I Tried a GLITCH in Minecraft Hardcore!

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so I was gonna start today's episode looking at a possible glitch that we can try a Minecraft hardcore but I load up the game and looks like we've already encountered one what is happening here there's literally all the mods that I have captured oh wait nevermind I was close to being exposed there but uhm they saved me so weird why there's so many iron golems spawning there's more of them there's three down here now oh man okay this one over there as well I mean I'm not complaining they're here to protect and serve our Minecraft world hey the more the merrier to be honest but today we're gonna start off by watching a little video it's very short for a glitch that I want to try out so this was shown to me on Instagram but is actually from a tick-tock and it's a way to glitch TNT so that it stays half exploded and then you can kind of like move it around with a fishing rod it's very weird but I really want to try it so here it is forgive the music I'm at you have to mute the music but you put down loads of repeaters and then you launch the TNT but delay the launch of the TNT until it's about to explode and then you get this it's like uh just about to explode TNT and I think this is risky enough for us to try oh wait it doesn't even explode like that hey that's kind of cool so yeah props to dantdm edits minecraft edits and this guy for showing me this glitch and today we're gonna try it you know me we're in hardcore and I like to keep things risky so we're gonna try that so we need some repeaters we need some stone and obviously we need some TNT we definitely have some TNT the other worry that I have is this is the only nether portal I really want to try it on because the other side is perfectly flat to be able to do this if this explodes things could go really badly really badly wrong and skinny Junior the seconds I think that's his name I think that's the only one left I don't want to damage him so maybe I should grab some obsidian to shield him first I don't even know if this is gonna work because I'm currently in 1.16 pre-release so I don't know if this has been patched or not but I really want to try it so do we have all repeaters how you make these how many did I need let me go back to the video I need one two three four five six seven eight okay we need ten a piston and some redstone okay I think I've got this I think I've got this this shouldn't be too hard but I need to build in the nether so ten repeaters two stone and a piston got it this is not going to go well is it like abs or why do I do these things anyway we need some redstone torches so if we need 10 many 20 redstone torches so let's grab some of those I think I'm running low on wood again which nevermind I'm not running long wood at all let's make that into word and then we need 1523 sticks which should make twenty redstone torches actually only eighteen so that should be enough we've got the redstone dust as well let me go sleep and then I'll grab the rest oh I'm ready for this I'm ready for this if we can do this I want to try and keep it like I want to try and keep it alive for as long as possible and maybe store it somewhere maybe we can hang it from somewhere I don't know we're gonna have like a pet white TNT that's off exploded super dangerous especially in hardcore right where's my smooth stone at I know I've got some somewhere there it is I don't know if this is gonna be enough and the repeaters we can use for this which I haven't finished yet I know you guys get annoyed but there'll be a stream coming up don't you worry how many of these can I make oh wait ten is perfect beautiful okay this is actually a much quicker threat than I thought it would be and now oh you know what we can use the blast protection just in case it doesn't quite work let's make them hello lever I didn't just forget out sir to do a lever you didn't see that at all where's my blast protection armor where did that go is up here so I'm definitely gonna need that for experiments just like this one so let's move to this not quite nether right but still looking fabu is that what I need I need like two solid blocks I'm gonna use the smooth stone just in case I need that specifically oh no any gold boots don't I get the gold boots so that guy doesn't hits us and I think sorry sir almost fell on you I think we're ready to go now I'm gonna need to watch the video one more time just to make sure maybe I said yeah I need to grab a C and I can't have another cat died from my own hand so quite a lot of my hands as it is it cannot happen oh yeah I just forgotten Osman ah ah I need to check actually I will check I'll check if they have fixed 41 Rockets I'll check if they fix the wither skeletons as well there's a few projects I've got in mind they're more long-winded projects but I'm gonna be honest with you I've been watching hermit crafts and their stuff is just outrageous and then I come back to my world and just look at it it's a half-finished mess it's half exploited by creepers it's gross so I need to fix it it needs to look better I will do better I promise anyway I'm getting distracted I need obsidian there we go and I think that's it I'm gonna build a little I'm gonna build a wall that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna build a wall so that my boy is skinny jr ii does not get blasted by tnt just in case this goes wrong that should be fine shouldn't it that should be fine right let's do this as double it up make it just in case the cows I'm sorry I already care about you guys that much as long as ink red alarm is out the way and his son we should be fine right oh okay let's go to the other side and let's see if this is gonna work oh man I really hope it does because this would be this would be sick so I need to make like this looks exactly like the video that's kind of why it inspired me to do it but might not go as well to be honest with you okay so TNT in the corner this might be a three-wide portal just puttin that out there yeah I think this is three wide ah how do we how do we edit it to be three wide so I need to make it go up to here I should be able to do that so if we make it go like this I need to break it and then reignite it but I need flint and steel to do that okay okay experiment seems to be going okay so far but something fair we ever really started you know one thing I am really proud of I am really proud of the castle I think the castle looks super cool not when you go inside it but it looks pretty cool from the outside I'll give you that I do really like that but the rest we need to work on the bridge is cool this section is okay I like the vending machine still now that it's got the top on it but I feel like the rest just keeps improving quite a bit my minecraft game in building isn't that great I'll give you that but I have survived seven hundred days in minecraft parkour so you got to give me some slack right let's see if this works I'm gonna break the portal oh this is scary very very scary is where I actually broke it and can't get back right that's this is what happens okay so now we should be able to reignite it is it three whites it looks really different on the other side's let me see what happens if I go through it should just lead me to the same one regardless of the size okay good that's fine let's go back in all the portal noises and discombobulating me there you go three wide so we need to put the TNT here and then we need to put the piston yep not like that piston needs to go this way beautiful and then we need I think it's leave a here but I'm gonna do that lost because if I if I spring that by accident it's gonna kill me there there oh yeah they change redstone as well I wonder if that matters there's one two three I think that matches okay good so that's what we need to make next okay we need to make this a little bit bigger which is fine which is fine blah blah blah why make bla bla bla be repeaters my friends so we need to make them max repeaters as well pretty sure and then we grab one stone two more repeaters at max I'm gonna double-check that these are all supposed to be max by the way so all of these at max cool that is complete now that looks exactly the same as it does in the video so this should work but remember I don't know which kind of I don't know which kind of Minecraft these guys are in so it might not work it might be a super old video you guys really wanted me to try this Larry this trip will check everything sit upright yes we make them all max okay all of them are Max and then we flip the switch and it should push it through oh man this could also be just straight-up fake so it might not even work at all but I'm willing to try it for science and for you guys um are you watching this you've been with us for ages your friend D spawned that is a shame but you're about to witness history buddy or you're about to witness me blow up the other side of my hardcore world but let's see what happens let's see I'm really nervous to push it I don't know if I want to I never knew that you could put TNT through a through nether ports will either so I'm pressing it I'm pressing it why didn't that work I feel like it took too long oh there has to be lava here as well really we doing this why why didn't that work I don't understand I did it exactly the same way I kind of want to try it again though right Loki oh no only thing is I might be missing oh wait actually am i missing them I think I'm good yeah I've got them all back okay as long as I get them all back then we're fine so I feel like that ran too long wait I get the piston back I did okay so I'm gonna try this one more time lever okay rest in peace to the lever the one thing I do need to be careful of is this so let me just a block this up so this doesn't happen again all right be gone you get out of here no one likes lava especially me so this should now disappear no lover allowed I feel like it went too quickly like it exploded before it was pushed in right was I just not paying attention very well um let's grab let's go back and grab two TNT's so we can try this more than once oh and levers because rest in peace lever you guys survive for now right I have the goods I'm back for attempt number two now I feel like this took too long so I might put this just at this chick and see if it even works pushing it through um I think that's gonna be the issue I think it's gonna stay in the portal but we've got two more tries of this let's see what happens hmm I don't know I might need to make it quicker again maybe don't worry if it doesn't work in this I'm gonna quickly switch over to a different version of Minecraft so that we can get this to see which version of Minecraft this works in cuz I want to try this I just wanted to try and get it to work in hardcore cuz obviously we risky out here right let's try another time so we need piston here so this one was on here let's put it there so that's a little bit quicker lever redstone rounds here there we go right this is my last try and then I'll go into another version of Minecraft and see if it happens I feel like I just need to get the timing right how was it how was it how was it oh that was perfect but it definitely exploded before it went in oh that's annoying right I'm gonna I'm gonna hop over to a different version of Minecraft real quick and see if we can get this to work okay this version of Minecraft feels so weird so this is bedrock edition apparently it works in here says grab obsidian it still baffles me why this version of Minecraft is sort of a flint and steel or even the way the mouse moves feels really weird why is this why is this version of Minecraft so odd I can't even I feel like I play a bike raft for the first time I can't even place blocks properly embarrassment let's go to the nether okay this is actually perfect so I need to break this and make it into a three so I'm gonna pretty much mimic exactly what I did just now but in this version of Minecraft okay I think I'm ready so I should be able to pull this lever and see what happens if it doesn't work though wait it just worked don't blow up don't blow up don't blow up your are the portal wasn't made on the other sides wait I need to go back in when I rewrote the portal it stopped it working right if I grab the TNT and do it again we should be able to do this right wait for the redstone cover and bam this should work this should work a hundred percent go on do it do it they must treat lit TNT completely differently oh no way ah see I knew it would work someone said it was in the bedrock version so now can we do this wait let's break this oh no way oh it actually works it actually works but it won't work in my hard cool world oh that's so disappointing look at that it's probably a glitch that they have fixed at some point yo that's kind of crazy though I like that the only thing I don't like is that it didn't work in my in my heart cool look at this oh this thing is cool you can keep a glitch in your Minecraft world right I'm gonna save and quit I will load the game and see if it's still there are you still there or are you gonna explode on me what are you gonna do oh it's stupid no way no way so if you're in bedrock version which is any console and stuff you can do this in that version as well the only one it doesn't work in is the one we needed it to work in it doesn't work in Java look at the little puppy don't work but don't be worried don't be worried but ah okay I didn't mean today I'm sorry don't look at me no no I I didn't mean it I didn't mean it stop this is all that I was worried about let's try the TNT thing as well well you can try and explode it and see what happens this version of Minecraft got me all kinds of weirded out let's do this see what happens to it just moved round like a hockey puck dude that's so weird but I love it I even floats down a river no wait alright can we put in uh I don't know why I'm spending so much time on this but can we put it in a boat maybe I want to take this bad boy with me come on you know you want to get in the boat get in the boat get in the boat it does not want to get in the boat okay won't get in the boat but still the glitch experiment at least I got it to work myself because all worried for a second that we couldn't use it which I guess we can't in Java this is cool shoutouts to the tic-tock who found that that's amazing and if you know any other glitches you want me to try especially in Java edition so I want to try them in my hardcore well then let me know in the comment section down below but for now let's get out of this weird version of Minecraft and back to hardcore because some jobs to do oh yeah this is a slightly awkward now I mean at least we've got the the repeaters now that we needed that that's fine let me just pull this away see it worked I wasn't telling lies no lies here let me just patch this up I need to I feel so weird going backwards and forwards between the versions I didn't realize there was so different right I wanted to check on the wither skeletons because last time I addressed the issue that we literally can't get wither skeletons and wither skulls to spawn so I need to unload some of this stuff which is gonna be tricky cuz I have a lot of stuff on me we've got one with a skeleton scar and the reason I'm doing this if you guys didn't know is because I've got to bust open this last achievement where is it this one I need to kill a hex which is gonna have to happen from a raid and then I need to kill the wither again wait it's taking another achievement off me why do you keep doing this get more animals you have even added any more animals and now we need to breed more ah they keep taking these achievements away from me I'm telling you they're watching me so they want the series to continue unbelievable behavior right let's switch into a real nice armor this should be fine actually we should be able to get on with this let me go put the blast armor away well I call again anti splurts put that back in there I'm gonna have these torches as well and then we're done right let's go back to the nether I want to see if any of these wither skeletons are gonna spawn let's go so because I'm a little bit stupid I keep forgetting that I've got a wither oh jeez I think I keep forgetting I've got a nether fortress access right here now that I've destroyed this whole section and I also forgot that what I wanted you know one I made those when I made those skeleton horses I wanted to make a transport system with those so as I was talking about I need to up my game I need to make sure that I've got some decent transport between all of our places in the nether oh here I got another roof as well you know I forgot about this what one second Oh is actually working cuz it I was gonna say working still but it never really worked in the first place my gold farm when we broke the bedrock this was a legit glitch so I guess I tried a glitch before except this one actually worked in my hardcore world oh boy oh boy this is embarrassing it took me so long as well this to me hours and hours and hours I've got some gold but now the irony is I just don't need the gold I don't need any of it I built this old figure is gonna make me cry no no I'm gonna shed tears over it but the irony is I don't need gold anymore because gold is so much easier to get in the nether now right what I want to try out is can we get wither skeletons now oh jeez no no no no no no no shoo Junior is gonna have some words with you my friends ha no no no no no no no I almost fell then oh that would have been a bad death yeah definitely okay with the skellies blaze spawner xanies go this way I can't remember the layout of this fortress Oh they fixed it yo hello sir Lutie three blue two three wait why are you trying to attack me stop oh he was gonna attack the wither skeleton okay they're on my site now I vibe with you thank you y'all they fixed ear oh I'm pleased I always forget that I've got this nether fortress here so I need to make sure that I've got good access to this in the future but let's go and see if we can find some more Skelly's I want to see if I can try and get these skulls I only need two more and then I can spawning the wither again so we can beat it down again I'm pretty sure this is where I found all my previous ones but it also looks slightly different where my wither skeleton are I think this is the this is the crossroads section I mentioned this in the previous episode as well you need a crossroads section that looks like this for wither skeletons to spawn let's be careful though because you know you know how how it is I usually yeah I usually burn myself this is not the place I normally come but you know what if we can find some Skell a bow and rounds here I will not mind to be honest though I'm not gonna be a hundred percent convinced that they fixed it unless I see at least one more because that could have been a fluke could have been a fluke could have been a random straggler from before ah wait this is where I was before cuz I got my giant my stupid giant nether portal okay listen is where I found them before it's this section here this is perfect I can see some let's call they fixed it oh I have no idea what happens before but let's see if we can grab ourselves some some skulls my friends hello how are you I'm coming to take your brains 13-3 looting three looting three looting ow no that was not lucky at all completely the opposite actually come down come down to safety looting three I need some looting three action right now right you definitely get out of here you two I don't want you busting this up stop Oh destroyed him come here friends come here you looting three no no leaks you through your tool actually this is getting us some experience too I'm so glad they fixed it because now we can find these skeletons and finally get this achievement done but it turns out I need to do two more achievements but I need to breathe it's gonna be something dumb like wither skeletons isn't it that I need to breed together but another one of my goals in the hardcore series is to make everything just way easier to find because I know the general direction of where things are but what I'm trying to find something in particular sometimes it takes me a good half an hour or so to find it because I'm so disorganized I could definitely make it better aha I see you and I am going to drop on you and kill you clue two three looted great no looting for me man is blazer so annoying I'm glad we've got this bow now cuz look at it it's insane I think we can go up here as well I feel like this was a place where though with the skeletons too that's why the cobblestone is there I hear 100 get dunked on you didn't give me didn't give me a skull though did you ah yes they're spawning in a little bit more now beautiful come here you yike yike still nothing what are you actually giving me bones and cold I mean that's not exactly what I wanted is it that's three over there right I need to go over there quick don't be spawned only spawn don't be spawned only spawn yes my friends come here come to me oh there's one there as well beautiful these blazes are getting really annoying all this bow is insane come here friends I need your skulls looted Hey it's no walking today is it definitely welcome very well there's this other boy right how do I get across to you without dying this three there's four up there right if we don't get one from this I don't be mad oh yes ha got one the only time I don't say looting three or anything else I get myself that skull let's go okay I need to get up there as soon as possible let's go I need one more what yeah one more struggling to counter three over here come on I feel it I feel it my bones this is the one this is the one these are the guys right up here hello friends hello do not drop it off the edge not we're good we're good we're good where did the other ones go oh they're all down here wait this is gonna be an absolute massacre for you get out here boys I don't know why I jump I feel like it makes things better but it really out it really doesn't out oh we just died two thorns oh that's mad annoying and he died two thorns as well stop looting three looting three I'm going insane I'm actually going insane will you stop that no go back to whence you came leave me alone he really wants me dead I got him as well haha they ever mentioned I don't like nether that much I think I've mentioned it once or twice but um yeah we're really not liking it right now I turned away I turned away and didn't even see it land did you see a land I think you saw it boy umm there's another one down there might just quickly grab this just to see just to see if I get lucky come on boy come at me going going what are you kidding me no life we just robbed three a full-width is worth oh casually just gonna smack this one over the head and see if I get another one I've mellowed of peers what is happening okay blaze I'm pretty annoyed that I have to keep dealing with you guys especially when you've set me on fire like that what do you want huh get out of it thank you right okay let's find our way home I can't actually remember how I get home he's over there there must be over there let me see if I can find it I need some not being so stupid by jumping over everything but I don't have my elite you're on yeah I'm a leader on a tour maybe I should maybe I should probably do that just in case I think it's over here and then I can find my way back to my base my portal okay this isn't exactly what I had in mind but oh man why am i doing this this is where I found the portal I mean the the fortress in the first place what is happening survive okay we're good now which way do I need to go I hate being on these like one wide platforms it's definitely the wrong way I need to go this way so I need to oh geez what are you doing here you need to get off get out no move oh wait wait they don't float oh no they didn't float I'll rest in peace buddy I'm sorry I didn't mean it need to get yourself a Strider Oh a Strider that could be a cool way to transport ourselves to de nether as well Striders and skeleton horses we need to get on that okay this was fairly successful I mean the episode is a little bit more of a mess just because we didn't get to do the glitch but at least we did the glitch in a different version of Minecraft wait what's this sign here see Guardian temple yeah I feel like that's a far like a long trip but we did it though we actually got one more with a skeleton than we needed which is a perfect so now pair that with all the soul Sam we got and we can make ourselves a another wither to fight which I'm not gonna do today I want to complete the achievement in the next episode and I also need to research why need to breed to get the two more that we needs I feel like I got 19 wait hold on a second what's this one called two by two okay I'm gonna go quick the 2x2 advancement now requires donkeys and mules so now I need to find donkeys I guess we can do that we don't actually have to be have any donkeys yeah I'm pretty sure we don't that's one of the only animals that we don't have right we got a we all look for donkeys next time so mean donkeys and mules and then we need to breed both of those cuz there's two of them right yes we need to be both of those get that advancement and then finally to recompute minecraft again I need to initiate another raid which is fairly easy but I need to make the hexes squad which I'm not looking forward to even with nether right armor I'm not looking forward to that and then we need someone in another wither and take that down so today guys we tried a little bit of a glitch it didn't work in this version but at least we got its work in another again if you want me to try any other glitches that you found or any other secrets now make sure you leave them in the comment section down below with things to try cuz I'm always up for trying new things even if it's slightly risky in Minecraft hardcore but for now guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like the be greatly appreciated subscribe if you are brand new to the channel as well wait in that big red button just below the video and I'll see you guys all of you in the next one give I [Music] hostess I swing wagon candles campus of a fulcrum a band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,885,445
Rating: 4.9413166 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.15, child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, minecraft 1.16
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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