I Used CHEATS in Bed Wars vs PrestonPlayz!

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Briona versus Princeton the game is on we're playing bad horse but I have some tricks up my sleeve I have a book of controls Preston are you ready free go ahead and leave a like if you think I'm going to win share and subscribe if you think I'm gonna win ya only leave up like Wei Weis are my head here so we've got 10 minutes ladies and gentlemen breathe you know that I am a bed Wars guy oh well so am i apparently between you you are young pretty snazzy in right here Bri you're literally a bed Wars pleb guys I will let Brianna give me a wet willy on my Instagram story if she somehow made it yeah yeah absolutely outfit on yeah I've got red gear on right now obviously because I am hashtag team red ladies and gentlemen oh this guy's so nice I don't know if this is supposed to be here but I've got my head on a spike and it is it's making me feel a little bit concerned I haven't found my head I don't I don't feel like oh oh there's my head on a spike do you remember to play bad words uh-huh yeah okay okay cuz Bri like uh I'm I'm not gonna take it easy I know you're my wife but I'm not taking it easy I'm sorry Oh me either I'm bringing out all the hot dog you don't Bri I've got a secret strategy that I'm gonna try out so I'm going to meet you sorry Bri wait no it's fine that I am now muted because uh I have something up my sleeve today look look look look look I have trolls so I have a throwable chuckles egg apparently it causes an explosion I have a God's staff which helps me stay alive I have unspeakable frog boots I definitely need a jump boost I have creeper spawns giant acts in a royally bibo oh okay so I can't get distracted explaining everything to y'all but uh I just know this is definitely going to be helpful during this game I also just was able to spawn a ton of bedrock to protect my head apparently you need to protect your head cuz my head is all the goods this is a little difficult for me right now but don't judge me I mean Preston's definitely not getting through there I know Preston is really good at bat wars so that's why you know I don't mind having this little book here guys there's so many pretty things so we need some stuff to build with you know what advantage let's just use more of this why not I really really really need to start building because I kind of want to you know troll Preston a little bit and he can't be winning when I have the cheats I'm kind of sweaty when it comes to bed words in minecraft PvP I've done so many YouTube videos playing it that I've got to be a little bit sweaty hit me come on competition runs in my sweaty veins this is almost like a high pixel bed wars match which is so good I think I'm gonna go with sharpen swords probably the best team upgrade that you can get and ooh permanent iron for 12 gold ingots yes but you guys remember the most important thing is to protect your bed in bed Wars I think this is our bed so if our head breaks that's on a spike which is also kind of concerning then I think the game's over so we do not want our head on a spike to break what could we purchase at the shop we need to get defenses ladies and gentleman I mean ASAP to get up city and we need to get emeralds emeralds are very big and we're going to want a lot of them for now I'm going to use oak planks because there's I don't know if this is my bed I don't know if this is what I'm supposed to protect just in case I am going to protect it this is so weird how am I supposed to know if that's my bed I literally don't have any clue right now Fievel I'm gonna get myself oh my gosh the knock back to fish ten gold that is what we want in the meantime I'm going to upgrade to an iron sword because it was cheap and Breanna has already died you know what we should just make fun of her well it's fine because my little fort thing is still there Bree had you literally already died okay but you're a pleb and there's no chance you're going to win I'm sorry I can't figure out Oh Oh what's that you're cutting out guys Bruce cutting out she's kind of very offended right now I don't know what she has died BRE has literally died three times like what is she doing she hasn't even gone for the emerald generator which is just sitting here chilling I want to get obsidian cuz I don't want to die like I just do not want to die they say that three is the magic number so you know it I had to die three times to create magic that's that's exactly what just happens I really need help building oh I have a god staff I can either break his bed toggle god mode I will appear to take damage but I will not oh god sword diamond armor and the creative oh wait I just toggle the being and creative mode this really is a cod sorta this will definitely help me build quite a bit here you know what I lost my bedrock when I died so we're just gonna add that back in there nothing's going on y'all don't need to tell Preston it's just a momentary advantage it's not my fault that I was given the god sword he probably has one too oh my gosh guys this would be so mean but I'm I'm tempted to drop TNT on Briana's bed no recent role Breanna huh let me get let me get this to troll Breanna we need the knock back fish this is the biggest troll item in the game I'm going to increase our Forge so we get better material spawning from it we can actually buy 2 T and T's but we can only buy for emerald so we're gonna buy the 4 emerald who are gonna come over here do I you guys guess what my anime T is available for a limited time so I look like anyways if you buy one of these shirts you get a free back we need 8 obviously in the regular version of bed Wars you need 8 obsidian before you can like cover your bed because we're going for the ultimate defense ladies and gentlemen well I can't believe I've got this knocked back to fish dude I think it's time to go troll Breanna oh yes there is a diamond spawn I have diamonds I have done moose so I see Preston over there I see I see Preston you know what let's make a pickaxe that's what I need to do before I go harass Preston let's go ahead and prepare ourselves because if I'm going to be you know chopping down pieces of the land I don't know vegetation that I need a pickaxe that's probably why this wood is here you know wait I see Breanna I could barely see her do you guys see that we're gonna start by building over Aubry wait I've actually got a really good idea one more emerald and we will have obsidian oh my god there's no chance we're losing Oh No Preston I think he's getting close to building you know what I need to do I have to pull out all the stops right now before I get a pickaxe because apparently that's not gonna work well for me before we approach him I'm gonna put that in my inventory and see what happens when I give it a little toss I think wait wait whoa a year next door he's raging Wyatt's breathe and full diamond gear she's on the Emerald generator nah dude why do I feel like haha get another one get another one flying chicken no is BRE cheating free I know Jeannie I saw bedrock I saw bedrock are you cheating no dude Breanna is totally cheap okay so Breanna is cheating which means we need to beat her even more so I literally hate in Minecraft when people cheat and the worst thing is losing to a cheater because you know you can beat them you're better than them but they have cheats which make it completely unfair oh this is so nice he's just spotted out silver for me he'll pool Oh oh my gosh wait I have to get this trap oh okay so I have the trap where do I put it mm-hmm I definitely need that in my inventory oh you guys I just figured out that I don't have to actually have this in my inventory it's just when somebody enters your Island it will give them blindness so that means I don't actually have to place it down I thought I had to place it down somewhere what else could I do reinforced armor so now it's time to make a pickaxe but wait I don't have any wood oh here oh let's not mind with a diamond but let's go come on and break please break the wood is not going into my inventory I feel like somebody is out to get me right now and I'm not appreciating it I really wanted to upgrade at my Forge but at the same time maybe you'd be better to get traps I'm gonna get maniac miner and then I'm going to upgrade the forge yes we've got a tier Forge now ladies and gentleman tier 4 Forge means we will start to get emeralds from our Forge which is like ridiculously overpowered and I feel like right now we need it really bad against Breanna I mean now that she's cheating there's a skeleton horse spawn egg which is definitely not in the irregular bed wars version let's buy the rest of the obsidian that we need I'm gonna buy some ladders too cuz ladders make things so much more annoying in stone ladders we've got so many good things for the ultimate defense giant axe attack enemies from very far away I also have a rainbow it's a bow but royally b-style huh I like it we have a creeper spawn egg what else does this God staff do guys let's see oh I can become invisible let's become invisible really quick I want to see how well this works let's see Preston can't see me because I definitely can still see me but you know sometimes that's like off from what you actually see so I can actually see myself so I hope press and can't let's go test it out I currently have a lava creeper spawn egg it just disrupt his a place a little bit you can V melee built this bridge for me to use to get emeralds which I very much appreciate emeralds Emeril's admirals what's just spawn a creeper really quick whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on Brees cheating again brew heat I know you're cheating I'm gonna store all my extra resources in here before I die whoa whoa I heard an inner pearl I like this game this this game is really fun for me now I feel like I should reinforce where my bed is technically so how do I do this I need another type of block I feel like right I don't know what she's burning my wool bridge with a lava what's she doing I need some tools give me some tools bro I'm going to cake this place in okay taking this place in width in stone I'm going to try to make this the most secure bed of all time and I've made some insanely secure beds before and bed Wars I really need wood you guys this is this is not working well for me I don't know what's happening why can't I mind any wood I'm getting very frustrated you guys this is definitely supposed to be working I don't understand here we go okay we are now fully protected I feel 100 million times better now about this defense and I think we actually stand a really good chance against Breanna even though she is cheating out of her mind so I am currently in diamond and it's also reinforced so honestly I feel like I don't have to worry about building up my bed spawn head thing like I was worried about because uh I have all the tricks up my sleeve so maybe I should just go harass Preston a little more I it's fully covered up the last thing we have to do add a little bit more wood right here I'm gonna use my last three pieces of obsidian to make this literally so difficult to get through boom boom boom now she wants to get through she has to go through those three pieces and I'm gonna cover this up and I'm gonna just cover it in ladders because why not nobody is getting through this bad defense I don't care what kind of axe you've got so I'm technically invisible he won't see me which prank is the best let's try this royally Bebo so we're just gonna put that there and not there and I'm gonna see what happens just casual we're gonna approach his head head bent head that's that's what it is it's a bad head can you see me oh my gosh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where's Bree oh okay he can't see me he can't see me so this is really fun what is he there's no way he can outsmart me what are those flamethrowers even from she's totally invisible where is she I don't see any particle effects can you see me huh dude we're going if we're going for Briana's bed Bree are dead sprinting for Brianna's bed right now I don't even care come on come on Go Go Go Go no hold on you guys this calls for the Frog boots oh my gosh Bree are you literally that bad no what what there is literally bedrock around this no way wait how how how she was missing a lot of bedrock where is she at dude how did he destroy my bed aren't I supposed to died oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh No Oh now through damage now Bree I'm gonna kill myself but I broke your bed your bed is broke on your bed you plap it no you did it yes I did no you did it little is that in the chat back destroyed i won unless I did it Bree I broke your bed and then you died totally game over guys he's just being a sore loser I definitely won if you agree you should hit that subscribe button because Preston just took advantage of me you literally cheated I knew cheated well you guys I feel really bad about myself even with cheats Preston was able to beat me so how about you guys remember if you get to my videos within the first 60 minutes of them being posted your comments will be featured down below I want to give me some tips on BET Wars
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 5,126,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: ExCOhY5G_-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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