The Ultimate Guide to Dry Aging Beef Steaks | By The Bearded Butchers

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[Music] h [Music] today we're going to be doing our 42 day dry-aged beef um we've long dry-aged beef typical Locker beef what we would consider Locker beef is what we do where we have our holding coolers in the back they've got a lowf flow um evaporators with the fans running so we get pretty good climate control um about 35° and 80 to 85% humidity is optimal but when we Slaughter and we put new carcasses in there that can change the humidity um and you can uh struggle with mold growth and that that type of stuff so to really get like a 42 dry age we're using our dry Ager cabinets which the unique things about these they have a UV um light and they have the salt so they're able to hold at um 34.5 to 35.5 de about 80% humidity very consistent and they recycle and sanitize the air every 60 seconds so you have a perfect climate for dry aging and dry aging is a practice that's been around for centuries before Refrigeration we had to dry dry age what happens is you get some moisture evaporates out of the the meat um so you get a more robust flavor and then you get enzymatic breakdown so those proteins start to break down it becomes more tender and the flavors you get are kind of nutty kind of a caramel flavor so we're going to show you what it looks like when we cut that crust off get into that nice tender well marbled beef but it's at the end of its 42-day dry aging cycle we're going to get it out we're going to cut it and we're going to try some of it at the end of it see what it tastes like after 42 days perfect dry aging 42-day dry age cut and cook you ready to crack the seal Scott I am this is the first time this has been opened since we put these in here that's a 42-day wagu Tajima bourbon Mash fed gorgeous there's a grain-fed beef strip loin all nice and aged we're just going to get these out we're going to get them out on the processing floor and uh start cutting them here I'll hand you that one all right there El be like firewood can you handle another one give me another one right there to mess up my tags okay all right I'll be behind you with more okay so we'll just go down through each of these chunks I can take the prices out but I got to leave okay you leave the tag identifying because we have the Tajima and just regular grain fed mixed in [Music] here we're ready to get started first thing I want to do is I want to show you this new kidex sheath that we have for our 6in Victorinox these are fantastic it's a great way they have a to just handle them you can take them with you camping uh hunting whatever or you just use around the shop you know you can toss them around you're not going to damage your blade and they have a clip for your belt so let's just get started I'm going to start with this beef strip loin grain-fed beef strip loin and the first thing I have to do so when we save these we put them into the dry Ager we leave a lot of bone and fat on these um to help protect that meat so picture this is a a piece of cheese that you're aging and that outer crust of that cheese you cut that off and what you want on the inside so this is the same thing um first step that I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and take my band saw and I'm gonna trim this down how I normally would prior to cutting steaks uh so yeah let's just get it fired up and we'll start [Music] there what that's going to do is expose that beauti beautiful nice cherry red meat underneath those bones so now we'll just get started removing the rest of the bones like we normally would on processing day so we're just going to go down through here remove all these bones and you'll see how gorgeous this meat looks underneath so there is the re the reason for the the higher price per pound and cost on these is there is some some loss so some of the stuff we won't want to grind into ground beef um and there there is going to be some parts that get discarded just because they're so dried out so and the yield loss as well so that's why there's it's reflected in the price so to get that done and everything's just a a little bit harder to cut now that it's dried out more the Fat's a lot harder and just a little bit more difficult to break down so the biggest thing is just going down through and trimming all of that exterior off of there get the little bones Out Boy and I can smell that that nutty flavor that Scott was talking about that that nutty Aroma I can I can smell it as I'm working on it here all right so there we've prepped all of the bones and exterior Off the Strip line now what we want to do is just go down through here and start cutting some some steaks so I'm going to start by just removing a little bit of this fat off the back of these so just get some of those High edges off there and once we do that that Drager did such a nice job I me there's going to be very minimal loss really so I'm going to start by just taking this end off you can see some of that discoloration there this part we we discard that and then we're just going to square this up for our first steak that'll go into some ground beef and then we can just start going down through and cutting some steaks so this is a beautifully 42 day dry-aged strip steak ready for the grill oh wait don't those just look gorgeous and once we get all these sections cut we're going to pick something to throw in the grill and we're going to try some of these so a nice inch to an inch and a quarter that's are going to be tasty so there you have the strip stakes and we'll just get these all lined up and then we'll start on the next section so you saw the strip section next one is the T-bone section this one I'm going to be doing a little bit more saw work and a little bit less knife work um cuz obviously this is going to be bone in so we start by just squaring it up a little [Music] bit [Music] take a little bit of the fat off there so now we'll just go down through with our bone scrap scraper that we have these all cut we're just going to get a little bit of that bone dust off of there that's a beef 42 day aged T-bone steak we got the T-Bones cut which you can see right here now on to the Porter House [Music] section [Music] [Music] same process here with just getting these all scraped up can you smell that Spencer I can smell it it's amazing smells so good I just imagine this sizzling on the grill what seasoning we going to put on there is the question oh boy maybe we do some without seasoning and some with I ah just have a little pile you can dip it in a little just a little pile we certainly don't want to over Mass the that drage flavor but yeah on to the next chunk so just to bring you up to speed we did the grain fed beef strip the grain-fed beef T-Bones we did the grain-fed beef Porter House now we have the Tajima porterhouse sakes this Suburban Mash [Music] fed [Music] [Music] look at those Beauties [Music] wow all right let's start scraping some of these so you can see that marbling wow I don't know about you but I think I'm most excited about these man I was going to ask Scott which ones he thought we should cook but I think we should not ask Scott Spencer and I think you and I should come to agreement that we're going to we're going to do we're going to cook one of these absolutely wow we'll just go cook without him maybe give him just a little piece of bone at the end look at that that's incredible 42 day dry aged American Tajima wagu look at that huge huge piece of intermuscular there it's like the Mississippi River running through that steak okay get those added to our stash now time to go over here we're going to break down this Chuck we're going to cut flat irons we're going to do some Chuck eyes and Etc so come on back here I can you want to just keep rolling I can just keep rolling you're going to keep rolling cuz I'm rolling on emails I just got a big po I got to put in I can keep rolling I'll just keep the knife in the holster we wouldn't want this thing to get hot be cutting through this like butter just keep this hot up here I'd hate for him get his apron dirty today all right so you've seen us break down these Chucks before but you've never seen us break down one that's been drage this long I can tell you this is going to work my forearms for sure everything's just a whole lot drier I always try it cuz I know I'm miked up and I always try not to start breathing heavy into the mic so annoying I watch our videos back I'm like why was I breathing so heavy but it's it's a lot of work physically just pulling the stuff apart and everything's just going to be more challenging because it's been aged so long once we get this started and some of this fat we will save to add into um some dry age Burgers so not all of this fat will get discarded wow that's intense but we're getting her so we get that big fat cap off the top now we can go in we can pull this flat iron out of here here so we want to take our knife and just follow right along that blade bone right there make a cut and then just get a nice pull and there you have that whole top blade portion that flat iron I'll get that all trimmed out in a second now we want to pull the mock tender off of here pull the shoulder blade out man everything is just so dry all right so there's the shoulder blade get that pulled out now we want to prep this to get those get that chuck roll out of there so we can cut some Chuck eyes let's pull this chuck roll out of here we're going to cut got some Chucky staks with out of this there's that chuck roll start by getting that yellow cord out of there the patty whack once we get this started we should be able to just pull it out this whole process is just so much different than cutting beef that's only been aged two weeks okay now let's just prep this for some staks using our 10-in Victorinox we're just going to start by cutting some of this discoloration off the end and then we'll just get right into cutting our Chucky staks I'm thinking we'll just go down through this whole chuck roll and just cut this whole section into 42 day draged Chucky steaks boy look at those Beauties I find it pretty incredible that once you get that outer section off what's left on the inside it's just so bright cherry red full of color and you know it's going to be amazing on the grill on to this Denver steak we just want to follow the tops of these rib bones sometimes we'll cut this into a nice thick beef short rib you can either do that or you can cut Denver's a Denver so today I'm going to cut a Denver steak because with that marbling in there I wanted to cut a steak so just start by trimming this up now here we want to take this edge off you don't want to leave you don't want to leave that in the package for somebody so you want that nice cherry red look now we'll just go down through and trim this outer layer off this part right here wasn't exposed to the air so it's not discolored or anything but there is some some gristle and some connective tissue so we just want to get that off [Music] there we typically just leave this as a whole piece there's your 42 day dry aged beef Denver on to that beef flat iron it's the last piece in that Chuck to trim up these flat irons are typically kind of difficult to do regardless let alone age this long but we'll just work our way down through it slow as smooth and smooth as fast and to get this gristle off of here boy that is some pretty marbling for just your grain fed beef that's marbled up really nice so after we get that top layer off we want to go back here we want to trim this layer off so now that you have the gristle off both sides you're left with that whole top blade portion you want to go in the middle and take that gristle strip out of the center you stay nice and tight to that gristle strip right there and just go all the way through like that just a little bit more to trim off so there's one piece is that beautiful Spencer oh that's amazing for not even being W you I know now we just Fay this out sort of like a fish get the rest of this gristle off of here I think the biggest thing while I'm cutting this is I'm just not used to it being everything being this dry it's definitely a lot drier than what beef normally would be that we're cutting which makes it just a little bit more difficult to fabricate so there we go take a little bit of this discoloration off from that dry aging that's that was that exterior so that was right near where the air was hitting it so we'll just take that off and then I do want to let you know or remind you that um through this process you know this portion right here will get discarded this this you know this outer layer this blackened portion um but everything else will get saved and we'll make some drage burgers okay so we're going to get three flat irons out of this chunk and then we'll get we're going to get four out of this chunk so look at that so there you have the whole Chuck flat irons Denver Chuck eyes let's get them added to our table everything's cut I do need to however make some more room on my table so we're just going to get everything layered up here we ran out of space okay now we can just get everything else added so let's get these beef chuck eyes over here now we can get our Denver and our flat irons it's time for a little overview that was fun um obviously that Chuck was pretty difficult just because everything was so dry but um starting at the front of our table we have those grain-fed beef strip steaks we have those grain fed beef T-Bones we have the grain-fed beef porterhouse we have the Chucky we have the Tajima Wu T-bone steaks which Spencer and I kind of have our eye on we have a beautiful beef Denver and then we have the flat irons all dry aged to 42 days and Spencer I think what we're going to do is this one right here maybe we'll do um one Sima one something else how about a flat iron IR great idea so let's do not a jie it's a it's a it's a w toimi everybody's wanting us to say wagu to Jima only I got correct you is how you say Tajima go ahead Tajima Tajima I've been practicing Tajima I was at I I had Google up and I was like Tajima I think I heard a tajimi in there wagu to Jim everybody's wanting to say wag you to gima so we're going to do the wagu Tajima now I can't even say we're going to do the flat irons and I think we should add um a chuck steak to this stash I like it so all 42 day aged we're going to cook these up we're going to sample them um next stop we'll see you at the grill meat and spices have gone together for centuries and for for over a decade the beard of butchers have been formulating blending spices that we started out using in our butcher shop and now we've offered for sale 11 different Unique Blends and two sauces we sell it in both Shaker size and in large 4lb bag sizes we know that these spices are going to be great for not just Meats but for anything that you can think to put them around on around your household so please go to ww. beard check out our offerings we're also into many of your retailers Nationwide so look for the beard to butcher blend spices on a store shelf near [Music] you [Music] oh why'd you stop ow oh that was hard get that on camera missed it that was really hard that probably hurts so hard which one are you most excited for I think we know the answer but um well a little spoiler alert we uh traded ourselves to one of those already so it was amazing I think the flat iron might I don't know I don't know that marbling and the strip it's tough to say Spencer I'm sure they're all going to be really good but probably the flat iron is probably my go-to I'd say the Brio's lit you can see we have the staks out here on our cutting board to gima 42-day dry age T-Bone then we have Chucky steak and two flat irons we're going to put a little bit of brck and black seasoning on our board we're not going to pre-season the steaks before we put them on the Brio though because we want the true Taste of the 42-day Aged um steak so that's the seasoning for the steaks and then we have some potatoes in our 10-in uh Skillet those are going to be going on the Brio as well just as a side and we're going to season those up with our brand new ranch seasoning howdy okay taking a little break from our filming Mom and Dad just rolled by to say hi the Brio's lit we're going to get some steaks cooked we have the Tajima so when we put this section in our in our dry Ager it was a Porter House section um we do realize that this steak right here is off the very end so technically this would be a T-bone but this is that Porter House from that Porter House section that um you saw us process so we have the Tajima we have a Chucky steak this is grain fed and then we have the two grain-fed flat irons we're not going to pre-season these before they go on the grill we're just going to make some little piles of the Brock and black and do some dipping after they're cooked and then we're going to do a side of potatoes in our 10-in Skillet um we're going to season those up with a ranch seasoning potatoes are going on the Brio first we're going to get them softened up nice and crispy and then we're going to um put the steaks on brand new ranch seasoning this stuff is absolutely fantastic on just about everything we've been enjoying it on veggies and chicken and french fries and pizza you name it it's just it's so good you can see all the greens in there those chives and herbs and has a little bit of organic parmesan cheese and it's just it's so so good little bit of butter in the bottom of the skillet but uh first order business let's get get these on the Brio so I do want to cover these with a little bit of foil as they're cooking and then partway through the process I'll just remove the foil and we'll get some nice Sizzle action but that's going to keep that heat contained inside that Skillet it's just going to help them cook a little bit [Music] faster [Applause] [Applause] [Music] potatoes are almost finished so we're going to start with the Pima put that right on the grape then we're going to go right beside it with the chuckeye steak the grain fed chuckeye steak and then a couple flat IR we're going to get these cooked up and we get to sample [Music] them [Music] a [Music] we're just going to move our steaks around a little bit cuz our fire is hotter on this side of the grate so I want to get this Pima steak over here get that over the hot fire we're just going to try to plant it so everything comes off around the same time I can tell these flat irons are cooking a lot lot quicker steaks are almost finished we thought it would be pretty nice to have some melted cheese on the top of our our potatoes going to get this cheese melted and we'll get ready to eat steaks are coming off starting with that Tajima we're just going to let them rest here for a minute grain fed Chuck eyye green fed flat irons so those are going to rest we're going to let the cheese melt on our potatoes we're going to slice them up Scott's got the potatoes oo baby look at that you ready to eat I am starved we're ready to slice these up we're going to use Montana knife company's Super Cub with that orange blade that's a beauty I think what we're going to do which one should I start with Scott um Pima yeah that that sounds okay just going to start with this follow that bone that little piece of that filet off of there I have no doubt this is going to be amazing knife just Glides right through there look at that wow that's all I could do to not just throw that one down the hatch so this is the strip side of what would have been that Porter House just remember that it was further down on the loin so technically you could call it a T-bone but it's from that porterhouse section that we put in the dry Ager so there's that that little piece of that filet that was on there now we're going to do the grain fed Chucky steak I can tell that this is um a little bit tougher which we were expecting than the more tough than the Tajima but especially the Chuck side versus the eye side keep these nice and separate there now onto the flat IR look at that gorgeous so these were just your grain fed flat irons and we we dryed that whole Chuck section if you remember from the video wow look at those dandies all right Scott I feel like I'm going to I think I'm going to start this end and work my way this way sure this is the I mean just just take a peek of that wow incredible that's that's a big that's a t so remember no seasoning we'll dip it second bite of each thing maybe we'll dip in the seasoning a little bit but grain fed flat iron drage 42 days oh that big beef flavor tastes like beef but but it's got like such a the dry age yeah it's got such a richness to it a smooth buttery richness to it I'm getting hit with the The Nutty caramelly flavor so this is the Chuck eyye it's just like grain fed you go to a steak house and you get like the best thing that they have on the menu that's just plain beef too there's no seasoning at all and and that chuye that's as good as any strip steak you'd ever eat or or ribeye steak great way to enhance a economy steak now here's here's what we've been looking forward to that Tajima tajimi all right I'm just going to do this Spencer oh man I'm not even going to take the bite you're you're going to take the bite wow I'm I'm honored that is pure buttery velvety smooth m delicious goodness I'm actually going to cut in your mouth isn't it I'm going to cut some of that fillet down so that way everybody can get some you got my Fork I do thanks oh get up that oh leave some of that fat on there b so something that I haven't done yet is I want to take a piece of this flat iron I'm going to go in just a little bit of the black seasoning a little bit of the Brock I'm going to hit the hit the the trifecta I got Ranch Brock and black on there oh that's amazing only one thing left to try pot that's potato hopefully these things AR going to be Lava aren't lava hot nice cheesy melted cheese potato seasoned up with the ranch seasoning that's an American meal right there steak and potatoes we're from the Midwest oh and that right there is a a meal fit for a king and a queen you must be the queen and I'm the king sure that is so man those potatoes are good I'm going to do it again for you're going to be huffing and puffing on that one it's a little warm was it hot it's warm oh yeah isn't that ranch seasoning delicious though man that's super good all right I thought we ate some really good things on camera and we do I mean it's just it just keeps getting better and better or I forget from episode to episode but the enjoyment that you get out of this is just spectacular so something that we wanted to do was not season anything but it's like a I told these guys when we were cooking that it's almost like a sin cooking a steak without seasoning but um feel like you almost have to to get that get that real you know flavor from from that 42 AG 42 day age steak I would just point out though that when we add when when we use our seasonings they don't overpower the flavor of the beef no it just enhances it and that's one of the things about our seasonings that the reason why we developed our Blends was they complement and enhance meat especially everything but meat especially so when we season stuff A lot of times people be like oh you ruined it whatever no we didn't we just took it to a another level and I think that's what sets our seasonings apart and we do that through you know carefully blending them and then just top quality ingredients so that way there's no fillers sugar um just really makes meat better so so this wasn't really a comparison video between each cut um we just wanted to try them all cuz they all went into the Drager at the same time we just happen to have the different uh Cuts available to grill and eat um but it's a Friday almost lunchtime um and how what better way to end a a week days or a week of work than like this cooking on the Brio out here in front of our Log Cabin eating some steak and potatoes um phenomenal products that came out of the Drager we're impressed we've got some people to feed it's lunchtime at White Feather Meats so uh time to wrap this one up absolutely hope you enjoyed watching the video it's more content from the beard of butchers another way that we feel like we enhanced the art of Butchery and dry aging hands down been around for centuries there's no better way to eat meat than dry age hands down thank you all for watching and we'll see you next time don't be shy and go visit our website don't forget some beard to butcher blend seasonings they'll enhance any meal that you eat see you next [Music] time
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 628,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Bearded Butchers
Id: b59M1M91jvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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