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today i will show you how to make your video from looking like this to something like this [Music] it doesn't matter if google get a budget friendly camera or you're using an iphone or an android as long as your phone is capable of using manual exposure then you are good to go so buying an expensive camera won't fix any of these problems that's why what i'll teach you today isn't how to fix these problems by just tweaking some settings on your camera and we will be talking about on how to light your shots to have a more interesting and professional looking videos because lighting is the key that separates amateur looking videos to professional looking videos so by the end of this one you will learn about the different directions of light how to use colors to make your images more interesting and new step by step process on how i like my videos to make my indoor shots look so much better so without further ado let's get started so the first thing we need to do when we have this plain looking horrible image is to adjust some settings on our camera first we have to make sure that we lower the iso because having a low iso makes our camera less sensitive to light which removes grain and noise on our shots and remember lowering your iso will make your image darker so paramount if not new proper exposure don't forget to set your aperture to the lowest value to balance your exposure and to have more bokeh or background separations adding subject so right now we are at iso 200 at f 2.8 it is so much better compared to setting scanina which is a lot of grain on the image and less background separation next let's talk about lighting and let's start by showing you how the directions of light may affect the overall look of your subject and you may be wondering why some photographers and filmmakers specifically me prefer to shoot only from sunrise to 9am and 3pm until sunset kaseyon direction of lightning susan affects the overall look of our videos and no subject same goes kappa gogami taino photography lights like this whenever we move our lights under the subject um horror or parasama scary movies now whenever we move our lights naman directly above the subject which is my shadow under the eyes almost the same if we are shooting kapangk12 and when we move our light beside our subject impression third subject may be angry disappointed lonely or planning to do something bad this kind of lighting is always used on hollywood films let's say it portrays a lot of emotion since our subject is lit on the other side of the face while having a lot of shadows on the opposite side so now let's proceed on how i personally liked my youtube videos after going set your iso and aperture to the lowest value i'm going to prepare my key light my fill light and practical lights so basically our main light also known as ski light is our primary source of light which lights up the scene at no subject so basically it has the most power output i'm using a nun light fs 150 with a 90 centimeter non-light parabolic softbox now let's turn the lights off and let's turn on our key light key lights i usually place them 45 degrees from the side and slightly above the head of the subject and as we rotate this knob we can adjust the power output of the light and remember using a higher power output will cause some lights to spill on the background which will also depend on what kind of look that you want also aside from power output distance between your light and the subject will affect how harsh or soft you light coupled to mama nasa face language subject the next thing we'll be talking about is filling for vlight naman what i use is the night light forza 6t with a 960 centimeter softbox and i use this one paramofilian shadows and contrast from our key light so basically we'll be placing this one on the other side of my face and for me a 25 to 30 power output is enough [Music] so here's the difference from what we had earlier here's the before here's the after here's the before and here's the after now let's add some contrast to our overall image by adding some lights to our background and i'll be using the powertube15c from nan light it's an rgb light with internal battery which means we can use this wherever we like without plugging into an outlet we can choose whatever colors we like but i prefer using the color between blue and teal since at my back but i'm a current separation between my skin tone at no background you can also adjust the power and saturation of this light but i prefer to using only about 60 so now let's put it at the back of my computer monitor so right here putin along with the candido so branson on placement all we have to do is to adjust until it hits the roller blinds at what i'm going to balance the exposure from here to here at my emphasizing again charging that i'm going to use another pav tube and set it to a cool white balance to light up this part of my composition and i'll put it where it can be seen on our camera and here's without the background light and here's with the background light and now let's talk about practical lights practical lights are basically any lights that we can add on our scene the difference between practical light and other lights is that other lights such as ski light and fill light are hidden on the frame in this it'll not get a certain shot while for practical light we can clearly see them in the frame which as dimension to our scene and for practicals what i will be using is this lamp an led strip at the back of my table [Music] another led light on my lightning design add in light right here and our favorite the pub tube 15c and here's the other one then let's play with some colors or let's try some color combinations that we have first let's try the triadic color combination which is purple yellow and blue which we also did earlier next let's try the complementary colors and for this one let's try the most popular above all the orange and teal colors and for our last one let's try the analogous color combination which is using only one group of color sabong siem [Music] so before i end this video i would like to tell you guys that we are giving away three sets of bubble tube 6c so basically we will have three winners and young paw patrol 6c is the same long detail except that it is half in size so perfect for travel super compact and puedemondalhen and gamiten wherever you like yes it is half in size pero they both offer the same features like for example you want to change the color to whatever you like something like that and you can also adjust the saturation and the power output of this light and if you want pure white you can change it to cct mode and then you can change to either a warm white or a cool white so if you want to win the papa chuv26c all you have to do is go to my facebook page and check for the mechanics and don't forget to give this video a thumbs up so that's it for our tutorial i hope to see you in the next one and for those who are joining the giveaway good luck to you guys stay creative and [Applause] thank godbless [Music]
Channel: Miko Tiotangco
Views: 1,524,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lighting setup for youtube videos, lighting for youtube, youtube home studio, cinematic lighting tutorial, studio lighting setup, cheap lighting, lighting tutorial, lighting hacks, nanlite, godox, aperture, led, what is key light, what is fill light
Id: IlSk9Q2j-v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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