I Turned Everything Into The Final Boss Of The Game - All Gwyn Run - Post-Asylum

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hello and welcome back to me trying to be Dark Souls prepare to die edition with all the enemies and all the bosses turned into the final boss squint if you haven't watched the first episode in this series where I tackle the northern undead asylum I highly recommend watching that one first as many of the strategies I mentioned in that video are frequently used throughout this one also if it wasn't clear this was an all boss run since that's the only real way to play a from soft game so let's get right into it when I landed in Firelink I immediately noticed some Guin stalking me wanting a piece of my now well calloused ass if you recall from the last video glynne's have a mass of aggro range I want to go into a little detail about how the Guin a AI works from what I could tell Guin can be in one of three states the first state is an idol teepo state and only applies to certain replacements including non hostile enemies friendly NPCs or enemies that have a special type of aggro an example of this would be sown the ensign Darkroot garden that don't come out of their burrow until you walk past them the second state Guin can be in is the one you're seeing now which is a walking aggro state unless the Gwyn is a special case that can have an idle state all Gwynn's loaded into the game will be in this state the third state Guin can be in is his running agro state which activates once he's within a certain distance of you when quinn enters this state he will remain in it until you die thus i learned a very important lesson early on in fire length because gwyn's are for the most part always aggro'd this introduces the possibility of getting spawn killed at the bonfire therefore the bonfires that would be safe would be those are either in an area where there are no loaded hostile Gwynn's nearby an area with low hanging ceilings that stop gwyn's from reaching me or an area where i can bake the Gwynn's into jumping off and do a death plain which was the case for Firelink i had to bait these Gwynn's every single time i spawned and violent which also made leveling a bit hectic I can't complain though because with each Gwyn dropping 70,000 souls for free leveling up to a manageable level barely took any time at all I've raised my vitality endurance and strength up to level 50 and decided that was good enough to get started my first objective was to get a higher damage weapon and the most practical option was as vai Handa though was intimidating most of the enemies in the graveyard have this special aggro I was talking about earlier so it only took a few attempts to sprint through them all and get the sword after spending Asylum only doing 20 damage per hit I felt an immense sense of power rush over my body now was time to see now it was time to see what this bad boy was made of this pretty DS now instead of hitting Gwynn 125 times to kill him I only needed to hit him 46 times this was a huge improvement especially considering that I didn't have to worry as much about one shots anymore but it still wasn't good enough about 80% of this runs route was guided by the ultimate goal of achieving the highest level of survivability which meant getting the highest damage output the highest amount of defense and the maximum amount of healing ability through miracles orestes class all while killing bosses along the way thus my next objective was to reinforced mice via Honda so I started heading toward Andre my first obstacle was this going in the tunnel fortunately goons are rather tall and unable to fit through most the entrances that the player utilizes a fact I exploited ad nauseam over the course of this entire run unfortunately the sight of the tunnel reignited the trauma of the asylum and caused me to revert back to a state in which I thought jump attacking was the only option after defeating him and trying to stave off a torrent of negative thoughts while walking through the tunnel it wasn't long before I was closed off again by two more Gwynn's getting blocked by Glynn's and whittling their health down was going to be a constant theme of this run but while we're here I can explain something interesting that's going on in this area notice how the Gwynn's are endlessly running into the archway like the Gwynn's in the asylum in most games enemies generally don't follow you to the ends of the earth they usually die a grou once you get far enough away and returned to their spawn points my theory is that at least in Dark Souls 1 there are areas in the game that contain invisible walls at D Agra enemies for brevity's sake let's just call these aggro walls since they block aggressive States aggro walls are generally impermeable to enemies but if you elicit certain attacks close to them the enemies can be forced through with a bit of effort these walls are area specific and if an enemy gets through one wall they will be stuck at the next one if reached due to go in status as a boss he will D a grow once hitting the wall only temporarily and soon after regrow creating a cycle of running into the agrawal and walking backwards like what is happening here this is mostly just my speculation on how it works so it might not be exactly correct in the context of this run aggro walls are just another tool I can use a safely attack or run away from Gwynn's shortly after taking those guys out several health bars threaten me from a distance I waited for them to resolve themselves before going inside the house and once again getting blocked by twins from here I was able to clear out all the goons that spawn outside the bonfire which I refrained from resting at due to getting spawn killed the nuclear fusion occurring in the distance convinced me to take a detour to the merchant before continuing towards Andre I walked down the stairs and noticed a Glenn that was obviously too shy to make eye contact with me Quinn Chan eventually gained the confidence to express her feelings to me and after accepting her confession I responded Firelink since I had just spent over 45 minutes futile II trying to get to Andre I decided to check out if I could get to vamos instead I made a quick stop to join this bullheads cult to buy healing miracles and made my way towards the catacombs I found a relatively safe route that got me through the graveyard and was able to trap pursuing Glenn's on the outside of the cave though it wasn't that difficult to just keep running through it all the entrance to the bonfire is blocked by a Guin trapped inside the tunnel meaning that if I wanted to open the way through I would have to deal with him and by proxy all the Gwynn's around him the main obstacle to achieving this was luring these goons out of their Idol states and getting back up the ladder before getting ganked I never managed to do it but my efforts were rewarded with the sighting of a secret Glenn neat during my attempts to get to vamos I went to New Londo which was now populated by a congregation of T posing Gwynn's I took care not to disturb their sacred ritual and went to see Ricker who is also a Smith too bad he's a useless one because he doesn't sell any titanite shards as far as I know there are very few if any tight night shards in any of the areas I can reach currently though hollow soldiers typically drop shards the randomizer settings I used only allow drops that are guaranteed by a non responding enemy like mimics after about an hour and a half of failing to get to vamos I once again tried to get to the undead merchant this time I was able to bait the Gwynn's out of the merchant building to the spot where I learned all the Gwynn's previous to them I finally made it to the merchant and bought nearly everything he had just in case I ran into something unexpected however I'll just mention the things that actually made a difference the most important thing I bought here was the short bow and 999 of each arrow that's right I was willing to stoop to that level for this run another item I bought was a repair powder which I needed after hitting and shooting these coins hundreds of times with the weak weaponry I had and yes I literally mean hundreds heavy arrows dub 42 damage coming out to a hundred arrows needed to kill Gwyn standard arrows Dale 29 damage or 145 arrows to kill and finally wooden arrows dealt 22 damage or 191 arrows to kill I also bought all the throwing items to use as backups if I ran out of arrows but they barely did any damage lastly I bought the chainmail armor which I consider to be the ugliest armor in the game with the option of ranged attacks I felt way more confident I decided to take the risk of getting spawn killed and rested at the undead burg bonfire and what do you know it's a gank fest the only thing I could do here was pray that I got lucky and made it back to the building where I cheese them earlier after that I just went to the next building and repeated the process that was going to be a lot of this run baiting Gwynn's and running to cover while waiting for them to kill each other then finishing the last one left now this doesn't mean it wasn't difficult Gwyn's have a faster running speed than me and getting jump slashed is gonna hurt a lot if I didn't make it in time I cleared out all the coins outside the tower leading to the boss learned that the goons in this world were being delivered via Amazon Prime and learned a new mechanic similar to the r-1 strata used to bake goons into attacking each other in the tunnel of the asylum I found that I could get a relatively similar and more reliable effect by using an item this effect works with empty Estes bottles throwing knives carvings just about anything I used this technique to get rid of one of the Gwynn's that replace the archers in the boss arena without even going through the fog gate after one of them died I entered the fog gate and quickly went up the ladder while the remaining Archer fell off trying to get to me I was completely safe up here although gling can jump / he can't gain enough height to jump to most if any of the areas that are reached by a ladder now the issue was how to get rid of the archer unfortunately the tourist Gwyn did not leave his idle animation even after getting hit with arrows so I'd have to deal with them separately I spent a stupid amount of time missing this [ __ ] like a [ __ ] because the angle was just not in my favour when he finally went down I shuffled toward the tourist win and got my ass slap to running away but but it's okay really all I had to do to get back to the boss again was sit through another hour of Quinns killing each other which gave me a lot of time to reflect on whether or not this run was really worth the cloud I entered the boss arena again and this time around I had a better idea for the tourist win I shot about 250 arrows into this Gwyn and obviously that wasn't working even though the arrows were making contact and staggering him I heard him from the bridge with my bow and this time successfully pussied my way back up the ladder he got stuck in a particularly annoying spot where I had to wait about 20 seconds for an opportunity to get a shot in I did get cocky towards the end and almost thwarted an hour of effort by missing a drop attack but I managed to save it having gone through asylum for 16 hours I was ok with plugging my way through this run if it meant avoiding crazy long penalties for death after choosing some more Gwynn's and saying hi to solare I ran across the bridge and kick down the shortcut ladder now you probably don't think about this too often but there are a [ __ ] ton of enemies in undead parish including the ones on the bridge there are over 40 enemies which means for me there are over 40 twins of course I just tried running through but the Gwynn's would either catch up with me or block my path making the strategy of clearing them out the only viable option I didn't go for the altar of sunlight bonfire right after the bridge as I would have been spawned killed at a [ __ ] existence and this run would be over thankfully the undead burg bonfire spawned me with enough time to make it up the ladder safely and the room above was a perfect spot to bake Gwyn stew I applied the same strategy I used in undead burg which was to bake winds here and slowly clear them out this is where I learned a bit about enemy loading mechanics notice that though the parish is loaded in terms of appearance the Gwyn doesn't load in until I take a couple steps forward I'm not completely sure how it works but what I do know is that the distance required to load and unload enemies varies from area to area the problem in undead Paris was at the loading distances seem to be especially small which made this part of the run a great deal harder it would have been preferable to have all 40-something goons come at me at once so they could all kill each other but instead I can only bait one or two Gwynn's at a time and the further away I got from where I wanted to bait them the more likely it was that they would catch up with me if you recall it takes at least 100 arrows to kill a single Glenn even though having 999 of each arrow wasn't enough to kill all the Gwynn's it was the first method I employed before resorting to jump attacks because it was much safer more importantly the bow could lock on and I could just hit r1 endlessly without paying any attention to the screen this allowed me to multitask while shooting hundreds of arrows into these Gwynn's I cooked a launch cleaned listen to the entirety of the Dark Souls one two and three contracts wrote the script practice my instrument went to a movie bought the solace in Doron new game plus seven all while continuing to press r1 and kill these Grimm's also get good I tried using the tunnel debate the Guin's hoping that even though I was at a different height they would still be able to follow me but I think the loading mechanics got in the way I also tried to manipulate the loading zones but it's quite terrifying when Gwynn's grossly incandescent light doesn't load in immediately and he comes flying around the corner like a guided missile once I got to this point in the route the strategy changed a little there was a low hanging ceiling here so now I didn't have to go all the way back to the shortcut ladder during this section I walked extremely slow with my audio on high so that I can listen for Gwen's footsteps to indicate when he would be loaded in after which I would have to start running like hell to avoid a jump slash upon luring them to this bridge they would eventually jump off to the area below and attempt to get to me by running into the ladders they couldn't climb I had to bait them to kill each other here because once I got to this intersection they would change their paths to one that actually met up with me in an attempt that was over an hour in the making I got pretty close to Andre and decided to book it it ended as you would expect and I didn't do something so careless like that again that is a lie because I totally fell off this tower like a damned idiot following another 40-minute journey into restock on arrows I shuffled my way through undead parish and finally reached the bonfire after over 4 and a half hours of attempts the successful one taking an hour and 53 minutes to achieve I was rewarded with a bonfire that was for all intents and purposes safe the Gwyn that replaced the titanite demon did aggro once I entered the old parish but after it's defeated it wouldn't respond again and the goons from the previous area behind me got stuck on the low-hanging ceiling when trying to go down the stairs I had never been happier to see Andre in my life more accurately I hadn't been happier to hear Andre in my life as he had been turned into a Gwen about 99 titanite shards the crest of artorias smith boxes arrows as well as everything else he sold with the 4 million souls i had acquired the only other thing I bought was at Estes and remembrance of PEG 'pa the ultimate technique I upgraded my armor and shield as high as I could and more importantly reinforced my spy gente and short bow to +5 I easily picked out the Firekeeper soul and open the elevator shortcut to fire link by just bolting through I picked up the undead asylum key reinforced my Estus flask and continued my journey to achieve even greater power for reference I now seventy-eight damaged with heavy arrows from my bow and 324 damaged with the jump slash cutting the amount of attacks needed to kill for the former by roughly 1/2 and the latter by roughly 2/3 I felt great but not good enough I wanted to absolutely annihilate these greens that had caused me so much pain my next goal was to acquire that demons great axe as at plus 15 it would give me the highest damage that could be dealt to a gwyne to get this I needed to travel through Darkroot garden join the forest hunters guild talk to Shiva then travel all the way down to blight towns floor to purchase it from him on the way I also wanted to pick up the stone armor set one of the highest offense that's in the game until Havel set became available starting from here on out I was also looking for titanite chunks as I would not be able to farm these like in a normal run with all that being said I began my long quest to achieve all of that [ __ ] starting with Darkroot garden around this point in the game I did feel confident enough to fight goons one-on-one if I got particularly bored but this was rare as the roads were long and full of winds so I usually just [ __ ] down and used my bow little further into the garden I would bake Gwynn's to jump off this cliff here I looked the bonfire but I didn't rest at it in fear of getting spawn killed [Music] after the ceremony I opened the door and proceeded to the next area like I mentioned in the previous video I wasn't able to change the forest hunters with the randomizer so I just made Swift work of them I got killed by a great sword wielding wall right before the stone armor and on the way back I spent an immense amount of time just trying to kill a single Gwyn I joined the forest hunters talked to Shiva and got the stone armor at this point my endurance was not high enough to sustain a normal role so I just mixed a matched armor now it was time to go to Blighttown I made my way down dark route Basin without any issues and rested at the bonfire outside of the valley of Drake's elevator in the valley at Drake's I simply baited them to get stuck on the low-hanging ceiling of the elevator and killed them all there at the entrance of blight town there is another Agrawal that made things pretty easy I knew getting through the upper areas was going to be relatively painless because of all the ladders the Gwynn's couldn't climb most of them just flung themselves off trying to get to me even without me trying to bait them on the ladders there were also a couple of cases of Gwynn's getting stuck in a fall animation I got another fire keeper soul and made my way down to the bottom part of Blighttown this is where things get difficult shiva was right below me but there was also an army of Gwynn's marching to slap my ass thankfully while waiting for them to kill each other I learned from the weekiy that the giant mosquitoes don't actually respond infinitely if there were any infinitely responding enemies in this run I'd be totally [ __ ] also if you were wondering the Gwynn's were immune to the poison so I couldn't rely on that to take him out it became clear that the most powerful Gwyn was the one that survived the Civil War he demonstrated this to me by showing me his ability of precognition by dodging every single [ __ ] shot I made immediately as the arrow left my bow the [ __ ] even hit Shiva a couple times and Goomba stopped him and it scared the [ __ ] out of me after killing him I bought the demon's gray text from Shiva but I didn't use it for a while because it wasn't reinforced and it was just too heavy for my character right now now I had a difficult choice to make did I want to go to the bonfire near here or just risk it and try to beat Gwyn lag now my trip fund the bonfire to this point had already taken an hour and I did not want to go through killing all those [ __ ] winds again so after a brief search of the area for tight night chunks I entered Gwyn laggs domain this particular cutscene wasn't the best though it did show a twitching disembodied Gwynedd I had been extremely anxious before this fight but my training and asylum had served me well and Gwyn life was a piece of cake I run the bell of awakening and tried to visit Gwyn like sister now what's about to happen was the strangest thing I experienced in the run I can't even understand why such a thing would happen and I apologize for not having the audio of me screaming hysterically when it did I had to talk to her servant Gwen to get past but I was being extra cautious since I knew he made a grow on me the second he broke out of his idol animation he swung at me but didn't damage me this isn't the weird part I thought oh apparently now I have a friendly Gwyn companion friendly I could not predict how wrong I would be out of [ __ ] nowhere this madman started killing the one he swore to protect I was freaking the [ __ ] out I couldn't believe it I panicked for a while and then just rested at the bonfire hoping that would somehow save her that seemed to calm him down for now at least if you can think of any explanation for this please let me know I could not figure out why an NPC would hurt another NPC in the game especially when both of them are initially friendly anyway I had to reinforce my Estes and this [ __ ] who had the gall to call his latest victim of violent assault his fair lady wouldn't let me pass instead he just he posed on me I used the homeward miracle was able to move his position but he kept his gaze focused on his prey I made sure to rest at the demon ruins bonfire because there was no way in hell I was going through Blighttown again I've reinforced my demons great x2 plus five and levelled my endurance with the 7 million souls I had acquired at this point my damage output wasn't that much different from the Slender now it was time to leave this [ __ ] help which unfortunately was not going to be easy first off there were a [ __ ] ton of goons that want a piece of this juicy dumper and because it was so juicy the bog slows it down a lot additionally the swamp doesn't affect winds movement speed at all and considering that they were already faster than me outside of the swamp it would be pretty hard to simply outrun them I did try using this Agrawal to kill them but from this area the loading distances were not kind to me forcing me to go out and load Gwynn's every so often so that I could clear them out also in classic Blighttown style I lagged out my game for the first time this run I spent a long time trying to clear out the Gwynn's before opting to just book it again after a few tries and a lot of luck I eventually got past them all after that I easily got to Firelink by going through the valley of Drake's in New Londo and found that soin had killed one of the only non Guin beings in this world my rage was soon overcome by fear as the Gwynn's of Firelink tried to rain greatswords down upon my ass and send me back to the beginning of Blighttown i retreated to the valley of Drake's and this time went through dark guru basin picking up the grass crushed shield along the way which would become my main shield due to its stamina regeneration my next goal was to get the Lord vessel because I didn't want to spend hours back traveling through the legions of gwen's so I set my sights on the second Bell this time getting through undead parish was a great deal easier as I didn't have to bait as many twins and the ones that I did have to bait I could take down way more quickly before long I had made it to the Gwyn Goyal's my favorite part about this cutscene was that the great swords were loaded in perfectly you can also see that the second gargoyle is actually loaded into the cutscene despite not moving at all in it a point that I should make is that the BA spells really aren't that difficult at all since most of them only have a single Gwyn whereas everywhere else in the game has multiple ironically despite there being two Gwynn's in this battle I was able to beat them without even using a single Estes dealing 500 damage per Perry I rang the second Bell and opened the gate to sense fortress back at undead parish there's actually something new here instead of an agro wall there was a teleporting wall that returned the Gwynn's to their spawn point after they had made contact with it without D a growing them it was actually worse than having no Agrawal at all as I couldn't lay into them with arrows and basically just had to fight them fairly which became rather difficult even though I just fought to Gwynn's no problem inside since fortress I baited Gwynn's into jumping off the bridges whenever I could picked up the ring of steel protection to up my defense trap some Quinn's behind doors and fought a decent amount without cheesing on the rooftop the position you know the bonfire allowed me to just stand there while Quinn's overshot their jumps from above and fell to their deaths clearing out almost the entire area I met with the crestfallen merchant and bought some green blossoms as well as a full inventory of large titanite shards the latter of which aren't useful to me until I get the large Ember I killed the iron golem at history to an Orlando now the batwing demons didn't get replaced in the cutscene on the way there but during the scuffle I accidentally selected the option to go back to sense fortress this allowed me to witness Gwen's disembodied head lift me up with his magical polygon powers and transport me back the beginning of Anor Londo gave me a bit of trouble but I eventually just ran through it all and used the elevator to trap them below as well as to bait them into falling down this bonfire wasn't completely safe as Gwynn's from both sides would start walking toward me but I could just run to the elevator to avoid them I scaled the sides of the building and got up to the rafters without any issues I hope you weren't expecting some sort of epic battle on the rafters because the Gwynn's had already fallen off by the time I got there I pushed the thing taunted a Gwyn after definitely not dying 30 seconds before and rested at the gwyndolin bonfire also this happened on the other side of Anor Londo I basically just had all the goons kill themselves and ran to the bonfire this entire section can basically be summed up as door fireplace door stairs and door I picked up Havel's armor along the way but didn't equipped it because it was still too heavy although I did equip the shield if I ever wanted to just tank anything I ignored a magic 8-ball trying to whisk me away to AG winless world and entered the fog gate I then witnessed one of the greatest cutscenes in the run so I just want to let it play in its entirety [Music] I did die once but when I came back I managed to empty both of their health bars my efforts were rewarded with another great cutscene after that amazing display of polygons from the tallboy I easily defeated him snag the great bow outside and completed my mission of getting the Lord vessel the great boat actually wasn't as big a help as I thought it'd be since the advantage of higher damage output was effectively canceled out by a longer animation time having the Lord that would have been going I returned the fire link placed the Lord vessel and continued my quest to better myself my next objective was to get hovels ring which was no issue since I was there I decided to get the first part of the DLC entry requirements a low hanging ceiling once again made this part of breeze and I freed us from her Gwyn captor after that it was time to get the embers from the depths in New Londo so that I could reinforce my demons great ex into the demon's greatest acts Laura and Deb burg was a rather difficult area for the same reasons getting through undead parish was difficult there were a [ __ ] ton of enemies and the loading distances were pretty short my first strategy was to use the ladder near the basement door and bait them to kill each other there but it was difficult to fight the remaining ones in such a small space I rescued the sorcerer while securing this room to clear out the rest of the Gwynn's yeah good luck gettin out of here buddy you're gonna be [ __ ] some of the Gwen's got stuck behind the doors of the buildings but otherwise this was the same as any other area when I reached the fog gate I found that the Gwynn's I had replaced that dogs would stick their heads outside allowing me to kill them before I even entered the arena because I'm a [ __ ] dumbass I entered the arena with the wrong shield equipped and got absolutely destroyed by the Capra Gwyn but mostly it was the alpha [ __ ] camera I made my way back to the Caprica when demon this time baiting Gwynn's at the undead burg shortcut rather than the basement door I quickly killed him and strut out with 11 million souls that I immediately lost to a barrage of vorpal sword while trying to get back to Firelink then while trying to retrieve them I got poked and apparently tripped over a pebble after not leveling my character I went to the desk to continue my quest for the large ember I was blessed with a fortune of low-hanging ceilings wiped out all of the Gwynn's from the first room I collected the large ember and soon as I was already here decided to go through the depths and kill the gaping Gwyn Gwynn's were infesting the floorboards of this place and were growing like stalactites from the ceiling I opened the bonfire door with the master key I bought earlier and warped to Andre to reinforce my great Oxbow and shield the +10 back at the depths all there were many small corridors that the Gwynn's couldn't fit through there was recently a huge Amazon Prime shipment so it was filled to the brim with twins however I reached the gaping gwyn pretty easily and tested out my newly upgraded great ex dealing 866 damage and killing him in just five Perry's next was the very law in New Londo this was a difficult area to complete a lot of Gwynn's and not a lot of ways to cheese them while getting that fire keeper Sol was easy enough I tried multiple tactics to try and clear out the rest of the Gwynn's there weren't any low-hanging ceilings nearby and the elevator wasn't much help either once I killed the ones replacing the ghost in the first area I shot off the Gwynn's on the bridge and baited the gwyn's inside the building to jump off here though I was expecting the narrow bridges section to be extraordinarily risky it turned out that all the Gwynn's were stuck behind a small doorway further ahead once they were cleared out I got the key to the seal and emptied the water out of New Londo I killed the Gwynn's on the bottom level by shooting them from above and easily retrieve the very large at this point I didn't have enough titanite chunks or a titanite slab to upgrade my great x2 plus 15 so now my goal was to retrieve the slab from the DLC while picking up the chunks along the way I also wanted to complete the DLC before fighting SIF because I've never gotten that bonus cutscene before so I thought what better time than now to see it if you think about why this is a dumb [ __ ] idea for just a few seconds you will realize something that didn't occur to me until several hours later anyway I still needed to get the broken pendant so i warped back to an Orlando I made my way to Duke's archives and got a little taste of the suffering I would experience later in the run after spending a couple minutes riding up and down the Tower of Terror the broken pendant appeared in my inventory probably from a Gwynn had fallen down at some point I got the [ __ ] out of there and got manhandled into the sanctuary garden I was now doing over a thousand damage per Perry and I killed the sanctuary Gwyn Ian in less than 30 seconds I thought Royal wood was going to be a total [ __ ] disaster with how many twins were gonna be in the forest but it ended up not being that bad it did take a while to bate all the Guin's and the jumping off this ledge but at all went pretty smoothly until I fell down this hole like a [ __ ] idiot and had to do it all over again the next time I tried to sprint through it all this Gwyn pulled a new move out of his ass and jumped into the stratosphere and dunked his great sword on me quint aureus the cinder walker showed off his especially droopy arms screamed at me explode it into a polygon and through some Jackson Pollock's [ __ ] at me I beat him without any issues and then got blasted into the wall while running from wins now let me ask you a question if your friends jumped off a cliff would you for Guin the answer is always yes that answer basically covers the entire strap for the outside portion of Willis Isle Township as well as the first part of the Lower City section I picked up some rubbish killed all the stragglers inside using low-hanging ceilings and made it to the chasm of the abyss right as I entered I finally realized that my plan to see the bonus SIF cutscene was [ __ ] foolish since he'd just be replaced with another Gwen also this section was probably tied with undead parish as the worst part of the run post asylum here's one of the reasons despite how hilarious that was at the time it wasn't too funny after I had to deal with it for the next three hours over the course of my 50 attempts to get to Manas and it wasn't just the lag think about this for a minute how many enemies are in the chasm of the abyss you probably only fight a few sorcerers on your own runs but most people don't deal with the absolute [ __ ] army of humanity's down there there were around 50 enemies total that turned into Gwynn's here probably more than any other area in the run my go-to strategy of baiting them off the cliffs was not feasible as the KERS were just too shallow I tried using the elevator to maybe throw some grins off that way but it just took too long it was way too dangerous after confirming that I couldn't hide in any of these little prison cells I tried just running through it all and yeah I attempted several different routes but they'd always catch up with me and shred my ass the strat I ended up going with ate up a couple hours of my life and having to deal with the lag throughout it all made these hours all the more frustrating this trip took a path that required me to go as fast as possible because going too slow would allow the Gwynn's further ahead to catch up and block me after dodging all the Guin's and praying that they didn't jump in front of me I would jump down to this ledge and try to keep as close to this edge as possible this was ensure all the Gwynn's falling behind me would fall off into the abyss as you concede the Gwynn's in front of me are falling to the ground below me from there they had a couple of options as to what they could do next the best option for me was when they tried to attack me without regards to my height gripping them underneath me and promoting friendly fire they would eventually break out of this though and take one of two paths the left path was safe with no threats while the right path could lead them to falling off into the abyss or would lead them to taking a much longer route back in the worst of cases Gwynn's would successfully jump to my level forcing me to fight them with the threat of falling to my death closeby there were several other things that made clearing out this area different from any other location in the game the fiftyish Quinns were all loaded in at once which normally would be great but in this case I had no way to tease them furthermore due to the differences in a gross States as well as pathfinding there would be instances where Queens got tangled up together this was ideal when I could see them and do some damage but it also resulted in far-off winds getting stuck and then literally appearing 20 minutes later to spook me after a few attempts and feeling half confident that I had cleared out most the goons in the area I finally jumped down and safely got to the fog gate underneath I caught a glimpse of a Gwynn near where sis should have been I freaked the [ __ ] out and ran straight into the boss arena but in retrospect it's quite possible that that was safe especially since he was an Ag Road anyway upon entering the arena I was apparently possessed by a vengeful demon and taken to gwyneth father of the sin there I killed him quickly ignored the moaning woman on the ground and had a small chat with Gough who had given up wood carving to pursue the illustrious art of tea posing I went to see the Unruh placed calamy and dunked on all the goons pursuing me with my ladder climbing abilities now I think I could have just bought going to meet here but I didn't want to miss out on the chance that he was replaced in the cutscene where golf shoots him out of the air and boy did I make the right decision [Music] [Music] after bearing witness to that beautiful display of marksmanship I got the titanite slab killed gwenna me and got the [ __ ] out of Allah seal the last thing I needed to complete my demons greatest acts was one more tight night chunk that I plan to get from snuggly this meant I had to turn myself into an egg and go to the one place I never wanted to see again upon arriving back in the asylum I was immediately ganked several times by Glens I tried baiting them briefly but in the end just running past them sufficed I fought my way through the asylum reliving the traumatic experiences that had haunted me since escaping this place I picked up the peculiar doll dropped my rubbish for snuggly defeated the stray Gwyn picked up my tight and I chunk and left yeah just imagine if my first visit had gone as smoothly now I had finally reinforced my demons great acts 2 plus 15 but I wasn't satisfied yet my final objective in my quest to exact unholy retribution upon the Guin's was the Hornet ring which boosts riposte damage by 30% I returned the Darkroot garden and found a Gwyn that had for some reason spawned underground I thought this landshark was completely harmless that is until he grabbed me once I returned from my visit to the void I took a quick detour to the sunlight butter Glen one of my friends asked me how it was possible that this boss could even spawn considering the moonlight butterfly seems to spawn in the air somewhere outside of the arena the answer is that at least in the cases I've seen the randomizer puts replacements at the end of the bridge I assume this is to prevent what happens if the boss is outside of the arena which can also occur if the boss is able to jump off once they leave the bridge they disappear from existence but don't actually die trapping you in the arena with a nun empty boss health bar this was a fear I had during this battle as Gwyn does have a dodge where he could theoretically jump over the side of the bridge but I defeated him before he got the chance this time around I ended up resting at this bonfire and despite my earlier concerns was not in any danger of being spawn killed the only obstacle standing between me and the Hornet ring were these Gwynn's in this ruined building who I just had to kill fairly I pushed open the doors got the Hornet ring and what do you know I actually got the bonus and what in the sweet [ __ ] Gorge and said oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] look at its legs its legs the way of what did it the [ __ ] away from you oh you you you you you as terrifying holy [ __ ] what in the world is that it's so [ __ ] awful [Music] mouth [Music] I immediately died from having witnessed that but I made my way back and euthanized that abomination for good with my new Hornet ring I now dealt a whopping 1655 damage meaning I could defeat Glen in just three repos doesn't that just bring tears to your eyes in asylum I thought I had to at worst complete sixty-two Perry's in at best forty-seven Perry's just to kill a single Gwyn nevertheless a multitude of wins was still a threat to me so I choose them when I could and only fought them one-on-one when it was absolutely necessary or when I got lazy now there was one last aspect of my character I could improve and that was my healing ability thus I went to the catacombs in the tomb of the Giants in order to one get the right of kindling and boost my max Estes to 20 per Kindle bonfire and to move patches and Raya to fire link to buy their healing miracles getting to the first bonfire and the catacombs was remarkably easy this time the rest of the area was almost completely harmless as low hanging ceilings were omnipresent really like there's no threats here everything can get stuck behind something without even luring it I skipped a lot of the area by jumping down to the shortcuts and used the fall control I bought from the sorcerer to drop to the bottom area I ignore the gwyn's down there and just went straight to the fog gate and encountered Gwyn Weil I beat his ass as easily as I would have beaten the normal pinwheel and got the right of kindling I had a good amount of humanity that I had collected throughout the run so I kindled nearly every bonfire I could 220 after this point next was to get two patches and Raya in the tomb of the Giants I thought this area was going to be hard since I couldn't see [ __ ] but oh yeah how could I forget a good portion of the Gwynn's here actually took care of themselves either by falling to their deaths or attacking each other on the lower levels patches warmly greeted me by eating a gun at my face as punishment I made him shove his foot up my ass and throw me into a pit of Gwynn's I picked up the skull Lantern killed the idling Gwynn's one by one bullied some bulk up boys and talked to Raya to receive her punishment a gradual healing miracle I made my way back to patches and forgave his treachery knowing that I need him later moving on I skipped the next bonfire initially out of fear of getting spawn killed and went right towards the boss in this smooth looking cave area I just baited all the Gwynn's to jump off a little ways ahead I had a massive lag spike caused by all these baby skeleton [ __ ] they were behind the wall so I was completely safe all I had to do was to wait for them to kill each other until there was only one left wait for them to kill each other until there was only one left kill each other until there was only one left until there was only one left one left one left one left one left one left Oh No I ran back to the bonfire and tried to think of how to get past the infinitely responding Gwyn babies first at least kindling the bonfire wood Oh No for the first time in this run I had actually got myself into a spawn killing loop you'd think that with all these cliffs around that wouldn't happened but it did fortunately I still had a couple seconds before they dilly sliced my ass after seven attempts of trying to use a humanity restore my human form and Kindle the bonfire I finally got my s discount up to 20 then I had to make a mad dash to the Gwyn babies through all of these Glen's thankfully once I dropped down the hole where the ladder was they didn't seem to follow me at all at the Gwyn babies it became obvious that trying to run through them was just gonna be a matter of sheer luck I waited a while for the Gwynn's to kill any of the pinwheel replacements that also spawned in the area as they wouldn't respond and less Guin's means less of a chance of me dying once there was an opening I sprinted through keeping to the left and jumping over this small gap it only took me around three tries to successfully do it but only after many attempts of trying to get past the spawn killers I woke up the dead polygon ganito from his coffin and beat him easily I was deeply disappointed that the skeletons in the boss arena weren't replaced by twins I'm not really sure why when all the other skeletons were but the spawn killing and Gwyn babies presented a formidable enough challenge to where I wasn't upset I returned to Firelink and was alerted by bulk up boy that a fair maiden was in need of rescuing I once again braved undead parish this time using the elevator to effortlessly cheese all of the Gwynn's I talked to Raya and was blessed with three new healing miracles I was overjoyed but I couldn't help but feel I was forgetting something oh yeah the dark seance ring I trekked back to the catacombs and got the ring without any issues from this point on I had made myself as powerful as I could be so my only goal now was to defeat the rest of the bosses I decided to complete the Duke's archives first I had already been there once before when I was getting the broken pendant but now I'd actually have to get past all those Glen's on the elevator the duke's archives was incredibly difficult due to the high ceilings present in almost all of the areas I'll skip all the crying and wasted time I spent trying to figure out a strategy and just go right to the success this is probably the most technical Straten the entire post asylum rod before even getting on the elevator I had to go outside and take care of the three Gwynn's that spawn in the nearest building of a anor londo there's an agro wall here that I needed to free up which could also be used to take these Guin's out after that it was back to the elevator as you can see here Howells shield works all right when trying to block the attacks on the Descent but I still got staggered giving them the opportunity to inflict massive damage on me to remedy this I use the shield stone skin buff to increase my poise and made sure to activate it before I reach the apex of the elevators ascent the entire way down I would be managing my stamina bar and blocking the Gwynn's attacks as best I could though the Stoneskin buff helped me from losing huge amounts of my health I still took some damage on most the rights down thankfully grab attacks don't work on elevators so they just do a negligible amount of damage if they hit once I had reached the bottom I would then run all the way outside praying that I wouldn't get hit from behind just like the anor londo cleanse the Duke archives guns were also subject to this agrawal just on the other side this time I then used the good old shoot arrows to they'd I strat after killing them I would have to repair my great shield with multiple repair powders as the Stoneskin buff drained almost all of its durability after each use then I just had to repeat that whole strategy in agonizing amount of times and it was fairly risky to if I had bad luck and too many goons jumped on board there would simply be too many attacks flying in at once to guard against and my ass would get ganked after over an hour of attempts I finally cleared out most of the goons in the immediate area and ascended the stairs to get my ass bedazzled by seif remember when I was complaining about the spawn killing in the tomb of the Giants it was nothing compared to the a slapping fever dream I experienced in this prison cell I was lucky that I used miracles instead of Estus flasks on my way here or I would have been absolutely [ __ ] as there's no way I could have kindled this bonfire under these conditions because I couldn't Kindle this meant I would have to do this in one attempt or it was going to be exponentially harder going forward after a few minutes of dying over and over again I eventually was able to clear out the guenzel myself through a combination of Guardian and encouraging friendly fire I killed the guard on the outside and retrieved the key to witness a new nightmare unfold dude [ __ ] that [ __ ] I don't know what kind of wack ass menses ritual is going on out there but I am not [ __ ] with it in all seriousness this part was relatively easy I just waited a painfully long time for them to walk their asses all the way up the stairs and then watch them sacrifice each other - the great ones they worshiped once they are all cleared I got the key ended the cacophonous pling pling plong and made my way back up to the door the next section was one of the most stressful parts of the entire run there are a [ __ ] ton of Gwynn's in the archive and the loading here was the worst imaginable to top it off there were no low-hanging ceilings to explain it i had to lure the Gwynn's at a dangerously close distance all the way to the ladder and then have them kill each other there if I wanted to bait them to the area below I had to get off the ladder and lure them from there which wasn't a good idea as it just made the area and the ladder way more dangerous I spent a long time dragging out a huge number of wins and finally got to the bonfire but can you believe it I actually got greedy at this point truth be told I didn't know if that bonfire was just going to be another spawn kill point but I actually thought it was worth the risk to try and get farther through the archive without resting here like I said in the last video happiness doesn't exist in this run I got cornered pretty quickly and narrowly escaped death when a glint threw me a few stories down next to the bonfire I cut my losses and rested there which was in fact pretty close to some glynn spawns it wasn't as bad as some of the previous areas but nonetheless there was no easy way to cheese these gwyn's I tried multiple times to get through them and find somewhere where I could gain the upper hand but things were just not looking good then by pure accident a Gwyn choked me out and has floated me into the outside this was it after a few more tries at different angles I was able to manipulate the grab to throw me to a point where I could survive the fall and run away to this ladder before the Gwynn's waiting below caught up with me after clearing out most the Guin's in this area I entered the crystal cave as you might have guessed I just baited them all to jump off I did end up luring the crab replacements to this low-hanging ceiling and shooting them from an invisible platform but other than the usual anxiety Crystal Cave elicits it really wasn't that bad the seethe cutscene unfortunately was not replaced with Gwyn but he did have C's regenerating abilities in the fight I destroyed the crystal bequeath and made my way out of Duke's archives I suddenly remember to get the healing miracles from patches that I had forgotten about earlier and headed towards the four kings I watched these [ __ ] Dan through my arrows for a while before just running through them all and jumping into the abyss it was a pretty average boss battle a second Gwyn did show up towards the end but by then it was already too late for them something that was super interesting was that the light being emitted from Gwyn actually lit up the floor of the abyss I bet you didn't know there was a floor of the abyss and it turns out it's just made of regular old brick after making polygons explode I headed toward the painted world getting into it was pretty tough as there were a lot of Gwynn's guarding the painting but I eventually blasted through and got transported to absolute hell the first bonfire was an even worse spawn kill zone than the prison because there were a lot of Gwynn's and no easy way to cheese them even worse I would eventually get pushed back to the edge of the bridge and fall off if I just tried to guard and let them kill each other the only option I saw was to run up somewhere ahead and hopefully find a low hanging ceiling the problem was I had to survive until all these Gwynn's had come down the stairs because they kept blocking the way after many attempts I finally got past them and up to this tower from here I was able to see a pretty large portion of the map which I use to my advantage it sniped most of the Guin's I could see one interesting thing to note is that the Gwynn's that replace the crow demons hanging on the walls could not be aggro to a doll with arrows only by proximity they could still be staggered however and would remain on an invisible plane until I activated them after coming down I stopped this Gwyn from flexing on me got a view of the headache that would soon come and continued to take out Gwen's using the low-hanging ceilings I found here and there it took a considerably long time and baiting them wasn't very safe I eventually made my way to these Circle Jerks and while luring the last of them away from the shortcut I got pushed off the stairs and died a 45 minute attempt over right before the end drowning in sadness and flaming great swords I didn't realize the answer was right in front of me the whole time of course all I had to do was get thrown into the next area just like the duke's archives i got blasted into the courtyard opened the shortcut and was able to run and take cover in this room i was easily able to open up the other gate as all the skeleton wheel twins were stuck below a ladder i then was able to run to priscilla without much difficulty returning to the real world I immediately got ganked but I respond in an Orlando so it worked out pretty well I beat Gwendolen with zero problems and with his dying breath he spouted some nonsense about setting an eternal curse on me or something but I don't think he was aware of the damnation I was already suffering through i warped to the demon's ruins beat the [ __ ] out of ceaseless Glynn and ran towards the next boss this area was mildly intimidating but I was able to bait them all back to this spot in the beginning where I separated them and took them out one by one I killed the demon Gwyn Said's pretty easily and spent a little bit of time choosing these goons on the stairs I entered the guna P demon boss room and unfortunately this was the only Gwyn I technically didn't kill because he just let himself burn up in the lava the beginning of lost is Olaf posed no problems because all the Gwynn's just let themselves die similarly moving into the ruins there was an agro wall here that I used to clear all the grins out I got to the bed of Gwynn's and defeated him with no issues just like the previous bosses now there was only one boss left the true gwyn lord of cinder i opened the way to the kiln of the first flame and witnessed Gwyn ghost walking in the light before I had a chance to send them there myself I defeated all the glynne's on the way there without choosing them and definitely did not die to the final boss and definitely defeated the final boss and became the new Dark Lord yeah pretty anti-climatic what did you expect I mean I basically been doing the final boss battle 3,000 times harder for most of the run but there was one last thing I had to do I entered New Game+ and took out all of my sorrow and my rage on the Gwynn's that had caused me so much agony I didn't feel much better but I didn't expect to after this run after all I really only did it for the cloud and with that I had successfully beaten dark souls prepare to die edition with all the enemies and all the bosses turned into Gwynn's [ __ ] dude this run was a nightmare I don't recommend it to anyone especially the asylum section I had maybe a combined total of 15 minutes of enjoyment over the 59 hours it took me to complete this the amount of sitting around shooting arrows baiting Glen's only to have all my progress demolished because I was unlucky was extremely demoralizing I'm hoping the next runs I do will be more enjoyable which is why if you have for what I could do in any of these games or really any game you can think of I'd love to consider it and hopefully have a pleasant experience if you enjoyed this video please consider leaving a like and subscribing to see more challenge runs in the future sharing this video will help this channel grow and make this run feel like it was actually worth something if you have any criticisms or compliments I encourage you to leave them in the comments section below my name is Andy and thank you for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Challenger Andy
Views: 1,097,650
Rating: 4.9623895 out of 5
Keywords: gwyns, dark, soul, post, after, asylum, oops, final, last, boss
Id: JjcpqFRnGuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 55sec (2935 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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