7 Things You NEVER Do in Minecraft!

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i've been told that there are basic rules in minecraft that should never be broken but why i think i'm gonna give it a try the bunnies are defeating the ender dragon rule number one never break another portal now i looked into this guys nothing bad happens except on the other side and i also have no idea where this portal is i probably should have scoped out the area before i started this yes i learned that from the little mermaid don't judge me here is my beautiful portal and oh my goodness daisy daisy i know it's been a long day but you need to get out of the pond we are going to begin breaking this beautiful portal because who needs to go to the other side i know daisy it is very interesting to watch obsidian is very difficult to mine i'm just gonna okay this was a bad idea hold on i need to regain myself oh my gosh what is that a hippo pig guys please like this video i'm being fair i'm under a lot of distress all the piglets have been destroyed and uh i feel really morbid because hamlet and all them are back there but they're different kinds of picks i got a lot of things now in my inventory so so far so good except for uh my house is under distress so we are going to take a beautiful bow i did that completely backwards guys what is happening what is happening bree please shh i'm not a pleb i know what i'm doing oh it's palladium okay i think that's like the most unbreakable metal no that's titanium but apparently i have a palladium bow which is a special bow made out of palladium thank you minecraft because i didn't really assume that you know with my magical palladium bow in hand and i'm gonna try and see if i can salvage this place three two one um so yes i did get physically harmed but i'm okay i'm going to head to the next rule so i can avoid responsibility but i will uh fix this house up later okay rule number two never ender pearl to the moon lucky for me in my new house because the other one kinda did get destroyed i do have an ender pearl in here and apparently a farm i have finally found the ender pearl the pearl of ender i'm back on my tree and i'm going to attempt to ender pearl to the moon in three two one why am i sitting on it i don't like it at all oh where's gravity i i don't unders i am still moving i just had a panic attack because like first i was sitting on a pearl and it was why am i dying excuse me there are blue blazes in the distance and they are also lighting themselves on fire please don't kill me i just got here what is this mystical pod this beautiful blue tennis ball insert three lunar core to open yay i get to try to defeat a blaze fun fact ladies and gentlemen i hate blazes i typically die to them so uh i'm gonna need you to look under this video and hit that subscription button so i can successfully kill this place oh oh that was not good okay we're changing perspectives we're getting serious in here since i'm married to preston and he's like what a lava creature thing you know i should be able to withstand fire how many did he drop he dropped two so i only need one more up seriously you have aggravated me and it's time for you to die you're not allowed to be a bully bullies are bad please please yes yes yes four lunar cores what a great rhyme my four intercourse are going in the cauldron you're about to watch history in the making here goes my lunar core into the cauldron one two and a three lunar pod open okay oh we have some items in here okay found new item a cleansing fire and an egg found a new item magical meteor a cleansing fire is apparently significantly boost your health and speed and it gives you the ability to fly i like that i like that in this magic meteor summons a magic meteor to slam your enemies that's aggressive well i'm ready to try this out the whole moon is on fire so apparently we are ready to show these off let's start with the cleansing fire oh i should have drank it brie what are you doing here we go here we go oh i'm flying i am on fire and i'm flying but it's okay i have used the cleansing fire and we're going to summon a meteor before i die summoning oh there they are there they are i hope it doesn't also kill me i can't control the power i'm just saying apparently you should enter pearled in the moon and i should take a nice cold shower rule number three never dig straight up that's right we are changing things up with this rule so i looked this one up as to why not to do it and it's only saying never dig straight down because we don't know what's beneath us so we're gonna be intelligent human beings and dig straight up because i'm also trapped in a box so we're gonna grab our iron hold up look at my inventory it says iron pickaxe i know how to read i am very confused i don't know what this is doing to me but we are going to use it to dig straight up okay so i've dug straight up but i forgot um i can't still fly that was with the last rule so i'm going to uh building a little stairway up up up perfect hold on this looks like a dance party to me i i don't know about y'all but this one looks like my royally b logo because it is rainbow but also it's like when you go roller skating and there's like a disco ball we have important things at hand i need to mine this and try it out and today three will be demonstrating how to mine with her fist i'm kidding i just did it wrong at first what is this a rainbow ingot an element found from deep within a rainbow i'm in a rainbow right now hold on this looks like a cave i'm getting more than i bargained for okay i mean i'm down with it i love rainbows i love beautiful colors taste the rainbow where is my candy i couldn't remember what it was it's skittles taste the rainbow to those of you watching at home i am being greedy it's true because i want as many of these as i can possibly handle so i can make rainbow armor and legend has it if you use rainbow ingots to create a wand magical things will happen and conveniently placed where it is hard to see we have our crafting table so we are going to first i want to make a chest plate it is specialized rainbow armor then we are going to make some boots because they were made for walking then we're going to make some pants oh there we go and lastly like i mentioned we need a rainbow wand we have a rainbow wand left click to shoot a damaging particle projectile and right click to turn mobs friendly yes please also please tell me that this does not look like a tootsie pop i mean maybe it's because i'm hungry but it kind of looks like a sucker a new deal coming at you this wednesday if you use the code web five wed five you get five dollars off any hood so i have traveled to another part of the cave and i am intimidated by a blaze as well as a chicken i don't want him to be attacked by this place who is actually ignoring me at the moment which is good because i have time to put on my rainbow leggings okay guys so i took too long in putting on this armor because the skeleton has obviously already attacked me but we are going to get our rainbow on i'm not gonna lie i feel beautiful oh my gosh that is cool it's like when you're at this roller skating rink again what is wrong with me okay i am feeling beautiful i am feeling like a wonder woman okay no sir it is time to use the wand of justice oh this skeleton's friendly now look at him oh he's like stop that's honestly what he did i'm just saying now there is a blaze and i mentioned earlier i hate blazes so we're gonna left click him to send a powerful rainbow place well that projectile works very good note to self ladies and gentlemen always dig up define the rainbow rule number four never combine enchanted tools so i googled this one as well and apparently if you have an enchanted tool and combine it with a regular tool it will lose the enchantment all i need is to combine the diamond sword sharpness five with a regular diamond sword because look this sharp five one is about to crack it is an [Music] a malgrum sword a specialized sword for fighting hordes that is very intense sounding i've only heard of a horde of bees and i don't want to be attacked so i'm ready to try this out great so i just got this enchanted cool sword and it is now night time i'm going to make a pick sword is it normally a thing no but today we're going to witness history in the making in three two one a combined tool for mining and fighting oh that's handy so i can dig straight down oh my gosh there's a lot of enchantment particles going on i can't even see oh my gosh is this a good thing or a bad thing okay what do i see i see creepers coming my way oh i didn't even have to use my sword because i was so intimidating oh here's one more take this that was pretty effective lastly obviously we have to combine the pickaxe with this because it just makes logical sense when you have a pick sword you also need a algram multi-tool an all-purpose tool for mining fighting and tree chopping okay so uh i have my multi-tool and i see a uh enderman oh he's extra crazy this intermittent is extra crazy but i don't think he's ready for my multi-tool he's so not ready that i think he died so first we had an oligram sword then a pick sword and now the multi-tool and i think it is the most superior tool in all of minecraft rule number five never try to mine bedrock yes i looked this one up too apparently if you mine into bedrock you can fall into the void what is the void i think i did die in it once but uh i don't know exactly what it is also it is typically very hard to mine and very difficult to break so here i am to show off my manly strength to impress you all in mine some bedrock oh okay well and it is spitting something out what what is this void ingot what did i tell you about the void it is possible you can fall into it but no today i am going to inget it we're going to grab just a couple more because i'm getting greedy here because i'm getting all these new ingots and we're gonna see what we can make with it so i'm simply going to place a ruskid here and try to make something cool let's try to make boots cool well this is apparently shrapnel anyway so it may not work very well because that's typically like what pieces of metal that's not yeah so it's fine we're going to make a chest plate it works void armor shields welder from enemy damage okay that sounds good i'm not personally a welder but this is good for me i need all the protection i could possibly get um here it is and we are pantsless yet again okay we're gonna try just one more thing we've got to get a helmet i'm a welder i need a turtle shell i don't think that was supposed to happen but i'm grabbing it anyway because that is beautiful i conveniently randomly have strings in my pocket so that just makes me feel like i probably should make a bow void bow shoot with the power of the void here i am ready to test out the capabilities of what i have on oh i definitely wish i didn't have this situation going on we have a void bow though so i can grab him what is that is that a portal this is one of the coolest ones by far also comment down below at some point during the video and let me know which rule has been the most exciting for me to break rule number six never lava your diamonds so like every civilized human being in minecraft you must be near a lava pool at all times and i'm going to lava the diamonds now i googled this one as well and i'm confused as to why this would have been a problem because the melting point of diamond is about a hundred thousand atoms okay i just realized i googled can you put a diamond in real lava in real life that's why it had atmospheric pressure okay never mind i have no idea what's supposed to happen does it kill the diamond is he going to suffer i'm going to use my diamond armor as well because i am that gutsy yes i am i'm ready to lava these diamonds in three two one who needs boots who needs pants who needs a chest plate who needs a helmet also who needs diamonds you know we'll just what is this i have a pile of [Music] what did i tell you this was gonna be good i have another right armor i look good i wouldn't mess with me i kind of look like i should be on the saints nfl team what did i tell you i was not gonna destroy my armor even though i love you we secretly upgraded rule number seven the last and final rule never bring your pet to the end now this seems very cruel to me because if i have done a journey with my pet why am i gonna be like hey pet get out of here i've made it to the end you must leave but i have my bunny rabbit with me today named lucille and we have made it to the end isn't that right lucille we have made it lucille i'm sorry you can't go with me i love you but no stop no i glanced away for one second lucille was sitting on the portal walked back and then just took a huge whoosh through the center of the portal and now she's gone so like any responsible pet owner i'm gonna jump through the portal as well we're gonna save her lucille why why are you floating no come back um what is happening what is that okay hold on you must control yourself i am going to try to ride on my body this doesn't look like it'd be comfortable for her though you know what powers do we have lucille you can teleport me this is a beautiful moment yes please teleport me away from that we are near the ender dragon we are going to die unless we stick together ladies and gents we now have an army and i can only think of one thing that they should do attack the ender dragon oh my gosh oh my gosh i can't even see what's happening oh they're kidding him the bunnies are defeating the ender dragon is he dead where are the bunnies oh my gosh he's losing health as we speak man he is a tough dragon i can't tell if the bunnies are floating up there with him i don't see them which is kind of concerning but oh we have successfully ended the entire game because of taking my pet into the end so maybe you should learn from me and take your pets everywhere you go and also have a beautiful day i will see you in my next video and also check out one of the next two videos youtube is suggesting you bye
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 2,496,804
Rating: 4.8695512 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: gnkUOdtEhnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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