I Used a Physics Simulation to make an ULTRA(!) Realistic Ocean for my Castle!

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hello YouTube I'm I'm behind me we've got a crazy stupidly massive D and D Castle is it practical for d d maybe not so much could it be playable for d d absolutely we've been spending I think this is video number seven now building this massive Castle this is actually a replica of the castle from the video game Kingdom Come Deliverance this is the townberg castle from townberg in the Czech Republic and I decided to make things a little crazy with it we built this massive huge base here way over the top or anything tabletop gaming related clearly but actually the castle itself on the top actually comes off into two sections and it is playable on the tabletop before we get any further you're probably wondering where I've been or if you're new to the channel you could care less where I've been so I've been away for quite some time now and we're gonna get to that in a little bit later uh in the video but this is actually a new studio that I'm in it's uh very it's not very large but it's a lot bigger than the one that I had before so we got a few things left here I've got to finish some siding we've got uh something to do with the bridge over here as well as a pathway over here and stuff but the main thing is actually the ocean right here now I've made oceans before or a ocean before and I really wanted to do something different with that one and really make it Dynamic and really interesting now I think I somewhat succeeded in that but I want to go way bigger and way more Dynamic I'm talking waves crashing up against the lighthouse up against the cliffs as I was thinking about this a new idea came into mind and an idea that I got incredibly excited about and that's what this video is going to be about now this could be a complete and total failure so I'm going to need some opinions from actually some of the experts out there so hang around watch the video and you can give me some pointers because there is a very big chance this is actually not going to work out at all [Music] foreign so I'm here at my computer and you might be asking yourself why well in that little sequence you saw earlier he saw me taking a bunch of pictures around the castle with my cell phone here as I was thinking about how I'm going to be carving these waves out I was realizing more and more this is going to be a ton of work and it's going to be extremely messy so the idea came to mind what if I 3D scan the castle then use the physics fluid simulation to simulate the waves crashing up against this thing and from there 3D print out the entire ocean of these waves crashing up against this castle and use that to cast the ocean in resin so I got this program called Kiri engine here on my phone and this is actually a 3D scanning app that I use and you saw in that sequester that I was taking a whole bunch of pictures of the castle I was actually using this to do that and funny story actually so yes Curie engine is actually the official sponsor for this video however I'd actually plan this video downloaded the Curie engine app and used it on the castle long before I'd even considered reaching out to them as a sponsor and it wasn't until I watched a recent video of tabletop time and saw Kiri as a sponsor for their super cool video where they use the app to completely digitize an entire gaming table along with the armies in 3D to make an epic battle report using Unreal Engine 5. it's crazy go watch that video after this one so yeah after seeing that I knew they would make the apps the perfect sponsor for this video I'd already used the app it's amazing I haven't paid for the full version there actually are two versions of the app one is a free version and a paid and I started out with the free version which uses the exact same photogrammetry algorithm as the paid version but the free version lets you take up to a set of 70 photos whereas the full paid version gives you a whopping 200 photos to take which then uses all that information to make the most detailed 3D model possible and if you use Blended like me the pro version actually allows you to export the 3D model in quads and can even generate PBR materials for hardcore use cases I obviously went with the paid version and I was very very happy with the results now you can actually also use your DSLR camera to take all your photos and then upload them onto their web page where you can get even more detail and more quality through that process and as well you can do the same with your drones you can take that drone up and into the air take some footage of your whole entire yard your landscape upload that to the Curie webpage and it'll do the same thing there and process that footage and turn that into an amazing 3D landscape fully textured so thank you Curie engine for sponsoring this video now let's get back to the action so our waves are going to crash up against this we're going to simulate it doing a water simulation and then we're going to freeze that and 3D print it off and then cast that in resin thank you foreign actually how much of this process I should put into the video seeing as it doesn't really involve like any Hands-On stuff however it's incredibly interesting super cool and it's going to be defining the overall look of our ocean all said and done so not included I think would really be doing you guys a disservice and leave you in the dark as to how it all actually works so we've got our 3D scan Castle here fully imported into blender now if you're wondering how to get your model off the Curie engine app onto your computer it's as simple as exporting typing in your email address and sending that off and you'll get a link for the download and it's as easy as that so the area we're really interested in is of course this area here where the ocean is set to reside and so it's time to set up our physics simulation now for that in blender there are three things that we need to make this work so one is a domain two a flow object and three an effector now that sounds complicated it but it's actually really simple the domain is just a boundary box to contain our fluid so there always needs to be bounds for the fluid so it just doesn't float off into space so we start that off with a cube and all parts of the simulation must be contained within this Cube within our domain next we need a flow object and as the name suggests this is the source of our fluid from where our water will be emitted or where it will flow from hence the name flow object and finally there are our effectors and you can have more than one of these These are objects that directly affect our simulation again effect effectors they like to make it easy for us so for us this is going to be our 3D scan of the castle and its Cliffs so just throwing it into our domain won't actually do anything in the water will just flow right through it like it's not even there you first need to tell blender that you want this Castle to be able to interact with the fluid and for that we need to add Collision physics to our 3D scan castle and now our fluid will be affected by the presence of our castle and collide with it during our simulation so now we have the basics for a simulation all set up easy right well now comes the difficult part and holy moly if you have any hair left by the time this process is done you've done well so the whole trick here is actually getting your scene to look to proper scale to make the waves look realistic for a giant Cliffside with Waze crashing up against that it's going to look a lot different than water splashing around in a glass and the bigger the scale of your scene the smaller the liquid particles need to be and therefore the more of them you're going to be meeting in the scene here is where the problem lies so let's do a quick little real world illustration here watch what happens when I pour some water into this little cup here and slosh it around [Music] oh [Music] so just take note of how the water is behaving it's quite erratic and fast when you slow it down there are lots of big draw plates the water is really kind of globular now compare that with this footage here of this incredibly rough and turbulent ocean the wire is behaving completely different to the eye and this is due to scale so a small scale in the cup it's fast and chaotic with large droplets but at a large scale the waves are a lot slower but daunting with a greater sense of power pulverized against The Rock smashing that water into the fatinious tiniest little droplets which actually forms a mist and all these tiny little air bubbles that make up White Water you don't see any of that in the cup so all of that to say a castle is a much greater scale than cup of water therefore it needs way more food particles to act appropriately and actually look to scale and therefore that means we need exponentially more computing power than it does simulate a cup of water and that my friends is where the problem lies the computer gets bogged way down any tiny changes that you make in an attempt to make things look better takes hours to compute in order for you to go in and review your results and actually see the consequences of your English foreign so after hours days and I'm slightly embarrassed to say even weeks we finally came to this now this is far from perfect as you'll see there's a lot of erratic behavior from the waves it gets a little crazy on the edges and then as it moves on there it doesn't really even look that dramatic this Frame right here is about as good as I got it but it's still not great but did he catch it right at the start there right at the very beginning we got this this Frame right here now I know what you're thinking it's not deep enough at all we got a great Splash against the Rocks but where's the rest of the ocean well I was thinking of combining a two frames actually this shot and then another whether that's kind of ocean area is really dramatic but when we got around to actually turning all these little particles into an actual 3D mesh that could be 3D printed the results were less than satisfactory as you can see here now this was disappointing like pretty disappointing I wasn't really sure how this would look it's very bumpy very rough doesn't look like a nice ocean I was really honestly thinking this was as good as it's gonna get however I did remember seeing a video way back when of a really nice ocean and I remember there's a tool that you can actually use this ocean tool inside blender to create just a nice like deep ocean out in the middle of nowhere then I discovered the tool played around with it tweaking all the various settings and ended up with this now this I was happy with this combined with that big splash really had the potential to make this thing look good like really good foreign 3D printed so obviously I don't have a printer that's over five feet long and two feetish wides we gotta break this thing up into many many itty bitty sections suitable for 3D printing so a very long story short seeing as this is not as nearly as interesting as the simulation basically what I've done here is just break this down into little sections out of the size of my printer bed now it's really important that I keep track of each of these cubes so I came up with a naming system where the rows in One Direction or a b c d e and then in the other direction one two three four five all the way up to nine this way I can have piece A1 a2a3 c67 Etc this is extremely important because I don't want to accidentally be printing multiples of any of these now zbrush is the program of choice this is perfect for splitting meshes this way and so I did this again after many many hours of work and thus the printing began foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign here's where it all comes together after hours upon hours of computer processing and Incredibly complex and dynamic fluid simulation weeks upon weeks of 3D printing we come to this now look at that it fits perfectly around the lighthouse how incredibly satisfying is that thank you zbrush okay printing all this out took me a very long time we're finally here at the stage to start assembling this and get it prepped for the big resin pour now I do have right here this massive amount massive amount of resin right here I got three gallons two parts resin well one part hardener so it's three gallons I think around 11.4 liters something like that now I did do a calculation on zbrush for this the wave the whole body of water here so yes I did the calculation and it's a whopping 34 liters and if you look at the depth of this thing particularly around the lighthouse area you'll see this sucker is going to be deep so yes nine gallons or 34 flipping liters of resin and I've got 11.4 so when I saw that I was kind of like that's a lot of resin way more way more than like three times what I've got this is how high this water is going to be for this portion of the Waves so we got a lot of filling to do we're going to be filling that in with like some Coral some rock formations really building that up underneath because there's no way almost six inches high we're not going to go that high I kind of learned as I went so you can see we got all of this inside stuff I don't need all that I evolved from like this to this this little guy right here and eventually uh some pieces like this where it has the proper height and we'll start assembling all this together I'm going to have them in chunks probably go about three chunks I'm thinking poured separately if I pour this all at once and something goes wrong that is really really bad we've already spent a lot of money here and I do not want to throw any of that or pour any of that down the drain figuratively speaking [Music] and from here it's just gluing each of the pieces together and now as you look at these waves and the splashes you're probably saying Neil what was the deal with all this scale talk earlier that looks exactly like the splashes that were in the little dish you splashed around so yes and no yes these splashes aren't exactly 100 percent to scale if they were they'd be pulverized and we'd have a mist and I'd have to use something like cotton which trust me won't look good at all we're going to be taking care of that spray and that white water still but these splashes are going to be acting as the base for our waves still we're gonna have white water inside of them as well on the exterior I'm going to be adding the same White Water technique that I used on the wizard tower using snow and resin and once those elements are added in then you'll have proper perspective and scale with these splashes [Music] and here we have it crazy that's all I can say I mean it's an Epic Castle it deserves an epic monstrously crazy ocean this was the best idea I could I came up with that would really make this thing just stand out above anything else try and carve it myself I know it would have been very very time consuming and very difficult uh it may seem like a bit of a waste because I'm not going to be using this again but honestly this is what YouTube in my opinion is made for doing crazy stuff like this making a crazy sculpture many famous artists and people have done way crazier stuff than this so I think it is definitely well deserved but everything we got all our resources in big thank you to Frozen for the printer for the 3D printer as well as the majority of this resin and of course a big thank you to Kiri engine for sponsoring the video without them this would have happened this Castle scanned as detailed and insane as that was wouldn't have happened and because of Curie engine we got to do this so make sure you go check out that app the link is down in the description but yeah let's take a look at this ocean honestly I could not be any happier with that just take a look like this is no slouch this guy right here here is Big this wave but as you can see this is going to be very difficult in the casting process we got this kind of curvature here so the problem is going to be once we get the rubber silicone on getting this all these splashes out that's where the problem is going to come now I'm going to be taking care of a lot of that using something called epoxy sculpt for all these little holes and things those are going to be very bad for casting so what I've got here is this epoxy sculpt and I'm going to be using that to fill in those gaps also fill in all these cracks in here we've got a chipped piece right there I'll just fill that in and then Dremel it out and carve it to make it look like the ocean just absolutely crazy I mean I'm excited I'm also extremely nervous the hard part is yet to come fingers crossed for that because that's what's that's what I'm going to be doing right now as you're watching this video is trying to get this casting process figured out so yes we're on the right path to an epic ocean for an equally Epic Castle couldn't be happier I hope you enjoyed the video and a big thank you to all my patreon supporters that stuck around through this hard time that I've gone through um so yes I did mention that at the end of the video I would be addressing where I've been so as you may or may not know if you're a follower of the channel my wife had been undergoing some extremely extremely difficult health issues basically things we're getting more and more stressful things we're building up my wife was not getting any better it was a very difficult time in many areas and um basically burnout came in their heavy with all the stress and I'm it is pretty heavy stress like like that's that's what it was was stress to hide that in with guilt for having just kind of left like the intention wasn't to be gone for six months I guess is what it is now not even close maybe a month maybe just a little bit of time just to breathe and honestly just my anxieties kind of anything Channel related trying to get anything done just just built up and it just was it I was just not in the headspace at all that I needed to be in and um and it just it's it's called the negative cycle Loop for a reason you just you're guilty and the guilt feeds on things and it just causes this never-ending cycle that's really difficult to break out of if you're not if you're not really healthy and that's kind of what I what I needed to do was get healthy just take a rest take a break just shut off and um and I think it's it's been good it's been not great but I'm in a good spot now um and that's that's what's important here and that's I'm excited to get back into the channel I'm excited to making content again like it was it just wasn't enjoyable like it it was and it wasn't like I could when I was in the zone it was enjoyable but getting into that zone space was very hard but I just want to apologize to all my subscribers for just kind of leaving um not what I intended to do not what I wanted to do but here we are we're back and I'm really really excited very very much appreciate and love all of you and I love and thank you to everyone who sent positive message wishes prayers all that stuff uh for me and my family I I thank you so much and honestly those are what helped helped me keep going and keep the drive to come back do this stuff in the background 3D printing all this still slowly plugging away chipping away at things and each time I'd see a positive message like that it would just really fuel me and keep me going so thank you to all of you love you guys and I'll be seeing you on the next one
Channel: Real Terrain Hobbies
Views: 80,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GHm8EZYrhlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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