Professional Artist Tries 90s Rainbow Art Sponge Toy
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Echo Gillette
Views: 870,387
Rating: 4.8562007 out of 5
Keywords: echo gillette, echoisweird, magic rainbow sponge, 90's kids art supplies, 90's kids, testing, 90s art supplies, as seen on tv, testing old art supplies, 90s kids art supplies, trying 90s art supplies, as seen on tv art supplies, tv art supplies, art, art supplies, rainbow sponge, rainbow art, rainbow art sponge, rainbow sponge lady, rainbow art tv spot, crafts, trying crafts, trying, review, toys, art toys, 90's childhood, 90s, nineties, artist, art infomercial, painting for kids
Id: 6zwcuWLd9lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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