I tried selling on Fiverr for 30 days.

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when i woke up this morning i wondered is fiverr still a good way to make money or is that ship sailed well i decided i'm gonna spend the next 30 days finding out [Music] [Applause] [Music] so fiverr has been around for 10 years or so and when it started the platform was very simple it allowed anyone to offer their online service whether it's marketing traffic photo manipulation whatever for five bucks yeah don't say box that's not ladylike i actually signed up for fiverr back in 2013 as a seller i did a few photo editing gigs and after all was said and done i made like maybe 20 bucks fiverr took 20 percent of everything so those four dollars per gig was not a very exciting way to make money so i kind of forgot about it since then the platform has really just expanded there's more sellers than ever and now you can set your own prices uh you don't have to just start at five dollars you go all the way up to like 995 dollars so what i want to know is fiverr is still a good way to make money in 2020 or is the market way too oversaturated with too much competition for you to even waste your time trying it out so that's what i'm gonna figure out okay so i need to find what service i'm gonna offer on fiverr i have two main criteria first it has to be something that i'm already pretty good at or know how to do and second it has to be something that doesn't take up too much time because i don't have a ton of free time and i don't want to spend all of it to make a little bit of money and so my first thought is to do something with photo editing i've been editing photos for like 10 years and i feel like i'm pretty good at it so i should be able to make some money on fiverr editing photos right so let's take a look and see how many people are already doing it and what the competition is like okay so i'm just gonna go to photoshop editing okay under photoshop editing it looks like we have over 1400 services available that's not actually too crazy it's a lot of people to compete with but it definitely seems like a popular niche a lot of these top profiles have a lot of reviews which means a lot of orders let's think of a few more gig ideas outside of photo editing hair braiding and how to make biscuits french kissing my second thought is i've been a video editor for a long time and so with something like that i could charge a little bit more and do fewer gigs maybe just one or two gigs a month and bring in several hundred dollars because it is a more time intensive thing it involves a little bit more skill so let's take a look and see how video editing is doing on fiverr [Music] twenty two 000 services [Music] that's a lot it might be a good idea to narrow that niche down it could be creating a youtube trailer video maybe a social media ad or something like that so maybe i'll find a sub niche within video editing where there's less competition and i might have a better chance of at least booking one or two gigs i'll come back to that later let's think about one other thing i could do well i went to school for audio engineering and i could definitely do some audio editing so for anyone that has like a podcast or something and they just need their audio edited i could do that so let's see under industries here on fiverr there's a podcasting section and even podcast editing so that's kind of a sub niche within audio editing is podcast editing and there's 1600 services available so that's not terrible i still think um from what i was expecting i know there's over like a million sellers on fibers so i think i'm going to try to do a shotgun approach more of the motor have gigs in all sorts of different categories and hopefully get a few bookings throughout the month to try to make a little extra money so my goal for the end of today is to get some of my own gigs live i want to have plenty of keywords in the descriptions because i think that's key let me give you a major key for when people are searching on fiverr to find your gig so i'm gonna spend plenty of time working on the descriptions for those hopefully by the end of the day everything will be live and then i can focus on some other aspects like promotion i know one of the main difficulties is getting your first review it's kind of a catch-22 because how do you get reviews if no one wants to buy your services because you don't have any reviews i know there's some facebook groups where people trade reviews which is probably against virus terms of service so i'm going to try to not do that maybe if a week goes by and i'm not getting any views i meant to resort to something like that so all right so it's been a few days now with the fiber challenge and it took me a few days because i had to make some videos for the old day job so i didn't create the gigs as early as i'd like to i decided to go with a podcast editing gig a video editing gig and a photo retouching gig and the photo retouching gig went live the soonest and it's been up for a few days right now the analytics are down for fiverr but when i last checked my photo retouching gig had zero views zero likes clicks whatever zero everything across the board so i can see how if you're first starting on fiverr it can be pretty discouraging to get started when nothing's really happening on your profile right now it's not looking so good for fiverr another thing i think i'll try is uploading a video introducing the gig um especially like the photo retouching one where a lot of people will not have videos up there and i think fiverr will favor my listing in the search results if there is a video uploaded so i'll record a quick video so that people know there's like a real person behind the gig so i think that'll lend to the credibility of my gig and maybe help the person create a connection with me hey thanks for checking out my fiverr gig my name is daniel and i've been a photographer since 2012 and i've been editing photos ever since for this gig i will enhance the details apply beautiful color grade and retouch any faces that you'd like if you have a washed out sky in your image i can replace it with a beautiful dramatic sunset or anything else that you might want for the mood of your photo if that sounds good to you pick a package below and i look forward to working with you [Music] alright so it's been quite a few days since i first launched my fiber gigs and so far it's been crickets no gigs yet i don't know if it's even being viewed by anyone so i did resort to joining some facebook groups where you can trade favoriting each other's gigs and things like that so i did that one afternoon and now my photo retouching gig which is the one i was trying to promote the most has eight favorites or it's been saved eight times and my other ones have each been saved two times i logged into fiverr this morning and i got a message saying they hand-picked me as a rising talent on the platform which gives you increased exposure and gives your gigs more credibility so that's actually really cool and they don't really tell you the criteria they use to pick certain sellers but i think having a video with me in it talking about the gig itself really lends to the credibility of it there's a real person behind it who's actually going to be working on it so i think the videos really helped so i'm hoping this will give me some views and hopefully people will start buying gigs so far this entire month fiverr's gig analytics have been down and so i can't see the impressions clicks views anything like that on all of my gigs it just says n a so i'm hoping that gets back online soon so i can kind of see if people are actually looking at my gigs all right so it's been exactly two weeks since fiverr made me a rising talent and i thought that would lead to some inquiries and hopefully some gigs booked but up until this point i've only ever received spam messages on fiverr and nothing actually real until today i woke up and i had three messages from different people inquiring about my services so one was for audio editing one was for editing a wedding video and then i had another video editing gig for youtube and i responded to all of them i really didn't want to do the wedding video one because i know it's a ton of work and it just takes forever and i didn't think it'd be worth it i gave him my rate so we'll see and i also respond to the other two and i haven't heard back yet but i'm assuming this means that i've risen higher in the search results and people are starting to find my page and reach out so that's pretty cool and i'm hoping that one of these at least leads to a gig because the month is running out and i so far haven't made any money on fiverr so that would not make for a very exciting video if i don't end up making any money at all so i really hope that one of these pans out okay so i woke up this morning and i checked my email and i had several more messages on fiverr from different people inquiring about some videos one guy wanted 40 videos mostly like text and photos things like that and i quoted him at 20 dollars per video for a total of 800 then i'm i'm talking to one other guy who wanted another kind of promo video pretty simple so i told him to go ahead and order my standard package which is sixty dollars all right so i just got an email that i booked my first gig so that's really exciting and it's from the one guy who wanted a promo video and i quoted him at 60 so i have a 60 gig booked and i'm going to get working on that i'm going to try to turn it around really quickly so hopefully he'll leave some good feedback and give me a five star review and i'll hopefully i'll just continue to go up in the search rankings oh and by the way i did check to see where i show up on the search results for video editing and lo and behold i'm on the first page okay i'm 29 days into may and i've finally made some money so my first gig was that promo video editing for sixty dollars and it went pretty well there were only two hiccups really uh first being english was not the buyer's primary language so there's a few communication issues and i needed some clarifications on a few points but we we got through it all right and second they didn't really give me very good quality clips to work with or a lot of them [Music] luckily i already had a subscription to a stock video site so i could download higher quality clips that other people have shot and put them in the video for free so i spent about an hour working on the first cut and then i sent it over to the buyer and he gave me a few pieces of feedback and i implemented those took me about another 30 minutes and then that's it the gig was done so first skate delivered i'm pretty pumped to stack those benjies but not so fast fiverr's gotta take it swapping twenty percent cut leaving me with just forty eight dollars now forty eight dollars is still pretty good for 90 minutes of work but i have to admit it still stings literally five minutes after i delivered my first gig i received an inquiry for another project and i was able to respond within one minute because i was already online which was crucial because i was able to book the gig just a few minutes later this was a straightforward one minute video and i charged 25 for it i spent maybe an hour on the first cut and delivered it and then they asked me to blur out some parts of the footage and they said they pay extra for it so i charged an additional 20 for it because i knew it would take me about an extra hour of work so in total i spent about two hours on this project and made forty five dollars well gotta subtract five or twenty percent but all in all i feel good both buyers were really happy with the project and i'm starting to make money so it's pretty exciting okay so i'm officially done with my 30 day fiverr experiment to finish out the month the client from the second gig ended up ordering two more video editing jobs for me both times they're really simple and i was able to charge a five dollar additional service fee for little tweaks that he wanted so he ended up being a great client so let's go over the final numbers it took 24 days until i received my first order i had 17 non-spam inquiries seven inquiries that i declined because they either wanted an ongoing video editor or just wasn't the right fit for me and four total orders i ended up with 132 dollars in total profit so all in all i was pretty pleased by the amount of inquiries i was getting by the end of the month it's clear that a lot of people are actually looking for long-term editors on fiverr so if i was gonna be in it for the long haul i can see fiverr being a good way to find consistent clients i think if you're on fiverr looking to hire people you probably don't have the biggest budget so i think a lot of people that messaged me were just shopping around to see what the best rate they could get was i know how much work goes into each gig so i didn't really lower my rate that much i think it's best to find a number that works for you and stick with it in total i spent about four and a half hours working on those gigs for roughly 29 an hour before taxes which is pretty solid so i think this is something that would continue to snowball if i were to stick with it because i was getting a lot of messages coming in at the end of the month so it could really lead to some decent side income all the gigs that i booked came in the last week of my 30-day experiment so if this weekly trend continued and i was booking the same amount of gigs every week that could be an additional 528 dollars per month working about four additional hours a week which is pretty significant so if this is something that you want to try for yourself here are some tips that i think will help you have success first create gigs targeting sub-niches within the genre you want to work for instance in video editing i chose a sub-niche of editing for youtube for audio editing i chose the sub-niche of podcast editing second create the maximum allowed gigs third create a thumbnail that stands out from the sea of all the other gigs i find if everyone is doing one thing all the same and you want to stand out you have to do the opposite of that make sure it looks good make sure it looks professional but try not to blend in four upload a video for each gig explaining a brief summary of the gig and a quick background about yourself five keep your prices low to start and then once you get reviews you can start to raise your prices six answer messages as soon as possible you wanna keep your response time low so fiverr knows that you're an active fiverr seller and people won't be waiting around to hear from you download the fiverr app on your phone and stay online as much as possible buyers can search based off who is currently online so if they want a quick response they might select that filter and if you're online you have a better chance of getting messaged get a kickstart by trading favorites with other fiverr sellers on facebook groups nine be patient as i mentioned it took me 24 days to get my first order so just hang in there so can you still make money on fiverr in 2020 [Music] bye
Channel: Daniel Inskeep
Views: 395,135
Rating: 4.9533105 out of 5
Keywords: make passive income, personal finance, trading stocks, shopify, passive income ideas, best passive income ideas, personal finance tips, making money online, selling on fiverr, fiverr gig marketing, passive income 2020, dropshipping, passive income, robinhood, stock options, daniel inskeep, fiverr gig, fiverr, fiverr tips, make money online, how to make passive income
Id: cCo68ef4JgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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