GAME OVER - A.I. Designs CRAZY New ROCKET Engine

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Seeing some of the ridiculous mistakes GPT makes, we might wanna wait a bit putting AI in charge of anything big.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PomegranateBasic3671 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] new materials manufacturing and even AI has allowed us to reach into a new realm of engineering this equates into new engines which can finally emerge from concept to reality this includes the rde otherwise known as a rotating detonation engine this generates thrust using a supersonic combustion phenomenon known as detonation and rde can be used for many applications and it can be more efficient than a typical rocket engine however it's still only one piece of the puzzle and whether or not you're just using an rde or a full flow stage combustion cycle you still need to control the exhaust most liquid field Rockets use a bell-shaped nozzle to direct thrust as the rocket climbs higher and higher exhaust starts to travel outside of its main trajectory and this expansion outside the Bell decreases the efficiency of the rocket we have known for many years that the Bell design is simply not efficient at all altitudes this partially attributes to why we see multi-stage Rockets where one engine such as the F1 is built for pressures near sea level and an upper stage like a J2 is made for higher altitudes or a vacuum and the best option to this well at least on paper is to introduce a wedge-shaped protrusion or a spike it's very efficient at low altitude because the atmospheric pressure restricts the expansion of the exhaust gas and this avoids the creation of a partial vacuum that would reduce thrust but at high altitudes air pressure decreases reducing weight compression in other words an L spike is very good at adjusting to the altitude of the rocket and it's more efficient than a typical Bell design but there's a reason why we have not been using the aerospike in the last half century and that is because they are very tricky to design with the gas being expanded against the nozzle wall these aerospike undergoes a lot of extreme heat and you need extra cooling to keep this all together the main solution is to come up with a really good alloy which can withstand this heat but also be lightweight as well it also depends on the shape of the aerospike you're going for one Infamous design is the linear L Spike and this was introduced for the bench star concept the one that was supposed to replace the space shuttle is pretty futuristic looking with two straight parallel wraps that can hold multiple thrusters however this program was abruptly ended when it was decided to use composite materials for the hydrogen tank and this led to failure during testing funny to properly end it but I still really like the potential of the linear aerospike because it can be utilized in a single stage to orbit vehicle and have thrust factoring at the same time it's a very fascinating design but it's very problematic to pursue economically the multiple engine integration just doesn't add up for most lighter payload delivery Rockets so unfortunately we will probably not see the linear Aero Spike for some time having said all that there are some companies which seem to sell the idea from time to time but nothing has come to fruition just yet another Infamous design is the toroidal spike and this is a little bit easier to scale because it can be incorporated in a single rocket engine configuration so quite a few smaller companies are pursuing this including Pangea Aerospace similar to the development of rdes they are utilizing additive manufacturing along with a newly developed copper alloy this is a new high-strength alloy developed by NASA and it's able to undergo 10 reuses with up to 15 percent more efficiency when compared to a conventional rocket engine but this engine is also unique in the fact that it has small channels where the fuel is fed through before being injected into the main combustion chamber the spiral shape of these channels forces coolant against the walls via centrifugal action as of right now they have tested a 20 kilonewton demo P1 but they are working towards a very large 300 kilonewton orbital rocket Next Generation modeling new Alloys and additive manufacturing have brought forth new aerospike variants however a new technological emergence is taking place right now and this will take engine design even one step further with the combination of CAD algorithms and the Titan core processor a dramatic design was created sliced and hatched within mere minutes with an EOS metal printer the creation was made only in a couple of days the chambers can now be designed with a Mach number distribution and calculated through flow conditions in other words this engine was designed Beyond human imagination or capability ultimately this emerging technology will not immediately displace a raptor or an rs-25 because it does not have the proven economics or reliability not to mention that it actually needs to be tested but I truly believe we are looking at something unique here because algorithmic engineering can dramatically change how we even build engines it can be used in anything from rotating detonation to aerospikes leading to a newer Frontier of space propulsion or maybe AI will just destroy us all in the end but more importantly I would like to know what you think about all this so please leave a comment like the video If you enjoyed it and also make sure to subscribe to my channel
Channel: Tech Planet
Views: 1,459,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new engine, new rocket engine, strange engine, strangest engine, new engines, rocket engines, engine breakthrough, weird engines
Id: Cms_v_OUXco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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