I Built A Real End Island in Minecraft Hardcore

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so i was admiring my last build when wait why is it called an end island doesn't there need to be water for it to be an island this is not right this is absolutely not right i um i'm gonna fix this i'm gonna build a better end island i'm gonna need a ton of end stone though oh oh great we dug out a giant hole in the last one wow that's that's convenient we have five choker boxes i feel like honestly that's not even gonna get us very far our goal is to make a better end island so the first thing we can do is make it actually an island i figure i can just build in this ocean here i guess i'll just start by building the outline now i don't want it to be perfectly symmetrical so i'll kind of make it not perfectly symmetrical yes that is a good sentence good job so i'm at the other side of this and you can barely see where i started okay well we're sort of off course here but that kind of works because it makes it less circular so you know we'll take it we'll call it intentional nobody has to know as long as i don't put this part in the video okay this is what it looks like so far i actually really like the shape of that this is my house all the way over there that's the size of it and this is this is the island yeah uh might be too big but i've already built it so you know we're gonna go with it once you draw the outline you can never go back that's that's the rule i'll start building a part of the wall and i'm just going to be trying to mimic the sort of look that side of end islands have now it would be pretty boring if i were to just copy the look of an end island which is why we're going to have three stages to the build with each stage increasing in difficulty so the first stage is to just build the island itself and the other two stages will just be different ways of making the island look even better was that a baby axolotl your name is now axe because like you're an axolotl you get it oh oh okay when i'm finished building the island i'll make you king you can you can take over the island for now though you stay with me okay and this is what the side of the island will look like so i'll need to do this around the entire thing um i don't even know how long this is gonna take why do i always make my builds so big and there we go so now the entire area around the island is filled in that took a long time it's looking pretty cool so far but i do want to continue this look going up a little bit so it's kind of sticking out of the water but have it start to curve in a little bit more just like that so i'll need to do that all the way around [Music] [Music] there we go cool so i'm pretty much done with the walls around the entire thing now i'll start filling this in and i'll have it continue to gradually go upwards just like the real end island does that's amazing right who would have thought i'm making it look like the and island that's cool okay okay that's all the end stone i have this is what five and a bit shulker boxes of end stone looks like um that's that's pretty cool you know i don't really want to ruin the rest of the end by digging a giant hole and stealing the end zone from there so i'll just teleport to a different area there's a there's a block just chilling there all right so i guess i'll just steal it from this one i forgot to bring a beacon okay and we're back and now we'll just start grabbing a bunch more end stone [Music] and there we go i mined all of this out by hand um yeah hopefully it'll be enough to finish building the island [Music] there we go cool also in a real and island there are little spots where it's like a circle of raised ground i guess i'll try to do that okay there we go there's one there's two i want to add one more little section where it's raised one block and i won't have enough end stone to do it so gotta mine this out then i could pick some of this back up oh um even though i definitely don't need to get rid of this it's definitely going to bug me there we go cool there we go this is what it looked like at the start of the video and this is what it looks like now so the first stage of the build is complete which means now we can really start transforming the island and this is where it starts to get interesting for the second stage we're going to be recreating the buildings in the end city so the first thing we need to do is find an entity oh there's there's one right here okay oh it's uh it's really small i guess we just have to find a different one okay here we go um this one is also tiny why oh wait there's one over there too okay well i've been to five of them and pathetically this one seems to be the biggest so i'll set up my beacon down here and just tear down this entire thing now i definitely don't need to destroy this entire thing to get what i need i could instead just grab the blocks i need and then build it but if i destroy the entire thing i think that'll be more satisfying it'll take a lot longer probably but it'll be cooler i hope at least [Music] and there we go finally the entire end city is completely gone now all that's left is the end ship which i'll be getting rid of later on so i guess i'll just start by building the bottom base somewhere in the center so i guess right here now and for now i'm pretty much just going to be copying what the actual end city looks like honestly the entities do look pretty cool on their own i'll be making some changes to it but not a ton one change i will make though is making this bottom have entrances on all four sides instead of just one side and i'll also add some slabs here oh wait what oh dolphins are trapped in here um i should probably let them out but that would take a little bit of work so i'll just leave them in there i can't use the normal staircase that's in this tower because i have four entrances now so i guess i'll just have sort of a scuffed staircase where i do it like this kind of floating there which you know it works because it's it's in the end so then we have some windows here and then they put some end rods on the corners i'm honestly convinced the developers just added the end rods so that they could just walk backwards while building this and not have to worry about falling off that's gotta be it the normal end cities have like floors in the buildings you know the way that every single building ever does it but i'm not gonna do it that way because the houses are for shulkers right and shulkers just teleport on the walls they don't really use floors and for the people that are saying i'm only not using floors to save materials um you're right mojang's end city bottom part has only three layers so i'm gonna make mine have four layers so you know i'll be able to say that mine is better than theirs and finally i can add a roof on this and this is what it looks like so far i think that looks pretty cool now off of this we'll have a bunch of branches leading to different parts of the build just like a normal end city so i don't know why i had to explain that now mojing makes their center pillars three blocks wide to again one up them instead of doing a three by three we're gonna do four by four because that means it's better right and they also have one stair facing like this way so we're gonna have two uh which means it's twice as good don't fact check that so this first branch i'll do i'll have it extend a little bit out this way and i'll turn it into a mini house or one of the shulkers oh i'm out of magenta glass [Music] there we go finally we can add the end rods and there we go so there's one branch of the end city done for the next branch i'll make it extend further i'll have it extend right up over here uh i'm sorry buddy but i gotta steal your water for a second and then do this one okay and for this building here i'll make it like the first two layers of this main building oh um that's interesting okay they can't swim right so they're actually stuck on the island will they despawn i guess we'll find out and then we'll add another layer there we go cool actually you know what these stairs do look a little bit too steep i'm gonna change that there we go i think that looks better i guess some creepers spawned up here nice now what i'll do is make this exact same build on this side i'll try to make it a smooth cut and there we go cool now since i won't have a building on this side i want to make it look like it used to have a building extended it was destroyed kind of like how the end of another fortress looks like okay yeah this this works for that and this pillar design is the same as what's down there so and then there's a little house on top of here and then some banners and there we go oh yeah i guess that wandering trader just despawned so that's unfortunate [Music] so we've designed all the different types of houses for the ant city but we can still add more to this so we can add this pillar off of here and then have more bridges coming off of that and so on but all those designs are the same as just what we have here so there's no point showing me building them so i'll do another one of those jump cuts and boom there we go that's looking pretty nice so far i want to add some floating islands around the place so i might as well grab the end stone from the floating islands that are already in the end that makes sense there we go we followed out the floating end island can i make this pearl oh sweet let's go easy clap so i'll take some scaffolding [Music] there we go um that looks pretty bad what if i put some blocks like here uh okay that looks even worse uh okay let's uh let's start over there we go i like that design so i guess i'll just build another one over here maybe closer to the ground there we go there's that one and i guess i'll just keep building them i also want to add some houses on top of some of them and for the design it'll pretty much just be the same as the design i used in the end city yeah there we go that's what one of them looks like that's pretty nice so i'll add some more houses to other ones and okay perfect that's already looking way better so we have a house here here and here yeah honestly the little islands with the houses on it it really adds a lot finally we can start the last part of the build which is going to be making a giant end ship just like with the end city we're gonna completely destroy the end ship because i feel like that would be more satisfying so here's the ship completely by itself there's no end city attached to it because we destroyed that end city so let's do the same to the ship sorry mr dragon [Music] and finally the last block of the end city and end ship that was a lot of very pointlessly spent time it's really weird to think of there was literally a giant city and a ship right here now it's just gone kind of like how when you click the subscribe button it removes all the red um so the reds just gone you know that's that's crazy as a way to remember what this place used to be i'll make a little pillar of what is this perper what kind of name is that what does it make more sense to have the boat in the water because we're actually an island now or does it make more sense for the boat to be floating because the other stuff is floating what if i did like both so have it like levitating on the island but moving towards the water so i'll pretty much just be copying the design that mojang already has but i'll make it bigger and add more details to it how did i land that what so on the normal end ship this this part here only extends one block so i'll make it extend two blocks okay how does this look that looks pretty awful i think the problem is it doesn't come out enough on this side that looks a lot better so that's the back half of the ship let's see how this looks um i mean that's something it is definitely a thing i can confirm i feel like it's too blocky which is probably a pretty common problem in a block game if i do this maybe oh it's a little fish how's it going yeah i like the look of that i think that looks pretty cool now i'll build the little house part in the back of the ship and it'll very much just follow the same design as as the other houses that i've already built there we go so there's the little house done wait this is supposed to be like the middle floor which means this is supposed to be a lot higher than this yeah so this is the level that it should be on okay there we go that looks a lot nicer now i'll add some of the smaller details like making this different stairs and also having like these holes in the side of the walls what are they for like shooting cannonballs or something i don't i don't know but mojang put them on their ship so underneath those i'll put some stairs like that now i'll add the dragon head sorry dragon i'll also add the brewing stand with potion of healing the normal ship also has a pillar like that it also has some strips of obsidian i'll just make it go all the way over here that works just like that cool now here's where the elytra and some loot will be the elytra and two chests and i'll just put a bunch of loot in the chests just like that now i said from the beginning i'd make axe the baby axolotl the king of the island so i'll use most of my diamonds to make him a little thrown i guess i'll build it in here since this is like the captain's seat i guess i do need to get a name tag for him oh you're hiding there we go now he's he's chilling and finally for the last touch i'll need a bunch of these and berries and i'll just sort of put a bunch of them all over the place and there we go that should be it if you're still watching this far that's pretty cool thanks thanks for watching all the way through since i posted the last video we've passed 400 500 and almost 600 000 subscribers which is just crazy so thank you and if you aren't already consider subscribing and also liking the video if you haven't yet if you have an idea for what i could build in the next episode then feel free to send it to me on twitter the link to that will be in the description and i'm definitely not just saying that because i've already run out of ideas nope definitely not okay well uh thanks thanks for watching
Channel: sandiction
Views: 5,933,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sandication, sand minecraft, sandtion, sandacation, sandition
Id: jl3FOs4FQl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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