i trolled TDS players by spamming towers | ROBLOX

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what else is dude staring at me go away i used to do these trolling videos a lot more uh back then uh those are doing pretty good then i got bored but i'm gonna do it again but this time just a solely the farm tower and i could place down unlimited towers what it didn't work why is this not working almost no it got broken i did some testing and i placed on three djs but farms i i can't play some more than eight okay that's weird what the hell am i seeing here god damn man get a room i cannot troll a farm so i'm just gonna do dj spam instead which is pretty annoying stuff too i mean it does buff towers but it does zero damage does this sound like music to you guys this sounds horrible can you guys defend i'm farming you i'm mia i made little dog rage quit how just place down tower bro he's farming dory i forgot about the space i need to cover this up what the dj do it dj i think he's getting mad he said remove the djs no way 15 i'm really surprised these guys are still alive but uh they will lose soon i forgot i could just kill them hey guys there's his please defend hurry up we're gonna lose i gotta block off his sniper spots at cliff towers guys hurry up we're gonna die guys what are you doing this is your prom wow new haha made him leave duo's two players in here guys hey guys what are you doing oh dk okay i'm gonna farm and dj you guys defend [Music] [Laughter] i'm just placing those supports now this is like one of the best spots to place in the map and i just completely ruined it i'm so funny you guys he's hacking i got called a hacker why hacker oh god he's pushing up towers we're gonna play something faster dude we gotta make this as miserable as possible for him bruh play something he keeps getting tagged he is just spamming i'm an imposter oh man why did i laugh at that he placed his nails my ears plus and they they can't mute the song either because tds has left this broken for three years or so and they will fix it dino let's restart wait why don't you guys play sound tower to defend you're bad i did that's such a bad spot please have somewhere better i can't you're bad at the game dino let's go back go back for where you came from i'm gonna report for rocky okay i am pro tes player really yes how are they buying this don't worry what how how do you believe that is it really just this easiest thing i'm pro where you're just cheating like this dude is this really all it takes nowadays uh listen to that glorious music man it's starting to break sometimes you have inf money no but can you please something that is not due oh what a great explanation dude dino let's leave the title's refusing dude he's telling him no he's steady up to his friend guys oh that's not gonna change the friends we're gonna argue we can't place anything i just want to see what this ends up like well you're just gonna lose gotta take out more spots just in case he tried placing out towers really don't want to get down any towers i'm gonna take up the cliff towers as well with the worst tower just make sure you don't place on any snipers wait he's helping us maybe he's not so bad i'll wait till next wave guys it's gonna be funny gotta grab my farms i need some more money guys defend this goal this guy was actually taking care of okay well this trolling is getting a bit harder than i thought how do you put one in there damn it you're taking all the corner spots into tiny what's gonna do now buddy can't place it anywhere else already got some more self guys coming in i would sponsor myself but that just feels like cheating you know i would try to play legit place called pyro where yeah dude where where in this map huh damn it golden scouts just spawn killing it here oh wait where no no there's there's no way to place on golden pyro dude yeah dude you can't no wait [Laughter] these guys are not giving up i gotta place on every single where i can wait why would you place on golden pirate you would lose the game okay go ahead play play stop calling pyro dude she's spamming around here though i'm surprised they survived from nearly 20 ways uh i need to kill him bothering me hit in 999 black friday deal guys on that dammit no my motors are killing them damn it the motors are damaging them let's go and see your stupid golden scout tick on this dude oh he did place out golden power which should kill him faster guys guys defend please please the fed the fed no no no you guys are news you fell that what kind of fur is this man i'm i'm very confused man and i'm pretty sure this is a 14 year old with this shirt on you know what child be aware what you get yourself into god damn miners these days bro i like they have voices not that weird though do you play roblox what do you play roblox wait guys do you think it's weird that i have an ankle fetish like i don't think that so you play roblox yeah that's cool uh can i show you hacks i don't i'm not interested in people like you god damn okay bye have fun well her loss guys look i'm gonna go cheat right now oh man this is balance i can so easily cheat man show your hacks john no i love cheating i don't deal with people like you oh i do man i was mean god damn thank you lol he does is he not a word that this is actually killing him he should be aware of that not gonna lie this god that his hack is smart yeah dude you i i i don't get what you're saying this is this horrible this is this is bad stuff happening right now you can't defend this is supposed to be bad news i forgot i just sent my health like now we can't die at all pyros is just speeding up the fallens to go to our uh health there i don't think we're gonna die yeah we're not because it's just gonna tank all the hell omg can i have money law no poor well guys i'm not gonna lie this was funny for the first 10 seconds and now it's just annoying because of the sound and yeah these guys are not gonna die you
Views: 850,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LHwKWzbXw3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2022
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