of goofy [ __ ] and only Loosely remembered him but I always knew how fans spoke about it for many this wasn't just the best Resident Evil game it was the best video game full stop Resident Evil 4 elicits a love and enthusiasm that no other game in the series does even if you love Resident Evil 2 and it's your favorite Resident Evil you probably don't love it as much as a Resident Evil 4 fan loves Resident Evil 4. that is the power of four and I always saw that from afar but I never fully understood it for all the reasons I've already described so I went into Resident Evil 4 remake a pretty Blank Slate not remembering a lot of it a little curious as to whether or not I'd find something different this time around but definitely expecting to enjoy it because Capcom are just on such a tear these past few years some issues with the Resident Evil 3 remake aside Capcom just don't miss and I knew that no matter what I was gonna have a good time with Resident Evil 4 remake could not have anticipated just how much this would rock my world I I can't say oh I get it now because I don't definitively know how much of what I loved about this was already in the original because I can't remember the original well enough I know that some of what I love about this is new like the darker tone the revised characterization and narrative and Leon's expanded combat repertoire but I know a lot of it is old like the setting and the badassery of Leon and the action set pieces and the iconic Supporting Cast the lines between new and old are very blurred for me and so when I talk about loving this remake I'm not really talking about it as a remake I'm just talking about it as a game that I experienced for what feels like the very first time in 2023 and holy [ __ ] what a game re4 remake is so good that it feels like a new metal gear game that we're probably never gonna get it's linear set piece driven escort Mission structure made me reflect on the Last of Us and I found myself often thinking damn I really wish The Last of Us played more like this it absolutely recontextualized the entire way I think about the Resident Evil series giving me Keener insight into what I really loved about 2 3 and 7 and why I didn't love Village but I may love it more now after having experienced this it really made me a believer in the importance of the third person perspective for Resident Evil games where before I genuinely thought the first person perspective was an upgrade it runs extraordinarily well on both PC and steam deck like 60 FPS on Steam deck dude what the [ __ ] plus it just looks incredible no matter what platform you're playing it on more than anything else I arrived at the place that many others did some two decades ago this is the best Resident Evil game I've played it is the best survival horror game I've played and it's one of the best games I've played full stop it took me 20 years and a remake but yeah I got there in the end I'm trying to save one person 100 others die [Music] Jesus Christ one thing I distinctly remember about the original re4 was its tone tone is not any one thing by the way it's a combination of things it's the color palette for example which in the original was notably bright it's the characters in their dialogue which in the original was fairly campy like a playful B grade horror starring a 1980s Action Hero it's the overall framing of the horror which in the original was hamstrung by the limits of technology and cinematography as it relates to video games I wonder how Die Hard Resident Evil 4 fans will feel about this reimagined and notably darker tone here in the remake visually the entire color palette has been reset now Many Shades Darker by default laid on top of that is modern Lighting in the near two decades since the original was released the way video game spaces have been lit has been utterly transformed and you can see that transformation first hand here in this remake each space is meticulously illuminated using different lighting sources and so many of the game's most chilling encounters happen in the pitch black darkness like heading back into the mausoleum to take on these armored Knights thank you Batman is kind of the default setting for the Remake and that in and of itself does so much to transform this game's tone it's so much more horrific as well owing to the graphical Fidelity and the way that the grotesness of this world can now be rendered and framed the close-up on the garador the first time you see him chained up and blind standing there I mean you just know that he is a second away from Break Free of those chains and you are terrified because you can see every tiny paint detail on his tortured flesh dude [Music] there's a sequence where you play as Ashley and it may be the scariest part of the entire game walking through this pitch black Labyrinthian Library only a lamp to light the way parasite infested armored Knights hunting you as you weave between them and duck under low set shelves it's terrifying and this could have been really goofy like these armor knights look like something out of a Disney cartoon right but the lighting the sound the level layout the lamp mechanic all of it combines remarkably well to create one of the game's most tense and standout moments foreign I definitely found myself reconsidering the horror of Los illuminatos and what they were doing here in rural Spain the umbrella Corp are a large multinational corporation evil is their MO it's unsurprising it's standard they're essentially scientists doing evil science [ __ ] it feels kind of predictable almost and cold and distant here in Spain these rural Farmers this Fallen House of Salazar tricked to giving up its Secrets by Sadler it all feels so much sadder for the faint whiff of humanity that still wafts through it I mean the zombies of the first three games there wasn't much Humanity left in them by the time they were lunging at you they were very clearly zombies at that point but here in Spain these Farmers still look like Farmers like people and you have to mow them down just the same that's a more confronting and visceral type of violence to have to dish out I had at one time considered this setting a step back for the franchise as though zombies were the only enemies worth fighting an umbrella was the only dance partner worthy of my time but I don't think that anymore in fact I think this setting is more grim and more horrific than anything one two or three delivered and it's a shame that Capcom couldn't have found a way to carry this stuff forward properly in five and six armed with this new perspective I finally understood why people love Resident Evil Village as much as they do Resident Evil Village sits at 95 overwhelmingly positive on Steam people [ __ ] love this game and I really didn't to be honest with you I thought it was good I recommended it in the sense that I could see the parts of it that were objectively excellent but it just didn't do anything for me I didn't connect with its characters and setting its gameplay Etc Resident Evil Village was always positioning itself as a sort of sequel to Resident Evil 4. it's set in Europe you're fighting these farmer people you're going into a village and then into a castle there's a merchant who's weird it's very actiony all of that having played through full remake I can absolutely see the straight lines that exist between this game and that and as someone who now really loves full remake I'm interested to go back and play Village again because it feels like almost fan service Resident Evil 4 fans waited 16 years for a game to pick up when where Resident Evil 4 left off so I really understand now why Village got the reception it did it felt like Capcom were going back to the style of game that many people thought was the absolute Pinnacle of the series and it did a pretty good job of recreating a lot of that magic but not all of the magic and just as I now better understand why people really loved Village I also understand more deeply now why I did not Chief among my issues was characters I've already spoken extensively about how I thought Ethan Winters is the single worst video game character we have ever had to endure there is a reason the zombies eat Ethan's fingers rather than his brains because much like Homer the zombies long ago figured out that there just wasn't anything up there [Music] but Ethan is just the faceless face of the more recent games problems with characters the baker family were chilling in how they embody different aspects of horror but they weren't characters per se they were more plot devices Village introduced a selection of Boss enemies who were more distinctive but outside of Lady dimitrescu the rest were ultimately a premise for a gameplay setting or a sequence the the lighthouse amidst all this foggy characterization was Chris Redfield who rocks up intermittently throughout Village and just steals every scene with his hot dad bod energy he was a reminder of the characters this series used to have Claire and Jill and of course Leon in these post-modern times expectations around what a character is how they should be written and what they should represent have evolved Kratos is no longer a murderous sex machine he is instead a deeply emotional dad Billy's murderous Rampage is not killing for killing's sake it's instead a form of grief and orb therapy Arthur Morgan is not just a cowboy he is a doomed relic of a fading era all of these characters are products of a much more modern approach to writing that seeks to contextualize the actions of the protagonists within a broader societal or emotional framework shying away from the one-dimensional bravado of a bygone era the damn if there isn't something super badass about that bygone era and it is really nice to go back to it sometimes this is a video game about the president's daughter getting kidnapped by some demonic cult leader and then the president sends one one dude to go in and rescue her a former cop turned government operative hell the president on Chopper Lee onto the location he has to hires his daughter while he's there Leon has three objectives one rescue Ashley two roundhouse kick as many farmers as possible and three dish out as many one-liners as Capcom could squeeze into the game files and I'm going to tell you right now that Leon excels at all three Nate Leon is just such a [ __ ] badass and even though the Supporting Cast here are phenomenally good he remains at all times the star of the show he is fearless he is confident he is single-minded he's uncomplicated and that's not a bad thing I love complicated characters and stories but I also love characters and stories that are just like do this thing like get out of the building in dread or fly the plane really fast in Top Gun Maverick these stories Rule and those leading characters rule two but just because Leon is uncomplicated does not mean he is one-dimensional as a past as a rookie cop scarred by the events of raccoon city and he thinks back on that at times especially when he encounters Ada he has been trained as a government operative and that past is evident in both his expanded combat capabilities as well as his showdowns against crossa he's also a really nice person who wants to reassure Ashley as she goes through this traumatic experience he's just a great I wish we were friends my connection to Leon as a character combined with how good it feels to control him has pushed me firmly into the camp of believing that Resident Evil games are better when played in third person again I used to think the first person perspective was an upgrade more immersive better shooting controls but implied in the first person perspective is the idea that it's your journey through this world that is no doubt why Ethan Winters is such a personality black hole Capcom wanted to leave a lot of space that you could fill with your own thoughts and motivations as you controlled Ethan that approach is ill-suited to the world of Resident Evil I think and the best Resident Evil games have always had a strong leading character firmly in view you you are watching their story unfold reveling in their badassery and heroism the first person experiment was worthwhile but Leon in re4 remake highlights just how much the narrative benefits from a third person approach to storytelling and that's putting aside all the massive dividends on the gameplay side which we'll talk about later Leon is not the only character you'll meet throughout this adventure though there's also Ashley who has been substantially updated here and is no longer just an annoying schoolgirl she's more a young adult now she's not at all bratty she's just kind of scared but she's also Brave when she needs to be and she really digs deep on multiple occasions to face her fears and help Leon seeing the relationship between the two of them evolve is really great it's not flirty because Leon knows which side his bread is buttered on and he knows better than to mess with the boss's daughter and Ashley is this kind of overwhelmed most of the time but they've really come to trust each other in big and small moments it's a satisfying professional platonic partnership that I really enjoyed watching unfold Ada Wong returns here to continue her own version of a professional platonic partnership with Leon and the voice performancy has been a big point of criticism for the Remake here's some of the original work versus the new one so it is true true about what you working with Wesker I see you've been doing your homework not a bad move very smooth so who are you working for this time oh Leon you know I don't work in town so a lot of people say that the new Ada lacks the more playful flirtatious vibe that the original Ada had and yeah she does and they also say that she sounds kind of bored and disinterested in this remake I actually disagree with that and in fact I really like her voice work here because she sounds sad Ada here sounds like she's being forced to do the bidding of Nefarious people and she's really not into it which she's not that's the case she's ground down by a machine much bigger than herself and her Sullen delivery along with her character redesign mixer seems so much more believable if she was running around in a cocktail dress dishing out double entenderes like a Bond girl it would have worked but it would have meant she hasn't developed as a character since the events of Resident Evil 2. Leon is so different in this game than he was in two he is so much more seasoned and battle-hearted Ada has accrued her own scars in the preceding six years and I think this voice performance really nails that more broadly the cast of foes here is so iconic earlier I mentioned this feels like a metal gear game and this cast of mini bosses is one of the reasons for that each of them have such limit screen type but in just a few seconds they are able to leave an indelible mark on this game father Mendes is channeling so much Nemesis energy and with just a few glares he's able to paralyze you with fear Salazar is so creepy and totally what you'd imagine the end point of generations of aristocratic inbreeding to be and the enunciation of his delivery is delectable in every moment especially when he busts out the Mr Kennedy such a pleasure to finally make your appointments missed it again it the stranger oh my God this [ __ ] guy talk about stealing the scene with one-liners this guy is just crushing it in every single utterance it is a different voice actor this time around versus the original similar but distinctive enough to stand on its own two feet as a top tier performance you just love bumping into this guy because you're always hoping he's gonna sell you something cool but you also hope that he's gonna say something cool what's that how have we procured these Curiosities you don't want to know mate came into some other bits and Bob's too mates what you see is what I've got Sadler makes his presence felt at Key moments throughout the story and each time he appears you just know that shit's gonna go down as a final boss he's somewhat underwhelming but his character holds up overall can he not be afraid submit your body and Release Yourself from Fear true final boss of this game in my view is Crosser man what a dude badass combat vet portrayed by his government his worldview Twisted in search of power and Vengeance the first boss encounter with him this [ __ ] knife battle holy [ __ ] is absolutely ruled I thought there was no way in hell they could top this that the second time you fight him it's one of the best boss battles I've experienced in so long is deeply rooted in the history of Leon and Crosby because krausser trained him and now he's testing him in this big elaborate obstacle course thing and it's full of traps and it demands so many different combat Maneuvers from you from CQC to disarming traps to run and Gun to Marksmanship and then you get dropped into these dark tight corridors and you have to stalk your way through them with crusher popping up to harass you and then you have to fight Crossing in his final form which I won't show but God damn it is so epic what a masterful Showcase of characterization meets narrative meets level design meets boss design it's that thing that Kojima does with all his boss battles that is why they work as well as they do because they aren't just combat encounters they are pivotal character moments where the gameplay conceit is influenced by the a character conceit I love that [ __ ] and this final face off with cross it was absolutely the high point of the entire game for me you can't cross encounters weren't the only parallels I felt to Metal Gear games there was also the sequences and set pieces and how unashamedly cinematic and audacious they were the Minecraft chase the El lager boss battle the storming of the ramparts and the firing of the Cannons fighting two gigantes over a pool of smelted iron the helicopter providing real-time air support for you as you climb to the summit there's just so many [ __ ] cool sequences and they never let up ever it's just fantastic memorable action set piece one after the other except when it's not and suddenly the game turns on a dime to be a terrifying survival horror experience like fighting in the garador for the first time and then fighting two of them at the same time later on silently making your way through a room filled with regenerators try not to wake any of them up as they hang in body bags terrifying sequence playing as Ashley in the library the Verdugo hunting you from the Vans as you scramble below trying to avoid it so many truly Terror inducing moments and that has got to be one of the really inspired things about Resident Evil 4. all survivor horror games have both horror and action to varying degrees but I can't think of a survival horror game that has delivered so much horror and so much action effortlessly see soaring between the two of them without ever losing its balance that is the secret to this game's phenomenal pacing it understands both action and horror perfectly and it knows when to lean into or away from those elements such that my 17 hour playthrough felt shorter than my 10 hour playthrough of Resident Evil Village I didn't even notice it was that long until the end because I was just never looking at the time and I also was just kind of hoping that it wouldn't end I tell you what else really helps with all of this it's congruent right the way through Resident Evil 7 really felt off the rails at the back end like a complete tonal pivot Village was specifically designed to be this theme park of Horrors where you were carded between these different amusements they didn't feel linked enough here in re4 there is one Mission One cast of characters One Tone that carries right the way through even though it has three distinct acts the whole thing feels unmistakably connected even when shifting to entirely new locations with entirely new enemies the whole thing is still possessed of that same narrative Focus tonal consistency and core gameplay Loop there's such an electrifying Vision coursing through this powering and connecting every part of it such that no part of it feels Superfluous peripheral inessential or dispensable I know the Remake Cuts some stuff from the original game and I don't have any thoughts on that because I don't remember the original well enough but if they remake the Remake again in another 20 years and they cut anything that I experienced here I would be pissed foreign easily the biggest change that the Remake delivers is a massive expansion of the combat sandbox but before we talk about that I think we need to acknowledge what a [ __ ] Masterpiece this original combat sandbox was obviously Resident Evil 4 was the first game in the series to offer an offset over-the-shoulder perspective in 3D environments where the previous games had used pre-rendered 2D environments and tank controls that is in and of itself a Monumental shift and that offset perspective is the default third person perspective for like basically every video game to this day then there was a transition from survival horror style combat to what we might call Action survival horror previously all of these games had been built on a fantasy of player disempowerment we had limited health and ammo meant you were trying to avoid combat as much as possible you also didn't have the tools to properly crowd control enemies as they got closer to you meaning that staying near to approaching zombies was always a bad idea Resident Evil 4 turned all of that on its head reworking the ammo and health economy such that resources would flow far more readily numerous weapons like shotguns grenades and flashbangs could handle swarms of foes with ease and the the addition of the roundhouse kick not only created distance but knocked over entire groups of enemies meaning that Leon did not have to fear up close and personal encounters the real master stroke here though was the enemy design both its Ingenuity and its breadth the random Farmers Could Just Kill over in a few body shots but maybe just maybe their heads explode to reveal a giant gangly parasite swinging its tendrils around like a broken food processor you wouldn't know when this was going to happen so you had to assume it was always going to happen maybe one of the cultist head would blossom into this [ __ ] up fleshy Venus flytrap thing there was flying bug enemies and rabid dogs and Giants and shield Bros and just so many there were so many enemy types in the original and each of them demanded a specific style of play from range to CQC to crowd control to AOE stunt to whatever the good news is that every single bit of that glorious combat sandbox is still here every single part of it has been improved in the remake every enemy returns but now the animations and behaviors are so much more sophisticated owing to the technology allowing for that every weapon returns though it's been tweaked to perform in slightly different ways with the net effect being that the weapon sandbox is incredibly balanced and there are no dud weapons in the entire Arsenal the focus on action remains only it has been greatly enhanced owing to Leon's new moveset in addition to his roundhouse kick Leon can now use his knife to Parry attacks both direct melee swings as well as incoming projectiles and even crossbow bolts if you can time it correctly this Parry opens up the enemy to that roundhouse kick inviting you into that risk reward equation such that you want to let enemies take a swing at you so you can follow up with a roundhouse that will clear some space the way they implemented this is so perfect and it really lays bare the failings of the Callisto protocol that is a and it also wanted to evolve the survival horror combat framework towards more action and the way I wanted to do that was by getting you close to enemies but in so doing it totally lost its balance you no longer feed enemies because you could just hold left or right to dodge their attacks there was no way to properly manage multiple enemies swarming you at once it had the right idea about the tension inherent in close quarters combat but it just had no idea how to execute it Capcom [ __ ] nailed it here with this knife Harry it's such a subtle thing but it's totally transformative this is not the only thing that pushes you into Close Quarters though sometimes enemies you knock down will begin spasming indicating that they're about to transform into a more lethal variant at that point you need to haul ass and execute them with your knife otherwise you're going to have a problem that itself does a lot to move you around the battlefield rather than just letting you turtle in a corner what about Stealth that's a thing all new here in the remake is the ability to sneak up behind opponents and silently execute them with a knife if you're good enough you can skip entire sections by just stealthing past them or silently killing enemies then there's the responsiveness and flexibility of the sandbox if you want to stealth you can if you want to sit at range and pop heads you can if you want to be a CQC brawler you can if you want to ride the environment and blow up exploding barrels or hold choke points you can if you want to shoot the sticks of dynamites out of the hands of enemies that they're about to throw them you can there is so much choice for how you can approach each scenario and true Mastery of the sandbox is going to be such a sight to behold like the speedruns of this are gonna be [ __ ] wild because you just have so many tools and options at your disposal at any given moment this is another reason why it reminds me of a metal gear game a mix of ranged and CQC stealth is an option A responsive environment you can use to your advantage opportunities to turn the strengths of enemies against themselves that is what metal gear games have always done and Resident Evil 4 remake is doing it here as well what's even more astounding is the fact that every new combat sequence you step into seems to push you to your absolute limit and you manage to get through it by the skin of your teeth every time I play this on normal and it was not at all easy in large part because Capcom had just so precisely calibrated the number of enemies that spawn in and how they behave and the amount of resources they drop such that you are always on your heels but you just somehow managed to get through it I couldn't believe how often I was in that exact position just pushed and overwhelmed and feeling like I was Tapped Out on every weapon no herbs left I was definitely done for when suddenly I fired my last shot The Last Enemy dies and that Combat music Fades down that feeling of relief I became addicted to that because Capcom knew exactly how to keep me fiending a huge X Factor for why this works as well as it does is how incredible it feels to control Leon his animations his Locomotion his weapon switching and aim down sight speed all of it allows you to achieve this Flow State when you controlled him you don't have to be conscious of his limitations because he doesn't really have any you just imagine what you'd like him to do and he kind of just does it Leon S Kennedy is one of the best feeling characters I've controlled in a video game God he is so dreamy the fact that this is a linear third person escort mission where you are fighting zombie adjacent enemies really got me thinking why do I love this so much where I feel absolutely nothing for the last of Us's gameplay most most of what I have described here in re full remake is also present in The Last of Us the mix of ranged and CQC gameplay the option to stealth or fight environments I can make use of excellent smooth combat animations Etc so why do I love reforms combat but I don't like combat in The Last of Us I think the difference is that the last of us doesn't demand you make full use of its combat sandbox it's very optional I steal these clips online of people playing The Last of Us like it's a [ __ ] character action game throwing bricks and switching weapons on the Fly and doing all this cool [ __ ] and I'm like damn I wish I played the game like that when I played it I would kind of just stealth until I [ __ ] up shoot a few fools a few swings of my weapon and that was basically it that's how I and I reckon a lot of people played The Last of Us it gave you the option to hit this really high skill ceiling but it never pushed you to do it Resident Evil 4 remake is pushing you to hit that skill ceiling every single second from the very first showdown in the village you are making use of every last tool in your toolkit and every last Advantage the environment might afford you the ammo economy forces you to switch weapons constantly enemy types force you to move in and out of Close Quarters there is no part of the combat sandbox that you can leave unexplored in Resident Evil 4 remake because you just don't have that luxury The Last of Us never push me to explore the absolute limits of its combat sandbox the way that Resident Evil 4 remake is doing in every moment and that's I think I think the reason why I absolutely can't get enough of combat in re4 remake whereas combat was just something I got through in The Last of Us Parts one and two anyway tldr combat in this game was already amazing in the original and now it's just [ __ ] god to you Capcom Geniuses I will not be taking any questions [Applause] okay so let's do a quick Canter through a bunch of other cool [ __ ] that I haven't even spoken about yet firstly this runs extraordinarily well on PC I played on an RTX 2080 TI and I was able to run this at 4K 60fps Loft I did not have a single crash no bugs technically flawless I booted it up on Steam deck thinking there is no way a game that looks this good runs well on Steam deck it runs at 60 FPS on Steam deck 60 FPS I don't have footage of it but go look it up you'll say I'm not lying at a time when like 9 out of 10 PC ports are a disaster Capcom delivers 60 FPS on the steam deck I mean I don't even know what to say secondly this game isn't even finished in a good way next week the mercenaries update will arrive for free that is a timed run based mode that's going to work really well given how fantastic the action of this title is later on I'm sure we can also expect the separate ways DLC a story starring Ada Wong is the lead playable character that unfolds in parallel to Leon's story routing her through many of the same locations and connecting her with many of the villains and Side characters that Leon encountered that has already been data mined from the game files plus it just makes too much sense it's almost certainly on the way at some point you know what else is on the way a VR mode exclusive to psvr2 we already have a Resident Evil 4 VR based on the original game and that's meant to be incredible this will no doubt be even better and it will be totally free think about how much work goes into creating a functional VR mode for a game and Capcom are just giving that away to anyone who purchased the base Game Crazy what else uh I finished this once on normal mode but there's also the hard mode and then the professional mode and then there's new game plus and dozens of different challenges available allowing you to unlock bonus content like cosmetics and new weapons all for free because that's how video games used to be you used to get the Cosmetics for free by playing the game Crazy concept I know but there it is for people who like to truly suck the marrow from every game they pick up there's probably like a hundred hours of content here on your way to completing every achievement unlocking every unlockable uncovering every secret and trying to truly Master every aspect of this game's combat it's just an absolutely extraordinary package and to be clear it didn't have to sway just because is it's a remake of one of the greatest games ever made doesn't immediately guarantee it a spot on the Winner's Podium Resident Evil 3 is a good example of that though that was by no means terrible Warcraft 3 reforged is a good example of that because that was a disaster you can absolutely [ __ ] up a remake or a remaster so yeah good source material helps but Capcom did not rest on The Laurels of the original here they push themselves to reimagine every single inch of it while still honoring and retaining so much of the original that is why Leon is still an alpha male action hero but he's deeper and more nuanced and more believable now that is why the overall skeleton of this game world is largely intact but the presentation of each and every space has been transformed and now looks extraordinary that is why the combat retains the same essential enemy types and weapons but new mechanics and tweaks allow Capcom to dial the intensity of every encounter up to like 11. what a thing to have accomplished here look what happens when Hollywood tries to remake or reboot films get this or this the video game industry does a much better job of this on balance but recently before remake is a new bar delivering not only a fantastic remake but one of the best survival horror games ever one of the best third person action games ever and one of the best video games ever full stop I very strongly recommend Resident Evil 4 remake [Music] are you still using that old fat leather wallet full of old receipts and that gym membership card you haven't used in 18 months and a suspicious ring shape pressed into the leather as a reminder of your glory years if so get with the times my dude that wallet is yesterday's news in fact it's probably like 10 years ago's news introducing the wallet of the future Ridge wallet I bought a ridge wallet a long time ago well before they sponsored the channel and it was just such a massive upgrade Ridge wallets are wallets evolved store all of your essential cards your cash using either the money strap or money clip protect yourself from scammers with RFID protection and look like a classy dude because these things are sleek and stylish and come in a range of colors and materials allowing you to rock whatever look works for you rich don't just do wallets though more recently I was one of the first people to get my hands on their new key case and that has been 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Channel: Skill Up
Views: 505,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skill up, skill, up, gameplay, games, guide, gaming news, video games, videogame reviews, videogame review, game review, reaction, ign, steam deck, podcast, resident evil 4 remake review, re4 remake review, resident evil 4, resident evil 4 buy, is resident evil 4 good?, resident evil 4 review, resident evil, react, cutscenes, leon, ada wong, speedrun, re4 review, resident, evil, remake, review, comparison, PC, 4k, xbox, PS5, PS4, re4 remake comparison, re4 remake vs original, gamecube
Id: iIXQ3sospSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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