I Transformed the Nether Portal in Minecraft Hardcore

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i built a giant nether hub in hardcore minecraft it took me over 20 hours to design and build it and the end result looks amazing so make sure you watch the end so you can see the full build i'm gonna do something that i've wanted to do for a long time and that is replace the smooth stone around the base with iron blocks i'll head over to the iron farm and it's still working so that's nice i will just have to craft a bunch of iron blocks what are you doing man get out of here i've made over seven stacks of iron blocks and we've barely made a dent in the iron so yeah we should be good on iron for a long time we can finally swap out this smooth stone for iron blocks and there we go yeah that's already looking a lot nicer should i also replace this stone yeah i probably should okay and that is it for the sugar cane farm was it worth it to do everything including the blocks that you can barely see probably not but you know we did it so uh i've come up with a really cool idea for another hub so that's what i'm gonna build next in the world nice first i need to go to the nether and figure out a spawn for this i don't have flint and steel so i'll need to get a ton of purple dye for this because i want to make purple glass so i need to first grab some poppies don't mind the sound of the iron golems in the background the lava to them it's like a hot tub i i promise they're they're fine they're okay so i'll make a bunch of red dye and blue dye and then make purple dye i'm not really sure how much i'll need but that's a good start let's see how much glass we have okay we don't have any glass um this is a problem so [Music] huh i think i hit myself with that pearl while we wait for those to smelt i'll go grab the next thing we'll need which is deep slate i need to get deep slate and stone i should already have enough stone but i won't have enough deep sleep well i got myself a bunch of deep slate so i should be good to start working on the nether hub now the problem is getting out of here now um if i do this okay wait oh whoa i went through the ground whoa all the glass is done smelting i'm not sure if this is even going to be enough but it is a good start so i'll make it all purple glass first of all i want to have four portals in the middle here so i'll just place stone instead of obsidian for now and i need to dig out some area around it i'll start with the top layer so it'll be a circle of purple stained glass one two three four yeah this is gonna be huge okay [Music] so [Music] i've done the first layer and you may be thinking well that's not that much glass why'd you need to get so much and that's because i need to do this times six four times seven actually yeah times seven and i'm already almost out of glass i actually came up with an idea that i think will actually make the build look a lot better the only problem is it's gonna take twice as much glass and an entirely new color of glass so i'm now looking for a specific type of flower do i know the name of the flower no but it's magenta is this it no this is so sad smash like and sub if you're sad is it oh sweet all right perfect that was pretty fast now the reason i want this flower in particular was because all i need is some bone meal so if i just plant a flower here get my bone meal yeah look at that the reason i wanted magenta glass was because if i put the magenta glass underneath the purple glass i can give it a much cooler fading effect yes it's gonna take twice the amount of work but it should be worth it oh this is going to be such a pain as well um there we go yeah i think that looks way better than what it was before so this layer will be another magenta layer oh wow that looks super cool you can't even see the bottom i thought i was going to need a bunch more layers but that's actually good that's perfect the next thing i need to do is make an outline with the slate tiles i need to go all the way down with them down to where i stopped with the glass and i'll just build all the way up with them like this now the side is looking a lot nicer so i'll do that all the way around oh my that scared me okay yeah i like that you can't see the bottom of it which is perfect the next step is to make a ring around it so that involves a lot of digging out netherrack oh ancient debris sweet i didn't even know it spawned this high up i'll take that oh that scared me i need to make a little ring here around the glass i think i'll do it like this polish deep slate like that i'll go one layer up i'll put a layer of smooth stone like this behind the smooth stone i'll put another layer of polish deep slate and then i'll put another layer of deep slate tiles and then i'll have a platform here as one quadrant but i am running very low on durability so i should probably first fix that and from this far out now we need to build another circle all the way around this circle let's do that [Music] so of course no netherhub is complete without an entrance to the nether which is why i'm digging this out now i need to build an entrance i want this area close to the exterior here to be pretty much the same as the cave just like that and then i'll dig out another big area around it which will be nether theme it would be pretty cool to include bedrock as the design so i'll dig this out as well and start placing some netherrack gold ore as well some quartz as well as some magma blocks oh i can now use those diamonds as more decorations that's fun boom nice wow probably shouldn't have put the magma blocks in right away but you know you live you learn i guess except for the times when you don't learn then then you just live i'll add some quartz in the walls and some gold on the roof and i'll add these little mini pillars here to make it look like the pathway is somewhat standing for the final touch i will add these nether walls just like that and it is now done this is the entrance to the nether perfect so now what i'll need to do is actually go get the resources to decorate the build and i realized i haven't even told you what i want to do with this yet there's a reason there are four quadrants to build each quadrant will be like a mini biome for one of the different nether biomes so i'll need one for the soul sand biome so i'll grab this [Music] the floor will just be a mix between soul sand and soul soil like this there we go and i'll use bone blocks for the walls like that at that point i wanted to start curving in and i'll copy this design on this side here oh my [Music] that was annoying well i could flint and steal this make it look nicer oh sweet all right thanks gus for the rest of the wall i will use soul soil there we go the wall is done now i need to actually make this curve in so it's like a dome this is looking good for the ceiling it does curve in like i wanted to so now i can start decorating this floor to do that i'll use bone blocks and see how this looks i mean it's that's something yeah so i'll make a few of those there's not too much else i can do with this biome besides adding fire for the other biomes though there's a lot more i can do with them to make them look even cooler but yeah this is the first quadrant of the nether hub complete now that we're done this first quadrant it's time to move on to the next quadrant here's a basalt biome so i will just start yonking some of this material i need to be really careful about the lava that's literally everywhere in here i might come back here to get a bit more lava i almost missed that jump let's go back ow i'll grab a bunch of iron from the iron farm and turn it into a bunch of buckets that's a lot and i can go grab some lava oh that's that should be enough so we'll go back now now for the floor i will use a combination of the salt and black stone with little pockets that i can put lava in and by these little holes i'll also put some magma blocks i won't put the lava in yet because i don't trust myself to do the wall with the lava below me i think polished basalt is the way to go can you get out of the way holy frick for the block between them i guess blackstone would be the best way to do it yeah i do like the look of that black stone between the basalt so i'll continue doing that around everything and the end result will definitely look pretty awesome now i'll do the worst part of the entire build and that is making it into a dome this is always annoying and i can place the lava in now uh you're just gonna stay there okay and enjoy the hot tub man all right and there's the completed biome i think it's the same as the other one um if it isn't the same don't tell me because i don't want to have to fix it now i'll be on my way to find another biome that i haven't been to oh here we go here's a crimson biome unlike the other two i've done this one actually has a lot of new blocks so i'll grab this nether carpet some of these logs this tree light here and the red nether leaves i think i'm supposed to use a hoe to mine this i don't have a hoe on me so yeah and see ya ow you didn't see anything all right all right we got all the materials from that biome so i'll go back place another carpet as the floor and the pillars i'll use this wood oh my gosh that was a fast pillar yeah they they call me the fast pillar guy because i i build things fast oh all right cut that you are always getting in my way man what are you doing uh excuse me yeah you know what yeah this is what you get i'll place some of the tree lights in here maybe three of them like that there we go so that's the main part done now i can add some trees to make this place look a little bit nicer so i'll go ahead and do that because of the shape of the dome i can't really make the trees super tall so they're going to be looking kind of scuffed but you know that's fine i guess it's fine i'm sorry it looks pretty nice and i'll make another one there we go okay oh my gosh i don't think gas spawn in here all right well no time to think about it let's just keep going i'll put one more tree in the middle like this i'll make it a little bit taller there we go and the final touch will be adding some bone meal boom bam [Music] now it's already looking good but when we get that last quadrant in there it's definitely going to be looking a lot better so of course the last one we need to add is the warped biome now i'm not sure where a warp biome is exactly i'll need to just fly around for a bit until i find one whoa that scared me um okay we keep going oh here's a warped biome why is this tree so big hopefully i can find my way back uh oh here's the tunnel [Music] just like always i'll fill in this floor with the warped nile nylium what kind of name is that just like with the crimson one for the pillars i'll use the warp stem and of course make them stripped because an unstripped log is an ugly log this is a fact everybody knows this you are extremely annoying did you know that and also add some lights in the middle there we go that should be the wall done and i can add some bone meal to the ground here and that is the completed biome so we finished all four of the biomes now we can actually start connecting them and this is where the build will actually start to come together so i'll need to grab a bunch of deep slate do i have couple deep slate yeah i'm gonna need more deep slate so let's go grab some all right that is another deep slate deposit completely mined out so now let's head back to the nether and finish off this massive project so i'll just be putting the deep slate here and i'll connect it just like that so that's what it looks like i do really like that so i'll add this connection for the other quadrants now [Music] down here and there we go so i've done all four connecting parts oh you know what so i was planning on having just another brick roof but what i think will look a lot cooler is if i use the same glass design as i use on the floor on the roof i'll go ahead and do that it'll need a lot more glass but it will definitely be worth it i'm not exactly sure how high up this needs to be in order to get the same effect as down there so i'll do this first layer with purple glass because that is what i have the most of there's the first layer of purple and i'll just keep adding layers until i either run out of glass or i'm finished with this top part and finally that is the roof complete that looks super cool yeah that was definitely worth it it took forever but that looks awesome super sick now it's not really a complete nether hub without actually doing the tunnels i almost just hit you so i'll make the tunnel for this one here because this actually heads to the end i'll use polished deep slate for order and then another 4x4 border here and i'm thinking deep slate bricks for the middle and the sides here as well as the roof and then the rest will be deep sleep tiles and i need to add some lighting so redstone lamps are the way to go just like that this pattern will just be repeated all the way down to complete the look of the nether hub i'll use this design once for every opening there we go that is the last one i can finally replace the stone with actual obsidian boom yeah i definitely really like the look of this youtube thinks you're gonna like this video so uh go check it out or just keep watching this cool cinematic shot that took me way too long to make i hope it was worth it is anyone even watching it this far i don't know i hope so
Channel: sandiction
Views: 4,784,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sandication, new minecraft, minecraft snapshot, sand minecraft, hardcore mc, minecraft clutch, minecraft but, minecraft update, minecraft survival, survival game, new minecraft channel, fastest diamonds, ender dragon, steve, alex, op minecraft, how to survive, mine, craft, insane clutch, emerald, diamond, netherite, ancient debris, minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore survival, minecraft hardcore dead, lost hardcore world, saved hardcore world, hardcore world clutch, sandiction
Id: 3xTlphSVqqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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