I used HACKS to teach tp trappers a lesson! (kill aura & xray)

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yes I'm on my faction server and I think I've just found these guys TP trapping so if you don't know what TP trapping means is they give a reason for someone to teleport to them for example who wants to join a faction with a base we are recruiting new members now and then people say yes all hang on hang on someone's just telepods and then basically yeah as you can see they start killing them so they've tricked them into teleporting so they can kill them and then they can get their free stuff there we go we've just witnessed oh that was horrific now although TP trapping is a scum bundle thing to do it is not against factions rules cause factions is a PvP based game mods so I don't want to find these people but I do think it would be pretty funny to really mess with them and scare them a bit so that is why oh hey is that a hacked client yes it is this is my alt account I'm currently using a hacked client we've got all the good stuff player ESP kill aura x-ray as you can see so first of all I'm going to message the TP trappers and I'm just gonna say can I join I want to join the faction and we're gonna pretends that I've fallen for it and I think this first time that I TP I'm not gonna use any hacks or anything we'll just let them kill me so they think that they're you know they're getting my free stuff and then it's at that point that we turn on them so they said yes your first TP to me for an interview they are cheeky little fellas are they okay TP accept and I'll have an apple we'll try and get some hits on them okay we're here hello okay and they're attack of me I'm obviously gonna die we'll just keep dropping anyway I'm pretty sure yeah they've got the land claim so I can't even do anything weird for it and go on got there eventually so what's gonna happen if I message them and I say what the eff why you killed me question by a question mark so let's just see how they get on over on my main account they both just stood there I'm not sure what the other guy's name is so I can't see B to him oh here he is runescape boy so I think he keeps going back to his base to deposit off any stuff that they managed to get off people okay let's give my old some fortnightly gear walk it all on so I'm just using a regular Ulta counsel I don't have any perms or anything so I might get kicked by the antiquey actually but I guess we'll see so do you think we could kill them both if we had kill aura turned on I need to create a faction as well door 9 right we've created a faction and I'm gonna enemy them as well but I mean I'll be able to hit them in their territory there we go over now an enemy okay they are not ready for the badlands right the both stood in their little spots or what I need to do is I need to TP my alt safely over here alright so I'm just gonna bring him there all right good look a bit good look well we're here we're here we've got our apples we've got kill or I will turn on old or sprint just makes things a bit easier or my player ESP has fallen so I ever feeling even with killaura they'll probably still kill me because they probably got better gear than me but I guess we could see what happens so I'm holding shift right now so unless this guy's hacking he won't know that I'm here and his meds currently gone back to their base so we'll way around the corner okay stays there should we go for it should we go for it alright kill aura do you think do you think he'll all right he's ruined he's running easy tupples oh my god it was so easy Lal it's your manners request did you teleport to them do we want to accept that probably not actually I kind of like him in there where I can see him so obviously I've nicked that guy's armor now I wonder if he'll come back oh come on oh I could get the cruiser yet there's no killer return oh well let me talk about my phone there we go oh my god we're killing them in there all TP trouble this is incredible I can hit him before you can hit me I'll just help out a little bit yeah there we go we got them we got they were literally stuck in there all TP droplets hilarious once again I am not condoning the use of hacks on my server it's purely just to teach these TP truffles a lesson you know what I mean don't need all of these things so I'm just gonna deposit balls over there just means I can get a bit more armor and stuff kind of quite reach everything there no that's nothing there they are though they I think we can get them again let me have me Apple and I guess we'll find out always try at least breaking out to try and get me he's breaking out to try and get me well I think you might have me here he might have me myself just got killer on we can hopefully keep him inside oh my christ he's good doing some good hits he's doing some very good hit so beat I'm keeping it away though oh he's running he's one of these really exerted he's running let's get him let's get it so we've got sleight reach hack so it means that we can just touch him before you can touch me oh so if it comes too easy to get him wait we should have scuffled yeah that should help will this work yeah that works okay so I could do this oh we're covered we're covered we're on our way what do you think you could get away I don't think so how much speed do you think I could turn on before the the anti-cheat got me let's find out speed huh okay Oh oh yeah yeah we're good what goes right right right oh oh oh what come let's take a first wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it okay here we go what come to think of us will cover this thick and fast wait for it come on oh we slow down when we get to him maybe I'll turn killer off for a second and they're not yeah yeah yeah yeah this should work this should work so I'm just kind of like switching between sometimes it seems like speed turns off when you when you have to make killer or instead I don't know why either way we're getting a lot of hits on him we should get him soon although I'm literally starving to death right now oh I'll be bored at this point I'm not gonna lie probably just speed things up by going on my alt account and doing mmm there we go yeah that makes things a little bit easier there do we want these things I guess we could take them and I'm gonna go back onto my main account let's see what rude skips do it so rude skips at spawn obviously they're not breaking any server rules so I don't want to be too harsh with what we do I just want to see if we can teach them not to do TP trouble anymore just because I'm house come bug it is oh look the home is literally called TP trap so he's come back to his home is he actually gonna try and kill me through a third time we run so far please don't make me fight again I'm not gonna lie I do like the idea of them being trapped in their own TP trap you know what I mean it's just something poetic about it so if i TP em in and then RTP or Count Chocula or Kyle Dracula's choppin can I make a chop without me even doing anything if I'll just boy dear can I don't watch this unfold look at him go look at where I'll control you from obviously you can watch things from an alternate point of view I'll have it a quick Apple and then I jump a bucket maybe we'll get crickets as well and I'm just gonna come to spawn now and we're gonna turn off our speed hacks wear a nice legit player turn off fast place as well I have a little bit of player SP on I won't lie to you but now I just want a TP Count Dracula runescape together cuz I just want to look him in the eye you know what I mean freak him out a little bit now we shake our head at him and I'm gonna choke of his armor back as well or at least some of it there we go we'll check all the stuff take them he says dude you're hacking no I'm not you hit me with reach at like 20 blocks nah don't TP trap ever again you know what we're letting him know you know he says just stop hacking please okay I guess I will stop hacking if you stop TP dropping deal sure thing do you think he will nice to meet you and now look off we go on our what sea chicken in a book for thanks bit off we go all our little adventure we have hopefully put a stop to a TP trapper whether that fact should actually stops TP tropic for good I don't know so I'm gonna disconnect our viral to color and I'll just want to spy on them for a little bit oh don't tell me there's another guy TP trapping no no no I guess our work isn't over we're gonna rough the position one position - I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt before I cause any long-term damage I've sent a teleport request from my hacking alt to Jack nu FC and see if accepts and if he kills me right he's accepted so you gonna get to watch what happens from like an outside point of view okay I'm here I'm here with him is he gonna start killing me oh no we're friends he says I'm in a bot get your kits I got a red Norway okay BRB maybe it's cuz I'm naked he doesn't want to kill me until I've got armor on Oh all right let's put armor on and let's see if he kills me this time right upset him a TP a request he's accepted okay I'm with him I'm in there with him is he gonna start chopping me this is very intimate he's asking is it fortnightly yes prove it okay I'll trick my shoes on the ground I don't like this at all a jacket he's attacking the cheeky little okay the server's restart and in a couple of seconds when we get a buck on this server God that sly little fella we until I had gear before he killed me yeah we're gonna have to teach him a lesson as well once again went off in a bun him but we are gonna mess with him a little bit okay let's stay on all men this time let's find out what horns he's got so he's got one home and it's this little base so we should probably mess with this face a little bit shouldn't we let's see what he's doing so right now he's in his little tepee trap he's got some gear that he's just stolen from me there's all my bits and bobs probably only fair they go ahead and smushed that up there we go he's placing it again he's placing it again so let's just take everything out every time he fills it go on close it and then oh it's all gone it's all gone just so he didn't profit from our tepee trap you know what I mean and where's he gone he's gone to his little base so what we can do is Oh jack oh oh some landed in lava I didn't actually even mean for that uh but I'm sorry I won't break any more okay do you think that'll do causes of a massive inconvenience Thursday we've just caused him a lot of stress cuz he has to pick everything buckle before it these spawns place all his chest back down again and I'm gonna put a little spooky hologram on his base that says stop tepee trumping up here although we're going to see that you see that you see that you've seen it he also put white oh my chest just get broken what the f mods what the f happened man so the thing is he can't get rid of this so it's like we've branded him with it you know what I mean he's placed a sign that he's placed aside once told me it's not viable it isn't what it's scumbag II but not vulnerable you don't need to pop all my chests I guess he's right actually I suppose I went a bit far really no yeah fair enough so sorry I guess this is true I kind of got a bit carried away with the killer and the multiple slicing of a little guy when wasn't actually breaking any rules I guess guess I need to kind of calm down a little bit sorry - sorry to bother you there Jack will describe milk underscore eleven and oh I'll see you a little bit in a bit all good about the whole thing now if people want to see be trouble isn't against the rules so get on with it but it is obviously a very school buggy thing to do so we can go ahead and just leave this in his base forever I'm sure he won't mind that being there still is very very mad about it right let's get rid of that and we'll let him carry old you are forty feet drop a little bit I guess Jack Jack dog eleven could not be reckoned with all that let's end off the video thank you for watching what do you think of all TP trapping let me know in the comments down below feel free to join the server as well plate up sky kid Thor net don't forget to check out our incredible new emerald right that allows us to do a bunch of stuff including custom suffixes thanks a lot and I'll see you next [Music] you
Channel: JackSucksAtStuff
Views: 1,804,058
Rating: 4.4855471 out of 5
Keywords: jacksucksatstuff, jack sucks at stuff, jacksucksatlife, jacksucksatstuff youtube channel, jacksucksatstuff youtube, minecraft, minecraft trolling, tp trap, tp trapping, minecraft hackers, minecraft hacking, minecraft xray, xray, xraying, staff, owner, owner hacking
Id: OysqVOs4vqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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