I Trained Like Black Widow

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what's up guys welcome back to my youtube channel and to a very special episode that's right MK ULTRA is back baby if you guys have been here since day one you remember my first ever series wherein I would train like a different superhero in each episode and at the end test my skills in the finale fight scene cinematic in this season two premiere it's time to tackle one of the most highly requested heroes from season 1 black widow earlier this year Marvel Strikeforce reached out to us directly asking us to bring this series back so before we begin I want to say a huge huge thank you to Marvel Strikeforce for sponsoring this special episode Marvel Strikeforce is a squad based strategic role-playing game free to play on ios and android you assemble five-member squads of Marvel superheroes and supervillains to defend the earth from world-ending threats like Ultimates and his creer motto you recruit your Marvel dream teams and battle your way through PvE campaigns by other players teams for a place on the global PvP leaderboards join up with an alliance and take on challenging group raids and go to war with rival alliances all while powering up your teams and collecting more of your favorite Marvel heroes and villains along the way one of my favorite things about Marvel Strikeforce is that it features a ton of heroes one of my favorites being Kamala Khan aka Miss Marvel I love Kamala Khan because she has such a unique set of powers and also has a really cute dog sidekick so again thank you so so much to Marvel Strikeforce for sponsoring today's episode and be sure to download Marvel Strikeforce for iOS and Android via the link in my description [Music] what's up guys I'm Christopher Troy professional stunt man and action designer I've done Marvel shows like issues of shields my core abilities are parkour tricking and cinematic grappling that's why I think that Michelle wanted me here is because Black Widow encompasses all those things so Michelle's gonna have one week to get this action scene down she doesn't have the big practice that we usually do and she's gonna have to improv within this week to really find Black Widow within herself we are gonna warm you up right now with some black widow moves but let's just start with some standard rules when we roll I don't want you to a gymnastic rule which is kind of straight over the neck I'd rather do a plughole shoulder roll is it this way I don't know that looks crazy up here shall we on the ground now I'm gonna ask you to do something be round you gotta be like a roly-poly okay so if you think about it that way if you roll some dice or whatever it's gonna end up getting stuck somewhere right because we have flat surfaces if you're around it doesn't stop you're eliminating all your edges staying around closer definitely needs to stay round when she rolls we're gonna be on concrete and I can't have her clacking her head or her lower back that's just gonna kill the day rolling on the ground taking people from standing to the ground it's a big part of black widows fight style so it was important for me to learn these basic gymnastics things which I've done before but it's been a while let's get into a little bit of goo rappeling the grappling wrestling and takedown component of black widows fight style was what I was most excited to learn I can act a lot with Black Widow because she is another small female often taking on much larger villains and opponents so I'm really interested to see how someone who is physically smaller can take on a larger person and win I think that's also just a great self-defense skill I would love to have in my own life this is an arm drag this is something that I think everybody should know in real life because you're getting behind someone the cake hits you I'm reaching for his wrist pulling it down grabbing the back of his forearm now I've got to put it in my pocket like dude stop and he's not gonna where's he gonna hit me you know saying like he's like all figured so let's just do a couple more of these this is gonna lead to another cool move there it is yeah very good smoother very cool now with all type of grappling jujitsu anything like that you want to kill the space the last thing I want to do is to have space when I'm throwing someone or anything like if I'm not fully attached to tackle oh when I throw her like this it could bounce her and then she could fall differently and get hurt so we try to kill all of the space between us so be like glue yeah some liquid yeah oh let's try it on a bigger point we're gonna lose the arm drag what's gonna be the same feeling we're gonna go for something a little fancier so it's gonna be a hook you're gonna duck under grab and try to get onto his back in order to build the scene we're looking at the video games we're looking at the comics it's really important to get the full gist Black Widow and while the strike force is a really good example of that also I brought in a close friend of mine mikela McAlister she totally understands cinematic grappling and I wanted to shell to see the perfect female version of what we do my name is mikela McAlister I'm a stunt woman I've been stunt doubling on the upcoming film Black Widow I've helped in all the fights and a lot of wire work I train in Muay Thai jujitsu judo and I've been a gymnast my whole life Black Widow she's also an acrobat you know a jack-of-all-trades she is an assassin in the comics she was raised in the ussr's Black Widow ops program where she was brainwashed and trained at the red-room facility to become a Russian spy Black Widow history is really important to her movement she's been trained in all these deadly arts so all of Black Widows movements should feel like a dance but just like a deadly dance what can she do to take down these bad guys that are massive or they're in armor she can grapple up and around these guy and she's able to take them down by like brute momentum yeah we use that arm right here again and see how you get zero momentum yeah yard without Michelle's gonna have to trust me that she got just throw the guy instead of holding on to the guy and being like really soft handed with him cuz it's not gonna help it's gonna hurt so let's just put a baby piece of choreo together now then from what we've just learned so we're gonna grab right here I'm gonna pull him this way and I'm gonna shoot and hold him okay so you can just lay on your back whenever you're reaching for his pocket you know if you're a little raccoon and there's like food in that pocket you're gonna go for the pocket yeah okay going this way yep yep yep first time every time so this is totally a thing that you can knock somebody flat with with your whole body really get behind Graham you know the more momentum you have and the tighter you are to the person the safer it is if you can see it as a dance it's so much easier okay see you look at that in mind yeah yeah because I think I've been seeing it as I hope I do this right don't hit Graham in the face I am not accustomed to jumping on people specifically people I don't know that well every day of training we've had a different person be my partner so let's pick it up from the beginning Benny if I could have you step in I have to say this again for you because this is a new human but he's very stocky he's very used to this okay give him full intent you're not gonna hurt him isn't that what we're supposed to do sorry what we want to see is everything off the ground I'm like jumping off his back when you're doing particular moves or a particular choreography you have to do it over and over again so repetition is key and making sure that you're hitting each movement with drink really trifle intention and off bending down Benny fight her from knocking you over until she actually knocks you over otherwise you're not gonna find where we need to put the pressure on him okay knock him down that was the best one okay sure did you feel like yeah different well I tried to I'm gaining a lot of newfound respect for stunt performers who are great at switching in and out with different partners based on the needs of the production like today we're working with Robbie the actor in the scene that I'm filming and he is much taller than everyone I've worked with this entire week my name's Robert dill I'm an actor of about 20 years and I've been a stunt man for the past nine or 10 I'm about six - ish or something like that and she's about you know that tall gonna be easier it should feel natural honestly it shouldn't feel like you're doing some type of extraneous movement so she's going to kick at you you're gonna open up right shoulder Foom duck underneath her Chewie walk away drink it's her figuring out the like new body mechanics and both of us figuring out oh my gosh how do I do with like this bigger person but she got it with him like one to two tries because she's been doing all these takedowns and working with super TRO and I call them super try anyway yeah we picked it up like real she had like the good attitude of just being adamant about like okay let's try this again let's try this again and just going for it the black widow character isn't really have any superpowers but she's a highly athletic human and she has great flexibility so far Michelle's really surprised me in a good way about how well she moves it's interesting to see how many details that are in black widows movement even just the way she lands the first part of the fight scene is me landing from a ceiling into a room every superhero has a unique silhouette three-point superhero pose if you were to take spider-man or Iron Man just from their silhouette alone they are super recognizable and you know exactly what character they are Black Widow is the same her signature move a lot is like the kip-up and she kind of like breathes in it wow that was amazing show me this pose she's coming down from something so then you have all of your weights gonna be taken on your left leg instead of landing in the middle try to land everything on it there you go a lot of times Widow is a little bit more flexible so her foots out and then her hand is just ready for anything it's never like this this relaxes your arm and then you just want to like get up right she stands up really shoulders back and then I always get really excited meeting people who have worked on Marvel properties getting to work with Kella who worked on V Black Widow film was so so cool because she is a master of black widows movement she was steady black widow in the comics and video games and all of these other different forms of media to perfect the movement I want you to like just go for it like all the way and then just come up Wow okay your turn okay drop this isn't that crazy right no no okay do you feel like it's crazy no no I just like up here now yeah yeah there it is all the details let's do one more time now they're feeling confident with it just try to get a little bit higher higher yeah okay ready I don't know I'm asking thanks spider-man yeah I think a lot of people think it's a lot of fun and they're absolutely right but it's very difficult they're years and hours in days and months and all the other time things you could use to describe what goes into this I am so so sorry yesterday as I was exiting the door I just felt this wave of exhaustion hit me so hard it's gonna be really fun doing this again today but I'm definitely feeling it all right we get into beatin people up now oh.what swamps and punches and kicks okay so will it up up up up okay Chuck can you step in here really quick yep so I feels like you've done real punches before yes yeah you need to eliminate it a lot of times we have high-level athletes like professional boxers step in and they go I can fight I can lose choreo professional athletes are not supposed to be able to be read for camera because they're trying to knock somebody out professional stuntmen or what we're doing camera sees everything this is kind of like back ding so technically stand in front of her like and Thecla is going to show you what back thing looks like so if you do this for camera she's throwing all these punches uh you see what's going on no matter what right now sure to throw real punches you can't really see what I mean right but then if you got bigger slap clap clap-clap be able to sell from all angles who we're doing more than just fighting we're acting as well and we're being cognizant of camera and lights so repetition is really really important so we don't have to think about choreography and we can focus on all the other things that may be changing on the day I'm growing a bit concerned because although I'm feeling more comfortable over time on the cushy mats at the gym I know that when we film this final scene it's going to be on concrete while it might not look like much of a difference to the audience I know it's going to feel entirely different the stakes will be higher because if I do something wrong we're not landing on a cushy mat we might hurt ourselves on concrete if I go Graham can you do a front-flip grab me isn't thinking I've got a front-flip before off of like a trampoline Graham thinks can I do it in tights blindfolded with two actors that if you touch them you're gonna get fired that is the level in which you need to be when doing these things as a stunt performer have you done cap ups before we did them we did one time I would love to see where you're at with that because that's very BlackWidow a kip-up is a gymnastics move where you move from supine position to standing I don't know if I can cook it you don't have to try to arch your back a little more there's a drill going into a bridge just to like get that art yeah go ahead and try it again yes and push with your hands a little there you go I kept trying over and over again and he looked like a dying caterpillar I could not get up to my feet without landing on my head roll up to your shoulders and then push and everything goes wait can you do it again I like watching you do so roll all the way your shoulders yes so if we were to be doing this on concrete what are we doing this would film you need to have it like a thousand times right we wrecked the scene by not knowing where camera is whatever we're gonna hurt everybody right they're gonna have to do it again so maybe not this maybe not this the last thing I want to do is hold people up on the day can I learn something quickly like a real stunt performer does and can I execute on the day or am I gonna make people wait in season 1 of MKULTRA we did a daredevil episode in which I had to do a backflip off a desk blindfolded and if you watch the video you'll see I did it what you don't see is that it took us an hour to get that one shot I had rehearsed it so much in the gym but being in the room doing it on concrete being actually blindfolded changed a lot of things for me it made me scared and I wasn't committing fully when we film this black widow fight scene we're not going to have the luxury of being able to spend an hour on one single shot we will do one more wreck before we move on as society okay so we did a wrestling video and we did this so Black Widow is hyper wrestling cinematic grappling let's see you do a sigh hmm okay you remember it back it's the one foot kicks over okay whatever I'm overthinking this don't overthink it land on your back are you okay things like that happen that rattled you a little bit right yeah okay so just imagine you're gonna have to do that five more times yeah that's what we're constantly in the lineup and you have to go pop it back up and be like okay ready again so going into the final fight I am feeling really good about Michelle except we just got to the conversation about concrete floor it's stressing her out a little bit if she mentally defeats herself it's gonna be very difficult on the day physically she's already there if she really wanted to be a stunt woman I think she could now mentally she needs to realize that she can do it you have to think about the longevity of what you're doing and there's cheats and cuts on the camera side as well to make things as proficient as possible and as safe as possible because the end of the day we want to tell a story but you know it's not worth hurting yourself really if you want to do a couple of roles like on something like this which is like Marley what is that I don't know it looks like the basketball floor basketball that's a summary of those she's gonna build your confidence yeah do yourself a favor do a couple world it's you're gonna learn to be around it's gonna be different for sure stop it get up right now okay I didn't realize we were dealing with this person where is this person been the whole time rockstar q don't worry really quick please um see your normal role please okay look at the confidence that comes over it exact same thing never do you have one role I know top of the scene his make-or-break part of the whole entire yeah I was so worried about the pain of being on a hard versus Koshi service that I kind of froze up a little bit it was really embarrassing and that's what I don't want to happen when we film it that's the point of this whole thing is to be able to do it on concrete it's the exact same thing in your mind if you decide to tell yourself that it's different then it'll be different okay you got to be mentally stronger than that we talked about the Momentum's thing right if you kill your own momentum these are gonna be much harder for both you in the performance I think that you are really sweet to it think about Robbie think about your other dance partner think about if you don't keep the momentum that you've been practicing with you're gonna hurt him yeah yep cool so think about the other person when you are a professional stunt person you need to be able to do everything on any kind of surface no matter what when we film I'm gonna push myself to do this and I hope it looks okay because it sure doesn't feel that way I know that it's difficult for youtubers to transition to traditional media and I face that whenever I go on auditions I want to earn my way into this new field and I respect it so much and I want to show that I can do the hard work and get it done thank you guys so much for joining me for season two of the MK ULTRA and watching this training experience if you want to see the final fight scene and see if I succeeded be sure to check out the link below I love how it turned out also thank you so so much to Marvel Strikeforce for sponsoring this episode bringing back using two of MK ULTRA and making awesome content like this possible be sure to check out the link for Marvel Strikeforce if you want to try it out for yourself on iOS or Android and be sure to check out Marvel Studios Black Widow in theaters November 6 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Michelle Khare
Views: 1,736,435
Rating: 4.9552755 out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, spider man, marvel strike force, free games, avengers, spider man far from home, spiderman cartoon, marvel futurefight, marvel, hulk, avengers endgame, michelle khare, black widow, scarlett johansson, taskmaster, stunts, try, for the first time, challenge accepted, stunt double, train like, i trained like black widow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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