can i do plumbella's cursed build challenge

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thank you coffee member Kristen for your support I don't know if that's on the recording I don't like it I don't like it hi it's me grimia welcome back to the channel um we're gonna do a build challenge so if you I know I'm looking away while I'm talking to you if you don't know um there's another Sim tuber out there called Plum Bella well she made a build generator Build Challenge generator so this is why this is this is why I just kind of jump right into things but we have to you know generate the build so I'm going to link this down below and we're going to push this button not this button we're gonna push this randomize button a number of times and that's what we're gonna have to try and build uh she has a video about this so I'm going to link her video actually I can can I put a card up I'll cart put a card up for her video and Link this generator down below but uh this has like one bad thing quote unquote like this disadvantage would be that you can't delete any object you place it has a budget an exact budget color themes and the building style which we might have to Google because I don't know what maximalist is just like bougie uh and then obviously she gives floors rooms and a number of Sims I am going to roll a D6 and that will tell me how many I look like a ghost oh my goodness uh that's gonna tell me how many times I'm gonna click the button four and believe me or you don't have to believe me but I rolled four so we're gonna click this button four times one two three four the building style of our house is townhouse I know what that is so we're good our color theme is black green and orange it will have one floor and seven rooms the budget for the build is 19 149 Simoleons and it will house exactly one sim our disadvantage is we have to build in the tallest Wall height I have the Build Challenge saved I will put it up on the screen somewhere for you to see I have it on my other monitor and I'm I'm gonna shrink myself and go down there and I'll see when we're building yeah they got like some townhouses over here all right we're going to move to San Sequoia I don't need any of this stuff so whatever all right we whoop goodbye how is this gonna be a townhouse with only one floor uh we need to set our money to 19 oops 19149 [Music] set it one floor seven rooms black green and orange and we have a townhouse vibe it's not really gonna be a townhouse see these ones are all multiple stories so I don't really exactly know how we're going to achieve something like this when we only have one floor but I'm gonna try and I'm going to count like what the game is going to think of Rome is so like this is gonna count as a room because the game thinks it like once it's enclosed you know it's gonna be a room tallest Wall height please actually the tallest Wall height is probably gonna help us out I can fake it like it looks like a townhouse with the tallest walls and I'm doing what the door classify or what the game classifies as black so technically because this is black and white it's still in this black classification so it counts as black uh and not just because I really want to use this townhouse door okay so windows we don't really have where do your windows look like your windows just look like regular Windows cool because the roof is going this way I can't make it look that much taller on these sides with Windows University might have some or these ones are going to be good as well I'm just going to take those these I think as well yeah yes this is actually might work all right I'm only gonna use these two windows and then here okay okay so we have the front figured out I Think Like a Stone like a nice brick townhouse these ones are colorful colorful so maybe we could do all right all right because then we'll have uh all of these let me Google a townhouse let's pick an exterior I'm thinking maybe like part of its what what do you think do you like part Stone you don't like that do you want to sit on the keyboard because I think that's what you want to do and I'm gonna be completely honest with you Blondie that's not what I want to do okay so hear me out it looks ugly maybe what if we just scrap this whole thing because I am starting to hate it and we just we start with this and also my cat is here thank you thank you I'm glad you're here I'm glad you're here this is the front of the lot okay that's a sin that's a sin that's a crime against humanity my I have gained money somehow one nine one four nine set it I gained thirty dollars I'm not sure how do I do the elaborate entryway all right so that's a little excessive I'm gonna shrink it a little and then I think the entrance is going to be on this one so there's some townhouses that kind of have like a fake entry and then there's like a roof above them can you build a how do I build a ceiling yep build a ceiling fantastic does that look silly I feel like it looks silly but I don't know if I care I can't do this with one arm honey I'm sorry I'm sorry I cannot build with one arm I need both of my hands to build Blondie this is this is better this is better I I like this better I'm glad I didn't get uh time on one because some of them have time limits colors are black it's climbing up the back of the hey knock that off please so we have a lot of colors I am thinking this is this part going to be like that is gonna be brick I might do something else like a honestly can we do this if I need to make this smaller I totally will yeah okay I I like that if you uh shift and then drag out your eaves you're only dragging out one side so by not shifting I'm controlling both of the eaves back to normal but if I shift and drag up I'm only controlling the one side that's a fun Roofing tip for you windows from it was a base game window and this window the windows lost a time we can never find it again uh that's okay I think I want to do the interior and figure out where rooms are before we put Windows no all right I'm going to count this entryway as a room because it is technically a room so that is a room one sim is living here so we don't need any more room bedrooms than just the one this is quite the ugly box though you walk into like like a living area I might do a proper Diner dining room as well we have seven room we have six rooms left six rooms left yeah because this is a so six rooms left um so we are definitely going to have plenty of room for rooms and then there's like dining over here okay okay hear me out I have my rooms so one two three four five six seven so you walk in and it's like an entryway living space situation we have a hallway which I'm gonna extend because I like to put the doors in the middle so we have a hallway and then two bedrooms but one of them is going to be an office a bathroom and then a kitchen dining space that is what we have landed on I think I might just use Easy easy peasy best game doors the black or the green you think well if we do black then it doesn't matter what uh colors the wall walls are because Black's gonna go with everything like another Archway like here so you can like easily menuville I kind of like that I like the maneuvering idea okay yes this is gonna work this works this works I'm Gonna Keep the colors on I would like a we do have a budget we do have a budget let's keep that in mind so maybe just Pebbles I might carpet the bathrooms might not I don't see how this is the green shade how is that this is obviously green and we're gonna use it no one can stop me the carpet is basically the same price the carpets the same price as the wood so I guess it really doesn't matter paint paintedy paintedy paint paint paint this is gonna be that's not paint That's wallpaper okay we do need to do windows I am aware of that uh like a peachy kitchen this is also going to be this color sure this color and then we'll have a green bedroom windows I know Blondie you're a cat scooch no scooch and scooch that's fine yeah okay because if you follow what I'm doing I'm gonna try and make it look like it's more than one floor and then this is just gonna have the one window over the door this cat has a lot to say [Music] thank you I'm glad you're down here I might just leave the Windows like this what do you think you like the Windows like that you don't want any windows on the side no you don't want any windows on the side what about a side door from the kitchen going into a side yard Blondie I need to know about a side door going into a side yard Blondie you want the side yard all right Milani wants to have a side door going from the kitchen uh we're just gonna do black is that okay with you yeah okay you're helping did you know that I want a door kind of like this but oh actually that might work okay we have 10 grand left to furnish this room or this house we already have lights I don't need to worry about lights uh first we're gonna do I think the kitchen these are kind of orange and green do you like these cabinets I don't know what to do she's no longer speaking to me I think just a cheap stove I don't want to spend too much I would like a slightly more expensive fridge and then a table it's only the one sim so we don't really need that big of a table and then we'll put some chairs around it I kind of vibe with this yeah Blondie it looks so good we might be deleting some of those chairs because we might need to make some of these rooms smaller all right uh let's do a bedroom it's just gonna have a double bed and a closet uh dresser probably if you bite me I'm going to be very upset at you uh maybe a futon you need to get futon it's kind of sad but like now we can afford some more stuff you know this is much better of a table it's a hundred thirty dollars and perhaps a plant and this is a dresser for kids but I think I'm gonna just straight there what if we put this over here and that and then maybe a mirror in the corner [Music] I don't actually like these Pebbles anymore I know this is the same video for you but to me it's like Days Later honestly we maybe counted our chickens before they hatched with spending money there so I'm going to I don't have move objects on which I might want to turn on I'm Gonna Save a little bit of money where I can I think also the back door is gonna have to go because we gonna shrink oops I shrunk that too much no that's fine that's a little bit better and then now it's a little bit more interesting I have to fix the roof hi welcome back this is the same video I don't even need to say hi to you you've been here this whole time oh no what that's gonna be because they're different sizes this room is only three tiles wide but it's a four tile wide bathroom um I've had some time to think about this and I don't think I want that anymore I'm thinking two hundred dollars it's cheaper to use a spandrel mm-hmm fairly confident now that if I raise this bad boy up I would I don't think we're gonna use these stairs so I can now I could also just leave it open I don't have to have a spandrel I save fifty dollars just doing that we are gonna need a roof or a floor trim thirty dollars I saved 80 280 well no I guess it was yeah I just I'm just saving two hundred dollars and I think we're gonna need that 200 dollars but we are gonna have to figure out how to put it oh wow there goes our eighty dollars I think a freeze looks much better there I shrank we shrank a little bit which may or may not help us I do need to get a bin we're not going to do that well you could just have all black in here we'll come back to decor ah it could be a much smaller it can't be much smaller of a room because then I'm gonna want to push this back and I don't want to push this back because this is a weird shape but a fine size room um some other things I want I want to have a computer that's it that's really the only the other thing I want so I could put it in the living room or I could put it in the office I think it's going to go in the office this will have some other skill building stuff in there um these are cheap I'm probably going to use those I might use it in I might use it in Orange I also had a funny thought what if I just replaced it with Halloween wallpaper I'm Gonna Keep It In the orange um because it's so much cheaper 36 dollars we have saved oh that's so pretty too but it's so small and my goal now is to take up as much space as I possibly can I could make it a second bedroom I'm gonna do it no one can stop me with a computer honestly just like the cheapest computer is gonna be fine this always been in the game have we always had these pillows like a little meditation pillow we need something for these walls because we don't have any windows we could put Windows big statement piece and then maybe on this side of the house I'm gonna do windows that's so much money but it's already it's already better than what it was you know you feel me what is that basic Expressions does that have a pure expressions technically the game didn't say but it looks it's close enough for me that's what matters Pub memorabilia free you say Okay free decorations oh little dog yeah because I would like some stuff that just takes up the wall space yeah what if we did an interior plant law pride flag in the bedroom oh that's the much that's the oh but that has the um the there's so many Pride Flags I think this is the most inclusive one I could get a more expensive TV that it will take up space uh wall mount I can make it bigger now we're thinking because the issue with these is that they're not that big that takes up the whole room though just like a little table and maybe a plant that's free I'm gonna use it I can't rotate it at all we might put it back but I don't know what a chest table what am I just do a chess table instead because that's going to take up more room oh we could do them in green that might be a bit of fun uh uh no what's it like a this oh yeah oh yeah yes yes in an orange pot orangey pot it is it is a little bare I think we could make it better with some rugs yeah the rugs are kind of gonna fill it out a little bit picking the rugs is gonna be the hardest actually this one might be it that is too big that takes up the whole room maybe for the bedroom that's a little better um I think in the green this it just needs something it seems just a little silly to have a just a room you play chess in honestly at this point that's all it is it is I could I could convert it into a guest room I guess like I could just put a bed in there and it's also a guest room so if you have the stay over guests you know I think that helps a little actually it just it still seems weird to me or if I put a sofa in here this is turned into a green room it's just like a second living room I don't want to put a sofa in here I want an easel I'm giving myself an easel I deserve that much can I afford an easel we can afford an easel and look this has green in the Swatch all right I wanted an easel I got myself an easel I have 120 left we could get uh oh armchairs 100 this chair is 120 dollars this rocker that's a little dangerous I'm gonna do it okay we've spent all of our money this is what we have ended up with um I am going to do some Landscaping with debug and some terrain painting and I will show you what we come up with okay I accidentally entered live mode which I guess is my sign to be done this is what we got for some Landscaping um I found all of this on debug if you don't know how to access debug it's BB dot show hidden objects and bb.test uh show live edit objects and then you just kind of you just kind of gotta scroll because it's not organized uh there are mods to get it organized but a lot of it is just scrolling and looking and seeing what you like and what you don't like honestly so all of this I found in debug I did search for growing together debug specifically because I wanted to get like some of the stuff that matched which is how I found these little guys uh and these green squares like when I pick this up that means your Sims aren't going to like walk through it if they have the arrows I think oops like they'll they'll treat it like it's a noise or like it's a a collidable object like this it doesn't they won't treat this as a collidable object they'll walk right through that but yeah we got bushes I bushed all around most of the house just to give the back a little something something some plants a lot more on this side Less on this side I'm actually gonna all right that is our Plum Plum Bella Build Challenge build that's it I'm going to link her generator and her video and thank you so much for joining me uh please remember to like comment and subscribe if you feel so inclined I'm going to put this on the gallery in case anybody wants it I also entered live mode again so I'm gonna go before I do anything We're Gonna Save and I'm gonna go we're save it and going I didn't actually go anywhere I'm uploading this and I gained 50 somewhere you can see like right here I spent exactly zero dollars so I don't know where the 50 came from I didn't change anything while I was Landscaping
Channel: Grimmia
Views: 518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, sims, grimmia, build challenge, cursed build, cursed challenge
Id: Qv9VcF9-_2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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