I tried 'Monster Hunter: World' again...

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I have been waiting for the chance to make this video for so long because I am a big fan of Monster Hunter world my buddy Cory got me into it back when I was still in college and ever since I've been a massive fan of the franchise but I haven't really had a reason to go back to Monster Hunter world and play it again until this video and that's because this weekend when this video goes up we should be seeing and by should I mean we better be seeing more on Monster Hunter Wild which is the sequel directly to Monster hunner World I know we had rise that was a switch game and so it was not like it was a sequel but it wasn't like a full sequel if you know what I mean this monster hun rise seems to be the fully upgraded version of Monster hunor World the evolution of that formula and I am pumped so we're going to play some monster in our world today I'm going to explain to you why I love it and why if somehow you've not played it yourself you absolutely should also there's a really cool thing in here that you might not know about a little Easter egg if you go through the main menu you go down to options and then you go all the way down to privacy open up that policy [Music] look right who knew you should do what he says though but okay seriously now I am going to use a character that I believe was actually my very first character and I'm going to head on out you know maybe we should start the ancient ient Forest where it all began this is the starting area where you will first be playing in if you've never touched Monster Hunter world before so I figure it's only appropriate we also start there on an expedition okay here we are actually in an expedition now there's two different kind of I guess Mission types you can go on in Monster Hunter world or Monster Hunter in general and that is that you're going out on a hunt specifically looking for a monster or two or you go out on an expedition where you're just free to roam wherever you want in that map looking for any monster doing kind of whatever you want to do for our purposes that will do but before we go out we want to get some Buffs so I'm going to do the chef's platter which gives you an assortment of little Buffs in this case defense up and Elemental resistance up and I will do that also boosts my Max health of myself and my Pico my Max stamina also increases and she cooks it up and voila we get our meal hooray I don't know why but the food and monster on our world looks like unironically delicious I me I'd gobble that down seriously now one thing to understand about monster on our world is that there are many different ways to play based on your play style as you can see if I go to my equipment I have all sorts of different weapons that I have collected through my time playing this game and you can see I've got The tigrine Edge I've got the Amber tooth blinding Blaze I've got uh the dual blades which are just fun and like super super fast and and easy to get up close and personal with I have done the great swords and I've got those leveled up super high so I've got all sorts of weapons that are for different uses you can see each of them might have different Elemental effects different affinities different sharpness different overall damage and all all of that is important to consider when you're choosing what to use in your load out when you head out to fight any given monster because every monster has different Buffs and perks and things that makes them maybe resistant to fire but weak to poison or vice versa and that's why you kind of need to do your research before starting a hunt so that you are fully equipped and you're not beating your head against a wall trying to uh trying to do something that's just not working oh look at this I can Flash you what [Laughter] now as you're exploring you'll come across little Footprints and stuff of monsters and that will give you the ability to track them using these little uh glowing lights effectively that uh glitter and glisten in the Moonlight and what's interesting is that your player character effectively is going to gain expertise in different monsters that you hunt as you do it more and more and more so when you first are hunting different creatures and monsters you may not be that much of an expert you may like not know what this footprint is until you have fully hunted it once but as you do it more and more and more you gain a greater understanding and actually if you pull up your Hunter's notes you can see there are all sorts of different little stats for each of these where you can read through different little tidbits or see your alltime record for total weights and stuff so Zeno Jaa as you can see I've hunted two of them the smallest uh they were actually both the same size 49.1 so I guess that's the just standard that they are Toby kadachi I've only done one on this save the uh benar I've done three of those so there's just many different options but as you can see there's two different tiers there's a low rank tier of each monster and then there's a high rank version and the high rank of course gives you more specialized uh elements such as an improved claw an improved uh height or scale and that's useful because that's how you craft all of your gear because monster on our world at the end of the day is a gear-based action game where your strength will be determined based on the stuff you're wearing and the weapons you're using what you actually have equipped you're not going to be throwing points into uh certain levels or certain stats like improving your Vigor to improve your maximum health no it's all based around what you have equipped which makes it easy to jump into like like the iceborn DLC because they can start you off with some powerful armor to just get right into the goodness but it means that you also have to be a little careful because if you were to do that the whole base game is basically a joke now as you're running through levels you'll get little bitty things like that like honey or herbs that can be crafted into stuff you can set up autocrafting rules so as you're running through levels it will just automatically craft stuff if you have enough materials for it it can be extremely overwhelming don't get me wrong wrong because I was extremely overwhelmed when I first played this game but thankfully the community for Monster Hunter world and monster hunter in general is extremely welcoming and supportive if you have at any point wanted to get into this I guarantee you the community will welcome you with open arms and help you understand what you need to understand to get to play the tutorials in Monster H world are much better than in previous games is my understanding but it can still certainly be very overwhelming you know what let's actually go out on a mission you can see we've got little Picos walking around doing little stuff my Pico is all decked out and his best Odon kit is ready to go now you can see I actually have a series of loadouts already built from when I was playing this very heavily a little while back you see I've got an Odon kit which is specifically built for like extreme aggression and uh high damage but high risk High reward kind of things Affinity based load out a thunder damage based load out an ice based Loadout and a fire based Loadout I'm going to go with this but you can see if I wanted to just swap to this it completely changes everything I have equipped it it swaps it out so you can really quickly craft different loadouts based on what you're trying to achieve this one's just trippy uh or what you're feeling like playing that day which is super cool cuz some days you're going to feel like playing with fire damage and some days you're going to feel like tanking it out or using ranged weapons or this or that it's totally up to you and as you can see they have enough Pages for many many loadouts 224 to be precise so no matter what load out you could possibly want you can build it and it will save it which is awesome there's just a bunch of little bitty quality of life things like that in this game that just makes sense and when you think oh man I wish I could just automatically craft stuff so I don't have to constantly do it when I'm out in the field fighting monsters well they thought of that took care of it it's in the game you know stuff like that is just great but you know what let's actually select one as you can see we've got all sorts of different levels available to us in terms of difficulty if you just select one you can see all of these different optional missions and then you have a basic task such as Hunter rathon and it'll give you that much reward money and you have a time limit of 50 minutes to complete the mission sometimes it's stuff like this where you're hunting little bitty creatur features but I think the mission that we should do is hard to swallow because this one is hunting a great jogress which is like the stereotypical monster in Monster Hunter like it's the monster if you've never done this as you can see you can toggle vouchers which it's kind of like wagering you'll do well in the mission so you use a voucher you get for like logging in and playing and if you happen to succeed in the mission that you're doing you'll get higher pace outs and stuff like that it's just like if you think you'll do well might as well spend a voucher on it and here we could wait for the party to be filled in but instead I'm just going to hit depart and we will go off depart on the quest with the current party yes and we'll take off now Monster huner World does balance based on how many players there are I believe they balance it for one player to one player but once you have more than one player in the party I believe then it goes to the multiplayer scaling and monsters go up by however many percentage points in health and damage blah blah blah so I I might be mistaken I believe that's what they said it is but either way the monster will scale it's not like the monster will be stupid easy if you play with multiple people it will scale to that the difference is I just can't remember if it scales differently for two players versus three versus four but either way it doesn't really matter it just will be more difficult if there are more people which is good so that it doesn't become stupid easy okay so this is what a normal hunt will look like but you might be playing with friends or just by yourself you're going to go out into the world and start looking for Clues and ways that you could track your target or you might just take the opportunity at the outset if you think that you're going to have an easy time taking on the monster to go and collect different materials that you're going to use for crafting things such as all of the potions you need or the Tran bombs or hot drink or shock traps or whatever else you might need so like right here Pooky Pooky Footprints okay nothing really that useful we're looking for the great jogress after all so let's maybe head down here normally the great jogress hides out underground so that's usually a good place to look for him and his little minions oh yeah look at this great JG footprint we can keep going there's a bunch of little fellas and so here we can kind of see where environmental items can be useful so you see these little flash flies we can actually use this to our advantage if the boss were here hit the circle it would flash them and then you'd be able to take them on more easily which is kind of cool oh god there it is oh jeez okay okay we'll get out of the way he's going to come in here and now I can Flash fly booah all the slashing okay so right there behind my face you see Parts Broken that's very important when you're grinding for different materials and different things it's very important to break the parts that you want so different monsters will have like you know a tail that can be broken or cut off effectively and when you do that it will then drop the crafting material tied to that part which means that you have to be much more tactical with how you're fighting the monster it's not just about raw damage it's about how you take them on and how you kill the Beast so just right there that was tail d damage I can keep slashing away roll into him that's the pro Strat there is a camera lock on feature it's okay it it's more forgiving than you might be used to with some games oh God there we go oh God boah slap in the face love to see it we're going to take this guy out pretty quick uh I'm pretty op for this I'll just be honest right here right now booah so right here if I want a little bit of Health I can pull up my speed use or as you can see my pelico sometimes drops stuff like this the Vigor uh wasp spray I pop it get some health and I'm good to go I can also use this opportunity oh wait no he's back okay I was going to I was going to show you something else but I guess we got to take them on so with most of these fights there will be different phases some phases are just like you know this where you're just fighting the creature or in this case he swells up his belly and then he enters kind of an aggroed State other times though the monster will get close to death and will go back to his nest so he'll flee and try to get somewhere safe where you can then capture them if you want or just kill them as I just did there so there he's he's dead dead I can uh start harvesting materials as you can see here and in this case I get a hide okay a scale cool and then another hide and these are the materials that you'll need to craft different things so in this case I'd be done with the hunt I can return to Camp or to HQ it's kind of just up to me however I want to do it and at that point I I mean I didn't even need to like sharpen my weapon but weapon sharpness is also uh a thing you have to counter and and like consider as you can see behind my head there up in the top left there it goes it's all sharp there's just a lot of depth here and if you're looking for a game to just sink your teeth into and to enjoy some of the like deepest most intense combat and then also like character building and design Min maxing ever this is the game for you there is so much it's ridiculous look at all the stuff I got hooray I'll take it all but like right here this is the hub for the winter area that came with the iceborn DLC and if I go here post a new Quest I can select a quest specifically from that event basically from that area but there's so much here like seriously this right here is the hub for the uh iceborn DLC so if I go here post a new Quest I go high level or master rank rather and I go to like optional I go to like really high level ones and I select one of these let's just do maybe uh the shrieking Leana and I select that finish and I I launch off to start this one I'm not going to use the voucher because I don't think I'll finish this one for the sake of this video but I want to show you what that looks like before we go off though as you know we got to go inside and get a snack canteen pay with money Chef's Choice platter always the best way to go he cooks up a little whatever roast I guess oh my God they're so freaking cute it's outrageous dancing waiting for it to be done voila a little bit of sauce I know I should just like skip this but seriously I've been playing this game for years and I watch it every time I love it it's just so good it's so good and look even my Pico Finley is eating in the corner oh I love it okay and with that we're ready to head off on our mission so we're going to launch off and I'll show you what that looks like and here we are in the whole Frost reach ready to go on another adventure oh God it just spawned next to us I I think that's happened like once or twice in my life playing this game it spawned on us what okay well I guess when when life gives you lemons you kill a monster but you can see already this guy is kicking our asses he is not to be messed with there we go slash these guys are much much more difficult than the low-level scrub monsters that I already fought many many moons ago you can see I got a little stun there and a little Frozen little something something I'm actually going to pop oh God this oh God I'm Rusty as hell oh God no okay not good jump no drink it drink it faster okay one more one more drink it up yeah if you if you roll while drinking it will interrupt it and so you just uh you lose out on it this is not my like Frost resistant gear either there's a mother so we're fighting a frost variant and the regular variant all hell is breaking oh God I I literally could not have planned this better to like oh look there's different variants of monsters as well they're they're actually here now one of the cool things that can happen are what are called like turf wars where you can have two monsters fighting each other over the same Turf and that can often be useful cuz you can kind of sick two monsters against each other and they'll deal actual damage to each other so whatever damage the ice variant does to the normal Leana applies so you can use the monsters fighting against each other to help you in the grand scheme of things which is super super cool I it's just it's fun claw shot no claw shot latched booyah I'm actually on his ass drinky drinky don't be [Applause] stinky love it okay so this is pure chaos this is probably a situation where I would peel off let them separate and calm down and then return and try again later this is a situation where you can get in some trouble if you're not careful as just uh uh happen that was totally intentional all for demonstration purposes now Finley's going to pop this for me give me a little health so he's actually helping me in the fight which is awesome oh God okay now he's just playing with me I am his food and he is mocking me what a player there we go okay just get out run away run away oh some mining out crops that's great okay run away not worth it not the time not the time okay understood get away faster run run run run run okay I'm covered in ice so I'm going to go in the hot springs and it's going to melt off and be much more better look at that love it okay so things can get pretty crazy pretty quickly as I'm sure you now believe listen I'm sure for most of you I'm preaching to the choir you've tried this game and you love it and you're enjoying watching me get back in the swing of things after not playing it for a very hot minute honestly too long but part of that is because I've been waiting for Monster Ander Wilds to come and there are some really interesting things they're doing one of the things that they showed off in the trailer that we've seen as of the time of recording this video is that you're going to be able to hot swap weapons while actually outfighting monsters without having to go back to Camp or anything to retrieve it and that's a big deal because like right here I have one weapon I got this bad boy ready to go but I wouldn't be able to swap to like a ranged weapon or a great sword if I wanted to or whatever else a big hammer or or anything I would just have to stick with this weapon that I have until I went all the way back to camp but in the new game it seems like you're able to basically dual equip things so you can swap weapons based on the situation which is super cool but at the same time that brings up a lot of other questions like does that mean that these little hunting camps on the map are no longer needed like this shipwreck Camp do we not need that now because we don't need to go back there to swap equipment we can just have the equipment we need well I personally think they still will be there because they offer places for cooking in case you forgot before going out on the Expedition it also lets you change the equipped armor and stuff which it makes sense why you'd be able to carry say two weapons whereas like carrying two full sets of armor makes less sense so I still think those will be in the next game but I do think their purpose will alter slightly one of the other things that's been brought up is how they are going to rely much more on the mounts that you will gain access ACC to while playing which is interesting I kind of like it and basically the reason they're doing that is because these new maps are going to be very very large they've said that this is like open world I don't really know what that means in practice so I don't want to get my hopes up too much you know but maybe it does in fact mean that all of the different areas of the game will be interconnected cuz as it is in this game like I go to the world map you can see each of these is a different Zone basically that has a different style a different um theme effectively so you know the rotten Veil everything's gross and poisonous right the coral Highlands it's all very ocean inspired or uh wildspire Wast it's all desert themed and stuff like that if it's truly fully open world it's just Monster Hunter Wilds it's all open to you presumably all of this would be connected which would be really really interesting but here's the deal like by the time you're seeing this video almost certainly the trailer will be out and more information will be known about this game for all I know I may have played the game by the time you see this video and I'll be posting a follow-up breaking down all of the details of how it's going to work and I I hope that's the case because I think that there's a lot to be really really excited for if what has been rumored and what has been talked about so far is to be believed honestly they've done such a good job with Monster huner World I'm confident they know what they're doing with this next one and I'm pretty sure that it's going to be another wildly impressive game and a big success for Capcom I just can't wait to know more oh wait I think I saw something I saw a spooky boy let's see Hello big scary boy I want to play a bar off there he is so this is one of the bigger scarier monsters he's like in spired by saber-tooth tigers and it's pretty intense if you ask me pretty intense slap I also love this Arena to fight monsters in because you can see the fish Frozen inside the ice under the surface it's like just a really cool touch like if I go over here you can see all the fish Frozen it's just super cool I love it I love it I think it's super fun grapple booya I got thrown it's okay I'm almost dead I'm probably dead oh God okay I might be okay I might be okay see even after you've played this a lot even after you've got some super highle gear this is still a game that can curb stomp you if you are not careful and if you are not cautious and if you whiff your shots like I just did slap nope missed it whiff good thing I'm not using the great swword cuz then I'd whiff a lot more shots I'll tell you what right now that is not for the faint of heart Slappy slap slap slap you I slap you recover damn you nope okay so when you get knocked out during a mission you can sometimes be picked up by your pelico if he has an ability to let you do it oh God this is no pop it pop it pop the booster there you go dang dude got one more mega potion two more Mega potions oh man this is not looking good not looking good stay in the green fog slap that tail slap it good oh he's going to shoulder check me and I got stunned again this is one of those fights where I need that stun resistance I got to get that cuz once you get stun locked it's damn tough to break free unless you got something to help and I don't let's going a shoulder check see see like honestly if you're looking for something to occupy you before like the Elder ring DLC or certainly before monster Runner Wilds this is a great one to go with right on the tail Slappy slap ooh see that stuff drop right there that's a goodness that's the sweet juicy goodness stand up recover recover right on the face stab the face ooh that's filthy it's one of the best things about this sword is that it can do that and when it does it when you pull it off it's nasty I just barely missed that totally intentional so here you're going to see one of those phase shifts so we did enough damage that he got sufficiently injured to leave the arena and he's going to run off to a different area of the map and recover and that might be that he runs off to his nest to take a nap in which case you can capture him you don't have to kill him you can capture him but also you can see in the top left that my sword has actually dulled as we've fought this monster so I'm just going to use one of my shortcuts and sharpen it up sometimes you have to do this in the middle of a fight some weapons dull super quickly so like with a great sword a lot of great swords you'll take a whack whack whack and then you got to sharpen while your buddies you know aggro the monster then once you're sharpened again you go back in there do another couple whack and then you got to come back out and sharpen it up so it's just again highly varied based on your play style and even then it can all work together so if you want to try a great sword build you can do that and they encourage you to just swap loadouts as you see fit there's not that issue that sometimes creeps up with games like Elden ring I ran into this recently where I wanted to Respec and try a new weapon but the new weapon was like a DEX based weapon whereas my build was at the time totally focused on strength so I had to go find a larvel tier to go and Respec my entire character just to try out a different weapon and see how that build would work against bosses and stuff and it was workable like it wasn't the end of the world but it was just one extra step in between the player and experimenting with a different play style or a different way of going through things in Monster h a world you just don't have to bother with any of that you can just swap stuff out as you see fit and there's no barrier other than crafting the weapon or the armor to begin with and I personally really like that it encourages experimentation and I think that's awesome I love it but seriously there is just so much in this game like little things I had no idea about that I learned because I had a friend that was helping me explore it like I remember saying how I was frustrated I didn't have enough honey to make all the mega potions that I needed for some of the late game bosses because you have potions that heal you for a little bit as you uh become more powerful and stuff the mega potions are really really useful so I was like I I wish I had more honey and then and my buddy Cory's just like oh well just go to the botanist over here the chief botanist speak to him and you can just like Harvest and grow things that you need if you need like more herbs you can do that if you need more honey you can do that as you can see here I've got seven all like all of these honey my Harvest box has seven out of 20 spots filled cuz every time I go to a mission they generate more and now I can just collect them all and keep growing stuff which is awesome and even after like hundreds of hours in this game I still will occasionally run into something that's like new and exciting where I'm like oh that that's different I didn't realize that before like when I started the game on PC for example the higher Fidelity that PC brought to the table made me appreciate things in the level design much more that I wasn't able to see before this is a PS4 version of the game running on PlayStation 5 because it's like my OG character and I just thought it was appropriate to maybe use this but if you're playing on like PC see the the level of detail and Clarity is outrageous but you know pretty soon hopefully we'll have another monster hunter game that's also available on consoles and will look really really good there too I guess I should clarify I think Monster Hunter wild is coming to console first and then PC later like Monster Under World which whatever I just hope that they bring crossplatform saves that would be awesome cuz as of right now as far as I'm aware you can't actually move your character from PlayStation uh or like Xbox over to PC you're just kind of stuck wherever you started which again is not the end of the world but it would be damn nice if you could swap between them like that'd be so sick so all of that to say you should play monster on a world if somehow you haven't already and if you're watching this in the future uh in the next handful of days when they reveal more about monster hun wilds and all of the cool stuff that's going on with it um I'm sure you're watching this video and like oh little does he know but I I I hope that is the case I'm excited to see what they've got cooking we've seen little looks you know we just saw at the PlayStation showcase not even showcase state of play we saw some more gameplay where we saw like the weapon swapping during a hunt which was super cool but I'm hoping that we get a little bit more of a deeper dive and an explanation of what exactly they're doing with the world design how that's shifted with modern consoles so here's two waiting or I guess for you it's probably appears to what you already know but with that said thank you for watching I love you all desperately thanks for making my dreams a reality when you see this video I'll be in Los Angeles for summer game Fest and some other stuff so make sure to hit the Subscribe button and follow my second Channel Luke soon live because we're going to be posting tons of videos while we are here there in Los Angeles because we're going to see a lot of these games up close and personal and I cannot wait to share all of that nitty-gritty goodness with you that was a weird way of saying it I'm sorry that was weird but okay thank you for watching I love you all desperately go playay monster on our world so that I can justify talking about monster more please and thank you much love bye
Channel: Luke Stephens
Views: 54,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luke stephens
Id: hNtXTi1ptAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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