Why Is Resident Evil 4 Remake SO AWESOME?! (2023)

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where's everyone going Bingo and that is why the Resident Evil 4 remake is so awesome so thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to like And subscribe but want more all right fine I'll elaborate what's up I'm back all right time to get a video on your ass [ __ ] Happy Feet you're not my type Leon they're here ah the entertainment [Music] don't you think [Music] for the repairs later what's up everybody this is the Bingo man here and have you played my new game yet if your answer is no thanks bro then you need to reevaluate your life Resident Evil 4. it's an absolute Masterpiece and one of the most influential games ever released its incredible blend of action and horror packaged with a third person over-the-shoulder gameplay would become the gold standard for many developers to follow and it's campy storytelling over-the-top villains and cheesy dialogue make it one of a kind if you don't need me then get off my back old man lately Capcom has had a massive hard on for remaking old Resident Evil titles so it's only fitting they would do the same with four but remaking a game this legendary is no easy feat and Capcom had some pretty big shoes to fill did they fill them with the right sized feet or with gennado [ __ ] time will tell there are so many ways they could have screwed this remake up the original was basically lightning captured in a bottle it couldn't be replicated try as hard as they might with re5 and 6 it just couldn't be done I really need you to [ __ ] my sister initially I was extremely hyped for this remake and had no doubts the gameplay would kick ass then everything changed when I heard Resident Evil 4 remake has been edited for a modern audience phrase modern or broader audience is likely sending you into catatonic shock it often signals the end or destruction of the thing you love so here's the million dollar question what did Capcom change how exactly did they improve upon Perfection and how they try to ruin it well let's sing Kumbaya together at some boy scout bonfire Harriet chainsaw and drop a Cheesy one-liner straight into this this video is sponsored by enlisted an expansive World War II multiplayer shooter with a huge emphasis on historical accuracy battle through expansive campaigns like the invasion of Normandy the Battle of Moscow Pacific Theater and countless others equip yourself with hundreds of different weapons ranging from Iconic Classics of World War II to more experimental designs enlisted is available on PC Xbox series XNX PS5 and last gen consoles even better it's completely free to play and cross-platform if you want a hyper detailed World War II game to scratch your itch and try out then this is going to be right up your alley not enough FPS games lets you issue commands to squads of AI or exert control over them but enlisted does and it reminds me of the OG Battlefront 2. can't forget about all these awesome Vehicles either I mean there's just a ton of content to enjoy at the low low price of zero dollars and I'll even sweeten the deal if you use my special link to register and download the game I'll give you some special bonuses including three days of Premium Time and several orders for troops and weapons use my link to download the game and I'll see you on the battlefield Soldier thank you enlisted for sponsoring this video and Now for Something Completely Different games have evolved quite a bit since 2005 but re4 is one of the few that have truly stood the test of time initially the game's directors didn't even want to work on this remake because they didn't think they could make it better after replaying the original they found things that they could change and try to make better I think we can all agree the biggest Improvement uh was with the logo as it has finally dispelled all rumors that the game was actually called for Resident Evil what hasn't changed is the plot once again we're put in the shoes of me Leon's sex appeal Kennedy you stay here with Leon he's better with the ladies in his quest to rescue the president's missing daughter and definitely not have sex with her by the end so uh after you take me back to my place how about we do some over time no thanks bro you know the drill actually has been tracked through a remote part of Spain and so the U.S government sends in Leon Kennedy Leon recounts the events of re2 in the outbreak in Raccoon City now previously the gap between Resident Evil 2 and 4 was 7 years so many people had never played two before four came out which meant a lot of us never got to see Leon's Origins but now the evolution of Leon's character feels much more natural as the re2 Remake only came out four years ago and it introduced a whole new audience to its game and story Leon is also voiced by the same guy Nick apostolides so it adds some consistency to his voice and portrayal you see Leon training with some dude in a red beret definitely no foreshadowing here but right off the bat I noticed a lot of parallels in the dialogue cinematography and pacing Leon's staring out the window with his hand on his chin one of the cops takes a piss the other offers lyanna smoke I'm sure you boys didn't come all the way out here to roast marshmallows and then again maybe you once you're given control of me the first thing you notice is how freaking gorgeous the graphics are I'd go so far as to say these environments are prettier than Ada Wong even though I know that's heresy Capcom have mastered their control of the re engine my experience with this game was borderline flawless I don't think I noticed any dips in my frame rate the chickens look good the pigs look good what more could I ask for Bingo graphically the game feels just as Innovative and revolutionary as it did playing re4 for the first time in 2005. the grotesque Horrors feel much more realized than before the added detail makes things like the garador more frightening and if you check out the character models in the extra shop and compare them to the original you can really see how far technology has come it's crazy man you can see the individual chin hairs on Louise it's it's that peach fuzz rendering I I never appreciated it before Capcom also decided to take a much darker approach to the tone and setting which you can you can clearly see by comparing the opening cut scenes and how much brighter the original is I think it's funny how similar the Dead Space and re4 remake are to each other they simultaneously raise the quality bar and introduce entirely new sections and levels oh yes there are quite a few surprises in store Leon actually speaks Spanish this time so I don't have to torture you all with my poor Spanish accent and instead of the police officers getting yeeded at the same time Leon discovers that one's been murdered in the house of disconado and it's a great way to introduce this new enemy type to the player yes yes yes boys he's still got it he has still got it they did not skimp out on the cheesy dialogue at all and after how annoying and dumb I felt Ethan Winters was listening to Leon be both a total badass and a goober is such a breath of fresh air what's even more refreshing is the fan service this remake was made clearly with a love and passion for the original I could edit a 20 minute Montage of every iconic line they kept from the original every Easter egg or reference I hate to say it but we're sandwiched all right we're sandwiched all right hasta luego hasta luego [Music] you're nothing but an extra in my script so don't get too Carriage next time your biggest city Ashley you're the one who kidnapped Ashley you catch on quick as expected come back at a Time come back anytime not only will you need cash but you'll need guts to buy that weapon not only will you need cash but you'll need guts to buy that weapon what are you buying oh what you're buying huh said it he said that thing Capcom almost [ __ ] baited me into thinking the dog died you [ __ ] hey it's that dog hey what's that dog Ethan added lightning to this scene just to make it that much more dramatic the description on the knife says it's good for Close Encounters a bit of advice try using knives next time works better for Close Encounters and it's the same knife Leon got in re2 that slick dancing reload animation with the Chicago Typewriter is back you can even unlock my Kick-Ass jacket and wear it for the entire game shooting the lake is still a really good idea and you should definitely try it I mean there are countless minute details that make me so happy I get to experience this game again the attention to detail is insane there are some lines of dialogue that require super specific things to happen like if you kill the second El Gigante before Luis gets the dynamite what leave any for me if you max out the upgrades for every single weapon in the game The Merchant makes fun of you I don't believe it you went and did them all I guess everyone needs a hobby those Salazar statues kept his original design and many music tracks are instantly recognizable like Krauser's theme [Music] foreign [Applause] the [ __ ] soundtrack in the shooting range oh my god did I bust the nut when I heard that it made me want to revive my rap career [Music] this remake is everything I wanted in terms of gameplay and I think they've modernized it quite nicely Leon has not been skipping leg day as he can now move and shoot at the same time what's cool is the player is still encouraged to stop and aim as if they're playing the original because it makes your shots more precise you can see how big of a difference this makes on your accuracy and crosshairs when you're moving or not sadly Red Dot sights have been removed from most weapons but you can get it as an attachment for certain pistols to relive The Nostalgia being able to move and reload is such a blessing remember having to stop aim reload lower your weapon and then run again no more the flow of combat is so much more fluid but as a trade-off sometimes enemies take two headshots to stagger instead of one dodging attacks in the original was always a little awkward as you just did like this sort of stutter step to bait them into attacking but this too feels much more natural so upon starting the game I was greeted with the difficulty options and I read hardcore which said this is for Resident Evil 4 veterans alright let's do it [ __ ] it that was a [ __ ] scam I got my ass handed to me constantly especially in the opening Village Gauntlet after several attempts I just barely managed to make it through with a single bullet to my name guess you could say my experience on Hardcore has been a little rough don't you think I also played on Xbox and there is this issue with aiming in dead zones which felt awkward to aim from time to time but overall the core gameplay and performance was fantastic now am I the only one who misses QuickTime Events maybe I'm high but I've always felt re4's storytelling was unique because you could never set down the controller and relax during a cut scene because if you did you might get your next snapped by some bearded hobo so players were conditioned to keep their full attention on screen or risk repeating parts of the game removing qtes from cutscenes also removes a lot of those horrific death scenes and animations gruesome violence in these really conveyed the severity of the threat we faced like oh you didn't cut that rope in time you now you're gonna watch Leon drown to death hope you're happy with your life choices watch that you press the wrong button the game still has QuickTime events in combat and there are some amazing new additions to the death animation Department I wish I could show them to you but oh this guy I gotta beware of this guy to paraphrase Leon gets [ __ ] murdered in this game so one particular death scene is missing and I wish they added it in adios Leon don't you think game directors actually acknowledge the removal of qtes their reasoning behind it it's not as popular in today's games I think it's because ironically no other game has done QuickTime events better than Resident Evil 4. so you can probably think Call of Duty for ruining them luckily in place of qtes the developers decided to add a [ __ ] Perry mechanic that is so awesome I just well done Lads your work here today has made the chancellor a very happy man this mechanic creates a whole new layer of gameplay decision making player choice and strategy if you trust your instincts like peppy hair tells you to you might play more aggressively getting up close and personal however if you're less confident best to trust your trigger finger and save the Parry for a last resort although you have to keep in mind some attacks can't be parried like grabs but you can use the knife to bail out of these grabs knives are so goddamn useful in this game you can even upgrade the knife but there is a cost to repairing it and durability isn't infinite I'm pretty sure the timing for Paris gets smaller on harder difficulties so you feel like a badass when you parry a move that would have otherwise killed you in one hit son of my enemies will transform but you can silence them and stop it or if you stun an enemy you can move in for a knife kill or a melee attack you can Parry chainsaws thrown weapons crossbow bolts the stiff janky unimpactful knife of the original is long gone in the original a lot of times the strategy to conserve ammo was okay I shoot you in the head I run up I kick you and then I just knife you a bunch rinse and repeat a lot of smaller fights played out like this and it wasn't terrible but all these new systems in the remake make combat much more Dynamic you have far more options to conserve ammo like stealth hello did somebody say Metal Gear Solid what's that Leon is also a Snake Eater one of the coolest examples of using stealth is that chamber with the red cultist by sneaking through you can almost trivialize this encounter and lower a chandelier to kill a bunch of the ganados even that new enemy type that the cowboy brutes can be snuck up on and stabbed hell you can do this to the garadors too not to mention the bolt-proer is a silent weapon that doesn't alert other ganados it's a fantastic rework of the Mind thrower the addition of parries and stealth adds so much to the gameplay it's it's unreal although not everything is perfect in Bingo land the game has some issues with AI and pathing I noticed certain areas with doors could just straight up break the AI and like a little kid with game shark I use this knowledge to exploit certain areas like the double gyarador room I think it's because some doors act as loading zones and if the AI crosses a certain threshold they're programming forces them to stop attacking and just slowly walk away awkwardly great for a hardcore playthrough terrible for immersion like look at this poor Feller he's trapped in limbo waiting for the sweet release of death these issues aren't massive and only happen occasionally aside from that all the enemies have been given massive overhauls and rather than complement every single chains I'd say the only enemy that frustrated me was Salazar because your windows of opportunity to attack him are so limited other than that I think every single fight every single location an encounter in the game it was fun even the more challenging sections I died to krauser like 10 times still had a blast since you can now Parry attacks and Bob and weave through hordes a lot easier enemies are more accurate with ranged weapons to compensate some of them also have charging attacks with like pitchforks one enemy can grab you while another attacks you the gonados are so expressive when they get shot or stabbed the first time I I shot a ganado while he was on the stairs and he fell down them it just blew my mind it's these types of like technological upgrades that made the original so impressive to me when I was a kid this is a game I shouldn't have played as a kid probably and of course Leon's badass melee attacks return as does his signature suplex ganados are also a bit smarter they'll sometimes hold their weapons up to block your shots remember those little Facehugger bastards well instead of doing nothing now they cause gonados to become enraged and charge at you super fast so you really gotta take them down fighting the enemies in this game is just so much goddamn fun as far as your arsenal of weapons goes it's mostly the same there are some new guns added through like the deluxe edition the skull Shaker Sentinel nine pistol they added an assault rifle a new submachine gun the Primal knife and heavy grenades extra unlocks like the man cannon in Chicago Typewriter return but the only things that don't are the Plagueis removal laser and incendiary grenades I was also bummed that you don't get free refills when upgrading ammo capacity big sad Capcom have proven once again they are masters of innovation when it comes to combat and AI in games called Resident Evil or unfortunately this game does not take the same philosophy of the Dead Space remake that being let's just add things and basically cut nothing there are quite a few areas that have been cut it's questionable at best and disappointing at worse I think they remade the most important locations in some parts I can understand being removed because maybe they were too cartoony or Jank but others like the laser room on the island like that would have been so badass to see in the remake here's a list of other areas I could think of that didn't make the cut the gondola ride in the village a lava statue section A Village waterfall River in crates area Castle sewers both ceiling trap areas the guy on the minigun in the middle of the room at ride on the massive pickup truck is gone you no longer have choice of fighting another El Gigante or the chainsaw ladies and by far the most heartbreaking the dumpster claw mini game what's that oh yeah they uh they cut out the u3 boss fight entirely yeah that whole section is just nowhere to be found one of the most iconic and difficult fights is cut out for seemingly no reason other than to bait it in future DLC there's something wrong with that man I guess there is a new boss fight to kind of make up for it but it's another El Gigante that just throws rocks at you but it seems like the game would have only been better if all of the areas were remade and new ones were added and you know changes to like the DK Minecart section were pretty awesome I was very thorough in gathering loot treasures and doing side quests so a decent chunk of my time was spent backtracking whereas in the original you spent less time backtracking because there were more locations the games take roughly the same amount of time to complete but you just feel like you're seeing more in the original speaking of cut content mercenaries just got added it's a [ __ ] blast even if there is one less character and one less location there is no assignment Ada or separate ways though I suppose it's all right since these weren't in the initial 2005 release so I can give it a pass the Remake adds some new customization through charms and cases giving you different bonuses like reduced armor repair cost so you are encouraged to play and do well at the shooting range and even if there weren't incentives just hearing that song constantly is all the reason I need I think the addition of a crafting system is is very much welcome given that the game is a bit more stingy about items it gives you the crafting system allows you to pick and choose things that you need more remember how in Village you would hunt different animals for upgrades with the Duke well they expanded on this concept in this remake with full-blown side quests I mean they are things like hey go and kill this super dog or shoot all these blue medallions fight this golden Knight but they were all loads of fun despite their Simplicity I did almost every single side quest because the rewards are damn well worth it the new currency system is fantastic spindles are used for exclusive upgrades you can't buy with pesetas so you learn to ration and choose things carefully Treasures are also way cooler instead of waiting eons to find that one specific gem for that one specific item it's been streamlined now you get a whole bunch of gems and it's up to you to choose what shape and color you put into the treasure to maximize your returns so customization progression and weapon upgrades are all [ __ ] awesome and somehow more addicting than they were in the original want to learn something crazy did you know that Shinji mukami wrote the entire script of Resident Evil 4 in three weeks man literally procrastinated his book report until the last possible moment which makes it all the more impressive how he managed to write one of the most Charming hilarious and awesome video game stories re4's narrative is nothing short of a miracle and I never expected Capcom to perfectly recreate that magic I say this to preface all my criticisms of the Remake because it's impressive how much they got right I am Osman Sadler the speaker for our Lord tell someone who gives a [ __ ] but first let's talk about everything they got wrong my biggest problem with the story are the villains all of them besides krauser feel like an immediate downgrade I always thought the big cheese was super intimidating because he just stared at you most of the time and rarely talked but now he's like a priest giving us sermons his dialogue is neither cheesy nor campy or funny it's just Bland you know that Mendez didn't really need to be anything more than what he was but he also wasn't much so I suppose I can give this a pass now I love Salazar's redesign it is very disturbing and makes him appear more evil and menacing this dude looks like he lives in his basement he looks like he never gets son he could possibly be a [ __ ] vampire however Capcom royally [ __ ] up when writing this script because they decided to cut out every single radio transmission it's between Leon Salazar and Sadler the bulk of their characterization and personality was through these radio Transmissions hell some of the most iconic lines were found in these moments I've sent my right hand to dispose of you your right hand comes off it should keep you busy can't remember the name huh a senior moment perhaps it seems Capcom has gone the Halo infinite route of Storytelling by forcing the villains into the background for the majority of the game and having them essentially do nothing instead they rely on flashbacks visions and [ __ ] talking through megaphones to establish their personality remember when you entered the castle and tried to talk with hunnigan but Salazar Jacks the line well that was to make the player feel stranded you were cut off from your allies and your Intel these Transmissions did a fantastic job of giving the villains presence they're looming in the background and they're always [ __ ] with you say whatever you please die Salazar and Sadler were taunt Leon in foreshadow places and enemies he'd be fighting through next it added build up to certain encounters like the u3 and the no Vista doors in the sewers Sadler would always laugh at Leon's lame jokes instead of getting pissed off oh Mr you entertain me like this was all a game to him and he never doubted that he would come out on top Sadler your small time no arrive in my cage of Torment I could be wrong but it also feels like they ditched the whole anti-American angle with the villains like they don't really discuss their motivations at all no longer will the United States think they can police the world forever this is no ritual it's terrorism isn't that a [Music] dead prevailing is it is a share that only happens in your Hollywood movies I feel like I have to go back to storytelling 101 right for a villain to be impactful we need to see them doing bad things you run into Salazar like three or four times total throughout the game while you don't even see Sadler until you're 90 of the way through instead of meeting Sadler in the church we get a flashback instead of seeing him in the castle we get a flashback also there's gonna be spoilers so skip to the time stamp to avoid them so in the remake krauser is the one that kills Luis and it's a very emotional scene that's done just as well as the original I'm not looking good hey my friend and such a loss to the ladies of the world however it makes more sense for Sadler to be the one to kill him because the two knew each other Luis worked for Sadler and betrayed him this is his punishment for that betrayal and it makes us hate Sadler a lot more and also teases his eventual boss fight you're left thinking like what the [ __ ] was that tentacle and where did it go what is Sadler going to transform into krauser was the one who kidnapped Ashley and started this whole mess in the first place like that's enough reason for the audience to hate him and want to take him down there's already enough implied history between krauser and Leon we didn't need to steal villainous actions from one bad guy to give them to another and yes I get that scenes like the spike trap are super cheesy and cliche and it makes no sense why Leon wouldn't just immediately shoot Salazar but that's not the point it's about Salazar's presence there's the bad guy he sprung his trap now he's running away like a little [ __ ] [ __ ] that kid let's go get him but in the remake these scenes are cut and anytime you run into Salazar he doesn't really do anything he just lets you Meander through his castle until he wants to fight you the worst defense is the Verdugo remember that awesome scene where Leon falls down the pit and says fall for this old trick this defiant act pisses off Salazar so much he completely loses his composure games and then Salazar and the other Verdugo take Ashley away and you know some big boss fight is gonna happen what occurs in the remake well I'll tell you absolutely [ __ ] nothing you show up in the sewers and the Verdugo is just there for some reason remember those Alien 3 Type cutscenes that showed the Verdugo stalking you and running down the hallways it bashed the door behind you forcing the player to press forward into the unknown log on and then Leon says shoot your remote's laptop Leon has to remind the audience what this thing is because the fight has no [ __ ] build up and wait a minute what what happened to the other Verdugo in the original we see him fused with Salazar to become a Venus flytrap and he like tosses the knife back at us you know we see bad guys doing things in the remake you see him once and then he just disappears and if you didn't find the journal entry that explains the second Verdugo turned into the u3 then you have no [ __ ] clue where he went but then again if you didn't play the original you don't even know what the u30 is because that was cut too it's like Captain Tom just said here's one of the most iconic boss fights in the Resident Evil series and the bad guy who sends him to fight you doesn't even mention it what a letdown but I also find bizarre was a lot of the cinematography the original game had fantastic camera work and all kinds of unique angles you were never confused about what was happening but a lot of shots that added context were cut like in the Del Lago fight there's no shot of the hook attaching to the Beast when you fight the Torah is in the original we actually see his body break apart as he transforms into a monster but in the remake he just walks through the fire and he's already transformed I guess they didn't want to animate it hanging with you not Healthcare it from this this seconds wait what did he use the in the in transmission technique yeah again going back to the original when Luis and Leon are talking in the house there's a shot of him slowly approaching the player knows what's coming but the characters don't do something hop hanging with you not healthy stuff like this stands out to me because it's jarring and it takes me out of the story what makes even less sense to me is why they decided to cut every single conversation between krauser and Ada that's right they don't speak a word to each other that's a large thing you have there but I don't like it when men play rough yeah I I thought these two were working together with Wesker what's the news on our friend Leon he's not making it easy the sample Sadler's got it it seems he sniffed out our little game so like why wouldn't they be talking together there was tension between these two characters and they felt like Puppet Masters pulling the strings behind the scenes just so we understand each other clearly I don't trust you nor does Wesker if you try to do anything clever I will kill you is that so you know I'm at Wesker long before you we'll see soon enough if you did these conversations added some mystery and Intrigue to the plot you're not entirely sure if you can trust data if she's gonna betray you or not so when Ada does save you from krauser she earns your trust this added depth between the three characters but that's all gone now because Ayden krauser don't ever speak to each other I guess instead Luis was given more screen time and fleshed out but why can't we have our cake and eat it too I also cut the scene where Leon tries to strangle Ada I'm not sure why also the way Leon and Ada meet is far different for starters Leon didn't actually try to stab her like if she didn't dodge this Leon just would have killed her which feels wildly out of character for him in the original he's just trying to disarm her I also think the slo-mo was a lot cooler I don't know man there's just some weird creative changes I can't really get behind the most egregious might be how Capcom handled the [ __ ] in their address I think Ada's portrayal in this is symptomatic of a greater issue in remake that Capcom feels the need to remove anything remotely sexual or flirtatious don't think too hard handsome need a ride handsome foreign okay I see that the president's equipped his daughter with Ballistics too let me come with you no you stay here with Leon he is better with the ladies I'm sure are you out of your mind I know you'd be fine if you landed on your butt and they had the balls to cut out Leon's most relatable line women I mean to be fair they did add some pretty incredible jiggle physics and you know that's a parabolistics I could see myself getting lost in but there's no romantic Vibe between Ada and Leon it removes almost all of the chemistry the two had I guess I changed too you just think you have what are you talking about ADA delivers every line of dialogue like she's a Terminator a robot have you changed Ada or are you just trying to use me again my mission is to protect you and I don't know if it's the voice actor's fault or the directors but the rest of the cast seems to put a lot more passion in it still no matter how much you might dislike someone's performance you should never hate it enough to harass that person don't be that guy I do prefer the original voice acting and I think some lines are delivered better why are you helping us because it makes me feel better let's leave it at that why are you it makes me feel better let's just leave it at that still every other character besides Ada and probably Sadler has got great voice acting so those are my complaints with the story luckily it's been improved in many other ways Leon and Ashley are the highlights of this remake can you stand where's Louise [Music] their relationship has so much more depth than before largely because the two now banter back and forth during gameplay something that in the original only happened in cut scenes hey Leon there's some armor too bad I think you'd look pretty dashing one of my favorite Parts is how Ashley tried to flirt with me in the dining hall for a split second I almost considered sleeping with her a lot of missions like this well yeah but I'm not used to having such good company oh you didn't apology I wasn't really familiar with your game and is that a compliment take it however you want you know little things like having her cheer you on in the shooting range or sitting in the background it makes Ashley and Leon's relationship a lot more intimate I would like you to over to me now yeah Fat Chance Ramon the girl's just fine with me she is far more likable and well-rounded this time and less of a damsel in distress that you have to babysit because she's incapable of dropping off of a two foot cliff without screaming for you to catch her Ashley's role in the story is much more interesting as are the changes to this world famous escort Mission she doesn't have a health bar anymore so her dumb ass gets killed a lot less Ashley can take one hit but then needs to be revived because she has the ray gun so you don't have to ration your healing items for her anymore you can smoke all these herbs yourself the changes to the gameplay pretty much remove any frustration the original had when it came to escorting Ashley but people have complained at Great length that she's not wearing a skirt and you can't look up it uh but to be honest this was always out of character for Leon since he rejects her advances at the end it also wouldn't really mesh well with the changes to dialogue but right because if you could just interrupt their conversation station to just be like hey Ashley what's your [ __ ] look like that would just be unnatural actually feels more like a companion and less like a hindrance and Leon has basically remained the exact same type of character but maybe a little bit more brooding there's one scene that always bothered me in the original when Ashley started bleeding and then she pushes you away the the man who rescued her you're right I'm fine leave me alone and she runs into the most obvious trap like she's a Scooby-Doo character some scenes like this one are handled much better in the remake I'm surprised how much I loved Leon in this Paul Mercier is obviously Irreplaceable but the new guy you get an A plus from me brother nighty night nights I think you need to chill out God damn that was almost a pancake talk about sticking the landing suffice to say the storytelling in the original was created with blood magic that made it oddly alluring not cringe campy yet scary and serious at times it's not surprising they couldn't replicate it the exact same way while most of the villains lost a lot of important screen time at the very least it feels like that was transferred to characters like Luis and krauser initially I didn't really like Louise because he comes across like a douchebag whereas in the original the first time you meet him you guys kind of bond over being a cop you put your life on the line nobody really appreciates you enough for it I think a hero isn't what it's cracked up to be anymore but maybe this was just because I was attached to the character through Nostalgia he's fleshed out a lot more in the game you see pictures of him working with Las Plagueis in the science team and he has a very tragic end to his art that is just as emotional if not more so than the original he also joins you through the mines and there's a ton of banter between him and Leon it's awesome krauser has also been upgraded to feel more like a mentor with his and Leon's past getting a lot more fleshed out in the original when you kill krauser you don't really feel that bad but in the remake you kind of do and I respect that change well overall the story has the same broad Strokes some of the new changes are great and others make you scratch your head asking why did they cut that Capcom had a chance to expand and make the story of Resident Evil 4 even better than the 2005 version in some ways they succeeded and in others they failed and don't forget to download enlisted using my special link in the description and pinned comment and let's see each other on the battlefield in conclusion the Resident Evil 4 remake is much like the Dead Space remake both are an awesome reimagining Upon A timeless style of gameplay and both screwed up or misunderstood aspects of the story it's still a wildly entertaining game from start to finish the new mercenaries mode is hella fun and the game has a ton of replay value what I appreciated the most and what surprised the hell out of me was the amount of fan service and when it comes to gameplay I can't think of a single negative change they made however the bizarre changes to the story villains and cinematography feel wildly out of place and that is why the Resident Evil 4 remake is so awesome well what did you think of the Remake what was your favorite and least favorite part of it let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below go follow me on Twitter to see my dumb memes and opinions follow me on Instagram to see hot pictures of myself and join my public Discord server alright everyone that's all I got for today this is Leon sex appeal Kennedy signing out bingo
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 960,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resident evil, resident evil 4, resident evil 4 remake, act man, the act man, act man re4, re4 review, resident evil 4 review, re4 remake review, act man re4 remake, act man re4 remake review, capcom, leon kennedy, ashley graham, resident evil 4 remake gameplay, ada wong, re4 controversy, re4 easter eggs, resident evil 4 easter eggs, re4 secrets, re4 vr, re4 trailer, re4 capcom
Id: 81g4GygRSTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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