I strongly recommend: 'God of War: Ragnarok' (Review - 100% Spoiler Free)

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this video is brought to you by steelseries and their range of Premium wireless headsets Ragnarok is a good excuse to spoil yourself so give yourself the gift of 3D Audio and industry-leading Sound use offer code skill up for 12 off your purchase click the link below or stick around to the end of the video to learn more let's begin with a discussion about spoilers my number one objective in this video is not to review this video game well that is a secondary objective my primary objective is to protect your enjoyment of the game by avoiding almost anything that may be considered a spoiler I say almost because anything is a spoiler in a certain context the fact that Kratos is in this game is a spoiler if you want to slice it that way but practically speaking any major reveal epic boss battle special event or location anything that may reasonably be considered a spoiler I am not including in this video put another way if it was a surprise to me it will still be a surprise to you even after having watched this video okay so God of War Ragnarok now you already know that God of War Ragnarok is a good video game even without having played it you can feel it in your jellies what you want to know and what everyone will be asking over the coming weeks months and years is does this sequel somehow outdo its predecessor I think that is a fundamentally flawed question when it comes to Ragnarok because I don't think you should conceive of it as a sequel it is instead the second and final chapter in a two-part Saga Kill Bill Vol 2 was not the sequel to Kill Bill vol 1. any more than Avengers end game was a sequel to Infinity War the Lord of the Rings trilogy is one book that Tolkien published in three parts you may feel like the Return of the King is a better part of the story than Fellowship was or that Empire is better than Jedi that doesn't really matter because those sagas were so powerful at various points and in their conclusions that it's the Saga that stays with you not the minor quibbles about where parts of it might be strong or weak I say all of this because God of War Ragnarok is an absolutely extraordinary conclusion to this Saga it is remarkable I marveled constantly at the power of the creative minds behind this and the technical Talent who could make it so how can you write a Greek murder God into the mythology of the Norse without it seeming ridiculous how can you challenge and reframe almost every single preconceived notion you might have about that mythology without ever walking away from it or being untrue to it how can you take those legendary nine Realms and breathe life into them make them playable make them explorable make them stunning to behold and fill them with secrets and stories how do you deliver combat that definitely walks the line between overwhelming complexity and approachability between functionality and spectacle how the [ __ ] do you get it to run at 120 FPS and most importantly how do you ground all of this in a tale of a father and son so scared of losing one another but they are constantly pushing each other away free falling into a prophecy they are both desperate to avert but make more certain with every spoken word and deed God of War Ragnarok has better combat than the first game better open world it looks better it runs better it has more bosses more gear more puzzles more characters more set piece moments more everything but I'll be honest and say that most of that doesn't really matter to me 10 or 15 years from now I won't remember the newly expanded skill perk customization system or the improvements to combat UI or the clever open world puzzles I encountered in helheim what I'll remember is that Ragnarok met the moment and continued expanded and concluded this Saga with such power that it not only stands on its own but it achieves the impossible task of somehow making God of War 2018 better that is the power of a good ending it imbues the preceding Journey with more significance and it protects that story for all time enshrining it as something worth revisiting and worth sharing with others that is ragnarok's biggest accomplishment not its frame rate or its boss battles or its loot it's the fact that it concludes this Saga so masterfully that you'll immediately want to go right right back to the start of it to experience it all again [Music] technical stuff first because the rest of Ragnarok is so strong that I expected technical Excellence will be overlooked and taken for granted it begins with its Suite of options and accessibility features consistent with the standard that Sony continues to set in this space the menu offers a level of customization typically reserved for PC games as you'd expect there are four difficulties available you can switch between the first three at any time but the hardest difficulty give me God of War could only be enabled at the start of a playthrough I played through on the normal mode which is give me balance and I must say that I think it was a little easy as I was completing so much side content that I often over leveled encounters my advice to you is that if you're planning that sort of completionist play through you may want to consider playing it on those harder difficulties since I suspect you'll have a better time than I did embedded in the gameplay menu is a raft of options I'd really recommend taking a look at for example puzzle timing is one there are some time-based challenges in this game that are more annoying than anything else and I found giving myself more time to do them was an upgrade same goes for order pickup which is a huge deal because you have to pick up a lot of stuff in this game and being able to just walk over to it and automatically pick it up is much better than having to spam the circle button 80 000 times the other thing I'd recommend tinkering with is the tutorial mode settings since I did find these popped up a little too often and they didn't add a lot of value when they did I'd set this to minimal if I were you you won't miss out on anything essential and you'll be less distracted in the graphics and Camera menu you will see a slider for motion blur I am very on the record for not liking motion blur I often disable it entirely here though I didn't feel the need to do that even at its Max settings it didn't feel remotely disruptive and I actually found it to be an improvement versus being disabled that's personal preference though but my takeaway is that motion blur isn't always bad and Ragnarok is a really good example of that on the PS5 which is where I reviewed the game there are some graphical modes to choose from and these are pretty crazy there's a resolution mode that aims for 4K at 30 FPS and a performance mode that delivers a very solid 60fps with the dynamic resolution on top of that if your TV supports HDMI 2.1 then an additional option opens up allowing you to enable a high frame rate mode which delivers 4K at 40 FPS or a dynamic resolution supporting up to 120 FPS I can't show that to you here as most captured devices can't handle HDMI 2.1 yet but it's there and I guess we're all going to have to tune into the digital Foundry breakdown to see how well it performs I can tell you that that 60fps performance mode is as rock solid as kratos's ABS in my 37 hour playthrough I noticed one instance of frame drop and it was during some random exploration I'm sure that some more detailed analysis will identify some fluctuations in this frame rate but they were totally indiscernible to me during my playthrough it was so good to play a game that ran so well and flawlessly and it was a stark contrast to many of the games I have recently reviewed not pointing any fingers performance mode becomes even more remarkable when you see just how good God of War Ragnarok looks this recorded footage combined with YouTube's garbage tier compression does not do any justice to just how incredible this game regularly looks it's a combination of art design and Technical Wizardry that has produced these beautiful worlds dense jungles gilded Halls Barren Plains Frost kiss Tundra the megalomania of the Asia Gods building impossibly Grand temples to honor themselves and statues in their own likenesses to serve as silent Sentinels projecting a reminder of their rule even in their absence what incredible mythological tourism God of War Ragnarok affords us and what a brilliant vision of these worlds Santa Monica have rendered for us here you may wonder how much of a visual leap this game is versus the last and the truth is it's not much of a leap Ragnarok does look unmistakably better particularly in texture detail environmental density and lighting effects but it still looks quite similar to the last game it is a subtle but noticeable Improvement not an overhaul or a profound up keep in mind this is at its core a PS4 game that will ship to last gen consoles but even despite that I just cannot fathom any reasonable person looking at God of War Ragnarok and thinking good look shoot restrained by old Hardware though it may be it still looks better than 98 of games on the market today one complain I had about Ragnarok was one that I thought could be put down to the PS4 holding the game back but it turns out that that probably isn't the case Ragnarok is stuffed full to bursting with those shimmy sequences where you slide down a narrow Gap to get from one area to the other conventional wisdom is that this is used to mask loading sequences which they can be used for but apparently they are rarely used for that purpose as confirmed by a developer from Insomniac who worked on Spider-Man and another one who was the director of The Last of Us apparently this technique is more about boxing the player into spaces Bayonetta and Devil May Cry have their magic walls that appear and vanish God of War has Arrow crevices no matter the justification station it's frustrating to be honest given that you are constantly edging yourself through crevice after crevice if it's part of the level design language that exists to serve the combat side of the gameplay then I think some new language is required in future by the way on the topic of load times when you do encounter them typically after a death they are very quick here is an example not too shabby at all outside of that God of War makes use of the Dual sense controller but it's a fairly lightweight implementation the adapter triggers are only rarely used only during pre-scripted sequences where Kratos has to hack through something with his ax it would have been interesting to see some part of the combat sandbox make use of them but given that this is also a PS4 game I can understand why that didn't happen the biggest benefit the Dual sense brings is haptic feedback which continues to be such an awesome upgrade over the standard Rumble from previous generations in combat in exploration in cutscenes this controller is always conveying something to you in ways that you will notice even if you're not paying attention to it it's so present that it absolutely crunches through the battery I'd go long sessions where I'd have to burn through two fully charged controllers inside of like Tanish hours the Dual sense is putting in the work and I continue to believe what I said a while's back that there are two next-gen consoles but only one next-gen control Ola and while the adapter triggers are a little wasted the haptics are certainly not incidentally there is full button remapping available in the menu as well as the option for motion controls when you're aiming your ax I didn't use that but it's nice that it's there since I know more than a few people like when games offer motion controls as an option the final technical element to call out is audio on the PS5 Ragnarok does support 3D audio using both stereo and USB headphones it's difficult to compare this with the previous game because to be frank I don't quite remember anything specific about the original game's audio but I will tell you that the audio here is excellent both in terms of the overall soundscape employed and the utility of that 3D audio one of the complaints about 2018 was that it's over the shoulder view was too narrow and it's combat hard not clear enough to warn you about off-screen threats that stuff has been improved here but I found myself relying on directional audio cues more than I did before you are being fed a lot of positional data while you're fighting and those crucial information bearing sounds are prioritized in the sound mix so you can react to them finally bugs I will tell you in 37 hours played I experienced two minor issues one where Kratos kind of glitched on a Ledge for a split second and then he was fine another one where he clipped into an invisible wall 37 hours two minor glitches whether it is the options menu accessibility visual Fidelity performance load times controls audio or bugs and polish Sony's first party Studios continue to maintain an extraordinarily High bar and Ragnarok is yet another example of this it's a technical tour de force that for many other titles would be its centerpiece but here it's at risk of being overshadowed by how good the rest of the package is you get so swept up in Ragnarok that you'll often fail to remember that this is all just code some people sat at a bunch of computers for a really long time to make this they did an extraordinary job bringing these characters this world this action and this Saga to life [Music] what's up God of War Ragnarok begins some three years after the events of the first game Kratos born a Spartan and forced to carve a path through the Greek pantheon has found his way to the Realms of Thor and Odin and Freya and the world's serpent Yeoman Gunda in this new world Kratos takes a wife and has a son atreus but kratos's upbringing was cruel and the life he was forced to lead hard he doesn't know how to show love to his son because he was never shown any himself I mean kratos's wife dies she sends her husband and her son on a pilgrimage that seems in no small part intended to bring them together the pilgrimage did just that but it also put Kratos and atreus on a collision course with the gods of these Realms and ultimately reveals a prophecy that everyone Friend or Foe alike are desperate to avoid that prophecy is Ragnarok the Norse myth of the end times where the gods and their armies do battle one last time this is an ancient myth that we've seen rendered repeatedly across popular media from books to Comics to TV shows to the MCU and that's just in the last half century before that the myth of Ragnarok endured for at least a thousand years as literature and archaeological findings referenced it as far back as 920 A.D the sources all shed different light on it and tell it in slightly different ways the core elements remain unchanged the word Ragnar means the ruling gods and rock means something akin to fate Ragnarok then is the story of the fate of the Gods and it always always culminates in their destruction maybe feeling a little uncomfortable at this point you're like dude you said no spoilers I want to be clear that knowing the prophecy of Ragnarok is not a spoiler rather knowing the mythology is essential to properly enjoying God of War Ragnarok I would say right now that if you're not brushed up in this stuff go and watch some YouTube videos go read some Wikipedia entries go read a book if you've got the time I really recommend Neil gaiman's Norse mythology fantastic retelling of these stories and characters pulled from the historical records of the mythology but generously embellished on to give it so much drama and villainy and heroism and play it's awesome I don't say that you should know the story of Ragnarok so you can track it to some inevitable conclusion and point out Easter eggs along the way like that Leonardo DiCaprio meme I say it because God of War Ragnarok is a dance with that prophecy in one moment Ragnarok seems inevitable and nothing anyone does matters because everything even the struggle against it has already been written in the next moment the will of Kratos and atreus to defy their fate seems to pay dividends and perhaps they aren't struggling for naught but you can only see so many of these successes and setbacks if you know who these people are and what these locations relics and events mean without that grounding so much of ragnarok's death Dance with Destiny is lost on you that's why I think it is so important to read up before you saddle up for this experience I will tell you that of all the things I loved about Ragnarok and there were many the way that Santa Monica's writers use this prophecy as a launching pad for their own story was their greatest accomplishment I think the power of God of War 2018 was its emotional core that connection between Father and Son both of them terrified of each other for different reasons seeing them break through that fear and come together was more powerful than any other part of that story here in Ragnarok I was just in awe of this [ __ ] plot it is so clever it's like a murder mystery where you think you know so many things along the way because you've seen it a thousand times but you don't know [ __ ] it reminds me of that quote who are you gonna trust me or Your Lying Eyes your knowledge of this prophecy is both necessary but also your greatest enemy a Santa Monica Lead You by the nose so expertly that you could swear you can hear the writer's room cackling as you sit mouth a gape at each big reveal you're in for such a ride with this I'm so jealous of you for getting to experience it for the first time as for Kratos and atreus their relationship has moved into a new phase here Kratos has learned how to show love to his son but atreus has become a teenager and teenagers are dicks rebellious foolhardy overconfident an easily distracted duplicitous atreus longs to know who he really is and what significance he holds in the context of this prophecy that looms so large over them in his view only by understanding all of that can he avoid this Grim fate whereas for Kratos the further you stay away from all that stuff the less likely it is to come to pass that is the central tension that pushes forward many of these events but also the underlying emotional tension that dominates their relationship it's different from the first game but equally powerful and no matter how big everything can get it's often the small moments between Father and Son that continue to be the most powerful moments in the game special mention must go to the broader cast of characters many of them are returning from the previous game but their role here has been substantially enlarged before they were somewhat ancillary they almost didn't exist separate from their relation to Kratos and atreus but here they are so much more fleshed out and they become an ensemble cast rather than a Supporting Cast some of the most impactful moments in this entire experience have nothing to do with Kratos or Atrius that is how significant these characters have become in this story and it is all the Richer for it just as I Delight in how much Ragnarok [ __ ] with our preconceived notions of this ancient prophecy so too does it totally upend our conception of who these gods are there are Gods Not Yet revealed so I won't do that here but we do know of Thor voiced by Ryan Hurst and Odin voiced by Richard Schiff now I know it's cringed to admit it in the modern era but the West Wing is literally my favorite show ever and Toby Ziegler was literally my favorite character ever and to hear him voice the all father in this way it was a little bit special both Odin and Thor the way they've been realized here is absolutely not what you'd expect not needlessly throwing away traditional Notions of these characters for shock value sake alone but rather delving deeper into them deeper than any popular rendition I've seen before they felt like real characters rather than just mythological action figures Thor is so much more than his hammer and Odin is not the father figure you've seen Anthony Hopkins play there is a lot to celebrate about God of War Ragnarok and I suspect that different people will take different things from it but I'm all but certain that it's the story that will stay with you the most it's different in its goals than 2018 was 2018 was this gut Punch or a sledgehammer swung straight at your heels I didn't feel the need to play 2018 again because I felt like that gut punch you can't get that twice but Ragnarok is more subtle more elaborate more intricate there are so many layers to this story that it demands multiple playthroughs each one allowing you to sift more carefully through it taking away more each time as you become better prepared for its twists and turns Jesus Butterball Ragnarok delivers some very meaty improvements to the semi-open world design template that it delivered in the first game and I'd say that level design and Quest structure is the most noticeable gameplay Improvement between this game and the first if you're at all unfamiliar with God of War it has a hybridized structure that combines linear sequences with semi-open World exploration when Kratos and atreus resolve to do something that will often take them to a specific place that is only accessible while they're working towards that specific goal temples sections of jungle entire Realms that exist as curated spaces tailor-made for combat Arenas and boss encounters and set piece Moments by the way fantastic so many sequences in this game are incredible and not just because they're violent or big or loud it's about their choreography the storyboarding in these sequences oh man I wish I could show you some of this stuff but I can't you'll just have to trust me when I say that if it's spectacle or action or just fun that you're after then Ragnarok will not disappoint you in the slightest so outside of these more scripted sequences and these linear levels the Realms you'll visit will often open up into these semi-open World spaces I keep saying semi-open world because they're not truly open world there are nine Realms in the Norse mythology I won't tell you how many you'll be visiting here but they are distinct Realms you'll travel to them via the branches of the world tree and when you're there you won't find them contiguous spaces like say Horizon forbidden West you'll find them more Hub based each realm containing a number of distinct biomes connected by some sort of thoroughfare this will be familiar to you if you played the first game because that's how midgard was built but the Lake of the nine serving as this Central Hub connecting various areas that contained puzzles combat challenges boss encounters and more so imagine midgard but then imagine it bigger and then imagine more stuff on it and then imagine multiple of those open world spaces again I won't say how many but I will say that it is not an insignificant number and none of these spaces are slouches they are all full of stuff to see and do full of spaces worth exploring and full of stories worth finding that's one of the interesting things about these spaces they each have their own meta narrative that exists separate from the main storyline in that realm there are lots of side quests you'll discover many of which will dovetail into a broader story about some threat in that region or trying to uncover the events from a Time long past it definitely helps to read the law entries you discover along the way as they provide so much flavor but even without reading those you will feel like there's a reason behind the stuff you're doing what is that stuff it's open World stuff sort of I don't want to Big it up too much because it's hardly groundbreaking but nor do I think it's phoned in there are chests that are hidden behind puzzles and bosses perched to top towers and ghosts who ask you to find their remains it's familiar but nestled within this are some of ragnarok's best locations best puzzles best encounters some of the most interesting and moving moments can be found in this side content so while you can take a lot of this stuff and drop it into familiar buckets there are some nuggets hidden within this that make that fossa King absolutely worthwhile when I play games with side content I am not the player that seeks outside content because it's there I'm the player that does it if that side content actually calls to me to do it and I always felt called here in Ragnarok I think you can beeline this game in around 20 hours or so that's a guess but I spent around 37 because I did almost every bit of side content I could before being forced back onto the main path and I would estimate that completing every bit of side content for a platinum trophy or whatever is going to run you at least 45 to 50 hours critical to my enjoyment was the fact that exploration is a real feature of these spaces this is not a map marker driven game as very little of what you're working towards is marked on your map you really do have to just press forward to see what you find you'll often see an objective in the distance but won't quite know how to get there stuff in the environment doesn't do that flashy highlight thing you actually need to look at these environments look at the detail within them and engage them you don't just Glide across space with your eyes fixed on a distant map marker you can tend to with these environments and that contention becomes more interesting and more satisfying as these Realms slowly open up to you having said all of that a lot of this open World stuff is linked to a very classically inspired resource hunt there are a lot of chests filled with a lot of hack silver hidden throughout these lands you collect crafting materials to upgrade your gear you collect relics which are sold to the blacksmith for more hack silver that you won't end up needing because it flows so readily I'm not sure that this is fair criticism or not because this is ultimately a fantasy Adventure RPG so chests filled with stuff fits I guess but it's so many chests and so often the stuff they contain isn't truly valuable to you I was chasing this stuff because I really loved exploring these spaces and fighting as I did so but I think if there's any part of God of War that's due for some overhaul it's this resource chase that feels a little played out when set against a game that is so Cutting Edge in almost every other regard foreign I would say that for me personally God of Wars melee combat is probably my favorite melee combat in any video game I'm not saying it's the best I'm just saying it's my favorite I enjoy the slower Souls like combat particularly for its breadth across different weapon categories and its enemy boss design I enjoy the fast-paced combat of character action games like Bayonetta for the depth of their combat systems and how much there is to master and how rewarding that Mastery can look and feel if you invest the time God of Wars combat is that sweet spot between the two though its pacing is very even giving you time between each swing to consider your next swing its Parry windows are generous inviting you to Parry rather than turtleing behind a shield air juggle hang time is very long giving you an absurd amount of time to take advantage of an Airborne enemy the follow-up combo the combos you were capable of pulling off strike that balance where they're easy enough to pull off without feeling mindless and truly understanding the capabilities of each weapon opens up your combo potential substantially and the framing of all this action with its camera pans and its Dynamic slowdowns makes combat look truly awesome almost like pre-scripted cut scenes at times ones that you remain fully in control of God of War lacks the depth and breadth of other melee combat games but it is the Pinnacle of approachability allowing you to feel like a total [ __ ] badass on your first playthrough you don't need to study this game to be good at it you don't need to train in practice areas to learn combos there's just enough here that you can wrap your arms around all of it without too much effort and while that means you'll hit that skill cap ceiling pretty quickly it also means that it's not going to take very long to start having fun with all the tools at your disposal that's a blessing and a curse at the best of times but I think it's a little more of a curse here in Ragnarok because the combat system has not Advanced a great deal versus the previous game so if you hit that skill ceiling in the past you're going to hit it even faster here and as I mentioned earlier if you're doing a lot of side content then that skill ceiling is lower than ever as enemies simply can't keep Pace with your progression at least on normal difficulty now to be clear there are some new elements to the combat sandbox many of the Combos and abilities from the last game return here but there are plenty of new ones added as well having said that none of them really changed the flow of combat or meaningfully in larger capabilities they're more variations on the way you deal damage rather than new ways to deal damage the biggest addition to the combat sandbox is elevating the importance of Shield bash which now interrupts enemies who are about to launch certain attacks that is really nice actually it works super well but even it feels iterative same goes for the new combat perk system you'll still unlock new abilities by reaching certain level thresholds but now some of those abilities will have a Mastery system attached to them where if you use those abilities enough times you'll be able to modify them slightly for example doing more damage or applying more stun or Elemental effect this is a great system for pushing you to use abilities that you might not otherwise use but its actual impact can scarcely be felt since the power of these upgrades is so minor enemy variety has been noticeably expanded though and that does make a big difference enemies play a wide variety of roles in the combat chess and Santa Monica do a good job of combining them to create pressure on you to mix up your play style some of that relates to the new verticality present in combat spaces enemies often have ranged attacks and will perch in certain positions forcing you to hit them with your ranged attacks or go up to meet them fighting their ledgers allows you to knock enemies down to lower levels so you can follow up with a devastating drop down attack in Broad terms the changes to ragnarok's combat feel more like a response to criticisms to the first game rather than meaningful expansion boss diversity is a big one there are a number of repeated bosses here but there are a much larger total number of those bosses you won't have to fight eight trolls or whatever similarly the combat HUD has been improved with clear indications for incoming attacks plus mamir will often yell out to warn you when shit's about to go down I suspect that some people will look at how similar this combat is and feel disappointed by that I get it I think that's totally fair for me personally though I just love what this combat already was and I didn't need it to change all that much I think it's well and truly strong enough to survive a second outing and while I would have appreciated some bold changes I'm still very happy with what's here and I'm always excited to charge headlong into the next encounter be it a minor trash mob or some epic boss battle foreign I know there's been a theme that I've come back to a few times in this review the idea of comparison of iteration of evolution I know that that's going to be a big part of the way this game is talked about before launch as everyone will be reading the tea leaves scattered throughout these reviews and guessing this way or that about whether or not the game is evolved enough or whether the graphics are next gen enough or whether or not this is an expansion or a DLC or a sequel or whatever let me make one prediction all of that noise will immediately fall silent when people get their hands on this for themselves because that's when everyone will say that the conclusion to this Saga doesn't hinge on gameplay improvements or graphical Fidelity or dual sense functionality welcome though they may be hinges on the myth of these gods and on the prophecy of their downfall and on this story of a father and son desperate to make their own fate that is it and the story that Santa Monica we fear is so masterful and so affecting that all of those secondary considerations just evaporate my impossible hope for this game was that it would somehow make me feel just some of the things that the first game made me feel it didn't do that what it did was make me feel other things new things things that I wasn't expecting but were just as compelling and powerful and memorable Sony Santa Monica succeeded so comprehensively here that I am just in awe of the talent that it took to produce it and so thankful that I got the chance to play it you're gonna absolutely love it I strongly recommend God of War Ragnarok all right so steel series as you know I've partnered up with these guys at the start of the Year super happy about that because they make some truly top shelf stuff and I love putting that stuff in front of you I use their keyboards and their Destiny Mouse and mouse pad I love those by the way earlier this year they refreshed their range of Premium gaming headsets with their Flagship arctis Nova Pro Wireless being my weapon of choice the arctis Nova Pro Series headsets come in Playstation Xbox and PC variants but they also support multi-support connect allowing you to connect a PC and multiple consoles at the same time so you can just switch between them that's done through this sexy looking dedicated audio controller which not only handles all of that but lets you control volume chat mix levels switch audio modes tweak EQ and much more the arctis Nova Pro Series comes in both wired and wireless variants and if you're using the wireless version you can hot swap batteries since the headset comes with two batteries that support 22 hours of playback each I've got the wireless version you know why because it's the version that has active noise canceling something that almost no other gaming headset on the market has and I absolutely love it putting them on and hearing that sound of silence is just so good every time speaking of putting them on these things are super comfortable the headsets have been redesigned from the ground up with all new premium components and it has a much more lifestyle look now like yeah it's a gaming headset but you could take it out to the world and no one's going to give you side eye especially since that inbuilt microphone retracts all the way in and becomes basically invisible the wireless version also supports Bluetooth audio so these can be your new noise isolating headphones when you're out on the go and then when you walk in your door they suddenly become your dedicated console or PC gaming headset featuring industry-leading certified high resolution sound steel series range also includes the arctis Nova 7 wireless it's a really versatile piece of kit that plugs in via USB to any console or PC Plus it supports that Bluetooth audio for use on mobile it has up to 38 hours of battery life as well as an AI powered noise canceling microphone for absolute Clarity when you're chatting with your mates there's other headsets in the range as well a huge variety to meet whatever your needs may be for real though the Nova Pro Wireless is hands down the best gaming headset I've ever used no comparison go and look up the reviews by the way if you don't believe me I'm absolutely not the only one saying this and I've certainly heard from a number of people who have picked one up using my discount code and they've all come back super happy and impressed best of all as I mentioned steelseries is a channel partner which means that your boy can hook you up with a sweet discount use offer code skillup at checkout to get 12 off your purchase any item on the storefront 12 off no strings attached there's a link below like I said God of War is a nice excuse to spoil yourself and you deserve it that is skill up at checkout for 12 off thank you still serious for sponsoring the video and thank you for watching it [Music] thank you
Channel: Skill Up
Views: 778,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skill up, skill, up, gameplay, games, guide, god of war ragnarok, god of war ragnarok preview, god of war ragnarok review, god of war ragnarok gameplay, god of war 5, god of war, god of war ragnarök, god of war ps5, gow ragnarok, god war ragnarok, god of war 5 gameplay, god of war ragnarok impressions, god of war ragnarok ps5, god of war gameplay playstation 5, gow ragnarok gameplay, god of war 2022, ragnarok review, ragnarok hands on, ragnarok impressions, ragnarok preview
Id: QdqMpAV1A1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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