Can A Permanent Kitsune Trade Every Fruit in 24 Hours? (Blox Fruits)

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I have 24 hours to attempt to get every fruit in Blox fruits all from one single permanent kits a fruit I first just got to actually add it to my inventory 4,000 Robux purchase there we go we've got the permanent I can't be having this gravity fruit either got to get rid of this because we're doing this with only the kit a no other fruits allowed so now I literally only have the kit a fruit in my inventory now I'm going to be looking for at least two Kit a for this I think it's probably like a fair trade maybe some other stuff as well come and sit with the bacon I might have horns but I'm you know I'm a good guy this is all that I've got what are you going to offer me for this then we got a Venom a shadow portal and Phoenix I would be absolutely silly to take this this would knock off like four of the 38 fruits in the game now but it's not worth it for me let me just double check actually this even 38 fruits in Block fruit or is it 39 yep it's 39 fruits I mean I could technically grab this diamond but I'm not going to do that everything has got to come from this kit a oh hold on another person trading what have you got for me you got another Shadow a quake a ghost okay I don't even need the sea more that's not going to help me get all the fruits let's head to the second sea next and see if we can get like a good trade there because people they only care about trading in the second SE all right somebody sit let's see what turbo gaming is giving me another Shadow a phoenix a spider a quake sorry not worth it all right let's sit over here see if anybody has any good trades bro is back again you not get the memo the Shadow Phoenix ain't good enough okay this might take a while nobody wants to sit down even though there's literally a perm kit a on this table right now nobody wants to trade here we go we might have something these fruits ain't good enough you got to put in better things for this you're on your mind I am not taking that no that's the same person somebody else trade with me getting trades is so difficult man come on come sit down yes yes yes right what will you give me for perm kit a pain I'm in pain seeing just that there's no way he's giving me just that for perm kid today who would have thought the first trade I'm literally trying to get an L trade is the hardest bro this is really not good like I haven't even got one of the 39 fruits yet I definitely got a server hop again oh wait hold on new person what are you going to give me he's got the kid's name MK maybe he's got a fruit Shadow gravity dough and Mammoth you see this might be the best one we've seen so far but I'm still not taking that I literally need at least two Kit a for that we've got a fellow bacon maybe he has something good his name is literally Blox first Venom Shadow no come on nobody has physical kit a it just shows how hard to get it actually is is that all you're offering he says wow stop admiring give me good fruits wow this is all I have that is unfortunate come on maybe this guy has something good oh he has a dragon a Spirit hold on Mammoth kids know is the last one and then it's worth it this is actually the best trade we've seen so far like dragon and D are worth a lot but it's still not worth it wait is this the guy oh that's the same guy from before this guy right here has got a kitchen a he's got shock V4 pleas it down that means he might have a k a all right what are you going to give me hopefully this guy knows the actual value yes yes oh my wait this guy's actually cooked he knows wait this could be it we got the gigachad trade absolute legendary Behavior right there now I'm going to keep it 100% honest that did take me like an entire hour or so of waiting like purely just an hour of waiting oh this guy's got T-Rex what's T-Rex worth of the minute what if I put in a leopard what what does he give me for the T-Rex a T-Rex and spider that's kind of bad for me though and a quake I mean it's three fruits like I need more fruit FRS because now I've got two out of the 39 like I even had to use these stupid like blog fruits Emoji things for the trade as well but it worked eventually let's see what will this guy give me for my leopard absolutely no way out your mind get away from me what does he mean portal oh he's trading gravity and spider for portal which I don't have come on maybe like I need a kid I need a leopard trade come on what are you offering Shadow blizzard Rumble this isn't really worth it for a leopard I think probably need a dough I need maybe two DS you know I'm not super include in with the trading but I can't make like a silly trade then again and the problem is as well is because I'm trying to get one of every physical version of the fruits I can only realistically trade with one of these kids in a and one of these leopards so I've not got a lot that I can actually work with yeah it is not worth it's not worth that I need something valuable I need something big oh hold on I have found the trading server everybody here is sat down trade this is perfect oh this guy literally says who has kitten a wait hold on I'll trade I might be able to get something good here I do need like at least three dragons and maybe another leopard but then again if I get like a fruit that I'm going to need down the line I'll also take it we just got to wait for the chairs to be free bro get out your chair and let us trade let let the real men here trade oh yes yes yes yes yes all right what's this guy got come on what are you going to give me for my kits a or what are you going to give me for my leopard Shadow blizzard Rumble it's just not worth that it's four unique fruits but I just I won't take it I want to trade with the other guy yeah yeah yeah yeah okay here we go here we go this is the guy who said he trade for it Spirit Venom D Mammoth for a kitten a I feel like I need more than that I do have a leopard that this could be a pretty good leopard trade I feel like this is only just good for me I mean I'd take this it' get me like a bunch of unique fruits nah I don't think I can't I can't give a kids a a for this it's like it's four unique fruits but I can't do it to myself what does this guy have a lot of legendaries but no mythicals nope I've been server hopping for so long man people just don't have good trades honestly I might have to just tank something really bad and then like you know just fill out more of the board fill out more of the fruits than I'm looking for he doesn't have the things for that let me trade with this FNAF character please I want to get an actual good trade oh hold on wait this could be kind of good actually problem is I don't have like the value like I don't have any bad fruit this is my problem I can't get this trade because I don't have bad fruits I need to get some my trash ones right I think I like I actually need to tank this and do like a semi bad kit a trade just so I can get more things to trade with so I've got kind of a genius idea what I'm going to do is I'm going to trade one of these kit and A's for like three leopards or something and then I can just turn all of those leopards into like every other fruit in the game because we've got like the hardest one out the way now I just need to find the people to do that all right let's see kids and a what am I going to get disappointment yet again for like the 50th time hold on oh wait two leopards you not going to give much more where'd he go oh they doing the tower oh please tell me he like he didn't just do that and left is that the guy oh it's the guy okay my bad trying to get Factory fruit all good all good what was he wanting to give me two leopards three leopards oh but now I'm poor no kind of unfortunate literally I can't trade over the limit like one kids a only gets me this much this is bad I know this like a really terrible trade in general but these two leopards are going to equal a bunch more fruits so this is kind of worth it like I'm just coping right now but we have from this got control which is a brand new fruit so we can check that one off of the list and exactly like I wanted I've now got four leopards so we've got three leopards to turn into like dragons and T-rexes and stuff let's see maybe this little chicken has enough for a leopard oh no he doesn't have space all right I guess I'll hop servers and try and find somebody else maybe I finally get a decent trade for leopard oh wait this could be good hold on I feel like this this is kind of a throw like this is a really bad trade for me but it gets four fruits off the list and it gives me options for future trades so I think I'm actually going to take you know what it's a light fruit like the light fruit I can use maybe in future like as a sacrifice that's what I'm thinking ahead here I'm thinking ahead of the game all right that's worth it maybe the dumbest trade of all time but now we've got another four fruits two of which are mythical a legendary and a rare I've completely just done that guy a favor though by giving him that trade so now we're down to just two more lepers to trade away okay I can still probably do this you see the hardest part about this entire challenge what what is he doing is that I've had to like purposely take a kind of bad trade oh wait hold on I don't have either of the I don't have either any of these it's like I I have to take kind of a bad trade I literally can't do this trade yeah like I'm having to do kind of mid trade just so I can get like all the fruits and have like fodder as well on maybe we can get like another good trade sound sound and portal aren't really worth too much honestly not really worth it people not really looking for sound fruits anymore you know it's been and gone it's done wait this could be the craziest trade ever control Shadow B what does he even W for this you see that guy had the dragon and the T-Rex like that would have been such a good trade if I had that that would have been so good wait he's back is back wait I I would happily take that like I literally I don't want ghost I'll take this I'll take this please no of course not funny bait very funny so I've done a little thinking and I believe this is actually impossible because at the moment everybody believes that the dragon rework is going to be more than kit a so you can barely trade a leopard for a dragon and like anything else it's like it's really tough I feel like it's actually impossible to even get those trades and then I also need to get T-Rex and dough like I'm still missing so many fruits and I've only got two leopards to do this like what's this guy giv me bro no way so I think I'm probably going to have to bend my rules a little bit although I won't be able to have like one of each fruit individually as long as I've held that fruit at least one time then we could definitely get something better and probably actually get every single fruit so I might need to say goodbye to this kit a fruit again this is beginning to feel really impossible actually if only blers didn't have like the 40% value thing I'd be able to get so much more for like each leopard but I just can't and I am especially not doing that trade yeah this is bad I'm like really stuck right now if only dragon wasn't getting a rework right now it would be perfect but because it is it's impossible ble to trade these leopards for like anything really maybe this guy has something good for leopard dragon control Shadow wait what does he want for this no way he actually does this please maybe i' I'd be down no way he actually accepts this I'll do this please don't jump please 3 2 1 okay that's fine four trades done so far I'll actually take that thank you Paul 122 you don't realize what you've done for me you've actually helped me out so much that's actually huge man like although it seems kind of bad genuinely people just don't want to trade away dragons I didn't think I was even going to get one by by the end of this challenge but now we can start trying to like add this extra shadow in for deals it might actually be possible without giving up the kits a we do need T-Rex now and T-Rex is uh also pretty overpriced please give me a good deal maybe something for my shadow or you know maybe something for leopard I am not doing that trade well it seems I've come to the end of my road for now because I think what I'm going to have to do is I'm going to have to trade this other kits a I got for like another two dragons and like two leopards or something I think that's literally the only way I'm going to be able to like see and get every other fruit so I can get probably every every single fruit in the game apart from having a physical kit a unless I get really lucky I really don't want to have to do it as well I'm going to have to sacrifice it it's going to be gone from the inventory for good but it's it's like for the greater good you know all right I found a trade for my kids a it's it's sad to see it Go all right it's sad to see it go but this is for the greater good two dragons so basically three leopards I'm getting here so although we've just completely got rid of our leopard and like one of our shadows we got two each of these that we can like work with maybe we can get something good but for now I'm all out of trade so I need to come back in 8 hours and then try and turn this into every other fruit 8 hours later all right it's been about 8 hours I need to try and get a decent trade now for either my leopard or Dragon maybe this guy has something good Venom blizzard Phoenix and a control I don't like the control if I'm being honest I'm not going to take that just because it would be like a real L trade I need like L trades for sure but not that bad because I'm going to get a T-Rex as well for my dragon so once again we're just going to sit and wait until somebody comes and trades okay this one it's really not good but it's fruits that I need a leopard's kind of worth like Dragon at the minute so I don't think I'm going to do this what about a mammoth maybe Mammoth and Shadow oh and love love is so mid that's just not worth it for me why is trading so difficult man what's this guy got he's got control control and gravity you're out of your mind no and that guy's trying to scam people with that face as well it makes sense oh hold on might be cooking up a trade here Spirit dough T-Rex Buddha wait this is a pretty good trade actually please please don't jump don't jump don't jump this is actually a crazy I need all four of these fruits please wow just so you guys know I'm not fighing his family hostage feels like I lost the trade no no no no no don't don't worry about it bro did I see that right his princess her I'm going to be sick there eat in blocks somebody banned them whoo if you're watching you know what to do all right but with that we've got another three mythicals and the Buddha all that we're missing is Venom and gravity all right I got to trade with NPC Spirit blizzard Buddha what blizzard even worth 5 mil yeah honestly I'm not going to take it for just a blizzard I think it's a bit risky all right I have been siting through Discord servers for hours now trying to find a good trade because honestly people in the games they don't have good trades I found a pretty good trade he wants dragon and Shadow for a T-Rex which is big venom which I need and gravity which I need which is perfect and then he needs like a little something I'll throw on the light there we go this is perfect for me this gets two of the fruits that I need and an extra T-Rex to trade my goat my goat thank you for joining that that's so good so we just got gravity and Venom ticked off all right I've somehow got to turn all of these fruits into every other fruit I need I think I've only got two trades left for now and then at the end of the 24 hours I'll have five left so I've pretty much got seven total trades to get everything found a random trade here for a T-Rex I need to whip out the calculator I don't know if this is even like worth it for me Mammoth and dough I mean T-Rex is like really valuable right now kind of kind of not a bad trade I just can't do it though because I'd have to like get rid of my Buddha and I don't really want to do that all right I've got two Spirits I think I got a little trade for a spirit fruit here we've got guts he's giving me Rumble surely not just Rumble blizzard pain oh no I can't do this trade anymore and then something small uh I'm going to have to sacrifice a gravity it's for the greater good after all you know what I'll get a light back that's fine I'll do this trade I don't need the gravity anymore we can get one back quite easily but this is going to give us three extra fruits we haven't seen yet hey wait we're cooking here blizzard pain and Rumble all right I've had an epiphany I've got seven trades left I need to start getting more common fruits so the next trade I'm going to do is going to be insanely mid but I should be able to get some like Commons or r or something going I don't I don't know the best way to do this maybe I got to do something with Shadow I got to do like a really bad Shadow trade okay I know what I need to do my biggest problem right now is all my fruits are too valuable so I can't get bad fruits so what I'm going to do is I'm going to trade one of these T-Rexes for four Buddha fruits which is insanely bad and then I'm going to turn those Buddhas into every other fruit that I need and I should be able to get them all after painstaking hours I have found a terrible trade but I found a trade that is unfortunate for me can I add a lights right if you make space for the light then I can do the trade all right here we go here we go this is the trade a T-Rex and a light for four boas like this is really bad for me but like I just need these budas to get all everything else all right here goes ouch that one hurts but now we've got like stuff to work with we've got four budas we can work with to get like everything else see I could be doing something incredibly stupid right now this guy right here who I've never met before I'm going to be trading a Buddha and a shadow and he's going to give me all the other legendaries that I need but then I need to wait 8 hours before I can do another trade so he's going to then add some like extra stuff tomorrow to make it actually worth it so this is a little bit scary you could say but we are getting four fruits we need and then in 8 hours I'm going to see if this guy is still around or if he's just like sort of scammed me it's going to be an L trade anyway with these we've almost got every single legendary we just need quake and I've still got three Buddhas that I can trade for like everything else 8 hours later 8 hours have passed and that guy is honestly nowhere to be seen But actually it's kind of a good thing because I can try and trade one of these other three buddas I have for like maybe a worse fruit in general but nobody's wanting to trade all right back to server hopping again I guess all right I'm put in the Buddha fruits and this guy put in spider and D so like this is both kind of bad put in Falcon Spike you know what this is the biggest L ever but I need these bad fruits I need Falcon and Spike give me giv me giv me okay that's one out of my final five trades I can't believe I actually did that but now that I've done that I can probably get away with trading this spider for like more trash yes yes yes okay a ghost I need that give me more trash yes dark I don't have that either ice I don't have no no no put ice all right let's see maybe he has something like kind of cool okay wait this is this is good this is I'll put Spike there we go I'll do this four things that I need no way he just said put more is this guy okay he just got a free spider no I'm not even trading with that guy BR all the trading tables are in place the guy from 8 hours ago is missing he said that he join at some point where is he and most importantly let me sit down I've got like w trades for everyone in here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah my turn go what would you like to give me for a spider I'll take anything as long as it's I don't want that I don't need any of those no thanks other table maybe this has got like good trades spider he doesn't have enough space Buddha he's got space okay no no no I don't want the sound give me bad stuff give me stuff that's bad because I probably need it well now I sit wait and hope for a trade to just like appear this is the guy from yesterday please come sit down please come sit down I totally didn't have to spam DM him to get him to join come on please sit down yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice okay right so I'm going to give you a spider Quake plus trash yes he actually has one okay so value difference is we want to go the upper limit of the value so we've got like another 23% come on fill it up yeah yeah nice change stand for like I'll literally take a common apart from Spike like I literally need to get four fruits I need every single trade from now on or else I'm doomed so I'll just take I'll take anything yes smoke all right this is because you got like a really good deal last time so the spider is kind of like a throwaway but like this is all stuff that I need yeah W for you for me this is so bad okay to five trades done but now we have four extra fruits all right next server so I still need magma ghost Rubber and Diamond maybe I try and do like a a Buddha for all of that put in a Buddha yeah yeah yeah remove blizzard out of magma please no no no I I can't take anything I don't want your blizzard leave me alone this it's going to be so hard to find this trade because I literally need specific fruits every time or else it's not going to work all right maybe this yes okay Gogeta help me out I don't need any of these just I'm literally trying to do the worst trade ever I don't need these why are people trying to give me like decent tra I mean it's not really a decent trade but why are people trying to give me legendaries I don't want them he has magma he says okay magma this is good sand yes this is going to be the best trade this guy's going to get do you have ice yes I need one more thing bomb fruits I I just need bomb just just need bomb yes okay four fruits I need it's such a bad trade but these are four I need yes that's what I'm more happy about let's go I needed all of those two more trades left yes hold on my got another one ghost rubber Diamond flame yes okay right I don't have enough I need to add something maybe I sacrifice like a yes this is so bad for me again but this is perfect rubber Diamond ghost flame we only need four Commons after this these people are getting so lucky yes 4 out five what is worth rocket spin chop and spring it's like 100k what's the 100k fruit I'm trying to do the math what fruit is worth like 100k oh wait I can just figure it out here BL fruit dealer talk to him oh smoke wait please tell me I still have a smoke left please I've got a smoke what does he mean let me reset with them come on please please yeah yeah yeah no no no wait he's removing his smoke hold on Alexander might be clutching up for me this random guy he might be the goat he says which ones rocket spin chop spring come on yes please if he doesn't jump if he doesn't jump please yes yes I actually did it I have traded a permanent kitchen a to every fruit and BLX FS
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 1,329,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits kitsune, kitsune fruit, kitsune, blox fruits kitsune fruit, kitsune blox fruits, kitsune fruit blox fruits, trading kitsune, trading kitsune fruit, rocket to kitsune blox fruits, trading up to kitsune, rocket to kitsune trading, rocket to kitsune trading in blox fruits, rocket to kitsune, trading perm kitsune, kitsune trade, trading from rocket to kitsune, trading permanent kitsune, blox fruits kitsune update, permanent kitsune, op kitsune
Id: N_6aDZV3Lss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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