I STOLE My Friends DIAMONDS From Their WISHING WELL! (Minecraft Troll)

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oh yes you guys have snitched on slow go man that's right I saw this comment in the comment section so that's been stealing fishing this comment that's 200 likes so thank you guys so much for supporting Ryan on this one but first you got to make sure that this is true so this right here is the wishing well that I think Josh made in one of his videos no I haven't actually watched that video but there's something suspicious going on now I'm gonna go down to the bottom of it if you guys remember I actually threw down a lot of iron ingots and I also stole a gift that Jordy got from Josh in his mailbox he had like some some golden horse armor and iron ingots in here and I also threw that down the well of course thinking that it would disappear but apparently something is going on according to Ryan anyway also like and subscribe if you see this yeah after now that's right bring this video 200,000 likes the previous one had only 80,000 let's see if we can get more than eighty thousand likes and US I only gained about 200 subscribers from last video so if I could gain 300 subscribers from this video they'll be really helpful anyways what's that down there at the bottom of this well let's let's just should we just swim down maybe I should eat my bread first so I don't die okay alright there we go last piece now we're gonna swim down whoa this is a bad idea okay we've made it to the bottom of the well so what exactly are these things item hopper what are these item uppers doing here what do they even do I'm drowning I'm actually confused right now maybe I should take it open take it open that's right that's right we're gonna dig you we're gonna destroy you a little hopper three two one come on break exactly is this place let's just put a magma block down because ah it's leaking where are we we're below the well where we've got a little room and like a hallway um okay what's this we've got a chest over here all right what's inside of this chest oh my god Ryan you all right thank you so much here we've got the golden horse armor we've got the irony get some seeds some bone meal and some other stuff are you kidding me right now Josh has been stealing all of our stuff oh my goodness I don't know what to do at this point should we tell him should we tell Josh that we found this place and then confront him about it because we're even are we hello go through here uh this is Josh's basement Josh has a secret room in his basement and is stealing all of her stuff from the wishing well are you actually kidding me he's using these hoppers because I think if you throw a piece of cobblestone in the harbor then it'll go through it and arrive at the chest oh my goodness I gotta be honest with you Josh this is an absolute genius idea but I'm on to you mate I'm on to you all right so I don't know what to do with this we can break it so that he cannot steal anything anymore or wait a minute we control Josh back oh my goodness I've got such a great idea what if we loop these hoppers to not feed Josh's chest but it feeds my chest where is my chest okay let's go to my secret basement because I actually think I am super close to the well all right up Josh's house here we go now let's go down to my secret basement that's not secret anymore I'm still calling as a secret basement because that's what I named it but everybody knows about it now all right I also fixed the hole down here obviously yeah this all blew up okay so is this is this the well are you kidding me these are the hoppers this is absolutely perfect are you guys thinking about what I'm thinking if we put a chest right over here we will get all the stuff from the home verse but the problem is if we put a chest there I think Josh will be able to see it we have to figure out a way to kind of steal all the stuff from the Wishing Well that Josh obviously thinks is going to him and then we steal it ah all right so my idea is that we cover up these hoppers with another layer of hoppers alright let's go and get some iron do I have iron anywhere I'm sorry Bruno I'm sorry I haven't talked to yet in this episode and now he's staring into the wall well it's gonna be fine okay I found something really important that I have to do all right so I currently have nine pieces of iron wait well do I need chests for a hopper I think I need chests for a hopper okay I still have some all right chest in the middle hopper around it no you got to at the top and the sides and one at the bottom that's a hopper but I don't think I've got enough for two that's a bit awkward just open this up it'll start leaking but if we put an item hopper right around here that doesn't feed Josh this hoppers but only feeds us I think we might be able to do this but clearly first we have to get some ayran and there we go we've got our first piece of ayran beautiful looking great no second I'm not sure how many we need I think we need at least like 25ish so let's just get a lot and then we'll head back home alright we've got some more over here this is actually quite a lot finding iron in this game is pretty easy luckily so oh I got this I got this done in no time look at that guys have currently got 30 pieces in my inventory and I'm not sure how much we need but I think after this we've probably got enough this is way too easy this is actually way too easy Josh you've made it too easy on me all right I've got 46 pieces of ayran I think it's about time to head back home and here we are look how quick that was it is still light outside even or we spend an entire night and it's it's just the new day I have no idea all right so we've got two furnaces over here obviously we're gonna split this iron up to you know make it go a little bit quicker and there we go now we have to wait all right our ayran is done we've got 50 pieces now which is actually quite a lot now we just got to make some hoppers I think we only need 5 now we've got one already so let's make 4 or more there we go and 5 hoppers in mind venturi alright so first things first let's just make sure this water stops running down for a second because it's so annoying now we'll remove those later we're gonna make sure the water flows down but I want to figure out if it's possible to just put the whoppers down like this and then they don't feed the bottom ones if I put a sign in this hopper where does it go ah come on ok so that doesn't work pretty sure we're gonna have to put these hoppers even one block higher let's try that out so what if we add them on this layer there we go wait hold up it's working with this one isn't it oh no nevermind is this really tricky guys ok this is actually starting to work I think through okay wow that doesn't look all that bad so now I need to put these hoppers back that obviously feed Josh's chest there we go that seems to look ok so if we now remove this block we add a nice hopper right over here ok ok we remove this torch we place a chest right over here will this work alright let's go upstairs let's just throw something into the well and see what happens alright let's have a look down here okay you don't really see it obviously it's a little bit elevated but I don't even think Josh or Geordi have ever looked down this well so I don't think they're gonna notice let's throw some cobblestone down oh and my axe and see if this works come on give me everything the moment of truth the moment of truth through the through the truth of course here we go three two one what why is that a thing ah it's all stuck in this hopper okay so it did catch everything and it did deliver it to this hopper but the problem is didn't deliver it to the chest maybe we have to place it like this aha I'll see now there's a little tube okay let's do that let's do that again this time I'll make sure not to throw my axe down or myself alright into the hopper and a sign and a couple of torches maybe one loaf of bread all right let's have a look it's the moment of truth again here we go oh my goodness it worked it works okay so we have successfully transformed Josh's hopper stealing mechanism and just turned it into my own all we got to do now is cover this up to make sure that Josh never finds this and you know what I actually think that's it now they obviously know about this they know about the secret room so maybe maybe we should just cover it up I don't know it might be good to to cover it up for now alright well put a torch on there so we know it's right behind that piece of cobble now please ladies and gentlemen do not snitch on me do not tell couple cop or slow go man that I built this alright Josh clearly knew what he was doing so now we just gotta you know give him some payback and give me some some free loot thank you alright so the last thing we got to do is remove these signs that's right it's very important that we do that now the water is flowing and nobody will know that I ever did this Bruno I've successfully trolled slow go man it's gonna fall for it like crazy and of course rubble cop as well I'm proud of you Bruno I'm very proud of you now before we add this episode I want to give both level cop and man something nice that's right quibble cop is gonna get a piece of string and Slocum and is going to get a nice piece of Flint how nice it's gonna love that oh here you go clever cop and obviously we must not forget that our boy Ryan has officially successfully snitched on slogan man Thank You Ryan this right here is going to be Ryan watch this Colin Rose doing some action boom that's Ryan right there what's up Brian how's it going you're so cute that's right Ryan you're getting your own beautiful sign Ryan the wish the wish your the wish Ryan my wish came true clearly we're gonna have to extend my house because we're running out a place for a sign but please snitch on slogan man snitch on couple cop whatever they are doing leave it in the comment section down below because I really need to find out chickens I will see you in the next one bye thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it click on that subscribe button and also make sure to check out the new exclusive jelly army t-shirts on jelly store.com
Channel: Jelly
Views: 14,456,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, minecraft, troll, trolling, diamonds, survival, slogoman, kwebbelkop, funny, game, games, gaming, I STOLE My Friends DIAMONDS From Their WISHING WELL, minecraft trolling, funny moments
Id: HzX-_nSWWy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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