I turn Washing Machine Motor into 220v electric Generator
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Channel: King Homemade
Views: 11,991,657
Rating: 4.623951 out of 5
Keywords: I turn Washing Machine Motor into 220v electric Generator, generator, washing machine, 220v electric generator, i make 220v electric generator, generator diy, diy generator, generator motor, motor diy, motor generator, washing machine motor generator, washing machine motor, generator electric, electric generator, electric generator from a washing machine
Id: gcx1Yi67Jh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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it will not work because a washing mashine motor is not capable to output as many watts in the video (do not belive on junk generators)
He wet himself to getting an electric shock :D
Very strange indeed. From start to end.
Terrible way to make a generator, just shoving some little magnets haphazardly onto a rotor. Just...no...FAF. It might barely work, but it'll be absolute trash.