I traded all my tech for Wish products!

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every time I buy a piece of tech that I know I'm going to keep I try and make sure I buy the very best but what if you only had a total budget of three thousand dollars three thousand dollars to replace not just my phone my laptop my speaker but everything I own well there's only one side where I think it's going to be possible hello wish.com I might as well start with my phone there's the good stuff 5G plus plus always rely on wish.com to break the frontiers of Technology I've got to replace my speaker oh good lord this is 12 000 watt power oh it's actually going to be so difficult I've got to replace my MacBook too you've got to be kidding me to get some screen with that bezel oh wait this looks good 81 bullets 4i 5 CPU eight gigs of RAM 504 gigs SSD something's off here it comes with a one terabyte memory card as well we'll see what happens an Apple Watch why does this look so real I also have to swap out all of my gaming stuff I think wish.com has made their own version of the Nintendo Wii they call it the Y2 fit and then the actual console is just this tiny little stick that plugs into your computer I have like a million questions that's kind of cool though where she even has a mini PS1 except it's way cheaper and it also apparently has 600 games so it's designed like a Sony console it's got the colors of a Nintendo console and it's playing a game from a PC consider me curious the site has like an unlimited number of earphones I mean is it just me or does that massive bulb not look like it's going to fit comfortably in your ear six dollars for an electric toothbrush with four interchangeable brush heads I've actually got a really really high-end toothbrush that I normally use so that will be a fun comparison uh I've just realized we also have to swap our camera so this is actually really scary because I know for sure that what I'm looking at right now is not an 8K camera and I actually have to be so careful to make sure that I don't get stuck with like a tooth two fucking web cameras on the main camera I think this is our best bet 474 says it's 4K video I've got to replace my favorite trash can too okay this seems very reasonably priced surely a bin is like the one piece of tech where you actually don't want a bright light shining onto your stuff how do you make an automatic rechargeable self-cleaning robot for twenty three dollars right now it's time to replace my gym gear rip my future workouts ah okay a treadmill with no handles does that make it just a tread so this is just a knockoff of powerballs the difference in price is shocking what are you doing it's like a workout tool that's meant to correct your posture oh cool a bath mat that tells you it's a bath mat apparently it's super absorbent and quick drying it sits on the label no smelly how could I forget massage guns and it's definitely the kind of product where there's got to be a massive markup like the really high-end theragon that I got from a video a while ago that was like six hundred dollars now this looks like the exact same thing it's comparison no so the water bottle I use every single day is an error bottle which has these different scented pods that you can swap in and swap out to make you think that you're drinking flavored water so you can get a wish.com version of the era bottle and the scents oh my Amber mug which I use literally every single day has got to go to it comes in a gift box my experience most products from the site come in a bag so that feels like a must-have technically I mean I've got to swap out my desk too okay this looks pretty bad but if we are going for the authentic wish.com experience think this is the way to go I also have to get a full-size PC replacement as wish.com not sell PCS okay this is a PC case well in that case I think we're gonna have to build our own PC using only wish.com Parts this is just basically an oversized Xbox series X it's a cool idea let's try and make a wish.com version of the Xbox series X and compare it in performance to the real one so we've got to get a graphics card motherboard CPU the SSD for storage oh this does not seem right there's no way this is a 512 gig M2 SSD for 31.78 new skill ramp that's water cool the whole thing why not what do we do about our chair children swing hammock toy sir hanging chair this is where I decide how much I wanted to commit myself to this wish.com thing I know it says it can support 200 kg do I trust it and I guess just now a controller to wrap the whole thing off the only thing left if I am actually to replace everything I own gonna have to be clothing too hey well the bright side this looks a lot better than their Tech yeah I just I don't think this is going to fit me Japanese fashion men long pants those look a bit low what was a wish.com suit gonna look like actually really highly rate is there's a point in my life where I probably would have thought this was a good fashion choice I was three oh this is sick I mean I'm probably not enough of a fan of Cheetos to pull this off but I love how in your face the printing is here it just covers the entire hoodie Shrek I mean this hat is kind of how I feel right now that's very interesting looking I like it shoes wings right we've either struck ourselves a massive bargain or I've ruined my life for a week stuff let's get unboxing starting with the things that are least essential to my life moving on to the things that are most essential let's start with the cleaning gadgets I actually made a sweeping robot for like ten dollars it's gonna put a lot of people out of business if they have start with the trash cans it's a little smaller than I was expecting I guess it's a good thing it's going to force me to throw less stuff away see any LEDs in here no look at it I mean the price kind of makes sense it's mostly just a plastic container because they don't package each part of the product individually the scuffs everywhere for you I'm so confused like no part of this product looks like it's a joke what more and more I'm starting to think this is actually legit fast forward a week and find out this is what I'm using to clean your fur if any of you guys own or know a cat is it normal for there to be a layer of fur over your floor every single morning so I'm about to have a celebration for my engagement and look at the floor paper we've got Plastics we've got a rubber band so we will be using not this this oh wow the lightness of this machine does not fill me with confidence so I imagine you just quickly no way [Music] directly in front of it [Music] oh processing yeah can't do it it's actually not very consistent with picking stuff up at all you had such promise dear child I don't think I can give you more than a five though so let's throw some stuff away and I have to say I really like this I find that the motion detection is a little unreliable so I tend to just use the open close button and to be honest it actually opens with so much Vigor it tends to smack your fingers on the way up so I almost approach it like a wild animal so in that sense it is less good than the simple human bin that I used to use which opens very reliably very gracefully closes on its own but to be fair consisting is like five percent of the cost it does do like 90 of the job it's not hard to be a good trash can it has also dawned on me it probably should have gone a couple of sizes up because there's a massive benefit to it being hand height like this because you just Glide over is this you do have to do a fair bit of bending and we've got the watch I don't use smart watches on a day-to-day basis so for me this is highly non-essential but wait we didn't buy a real Apple watch I'm sure this was less than like a hundred dollars no part of this packaging looks anything but the real thing I mean it feels on the light side for what I would expect the real Apple watch Ultra two-way I haven't actually tested it myself yet oh cool you get two boxes inside so you get one that says Ultra which is the watch itself and then one that says 49 millimeters it's actually kind of Freaky Like normally between real and fake products I can tell straight away I mean the bands are a bit of a giveaway you can kind of see the seams of the molds they were printed from which Apple is very good at avoiding but still I mean it's not like you can tell from a distance here's the giveaway look at this the resolution of this picture right here Apple would never no way it's sealed in the exact same way that Apple seals its products to kind of feel the same now the thing itself is actually quite weighty and dense and premium designed by watching China okay getting into bed at the end of day one with this watch and so far I'm kind of Blown Away for the price it was the hardware feels so realistic that I mean to the untrained eye this is an Apple Watch Ultra but the other half of the equation is the software so tonight actually I'm going to track my sleep both with the in mattress tracker that I normally use which is very accurate and this and then just see how well this lines up to that so shockingly it's actually got the amount of Deep Sleep basically spot on but it does seem to be a little bit confused about what counts as deep sleep versus light sleep it's just run out of battery so you clip it onto here with this loose magnetic connection but to be fair this has been running for three full days non-stop I'm actually uh at my engagement party it's starting to think this does not really be out it can't be this all right well maybe it's not actually like a billion watts in power oh look here it actually says technical specifications power output 5 Watts times two let's start with the earphones though um these actually don't look exactly like knockoff airpods like I was expecting them to the top of the case almost has a lip that goes down feels a little bit rattly in a way that expensive earphones done and also if you open it with a tiny bit too much force well the evidence themselves are kind of like airpods from the front but with flat sides which actually makes them more comfortable to hold okay the speaker as much as I am disappointed that it's much much smaller than it was advertised to be it's at least like a weighty package oh it really is a rug rule wow I'm heading down for a session on the treadmill with these bad boys genuinely feels like it's completely empty man there's so many things that high-end earphones do well that you just take for granted it's so difficult just because of the shape of these to actually get them out with one hand and they're really really like stiff they don't slide out I've just realized they do actually have touch controls so you can touch the standard to play and pause your music which is cool for events of this price but it's not in a way that's kind of painful and it feels like when you cover your ear with your earlobe and then clap it oh very and also only one of them works this is not a good product so my sister's prepared a playlist for our official engagement party might as well use that to take this for a spin um I really wish they just stuck in those voices that tell you what mode it's on as opposed to having to listen to these random beeps and guess oh there we go is pairing unsuccessful this is rough two hours later ah we're in it [Music] I mean honestly for the purposes of the vast majority of people this is everything you need the bass doesn't hit the hardest but I was actually surprised with how much you can hear in the music using something of this quality and the music was pretty good too it's actually very well timed because I was kind of looking for a bit of a wardrobe change up I like going for clothes that are really subtle in terms of branding like not like massive logos plastered across them I don't think this is gonna quite fit the bill I mean you can't complain about the vibrancy of the prince look at this have they printed the exact same thing on both sides fabric is extremely thin I can easily see through both layers to the other side can't argue with that print what is going to happen when you put that in the wash though doing this was about forty dollars I'm not blown away to be honest well I guess the most important thing is does it look good a little tight around the arms all right you know I'd probably wear this on video where people can't see the fabric in person these are our incredibly low trousers that's not how trousers should look that's where my feet go so they call this techwear I guess because it has loads of pockets and it's very versatile to store things in but I'll tell you one thing you can't do with this run don't look at me I'm disgusting if I try to move one leg any further than about this I will split it down the middle hey stop all right well let's continue oh it's a sport like material it feels decent quality but you know what that's what I expected when I ordered this so well done oh it's the Hat the novelty hat for kids that is what I feel like right now I feel like my mom has told me what to wear it's meant to complete the look [Music] hahaha why is there a spinning blade on the head so but these um have been clearly mistreated in the post whoa the wings are separate look at that oh hey the shoes are modular how you replace this part with these they come with instructions wait this is a clearly used pair of scissors oh there's so much space to get your feet in I will say though not the most comfortable they've not really indulged in padding in any part of the shoe so all of these various different parts of the shoe are detachable which is cool but it's just a bit strange that when you attach them they don't look like they belong there you see everyone really famous people go to those fashion events and the interviewers are always asking them who are you wearing as in like what brand are you wearing well for the first time in your life you are seeing wish.com this is so bad I'm literally all I'm trying to do is sit cross-legged while using these pants but they don't actually have enough room to be able to do that game time that's exciting I thought it said Street Fighter yeah she says game times Fighters and then at a glance this looks like the PlayStation classic but it actually says game station classic classic game station but there's two players which is interesting looks very much like the mini PlayStation one that got re-released recently but just little bit lower grade nothing opens on this there's no moving Parts it's all just kind of a shell for sure and the controllers are so ridiculously light wait comes with an apple brick I would love to see the inside of wish factories so they're just like hey we need a power brick over here the switch one of the features here just says wow HD that's gotta be good okay I mean they have quite well reconstructed the body of a PlayStation Vita but it's just worse in every way long blind day of work there's nothing quite like winding down with the ginger ale and a fake PlayStation one I find it's very strange because it's clearly made recently but it has none of the perks of being modern okay connect to the TV via composite cables why did anyone do that in 2023 whoa that was instant so the game itself seems legit is he called hard man he is called hard man I miss my switch you really have to like reset your expectations of what a game is to be able to enjoy something like this and very much someone who's spoiled by the modern era and I'm dead you do get used to after a bit one thing I really do like about retro games is the difficulty they were not afraid to punish you like it's actually kind of cool to be on an opening level of a game and not be told immediately how I need to get up here it's just leaving me to figure out the tools that I have at my disposal sometimes I feel like modern games just hold your hand too much as I said how do I actually do that I actually think we have a problem we don't have any shoulder buttons the original PlayStation one did have shoulder buttons I genuinely think there might be a control that we can't use because we don't have the button for it so we are actually stuck on level one okay so if you really wanted a retro game experience this is not the one I just have a really productive morning and decided that Now's the Time for a 10 minute gaming break so for the last month I've actually been playing quite a bit on a 2DS I've been going back and playing some childhood favorite Pokemon games but no more because it's time for MP5 whoa promising starscreen normally this is bad UI I mean the software literally looks like it was designed by a 10 year old buttons absolutely suck it requires so much force to push there's actually very little wrong with the games themselves they are based on some sort of retro console and let me know if you know because I don't quite recognize it but once you get lost in it you do forget about all the peripheral things like the controls like the audio which sounds kind of tinny still no Pokemon okay I've changed my mind a little bit on this guy mainly because if you go into this game folder and then you click local disk this is like almost every retro console that I could possibly want to play and you click each one so many games basically this one Advanced Wars so much when I was a kid so the fact that I have the apps I have that game sequel and then like 800 more games all stored locally on this machine not bad but it's not the full wish.com experience until he's the chair to pray for the structural Integrity of my sea life oh my God I feel every fiber being stretched right now is a really fun chair it's kind of like when you first discover an office chair except you have 360 degrees of movement and it moves a lot you know what what the struggle it's a lot more comfortable but it looks getting to the stage now where this is the stuff I'm going to use every single day let's start with our crucifix we wonder sometimes who is the target audience for something like this I mean do I count this is the fake Powerball which I'm actually very very excited to see because if this can do what the other company's charging you like a hundred dollars for for like 20 then kind of a big deal it says powerballs.com wait the real one is called Power Ball right let me just come to think of it it's probably better if you don't start googling to find out so this is wait it says description of contents casual bikini oh it's our bath mat Why didn't it just say so also kind of actually not a very big bath mat it really does just say bathroom I own mouse pads that are bigger than this the fascial gun I think this one has a very very good chance of being like very nearly as good as the real thing compared to the theragon it loses like a thousand points when it comes to presentation I mean they literally shipped it in like a sandwich bag but what really matters is does it give you a good massage I actually think I was a little too fast to judge this one because while it doesn't just instantly take in and absorb all water in five minutes what it does do is take in a lot of the water that would otherwise end up just on the floor because normally I would like shower and then I will just walk out into this floor and for the next hour or so the entire floor will just be wet whereas this way it redirects a lot of that moisture into that mat which stops the whole floor looking like a swan oh also um I forgot to unbox it earlier but this is our tread this is what I normally use when I'm working here is a vibrating plate that's actually really cool it makes you tense your poor constantly while you're working up with the old and in with the new so I'm working on this for about an hour while trying to do some work and honestly I think this is a really good idea I'm having no problem at all concentrating on my work this isn't detracting from that but I very much feel like I'm still being active at the same time there's definitely a couple of things that in practice I wish were better like listen to this if I get off it's actually basically silent it's just as soon as you put some weight on it it becomes really quite loud for something that's not really a lot of action other thing is this safety tag so you put one side of it onto your clothing and it's designed so that if you fall off or if you just come off the machine it'll pull it disconnect it and therefore stop the machine but it's just really easy to accidentally do that and then it stops so then you just end up not using the safety tag and then the other thing to bear in mind is do you have that much depth in your room to be able to have something that protrudes about a meter further from your desk I am actually curious though how fast could it hypothetically goes okay so caps at six I assume kilometers an hour I hope this is not comfortable at all yeah now it's a little harder to concentrate although imagine how many calories you burn after a day of this hey psyched myself up I'm ready for a workout foreign once every other week and this feels just as difficult to do it's just a little bit rattlier it's very weird to put on oh it does actually feel like it's doing a lot of good to my posture you can't not keep your back straight while using this the only problem is again this battle I'll bring a bit of seven also while I'm down here I want to try out what this fake Arab scent smells like it's not packaged in the most appealing way oh but it smells amazing it smells like a fruit but more like the handy version of it whereas the real ones tend to stick a little more closely to real flavors screw that this is absolutely so much better but you ask yourself why they can't even apply like a sticker correctly at wish.com only thing left for me now is a massage this is a good thing so this is what we have to use and this is the one that I normally use this one is heavier by far it's got a matte finish this is just kind of cheap plastic feeling so just give you an idea of the kind of power that the real one can massage you with it's it's insane looking at it now I'm really crazy but no only wish.com hey okay [Music] sounds like a lot of power here we go [Music] oh that's good right there I mean it's still definitely got the capacity to provide relief but you can definitely tell that the arm that's doing the hunting has much less room to move here so it feels a little bit less like there's a real masseuse there who's like properly kneading and giving it some real Welly and a bit more like there's just a point that's sitting on you that's vibrating for the price though probably a seven I don't think I've ever in my life been as sore as I am right now I've just basically finished a workout where I've been holding press-ups at their lowest point staying there for as long as I possibly can so we're gonna give this another spin using a new head oh cranky another thing I've just realized about this is with the real surrogant the movement is isolated to the Head whereas Abyss every part of the body of the gun is moving oh he's definitely someone helping oh wow there's one thing I can't say about it it's that I hold back the word her face massage ow that does not right okay this is our PC case I'm actually extremely extremely curious how this compares to an actual Xbox series X because I mean I definitely spend more on this than that would cost but at the same time how good your PC is is basically a question of how bad is your weakest link and we'd have to rely on a lot of things to go our way if we wanted to make sure that we have no weakest link noticeably bigger than a series X it can it costs own power supply that's that's extremely generous this is our two terabyte SSD presented like a like a toy you get for free in a McDonald's Happy Meal I think we only paid like 20 30 for this but some part of me was just holding out hope that they would actually send a legit Samsung SSD and then there is our graphics card it does say Radeon RX 550 over here so what I'm hoping is that it's just a spin-off of an AMD card okay let's see what it looks like I should be telling oh yikes I mean it just looks highly unconvincing and bright pink but I guess probably talk about fashion choices today this is actually tiny and don't forget like most of this bit here is just heatsink so the actual graphics card is this tiny little sheet here so do I think this is going to out graphic the Xbox series X as of right now I do not but I would love to be proven wrong so this is the normal Xbox series X that we used to game this is the wish.com PC and it literally does look like a bigger version of it almost one to one it literally even has the same type of Xbox glow around its powering now it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say there have been some problems setting this up the graphics card was not talking properly to the motherboard and the SSD continues to lie about what it actually is although it seems like now that it's all set up and working it is actually a one terabyte nvme SSD which even though not what was on the listing would be very good value for money if it is true it's quite a tidy looking box All Things Considered so just a little bit of Call of Duty because we're about to see how our PC Stacks up in graphics versus jerseys real Xbox series X oh how does it feel for you professori Smith how's yours cinematic so I've got to say the frame rate is low enough here that it's a problem even though we're not playing at an ultra capacitive level this is bad enough for this problem I'd say in terms of the graphic quality if we put aside the framework from it are probably pretty similar but I just get one kill I'll be happy Oh and it might be this one it wasn't that one it feels like my character's just coming back from a really big night oh he's not coming back fuck it's kind of sad though because our machine has definitely cost at least twice as much as the real Xbox it's actually insane to believe that this is the games console we are in business yes we are not like anything it's got player one it's a very light feeling version of the Wii controller well this is definitely not actual Foods oh it does do something right okay so if you don't if you don't slice okay nothing but spice let's see if it actually detects wear and print it so okay if I slice here no it's still cutting everything it's like actually yeah I think it just registers [Music] no so all you do in this game is a so even if I like turned around this way and carried on slicing yeah you do I'm good at this the fruit didn't know why he said some parts of me is a little bit impressed that this is all running off a USB stick it's just if you can avoid it it's not the ideal form fact let's do the toothbrush and the mug what is this I think they've just given me two of the same warming coasters which on their own are only worth like one dollar each literally use my Emma mug every single day and I was quite excited to find a budget alternative to that okay from some angles you can actually see through it there's a heating element and there's a button there is a slight question in my mind of do I want one of my wish.com gadgets getting hot enough that it could burn me do they like sit on these packages as like a a send-off before shipping them so the presentation is a little bit less premium than the listing led me to believe but six dollars and to be fair it does come with the four interchangeable tips that I was told it doesn't feel bad I will say the quality of the button and the indicator light behind each icon are giveaways of what this really is worth I've been sleepy all morning so I've cooked up Aaron's special homemade chai okay so what I would normally do is put that straight into the Ember mug and what I really really love about this is that the battery's internal so I could just take this Mark wherever I want with my drink and know that for the next hour and a half it's just going to be at my perfect temperature but there is no battery here what it looks like this is is a pressure sensitive pad so that when you put a cup that has enough water inside of it onto it the blue light comes on here and stays on because there's nothing in this mug right now it's actually not turning on the top button is stuck yeah so that actually has just broken so what this actually means is I'm going to be having normal temperature teas for the next week and it's got to be like a zero out of ten it's the first night and it's goodbye to Oral B hello to whatever you want okay I mean right off the bat the brush heads and the bristles look distinctly less Pro you can see really clearly especially next to something like this how much less defined the bristles are oh not a nice snap into place oh no in a really weird kind of way this reminds me exactly of the massage gun like it's vibrating like it's meant to it just doesn't feel like he's doing that with any kind of purpose on the plus side it does feel like it's getting a better clean than most non-electric toothbrushes I would call this a tolerable five so until the end of the week now and I'm actually really excited to switch back to my normal brush there's actually a massive difference in how clean you feel like can you hear how it's like squeaking around my teeth right this is the most important one so far I mean if I think about the size of the packaging that my actual cameras that I use came in there is a big difference here so you've got a bunch of different attachments for your lens charge of your batteries a remote oh you've got an onboard microphone built in that's that's kind of cool to them again completely unbranded but it's definitely better than using like on-board camera audio this is all very generous the big dogs do not ship anything with their camera bodies basically so this is what you will be using to film for the rest of this video oh so now it actually does have a brand it says DVC which stands for digital video camera this does not feel like 400 pounds or dollars worth of a camera so it does say on screen that's recording at 4K 30 frames per second but feel a bit muggy let's try it swap out our real Sony a7s3 for was it DVC it was just DVC it's not bad color profile is interesting I look very sick I wonder how the audience this is an example of what we can't see anything at all do you look like you're really I can smell it from here so this is our laptop section where's the laptop what in the listing in brackets at the very end of everything it says SD card you can't do that let me grab my actual laptop so it has not detected a card so what we ordered was a laptop what we got was a zero megabyte micro SD card I guess it's still worth opening this laptop table I guess the benefit of this is that it can allow you to technically work even if you're lying on your bed feels a little bit on the rapidly shuffly side for my liking if there's one thing you need in a desk it's well not this so I've just spent the morning scripting in bed it actually feels great I could very quickly get used to this life I decided not to replace my laptop with an SD card as exciting as that would have been but this is all possible thanks to our stand so while I wasn't initially reassured it's quite a solid mechanism so each of these hinges you press it in and when it clicks you can rotate and then you let go and it locks and you hear that right it's a pretty firm lock I would actually go as far as to say that this is a great tool this is like a 9 out of 10 because it's not just lifting the laptop above my legs it's bringing the screen towards my eyes and it's also angling the keyboard in a way that this is actually really really comfortable to type on I will not be using the drink holder though because that scares me but now it is time to make the one swap that I've been dreading the most I will say actually packaging is not bad at all it's kind of just like apples but it's just more in the Box online for a USB cable that's not good oh my goodness then you get a case and a screen protector and the Sim ejector wow stuff like this makes the bigger companies look bad because it shows how cheap it actually is to just throw that stuff in I pushed it out bottom first and that bezel is um the hot mix I can already tell this is going to be such a difficult transition trying to live with a wish.com it's not like a bad experience that you might expect that is okay you can tolerate bad this is dysfunctional okay listen to this you put your sim card in no signal you try and charge the thing it doesn't go over 35 never in my life have I ever seen that before but then the worst thing is I couldn't figure out why this thing is not letting me install apps from Play Store I kept trying and trying and trying and all I got was unfortunately Google Play services has stopped and that's because this is an unauthorized device that lies about its specifications and so Google can't identify so honestly I can say without any creative hesitation and this is the worst product I've ever tested in my life after an entire week of downgrading every single thing I own one thing that does make me feel slightly better is that my internet browser has just been upgraded this is Opera one it's the brand new completely redesigned version of the Opera browser and basically engineered for fluidity like your tabs they're no longer an incoherent mess they group themselves into clean tab Islands so you can focus on one thing at once and it just moves and adapts around you so fluidly like whenever I need to free up some space in my window but don't want to close any tabs I just click on the color handle and the tab Island collapses plus operas work with the open AI company to release their own brand new AI called Arya which has the power of chat gpte but it's completely optimized to be able to take advantage of that power in the context of browsing so you can just highlight a word for example and ask it to explain it and I really like the fact that it's clearly made with speed of use in mind like you know a lot of the time when you're chatting to AI you sometimes realize you need to rephrase the initial question you asked it to get a better result in other AI chats what you normally have to do is to go back to your past question highlight it copy it and then repaste it back into the box to edit it but with Arya you just tap Arrow up on your keyboard and the question will be right there so hit the link below to check out Opera now
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 12,084,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech, cheap, expensive, cheapest, technology
Id: X3UMA7DstGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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