I Tested $1 vs $10,000 Lego Boats!

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this is a $110,000 Lego boat a $500 boat a $50 boat all the way down to this $1 boat and today I'm going to see if they float or sink starting with the cheapest boat which only cost a dollar this is pirate PE he's testing all the boats to see which is the best one he likes treasure and hates sharks but back to the boat it's starting to fill up with water and it's sinking you get what you pay for I guess next is this $10 boat it's way bigger than that last one it has enough space for a wheel a cannon and a treasure chest everything a pirate needs it's perfect for a pirate like Pete this one's a bit patchy but it should still float it does now that Pete's got a working boat he can be a proper pirate and collects treasure he takes more and more plunger and fills up the whole boat with treasure but the boat's getting heavier and heavier oh no he sank let's move on to the next boat for $22 I bought this firefighter boat time to build this thing do you think this little green boat will float it's time for Pete to test drive them and the green one floats what about the big fire [Music] bows it works perfectly but let's see how it does in rough water these are big waves it might sink it's so close to going under it'll only take one more wave and it's done for there goes that one for the $50 boat we've got this fishing vessel it comes with this net for catching fish and Pete gets his own fishing pole let's see if he can catch anything into the water it goes now to start fishing he caught [Music] [Applause] something nice catch a he throws the line back in to catch another wo he's got a bite it's a shark and it's pulling the boat Pete lost his fishing rod but it's too late the ship is sinking well at least Pete can swim now I'm going to buy this $79 submarine the prices are getting higher but it's nothing like the $110,000 boat at the end time to open this [Music] up here's the first build of the set an underwater Mech now for the submarine this thing is huge will it float inside it's got all these compartments they've got a computer for studying the ocean and I don't know what this is but I bet it's a smart thing and here is another mini vehicle this thing is used to collect samples underwater it also came with this underwater ship wreck with these swimming sharks some deep sea fish and these guys actually glow in the dark and there's even a secret surprise in here a jump scare shark it's got this really pretty blue jellyfish and a pink one on this side but most importantly there's treasure the s came with this full crew of people but we won't need them pirate Pete has got this now let's test this thing out ready go it floats but this is a submarine so really we should be testing if it can go under the water I've weighed it down for the test there it goes it has to be completely submerged to pass the test and it's under I've also put that shipwreck underwater look how pretty it looks under the water the jellyfish look crazy there's the treasure let's see if Peach can get it with his [Music] [Music] submarine [Music] oh no the shark's after him swim for it peace for the $100 boat I'm building this giant Cruise liner at the front I'll add these Sun loungers so people can relax in the Sun ah here's where the captain drives the bows hopefully he'll keep them safe of course it needs a bathroom there's the toilet and the sink and a ballroom because this is a fancy boat wow there this room has these giant windows and it's the perfect place for dancing I'll put a skylight over the ballroom to let the sun into the room and a roof with smoke stacks up here and I'm also going to attach some Keels to the bottom these Keels are specialized pieces that stop the boat from tipping and this is a working propeller with this the boat will be able to move forwards let's see if it works this ship is huge it feels too heavy to float but it does now let's try it with the propeller on look at it go it's speeding through the water oh no the captain's on his phone he's not paying attention look [Applause] [Music] out well that was fun while it lasted for the $500 boat we're going to use this pile of cash let's see if this pile of money floats it's working I did not expect this one to float now that is one expensive R let's see if I can SN it with this Lego cannon yeah this is why you don't use a pile of money as a boat the most expensive boat in the world is this super yacht made of real gold to build this this out of Lego I'll use the fireboat as a base I'll make a couple changes and then I'll paint it [Music] gold wow it's so shiny it looks like real [Music] gold time for pirate Pete to try it out it floats so beautifully this is every Pirate's dream a boat made of solid gold but it's still still isn't enough for peace he still wants more treasure how much treasure can this boat [Music] hold but the most expensive Lego boat ever is the Titanic it costs ,000 I can't afford that subscribe so I can afford to buy it and test if it floats
Channel: Broke
Views: 3,035,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vzZCMhHTalU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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