I Tried Adele's Sirtfood Diet for 14 Days • Tasty

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[Music] hey guys it's me jasmine and for the next 14 days i'm gonna be trying the surf food diet which is what adele reportedly followed to achieve her fitness goals others such as pippa middleton conor mcgregor and david haye have also been said to use this diet i've been seeing this all over the internet and the surf food diet in a nutshell consists of a group of foods called surf foods which are rich in nutrients that supposedly help us boost metabolism and activate fat burning genes or what they're calling the skinny gene so am i skeptical yes but can't knock it till you try it there's a list of top 20 syrup foods a few of which are red wine chocolate strawberries i've been over indulging during the holidays with a lot of sweet treats and i'm excited to see how this goes it's day one and uh we're gonna start our day off with the juice two handfuls of kale a large handful of arugula a very small handful of parsley i'm gonna poop myself are you serious celery apple and ginger last ingredient the lemon swamp water time to taste the juice oh it's pretty bad it's like savory sour and peppery well this will be fun this journey okay oh my so honestly it felt like it was off to a bad start but then the first meal was the asian shrimp stir-fry with buckwheat noodles and it was not only delicious but it was humongous oh look at this isn't this a huge amount of food i actually don't even eat this much on a day-to-day basis everything took less than 15 minutes to prepare it was pretty much just throwing everything in a pan and stir frying it which is super easy and all these ingredients in this dish are very accessible i would say let's dig in that's pretty good i'm not going to talk about authenticity but taste wise i'm very happy morning it is day two and uh i'm feeling kind of restless i didn't sleep that great last night but i'm ready to start the day off strong with my laxative i'll get used to it so day two woke up feeling a little restless but i continued with the program i had my juices then i made my main meal i had a stir-fried pork fillet with kale and walnuts this does not taste like diet food it tastes like a real meal that is like very filling and flavorful i think i'll take back what i said i'm not a fan of the buckwheat the turmeric is just so heavy and it makes it taste like what you think a health bowl from la would taste like like dirt but the kale and pork are really good my mood is literally determined by food so i knew that i would be somewhat grumpy until i had a meal i liked again so after my first couple juices of the day i made my main meal of the day which was an aromatic chicken breast with kale and red onions and a tomato chili salsa while i was making that i was getting super excited because it was smelling so good the colors were beautiful it just looked really appetizing but next to me was my boyfriend's seafood pasta made with lots of heavy cream and that just looked a little better but i ate it it was delicious very filling and even my boyfriend who doesn't like healthy tasting foods enjoyed it hmm that's good yeah i would like buy this at a restaurant really for a cafeteria yeah okay i wouldn't go that far good morning it's day four going to start off with another green juice this is the start of my great day the syrup muesli was so good i subbed the bug wheat flakes and puffs with muesli mix some coconut flakes medjool dates walnuts cocoa nibs strawberries and greek yogurt i mixed it all up and let it rest for 10 minutes and it was ready to eat mmm this is the best one so far out of any meal it tasted like a health bowl that you get from like newport beach while you walk along the nearby promenade i'm a little skeptical that this could make me lose weight then dinner was gourmet all right time to make meal number two for today the pan fried salmon fillet with caramelized endive on db arugula and celery leaf salad i didn't get any celery leaf because i want to wash it place the parsley lemon juice capers garlic and two teaspoons of the oil in a food processor or blender and blend until sweet this is what the sauce looks like once it's blended smooth honestly one of my favorite salads of all time it tasted like it came from a fancy mediterranean restaurant totally changed my mind about capers also this recipe calls for brown sugar and i think just hearing the word sugar cheered me up this is the oh my god i'm not even exaggerating that brown sugar glaze i've never been on a diet where a recipe called for sugar and i think that just knowing the diet is about inclusion and not exclusion just makes me feel a lot less restricted and that lifted a lot of the pressure i would totally eat this every day this is freaking delicious another day another juice day five i was already on another high just because the meal from the night before was so good and then the certain muesli was good dinner was good too so i was already excited i slept really well last night i'm very happy about it i woke up with a lot of energy and in a really good mood i'm not groggy at all i actually dreamt about the salmon salad last night because and then i got excited again because i knew another meal with some asian flavors were approaching today's recipe calls for mirin it's pretty much like sugar and rice wine i can't even believe i can use this asian food is my comfort food and in my past diets it often involved making bland tasteless foods that were clearly uninspired and frankly just quite depressing the fact that i'm able to have culturally diverse meals that fit my flavor palette means a lot to me like why would i continue to eat a diet with food i hate honestly the old me would probably just do it just to see the number on the scale drop but now i'm refusing to do that because my mindset is shifted and i've learned that having a diet that i enjoy has a positive impact on my mental health so while i was cooking i got really hungry i cheated on my diet by eating an avocado which i'm not sorry about it's an avocado hmm this is real food i'm not even jealous of your steak what i'm really liking about this is that in other diets i've done obviously you have to cut down a lot on carbs and this one you are but when i'm eating this meal i feel like it's going to be filling because i get an actual serving of carbs i'm not saying go and cheat on your diets but if you need a snack to keep yourself sane during a diet then who cares then later before bed i cheated again but it was a banana i don't feel bad though good morning guys it is day six and i am not gonna make a juice today i'm just gonna blend it you guys probably think that's really gross i mean it's not pleasant but the only reason i'm doing this is because i don't really want to wash the juicer it takes like 20 minutes to wash and like i'm just too busy here goes definitely much thicker i should have washed the juicer i'm having my first meal of the day this is the cert super salad it took me like 40 minutes to prepare and i had all my veggies prepped already so it did take a little bit of time but it looks really good and i'm ready to dig in the more you chew the more the flavor develops very refreshing the diet is already so much easier to try out now because at buzzfeed you're constantly being tempted at the office by cupcakes cookies chips the food from tasty shoots but my boyfriend has the fastest metabolism and he's constantly trying to gain weight so he eats whatever he wants and is able to stay lean and because of that i'm always tempted at home too he is enjoying some spinach artichoke dip which i love hey guys it's day seven of course starting my morning off with the green juice i did weigh myself this morning and i am not seven pounds down i am five pounds down officially seven pounds in seven days didn't necessarily pan out for me but i'm fine with it i'm okay um yeah i feel really good mentally like i don't know i love myself it's better to love myself more than it is to lose that weight day seven's meal one which is a cert food omelette and it called for endeavor leaves but i ran out so i just used kale and actually the omelet called for bacon isn't that just wild eggs i just threw them together a few eggs added the kale and the bacon and some parsley i also ran out of parsley so i've been using my dry parsley but this looks not bad let's try it this is a pretty decent omelette you know what's weird i don't even really like bacon that much but when i'm on a diet i'll take it duh it is day one of phase two which means it is day eight of this diet i'm pretty excited about entering phase two because we're not focusing on calorie counting anymore and we get one juice and three meals and one to two optional syrup food so my first meal today is the syrup food smoothie i'm actually gonna meal prep this because i looked up my calendar i'm much busier this week than i was last week i think the hardest part about following these diets is that you know it comes with a lot of cooking so i feel like someone who has kids pets a busy schedule in general this would be very difficult for them but with meal prep of course things can be much easier some medjool dates these are great sweeteners oh my strawberries yum and chocolate okay so for four smoothies meal prepped i'm gonna need this much chocolate breakfast for the next three days is done [Music] yeah it's not bad it's not good but it's not bad i was feeling stressed earlier from all this meal prepping but now that it's done a lot of stress has been lifted off my shoulders i made three salads i just put all the dry ingredients in there so it stays fresh now time to prep my next three dinners which will be the prawn arabiata with buckwheat pasta so far the prana arabiana has been very easy to put together just threw in all the vegetables and then two tins of tomatoes and then i just need to cover this and let it simmer look at that does that look like diet food dinner for the next three nights are done doesn't that look so good i think this takes the cake so far i could totally see myself making this without making any adjustments to the recipe for this recipe i would give it a 10 out of 10. these 9 and 10 were really easy i think it's helpful to know that i meal prepped for three days and that they were all meals that i were decently pleased with so i wasn't dreading any of my meals and because i was making sure to finish eating by 7pm it kind of felt like i was constantly eating though i did get munchies while watching tv late at night we are playing among us and i already have my meal prep so i'm happily enjoying it right now with my friends the second week has already been so smooth sailing with all the delicious food and then i made probably the most surprising thing that you could eat on a diet pancakes to make pancake batter place all the ingredients apart from the olive oil in a blender and blend until you have a smooth batter it should not be too thick or too runny made half a serving since i knew most of the serving sizes have been quite large and then i stored the rest of the batter in the fridge since it was good for up to five days day 14 the last day i wanted to go big i still had leftover pancake batter and miso soup so i just had that for breakfast and lunch and for dinner i made a pizza making the sauce got my beautiful dough baby over here and we're just gonna cover it up and let it rise for about an hour i'm gonna try and spin this i'm doing it mozzarella i'm going a little heavy but it's the last day of the diet okay all right i'm having a vegetarian pizza today so i'm just gonna top it with some grilled eggplant more the merrier it's ready to go into the oven i added some basil to the top of the pizza i think it's the perfect touch i'm super excited to try this cheers it's not bad at all wow one thing i'll change more cheese it's crazy to even believe that this diet is over but i think it went very well if i were to try this diet while not in a pandemic i think it would have gone a very different way so let's just get to it did i lose weight yes i lost five pounds in the first seven days then another two pounds in the second week for a total of seven pounds in 14 days i'm very happy with these results i probably won't be continuing as strictly as i was over the past couple of weeks but i learned a lot about myself i strengthened my positive relationship with food and will a thousand percent happily be making more of these recipes it's all about good food for me honestly oh yes [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 3,495,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, Tasty, adele, adele diet, adele sirtfood, adele weight loss, baking, breakfast, breakfast recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, cooking, dessert, dinner, dinner recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, food, food porn, fun recipes, how to, how to bake, how to cook, jasmine pak, jasmine pak tasty, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, lunch, lunch recipes, quarantine, quarantine recipes, sirtfood, sirtfood diet, social distancing, tasty recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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