I tried all DRY-AGE techniques on Rib-eye

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wow big thanks to napoleon grills for sponsoring this episode i tried three different ways to dry steak find out which one is the cheapest i love my dry aging experiments but every time i buy meat it becomes more and more expensive so i'm still looking for ways to cut down on cost and see how i can still achieve beautiful meat without spending too much and hopefully help you in the process so of course my reference is dry aging in a full dry aging cabinet and there are some huge advantages to use a cabinet like that however this cabinet costs thousands of dollars now another way to do it is to put your steak in a dry aged bag it basically acts as a membrane to protect your meat from everything that sits on the outside but in the meantime it still allows you to expel moisture from the meat and the final one is the way i used to do it before i had money to spend on meat i would just take the piece of meat take a tray put salt in it and then put the meat on a rack just slide it in the fridge and let it sit there and basically it dries the meat but now i have the option to compare these three ways to dryad steak so four weeks ago i took this beautiful piece of ribeye a gorgeous grain fat piece and i cut it up into three large stakes of around a kilogram now in this case size does matter because with any dry aging technique there's going to be waste and then you still want to have plenty of meat and steaks left over in the end i took one part of that ribeye roast and i put it in the dry age like i normally would you don't have to worry about temperature you don't have to worry about humidity and you sure don't have to worry about bacteria with that uv light and the salt blocks sitting at the bottom the second piece i put in a membrane you might recognize this as an umai or a dry aging bag but the seal of this bag you're going to need another device a vacuum machine and in my case i'm sticking it in my professional vacuum machine that is actually built with a vacuum chamber inside of it if you don't have one of these vacuum machines you can buy a cheaper version costing around 99 euros that will allow you to slowly pull vacuum in the bag and seal it off both are extra expenses that you have to make and the final piece is the most easy one to do i took a tray that i bought at a kia for around five euros that has a rack in it i loaded it up with coarse salt on the bottom and then i put the rack in and on top i placed the meat now this whole thing goes into the fridge but i do have to take care that i don't put other food items in that might be able to spoil the meat and now after four weeks i want to go check it out because i'm super curious to see what the meat actually looked like would it be gone bad does it still look good did it dry too much let's find out this is my dry aging cabinet and as you can see i got multiple projects going on among which that beautiful rib eye that we just did it definitely looks dry aged it smells good so let's check out the other ones and this is my regular refrigerator granted it's a little large but it holds my umay and my regular dry aged steak this is my dry age bag version and it looks like you would expect a plastic bag with a piece of meat in it and it really darkened up so that's given me a lot of confidence that this project is a success and here we have the old school project a tray of salt with a ribeye steak in it and it looks good nice and dry aged but is it good and here we have our three dry aged steak we've got our dry aged cabinet dried steak we got the dry aged bag dried steak and the salt tray fridge dry aged steak let's take a look at the first one the dries cabinet stick as you can see the beef dried out and formed this beautiful dark pelican i can also see that there's some white spots in front of it which is a mold this in itself is not a problem since we're going to cut the outside off and we do want to make sure that this beef has no strange odor to it so sniffing the beef is very important and i can tell you there is no fragrance to this beef whatsoever and that means that the pellicle sealed everything out and none of those fragrances of the beef that sits inside are coming out that's a good thing let's take a look inside it's tough to cut through the pellicle but it's easy whoa you see we have a thin pellicle beautiful dark red meat on the inside a little bit of fat cap right there left this looks like an amazing stick and when you press it it almost doesn't change shape or doesn't fall over maybe i'm even able to take three stakes out of this single cut oh yes looking good the final one absolutely beautiful great intramuscular fat that's one delicious looking steak and now i'm going to take a look at the umai dry a steak sealed to perfection and as you can see the bag and the meat became one pellicle that is the result of a good vacuum machine combined with this membrane bag of course i got to remove the bag first before i start cutting into it the pellet of the steaks looked really weird because of the imprint of the umai bag i'm getting a much stronger smell from this steak compared to the driest cabinet it actually has fragrance the dried cabinet you couldn't smell a thing now i'm getting more of tones of acidity so that means a lot of moisture still on the inside of the steak and hasn't been able to go out like you would have with a dry aged cabinet i've done this plenty of times and i know it's going to be okay however i do recommend getting this out leaving it in the fridge without the bag on so it has some time to get that smell off of it now let's cut into it and take a closer look inside easy pellicle to cut through let's open it up wow that is one good looking steak beautiful dark red color absolutely insane great marbling very very little pellicle on the outside that means very little waste now let's cut a steak out of this very easy to gut once again firmed up nicely a little less firm than the other one so we got a little wiggle left but overall great result and because of that pelico i can easily cut three to four stakes out of this with less waste than the dried cabinet version and this is the last project the original version of dry aging in your fridge it looks really good we got a nice pellicle it firmed up nicely and there's no fragrance whatsoever a little more than the dry each cabinet i must admit however nothing compared to the dried bags now i want to take a look on the inside and see if this actually worked again easy to cut through a little discoloration to get to the good part and there we have it a beautiful steak dry aged in my home fridge with a nice thin pellicle however the discoloration on the inside is a little more than the umai dry its bag and comparable to the dry aging cabinet great anti-muscular fat and let's see how many steaks i can get out of this three beautiful steaks looking good firmed up nicely absolutely gorgeous and now finally i got my side-by-side comparison of the steaks and again the dried cabinet the umai bag and the home fridge and there's a lot of difference in between these steaks you can clearly see that the dried cabinet has a big pellicle bigger than all the other steaks the umai dries bag has very little pellicle but it has that little smell of acidity that arata would not have and the home dry aged fridge actually looks pretty okay it has some discoloration on the edges but i think we're going to get a pretty good result out of it but having stakes on your cutting board doesn't mean a thing i want to test these things as they should be tested i'm going to be cooking my steaks on the napoleon phantom prestige this thing is an absolute beast but the good thing about this is it has a stainless steel grill grate this thing holds so much power it's gonna blow your mind and it's absolutely perfect to grill my steaks with first i want to get it up to temperature and i'm gonna turn on two burners and by doing so i created the direct zone and an indirect zone on the indirect zone i'm going to let my stakes come up to temperature and once they got the temperature that i want i'm going to sear them off on the direct heat i'm going to give each of these stakes their individual thermometer so i get all of the temperature spot on and i'm looking for a 54 degree celsius core temperature i just got the notification on my phone that the stakes reach the core temperature of 54 degrees celsius so i'm taking them off and let them rest on the board and i'm going to fire up my side burner this thing is an infrared sizzle zone and it's getting temperature up to 900 degrees celsius all i need to do is turn it on wait for five seconds and then hit ignition now it's time to grill sticks [Music] now with any dry aged steak you shouldn't expect to see the beautiful pink what i'm looking for is if i cooked it to perfection and i measure the temperature and don't look at how great is on the inside and this is important because you might knock a steak on say hey it's not cooked to perfection but if it's dry aged it should be grayer than expected so there we go let's slice into the first one still nice and pink with a little gray and definitely feels firm the stick dry edge in the dark age bag is much easier to slice into and the color is even a little grayer the final stick the fridge steak slices easy has got still a little bit of pink color on it but overall looks like a good steak all they need now is a little bit of finishing now let's perform the taste test first one the dry edge cabinet steak nice and juicy slight driest flavor that was a good reference steak now let's try the umi bag steak juicier but less dried flavor five weeks good steak uh being a little bit dryer finer one dry actually in the fridge and this one looks more tender tender juicy not as much dry as flavor as the first two different rice flavor than the one in the back but the same level of heaviness well this is a good experiment hey there's no complaining here all of these steaks are amazing they're all dry aged they're all amazing and we're kind of like nitpicking at what is best here so but that also in itself means something yeah because with the dry ice cabinets that's a big investment if you didn't see the vlog that i put out when i bought these they're crazy expensive so definitely check that out now for me it makes sense to buy something like that because i can put fish in there i can put pork in there it's like a storage it's all cool things that i need for what i do but you might not need it at home the bag is very easy to do you're still going to need a vacuum machine and this with a sole tray it's so easy to do you just stick it in the fridge the only problem is you can't really use that fridge for other things like no don't put i don't know something crazy in there something smelly that's gonna mess up the whole flavor profile of the beef they're doing it in your own fridge maybe a leftover fridge i don't know if that's a luxury thing but hey maybe you'd be a fridge or maybe you're getting a new fridge drink empty the beer fridge and then just try and stick a stick of steak in it see if it works and i think that it works perfectly i think so too hope you guys enjoyed this show and don't forget to check out the next video and leave us a big thumbs up in the comment down below we tried a different setting today see you guys next time until then keep on eating steak it that's right cheers you can't see the dog behind the table it's really there
Channel: Pitmaster X
Views: 181,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBQ, barbecue, PitmasterX, Roel, RoelWestra, recipes, KeepOnGrilling, eetsmakelijk, PMX, Grilling, Eva, I tried all DRY-AGE techniques, dry aging, steak, steak tutorial, dry aging how to, how to make dry aged steak, dry aged steak bbq, dry aged steak, napoleon grill, gas grill, vacuum bag, dry aged fridge, dry aging technique, ribroast, rib eye, rib-eye, rib-eye steak, bbq, dry aging 2022, pitmasterx, steak technique
Id: PUzqFHdse2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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