$11 Capsule Hotel inside Istanbul Airport 🇹🇷

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all right find a quiet place here this down Bill airport is not easy we got this all right so here's the story I got 8 hours here in the estano airport it is midnight I fly out at 8:00 a.m. in route to Croatia but in the meantime I'm going to try to make the most out of this 8 hours the goal is to make my way around this big old airport and find somewhere to sleep somewhere to eat and somewhere to shower in the next 8 hours so come on with me and let's see what we can get into let's see what we can find first I'm in this back staircase here they probably think I'm doing something weird so I better move quickly I don't want to be a security threat I just want to take you guys on a little bit of an adventure in the airport in Istanbul before I get to Croatia let's go okay first sign that is what I want sleep pods so if you do have a shorter connection there are just sleeping chairs or kind of lounge chairs almost beach chairs and those are free there's big sections of those I'm searching for something more sustainable not going to lie to you guys I don't have a big Sweet Tooth but I do have two weaknesses well three weaknesses Donuts my grandmother's chocolate chip cookies and Bak laava they have an unlimited amount of packaged bak laava and fresh bav out here so I got to keep working I got to focus on the task at hand that's to find somewhere to sleep no Baka maybe one no no no lots of shops in here what do you think does this work try it up right here does it snap can that happen yeah holy cow this is too hot for me but this a maybe it's a maybe all right airport hack go to the dutyfree before you get on your flight or your transfer and put a little cologne on and the person sitting next to you would be very appreciative you never want to be the stink guy on the flight you know what I mean I never know how to say it you you see it La how do you how do you you say I never know how to pronounce it but this is what I've always worn my whole life really really good but don't take it don't go buy this cuz this is my signature scent and I don't want everybody in the world using it you know also you can go to the really nice face lotions and put a little face lotion on so it fights against the really dry air that you have for a 13 to 27 hour flight come to the duty for you put a nice layer of fine uh face cream and a little cologne and you're ready for your connection all right I'm getting distracted all right there we go again so I think we're going to D sleep pods that direction okay now I'm a little turned around there's all a su they just sto making the signs it says where the sleep pods are D is downstairs H do I go down boun oh and I'm looking all around it you're making a decision and it's right in front of me look at this there's d17 and then right in the middle here are your sleep pots right in front of us here looks like a something from Jurassic Park like a dinosaur incubator or something let's go see if they got space for us hello hello welcome thank you um I have priority pass what does that entail okay so apparently it's midnight and everything is full but they do have openings at 3:00 in the morning so I'll come back then right now I'll go to the IGA Lounge because I am a priority hi I am a priority pass member people just stare at you and I feel like if you call them out for staring at you when you're talking they immediately stop so in a popular place like this like the airport when you're a weirdo talking to the camera you just acknowledge that you're a weirdo talking to a camera but in the meantime I'm going to go to the IGA Lounge go check that out first and then come back at 3:00 a.m. we'll see how we're doing at 3:00 a.m. to test out these sleep pods stay tuned but first IG Lounge there it is there's the IG Lounge I think we're going up now there's also another hotel there's a yotel air here as well I'm not going to go stay in that I want to check out these pods I actually thought I was going to book a capsule hotel somewhere it turns out the capsule hotel is at the other airport here in istambul I almost booked a room there or a pod there and I'm glad I didn't oh Spa Beauty slot that's a pretty good gig all right here's the lounge all right I'm officially in the IGA lounge and this place is massive so you can only use it for 3 hours at a time so since I have 8 hours I'm going to be in here for 3 hours go try the pods out and then come back to shower it's like a whole another airport in here what showers lockers here that you can store stuff conference rooms full bar over here pool table right here non-alcoholic area and a whole kids area over there here's Buffet number one a lot of veggies here hot food station over here look they even have wine down here unlimited beverages as well this is always an interesting one got a nice uh coffee station here and look at this dining section over here look it there's even a piano you even have a relax area here wow that's pretty cool I'm going to go look down there overlooking all of the common folks down below it's not nice I just got this pass I can very quickly go back to the common folk area you don't want negative karma when you're flying you'll get stuck in a middle row middle seat flight updates everywhere bunch of TVs working right there and these are the lounge areas this is where you can come take a sleep that's pretty cool this is one of the biggest and nicest lounges I've ever been in this makes the priority paths worth it sometimes you wonder I'm not traveling a ton you know all the time but this having this right now so I get the priority pass through my uh American Express Platinum Card this isn't sponsored or anything but I got the American Express card there is a big annual fee and sometimes I wonder if it's worth it but if you use all the perks on a regular basis like this Lounge makes me feel like it's worth it look you can see the whole airport down below not going to lie it's pretty cool it makes the layover of 8 hours a lot more comfortable I got to get some food full on vegetarian meal with some watermelon and some lentil soup is the dinner of choice all right I do have a little spot here on one of the edges of the lounges and if I needed to I could put an eye mask on and crash here for a couple hours but that's not the point of this video the point of this video is to go check out those sleep pods so it's 2:45 right now I'm going to walk over there and try to get into a sleep pod I'm going to go try to get a snooze in so let's go over there and see if we can get in now got to go past the bakaba again really tempting me with that bakaba AA I'm not going to do it though not going to do it 3 3:00 a.m. still good right now uh we are full still thought I was told if I came back at 3:00 a.m. I would uh sometimes our guests stay small uh made time at 3 what I asked I asked for sure are we going is there going to be a space and you said yes for sure there will be space I would have I would have slept somewhere else I would have slept somewhere else I would have waited I would have I would have stayed in the lounge I would have found a spot in the lounge and I slept that's why I made sure to ask okay but uh sometimes rarely yeah some that has to be that's got to be set let me check again okay I'll come back okay 342 342 number three maybe okay and then if someone come do if I come at 342 on the dot someone might come in front of me how does it come so I should wait here then okay so I was just told that they are still full the woman in very broken English said come back at 3:00 and beds will be open and I said I reiterated I said are you sure that's the case if I come back at 3: because if there weren't sure I would have just stayed in the lounge found a place and slept till the morning but she said no there's definitely going to be beds open at 3: so of course as I learned from travel you can't always believe what everybody says but then they said someone's bed is up at 3:42 but they don't do any wakeup service so if the person keeps sleeping and doesn't have an alarm set themselves then they just keep sleeping and then they just charge them for however long they slept interesting I'm still going to wait we're still going to try this out cuz I'm interested in it but service interesting one interesting thing to knowe while I walk around aimlessly waiting for a pod to open up is all of the duty freees and all of the shops the stores even the Hugo Boss stores Sunglass Warehouse they're all still open at 3: in the morning very interesting most airports around the world have hours of operation even the restaurants some of the restaurants are open right now place is full service 24/7 also this is how you get free Wi-Fi scan your boarding pass so if you're not in the lounge there really is no place to get Wi-Fi good Wi-Fi in the airport what you need to do is go to one of the kiosks and you get 1 hour for free or you can purchase a package of Wi-Fi but 1 hour for free you just get a a little uh ticket here and then you put that in when you put in your Wi-Fi so that's a little Wi-Fi hack for the airport let's find our sleep pods again back to the sleep pods I made it I finally made it in to the pods look at this all right so let me give you a little tour I am bed number 15 everybody gets a bed let me get down here all right so it's about 4:00 in the morning with priority pass you get 3 hours that's standard and it comes with your priority pass so it's free otherwise it's €1 per hour at night time and €8 per hour during the daytime all right let me give you a a full tour this is my pod here and if you lift up here this is where you store your luggage underneath check and apparently just put your shoes outside the Pod and then inside the pod's very basic you have a cable set up here and you have a small p pillow set up there and that's really it take my shoes off here I guess put right here now you can also get a pillow and a blanket and that is an extra charge but actually I fit pretty well considering not too bad this keeps coming off okay that comes off all right you got the cleaning lady over there okay so that's the Pod here um somewhat soundproof I guess that doesn't make sense somewhat soundproof huh all right the walls are almost like a wool and then the sheet over the top is almost like you know when you have to put a strap or cloth over your shoes if you're going into a fancy place or something this is what that material feels like very cheap and then this sorry for the weird angles and then this closes oh there's little breathing holes here that cools okay almost all okay almost all the way down not completely down okay can you see me all right small little breathing holes and it almost goes all the way down there's no wakeup service so you're on your own you got to set your own alarm for wakeups it's a little claustrophobic in here to be honest it feels like I'm kind of in a a comfortable coffin you do have these little holes that you can see out of so it's not completely trapped in but definitely warm in here maybe I'm just up and moving around a lot so I just take a minute to slow down but not like a true capsule Hotel I've stayed in capsule hotels in Japan and there definitely a lot more room a lot more amenities and you have temperature control these are just like little sleeping C muin in the airport but Beggars can't be choosers I mean it has a little pillow you can get a blanket if you want and this is a good place to sleep this beats the alternative of sleeping in a chair on the side of the the gate so I'll take this for 3 hours to get a snooze before my flight hopefully I'll check in with you in a couple hours and go for a shower can really make this experience complete good night for the moment I [Music] [Music] [Music] hope [Music] this is pretty funny you wake up and you're you're right in the terminal only like people can watch you wake up there just hundreds of people are just going the morning sunshine overall not crazy comfortable but better as I said than sleeping in a chair somewhat noisy this morning you can hear all the announcements so I would put headphones on if it was a longer sleep that I needed I would put an eye mask on I would get the pillow and the blanket cuz the pillow that's in here not great it's just like like a tube not really good at all but sufficient for the task at hand and since it came with a priority pass it was worth it free was worth it just was a bit of a hassle to get into the Pod because it was busy and the service is not they're not overly friendly they're just doing their job so I give them credit for they're just doing their job everybody's just trying to do their job let's go see we can have a shower for our flight one final step breakfast and a shower let's go back into the lounge to see if we can find [Music] that okay here we go we're going to shower all right here we got this B little towel nice shoes washcloth and looks like a hand towel basic sink hair dryer me space for all your things and then a nice big shower oh yes got some soap there not bad [Music] aside from these slippers being very slippery that was a very good shower good water pressure I could change the temperature as well I don't love the single use Plastics and single use throwaway slippers towels and washing cloths next time I'd bring my own but otherwise that was good all right time for one little quick breakfast before I have to go board my flight I got cucumbers eggs and this cheesy pastry here not really sure what this is oh that looks that's like a Cheesy spanic cop oh man dough is almost like like uh noodles is this Buck is this what I have in Croatia I hope so and just like that I'm off to find my gate d10 I believe and catch my flight to zagre Croatia where we will begin a 3-week road trip adventure four people in a small VW polo going from Zagreb all the way across the country to dnik so stay tuned for that should be full of adventure fun lots of food and learning about Croatia for the first time this will be my first trip there but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this quick little video showing you the sleep pods here at Istanbul airport as well as the lounge experience 8 hours overnight I'm refreshed feeling good actually if you guys enjoyed the video make sure you give it a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already and stay tuned for this Croatia series like that see you guys next week Red's going you just let it roll it's just a video is there anything more more frustrating than when you peel a hardboiled egg and all of the white comes off but I mean in the same token is there anything more satisfying than when you peel an egg a hardboiled egg and it all just comes off perfectly the little things you know I do absolutely feel like a zombie walking through this airport now like I just spawned out from a sci-fi movie and I have a secret I'm not telling anyone it's how it feels walking through the the terminal now that I've slept for a couple hours in the pods I feel like a robot s back in time on a mission for a continental breakfast
Channel: Gareth Leonard
Views: 4,567,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: istanbul, istanbul turkey, Istanbul, Istanbul Turkey, Istanbul Airport, istanbul airport, Istanbul airport, sleepods, istanbul airport lounge, istanbul airport lounges, Istanbul airport lounge, Istanbul layover, things to do in Istanbul, Things to do in Istanbul, gareth leonard, Gareth Leonard, Travel Deeper, travel deeper, Istanbul airport hotel, istanbul airport hotel, istanbul airport sleepods, capsule hotel, capsule hotel istanbul, sleepod, IGA, lounge, IGA lounge, things to
Id: 1WfTaSk897A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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