Cutting a Plane in Half Mid Flight - Meteor Strikes & Destruction - Teardown

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well hello there everybody dre here and welcome back to my little apartment in teardown baby so yeah it's been a while since we last played this awesome destructive environments hello neighbors so yeah this is tear down and tear down you're supposed to be able to play it and what the hell this is this is kind of weird but yeah you guys always ask for my pc specs this is what i just used to play tear down i'm actually playing tear down inside of what the hell i never opened that mod before that kind of tripped me out so that's literally it and now we can play tear down inside a tear down okay got it all right and starting off with we got the boeing 737 here this is said to be an extremely realistic mod are we actually flying right now okay yeah it's safe to say we're probably flying um yeah this is like wait why am i so small am i a child how am i gonna get my luggage out of here i don't have my parents here this feels weird just having a plane to myself but yeah this is remarkably detailed but yeah we got first class here the drink carts where is everybody can i open this up this is a dumb idea but oh oh oh this was a bad idea help help please uh whoops well it's a good thing that was in real life that actually freaked me out can i open this one why am i trying again let's just go to the back what is this oh this is the toilet room happy face included goddamn seat covers won't stay up just i'm just trying to take a piss ah it's everywhere so it also says if there's an emergency the oxygen mass should fall down so i mean we've learned that pressurization is a thing let's just oh god oh god get back get back well it's definitely flammable i hear that uh i'm scared to go back i just want to see okay there's a small hole i don't think it's big enough yet all right you know what i'm just gonna help it it seems the external wall is too strong for it oh oh my god holy jesus that's actually horrifying okay so depressurized oxygen master down i don't think i can use them but thankfully i'm not a real human i don't need to breathe this got bad quick excuse me we're having problems in the back oh god this is too much pressure the hell is this is this their oxygen mask what do i do how do i control this hello there's a plane can i shoot down the plane all right i'm just gonna oh my god there's actually wind physics this is actually amazing i love this though like the wind physics are actually there i'm gonna die due to rubble oh oh oh oh i didn't think about that we do have a cargo bay don't we all right it's fine it's fine there's just holes everywhere in the ground that's not safe is it okay we're just oh i didn't mean to do that oh god it's crumbling below me how's the back doing yeah the back's looking like it could be better i want to see if we can knock this out of the sky i mean i'm doing a pretty good job so far what's up in the roof oh god something just pushed me back oh oh yeah there's definitely some wind coming through that possibly but yeah there's like wiring in the roof too dude this is so cool i'm gonna just open this up i just want to see if i can maybe go out to the wing i doubt it because of the wind can i just knock the wing off uh well it's oddly peaceful here oh this is dumb this is dumb ah oh okay yup no no no no no no no no no screw you you're going down with me sure that's right oh i respawn great i guess i shouldn't have done that after all like the detail is insane though can we oh my god can i knock off the wing i'm just gonna use my massive laser blaster okay how are we still flying all right well that now i just have to find out what do we have to do to make this thing fall out of the sky okay bye oh i'm going down why why is that staying up oh ow okay are we falling ah i'm getting hit with everything stay over here this is dangerous i think i've destroyed this oh okay i guess it's a good thing i didn't lean against that i can't tell if we're going down or not let's just jump out screw you it was definitely lower so i think it was slowly going down i guess i should have just waited yeah that's definitely going down damn it that would have been cool to stay in but yeah i think oh that's right we can stay in it no i want to go in that can we land on it oh that would be amazing oh this might be good this might be good oh it's hitting the ground the moment i almost landed on it it was just out of range oh my god oh my god i wish i was there to see that i mean we kind of saw it but not really all right well that was severely fun now the great thing about this is it's customizable you can change the weather uh there's also currently only a sandbox mode but i'm assuming it's gonna be like a campaign mode as well we can go to map options here and we can actually occupy the cabin oh this is weird this is why are they all the same this is really surreal hey how's it going oh okay are you already dead i need to try something the depressurization's the best thing ever get out oh my god did that not hit i am so sorry i thought that would do more more damage we'll just do that okay pull back this should work oh my god i'm so sorry everybody it should stop in a second assuming i'm not sucked out of the side i got sucked out of the side oh my god there is just humans everywhere to be more specific human parts not full humans unfortunately oh my god they're all gone they're all gone we got a few humans i think they're humans here i'm sorry here be free just get rid of all the evidence i'm so sorry oh god i'm gonna kill myself that was so cool i want to try it again but i want to stay inside just to see the chaos from the inside so i just gotta get away really quickly go god damn it go god damn it ah this is stupid at this point just do it please what the hell oh god oh please please don't suck me out oh i'm trying i'm trying to stay oh i did it i did it i pulled back somehow i'm sorry everybody oh god you guys are making holes there's just a pile of people there okay i think i'm okay is everybody else okay are you guys good did you guys like plug the hole that one was not as bad as the other one but we do have a bit of rubble around how's everybody doing in the front all right it looks like everybody's totally fine here no big deal at all everyone's great wait do we have pilots now because this is uh fully filled with people hello pilots you shouldn't leave this unlocked actually is it locked i'm having a hard time opening it you're not gonna stay away from me hello pilots oh my god there is little pilots they're exactly the same are you guys alive i want to know what this plane is you know what let's use um one of my favorite weapons the hk and see if we can can we take it down oh my god what are you doing over there little plane it doesn't really seem very realistic how do i actually take it down it's like pinned in place well i think i just destroyed everything oh i wonder if i can hit the engines oh oh there was explosives there okay i almost killed myself i just want to see the wing all right there's the engine can i actually destroy it can we knock the whole thing off oh my god this is probably one of my favorite mods the detail here is absolutely insane obviously the flight physics could be improved we shouldn't be flying straight still but just the detail of this map is next freaking level let's go on this side all right let's see what happens when we take down that oh my god the sound changes are amazing i'm just gonna make sure we knock it all down there are so many sirens going off i wonder why goodbye i still haven't been able to knock the whole thing out of the air so i'm hoping now without engine power i can't really tell if it's going down or not you know what let's just knock off the wings to make sure goodbye wing and there goes that one i mean i guess we still have a tail left should we get rid of that too all right everybody everything's totally fine up front do not be alarmed this is totally normal oh the back's looking pretty good okay i think we're definitely oh my god that is horrifying i think we just started leaning forward i think we are going down but let's just make sure ah no okay i should i should respawn i didn't think there'd be explosives in the freaking ground oh there's a fire there well safety first ladies and gentlemen let's put that thing out i have this incinerator i think this will be a little less aggressive i just i just want to cut off the back oh dude this is cool okay i think that's everything well clearly not oh god i didn't think about fire oh i'm really lagging okay there's everything goodbye well that was fun all right let's just get rid of the front oh my god that's a little aggressive oh i'm gonna die i gotta die i'm gonna die okay oh yep we're just gonna pull back a bit goodbye ah oh my god oh my god i forgot wind wind is the thing oh i pull out getting sucked okay i have found my safe haven oh god what is that something just fell in here you know what here let me help it out oh god i kind of want to move in the back a bit but this is a dumb this is dumb this is this is dumb okay excuse me i just want to see what's what's going on back here yeah we oh stop stop please oh oh this is not a better place to be okay what the hell do i do if i go over here the wind's gonna knock me through this i'm gonna have to go further back i have to run through the fire oh okay all right i'm just gonna knock off the back just so we can experience hopefully this falling down i'm accepting defeat i couldn't get the main cab in the fall goodbye oh and there we go oh i'm falling oh this is insane this feels so weird i don't have much of a plane left but i'm going down with it just like a good captain damn it i think we're gliding down will i survive this if i survive this that would be amazing what is what is the light behind us did we land oh no way we're about to land oh my god this might actually work this might be a nice perfect little lamp ah okay it's not perfect please survive it oh my god the whole thing exploded okay relax a little over the top okay and my spawn is just me falling through the rest of the plane i think we've done enough damage that was honestly one of my favorite mods i just love that this spot is just me falling through constantly all right well plane destruction was fun let's destroy an age of empires town now shall we uh there's actually a beautiful map i thought it would be fun to check out some new weapons here now we did see the incinerator before i play with it for a little bit on the boeing map but um yeah essentially this is just a plasma gun let's go right up to maximum here i think it's just more the distance than anything else i can definitely shoot further now can we take this thing down there we go we knocked it down which is great because the next item is object possession this allows oh my god wait wait how do i do this what oh this is stupid i'm so sorry i can't control this i didn't expect this weapon to be so much fun but yeah basically you possess any item that uh you want we have to get something bigger than that you know what perfect let's get back to the uh cutter here okay this is actually insane that i can control this i saw that we can toggle invincibility which is an a great option ooh there's a zoom out i mean they thought of everything here let's just try i'm a rocket i just tried the jump that's what happened oh my god i chose the biggest tower didn't i of course i did there's one about the same size let's just go this is the greatest mod ever oh no i'm stuck get me out of here i can't control this though it's actually we're too fast i'm trying to hit these things hold on no no no pull back pull back oh i fell off the map didn't i we just have to be very careful with the movement because it tends to go way too fast i want to take out this whole thing though so we're going to try and get a running start or a rolling start i guess and oh dude come on just take it down yes that felt so good all right this one i'm really excited about the screenshots looked amazing we have meteor strike now we should see if we look up i just clicked oh oh god that the sound of this mod alone sounds fantastic i just spawned three they're coming in oh dude i love this that is one of the coolest explosions i actually was hoping it'd be a bit stronger i mean it's a meteor after all it'd be nice if you could change the scale of it hopefully they'll mod that in sooner or later right now i don't think you can it's just what you have is what you get i gotta take this thing down this is easily one of the coolest looking explosions though i wish you could change the trajectory as well i mean it's definitely not doing as much damage as object possession but this is easily one of the funnest mods just the sound alone is fantastic you know what let's bombard this place lag incoming i am spamming look at the sky oh my god this is too much power this that was easily one of the most beautiful scenes i've seen in this game so far and i've seen a lot of beautiful destruction scenes well it's hard to move on from that but we have a lightsaber can it take out stone oh it can this is a beautiful map i'm not really focusing on the map too much but it is very detailed we also have the laser blaster this thing this is over the top this is this is insane yeah we're just going to destroy the whole thing i love that there is no modding with this it's one size fits all and it's just the biggest freaking laser i've ever seen when you hear of a laser gun you think of a small shot not with this one this is insane and that's all for new we have some of my favorite old ones like the hk416 and of course the disruptor as well which by the way i don't think i showed this before but when you zoom in it's got a really awesome slow-mo feature so yeah this is one of the mods that i'm gonna keep for a long time just because i mean very pleasing destruction i don't know if it's as good as the meteor strike but it's close all right guys but on that i think it's time to wrap up another episode of teardown here i hope you guys enjoyed the chaos once again uh yeah we didn't do a whole work of new mods today but honestly every mod that i showcase is absolutely fantastic some of the best mods that i've seen in tear down honestly so yeah as always if you do want to download the chaos uh all the mods should be in the video description thank you guys so much for all your support thanks for watching and liking and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Drae
Views: 4,288,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teardown mods, teardown gameplay, tear down, teardown game, teardown sandbox, plane crash, physics game, teardown mod, teardown mods gameplay, teardown mods plane crash, teardown mods drae, teardown drae, drae, draegast, tear down game, teardown destruction, teardown funny, teardown highlights, funny, funny moments, teardown modding
Id: pOrxWvm32hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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